Companion to Miss Bunting

Set in the village of Hallbury. Jane Gresham lives with her father; her husband has been missing in the Far East for several years. The Fieldings have hired a house for their delicate daughter, Anne, to live in and be tutored by Miss Bunting. The vicar is the elderly Mr. Dale, whose son Robin lost a foot at Anzio and now runs a school for small boys. Highlights: the meeting of the Barsetshire Archaeological Society; Mr. Adams hires a place for his daughter to be tutored by Miss Holly, and befriends Jane Gresham (to her discomfort); Anne’s 17th birthday party; the Cottage Hospital Bring and Buy Sale; Miss Bunting’s recurring dream about Hitler finally comes to an end.


Book Title and Abbreviation

High Rising HR
Wild Strawberries WS
The Demon in the House DH
Mrs. Morland and Son MMS
August Folly AF
Summer Half SH
Pomfret Towers PT
The Brandons B
Before Lunch BL
Cheerfulness Breaks In CBI
Northbridge Rectory NR
Marling Hall MH
Growing Up GU
The Headmistress H
Miss Bunting MB
Peace Breaks Out PBO
Private Enterprise PE
Love Among the Ruins LAR
The Old Bank House OBH
County Chronicle CC
The Duke’s Daughter DD
Happy Return HR2
Jutland Cottage JC
What Did It Mean? WDM
Enter Sir Robert ESR
Never Too Late NTL
A Double Affair DA
Close Quarters CQ
Love at All Ages LAA
Three Score and Ten TST


