Angela Thirkell: Chronological Angela Thirkell: Barsetshire Alphabetical Angela Thirkell: Alphabetical
1931 Three Houses * August Folly 1936 Ankle Deep 1933*
1933 Ankle Deep* Before Lunch 1939 August Folly 1936
1933 High Rising The Brandons 1939 Before Lunch 1939
1934 Wild Strawberries Cheerfulness Breaks In 1940 The Brandons 1939
1934 Trooper to the Southern Cross* Close Quarters 1958 Cheerfulness Breaks In 1940
1934 The Demon in the House County Chronicle 1950 Close Quarters 1958
1935 O, These Men, These Men!* The Demon in the House 1934 Coronation Summer 1937*
1935 The Grateful Sparrow* A Double Affair 1957 County Chronicle 1950
1936 The Fortunes of Harriette* The Duke’s Daughter 1951 A Double Affair 1957
1936 August Folly Enter Sir Robert 1955 The Demon in the House 1934
1937 Coronation Summer* Growing Up 1943 The Duke’s Daughter 1951
1937 Summer Half Happy Returns 1952 Enter Sir Robert 1955
1938 Pomfret Towers The Headmistress 1944 The Fortunes of Harriette 1936*
1939 The Brandons High Rising 1933 The Grateful Sparrow 1935*
1939 Before Lunch Jutland Cottage 1953 Growing Up 1943
1940 Cheerfulness Breaks In Love Among the Ruins 1948 Happy Returns 1952
1941 Northbridge Rectory Love at All Ages 1959 The Headmistress 1944
1942 Marling Hall Marling Hall 1942 High Rising 1933
1943 Growing Up Miss Bunting 1945 Jutland Cottage 1953
1944 The Headmistress Never Too Late 1956 Love Among the Ruins 1948
1945 Miss Bunting Northbridge Rectory 1941 Love at All Ages 1959
1946 Peace Breaks Out The Old Bank House 1949 Marling Hall 1942
1947 Private Enterprise Peace Breaks Out 1946 Miss Bunting 1945
1948 Love Among the Ruins Pomfret Towers 1938 Never Too Late 1956
1949 The Old Bank House Private Enterprise 1947 Northbridge Rectory 1941
1950 County Chronicle Summer Half 1937 O, These Men, These Men! 1935*
1951 The Duke’s Daughter Three Score and Ten 1961 The Old Bank House 1949
1952 Happy Returns What Did It Mean? 1954 Peace Breaks Out 1946
1953 Jutland Cottage Wild Strawberries 1934 Pomfret Towers 1938
1954 What Did It Mean?   Private Enterprise 1947
1955 Enter Sir Robert Angela Thirkell: Other Summer Half 1937
1956 Never Too Late Ankle Deep 1933* Three Houses 1931*
1957 A Double Affair Coronation Summer 1937* Three Score and Ten 1961
1958 Close Quarters The Fortunes of Harriette 1936* Trooper to the Southern Cross 1934*
1959 Love at All Ages The Grateful Sparrow 1935* What Did It Mean? 1954
1961 Three Score and Ten O, These Men, These Men! 1935* Wild Strawberries 1934
  Three Houses 1931*  
  Trooper to the Southern Cross 1934*   * = Not Barsetshire