Character, Description, and Book Abbreviations

Adams, Heather b. 1928. Daughter of Sam Adams. First seen as a large, awkward, red-faced, graceless student at the Hosiers’ Girls’ Foundation School. Infatuated with Freddy Belton, but Freddy was definitely not attracted to red-haired, pimply, lumpish Heather, despite having pulled her out of an ice-covered pond. Great mathematical ability. Mrs. Belton and Miss Bunting helped improve her social graces out of all recognition. She won a maths scholarship to Cambridge, developed into a capable, intelligent, “Lucy Marlingish” person who helped her father in his business. Married Ted Pilward, son of Hogglestock brewing magnate. Two children, elder was Edward Belton Pilward. HM, MB, PBO, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, WDIM, ESR, DA, CQ, 3S&T
Adams, Hilda d. 1919. Sam Adams’s mother. Was in service at Hartletop Priory, walked out with the third footman before she married Mr. Adams, “the worst day’s work she ever did”. Three other children died young. HM, MB, LAR, OBH, CC, DD
Adams, Rose 1905-1935. First wife of Sam Adams. Died when daughter Heather was seven years old. HM, MB, LAR, OBH, CC, DD
Adams, Samuel b. 1902. At first appearance he was a widower with daughter Heather. At first he was definitely “one of the people” and proud of it, and of his rise from poverty to wealth and power as owner of iron works and rolling mills at Hogglestock. He was loud, flamboyant, socially inept and convinced that money can do anything. He improved greatly by association with county families, especially Mrs. Belton. Married Lucy Marling (almost as overwhelming a personality as himself), bought the Old Bank House at Edgewood, had daughters Amabel Rose and Leslie, and son William. Became solidly conservative and used his money to foil unnecessary “progress” and liberal inroads. Leased part of Pomfret Towers to use as a central office. Defeated Sir Robert Fielding as Labour candidate for Parliament, but became a Conservative and joined Church of England. HM, MB, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Aella, St. Saxon swineherd who refused to drive pigs afield at Lent. Pigs died, Aella was canonized. Slain by bailiff of monastery. MB, HR2, ESR
Alfie Grandson of the Dales’ cook. Brother of Wallie. MB
Arabin, Francis, Dean Character in Trollope. Fellow of Lazarus College, Vicar of St. Ewold’s, Dean of Barchester Cathedral. Married Eleanor Harding Bold. Children Ellie and Susan. Put bathrooms into Deanery in 1876. CBI, MB, OBH, CC, HR2, CQ, 3S&T
Arden, Rev. Enoch Pastor of dissenting church in Hallbury. Believed in direct inspiration and thought Latin and Greek were works of the devil. Bit of a Communist. Was given a stern lecture by Sam Adams. MB, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2
Banister, Canon Vicar of St. Mary’s, Rushwater, later Canon of Barchester Cathedral. Always got eyeglasses tangled in cord. WS, CBI, MH, MB, PBO, LAR, ESR
Banister, Mrs. Mother of Canon Banister. Had once stayed with Mrs. Merrivale at Hallbury MB
Barton, Alice Daughter of Walter and Susan Barton of Nutfield Village. Delicate, timid, romantic and studious, she attended her first house party at Pomfret Towers and was attracted by the repulsive Julian Rivers, an “artist,” then came to her senses and married big, protective Roddy Wicklow. Three children: Guy, Alice, Phoebe. PT, BL, CBI, MH, HM, MB, PE, OBH, WDIM, ESR, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S& T,
Belton, Charles Thome b. 1922. Younger son of Fred and Lucy Belton of Harefield. First seen as haphazard, energetic, self-centered, immature. In Army artillery during war. Married Clarissa Graham after long on-again- off-again engagement in which Clarissa, unsettled by her grandmother Lady Emily Leslie’s death, behaved badly. They were married on New Year’s Day, 1952. Charles taught at Beliers Priory School, later at. Harefield House School. one son, one daughter. HM, MB, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, DA, CQ, 3S&T
Belton, Elsa b. 1918. Pretty daughter of Fred and Lucy Belton. Served in hush-hush job during war. Married Capt. (later Adm.) Christopher Hornby in 1943. Rather spoilt. HM, MB, PE, LAR, CC, DD, HR2, CQ
Belton, Freddie b. 1910. Elder son of Fred and Lucy Belton. Commander in Royal Navy, worked at Admiralty for much of war and at War Office afterwards. Rose to Rear Adm. Early in war served in cruiser Barsetshire and destroyer Gridiron. Was engaged to a WREN who died in an air raid. Married Susan Dean, lived in Dowlah Cottage in Hallbury. Son Frederick, daughter. HM, MB, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, WDIM, CQ
Belton, Lucy Thorne Wife of Fred Belton of Harefield. Children Freddie, Elsa, Charles. Descendant of fine old county family (Trollope’s Dr. Thorne). Acted as good influence to wear down the rough edges of Sam Adams. HM, MB, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Bent, Miss Friend of the rather terrifyingly masculine Miss Hampton. Resided with her at Adelina Cottage, Wiple Terrace, Southbridge. Much more feminine and fussy than her companion, a bit folksy-artsy, scraggly in appearance and somewhat domestic. CBI, GU, MB, PBO, PE, OBH, CC, JC, WDIM, NTL, CQ, 3S&T
Birkett, Amy Wife of William Birkett, headmaster of Southbridge School. “Ma Birky” to the schoolboys. Daughters Rose and Geraldine. Close friend of Laura Morland, the novelist. HR1, DH, SH, CBI, NR, GU, MB, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, HR2, JC, WDIM, 3S&T, MMS
Birkett, Geraldine Younger daughter of William and Amy Birkett. Attended Barchester High School. As high school student, fond of the more gruesome aspects of nursing and medicine. Worked in Barchester Infirmary during war. Infatuated with Fritz Gissing until she finally saw him in his true colors. Married Geoffrey Fairweather. Son John. HR1, SH, B, CBI, GU, MB, PBO, PE, OBH, CC, DD, JC, NTL, CQ
Birkett, Rose Older daughter of William and Amy Birkett. Beautiful but mentally negligible. Engaged six or more times, including to Philip Winter in SH until she threw her ring at him at the Keiths’. Always had an oft- repeated catchword (perfectly foul, meager, dispiriting, shattering, etc.) In CBI married John Fairweather of the Royal Navy, who could control his “elegant nitwit” well. Stationed abroad most of the war in Washington, S. America, Portugal, etc. Returned to England after war and became much more sensible, often helping others with their problems. Children Henry, Amy, two others all born 1940-1946. HR1, SH, CBI, GU, MB, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Birkett, William (Henry?) Headmaster of Southbridge School. Usually called William, but is called Henry in GU and 3S&T. Had been assistant master and Head of the Prep School before becoming Headmaster. Retired in 1947 and took the Dower House at Worsted. HR1, SH, CBI, NR, GU, MB, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Bishop’s wife Unpleasant, inhospitable, snobbish. One son. MB, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL, DA, LAA, CQ, 3S&T
Bishop of Barchester Never mentioned by name. Parsimonious, low-church, unpopular. One son, said to be “in mission field” but really worked in office at Westminster. Preached love for Germans, Communists, etc., and was a Liberal. Nicknamed “Old Gasbag.” Worthy successor to Trollope’s Bishop Proudie. Never made on “on-stage” appearance. SH, B, BL, CBI, NR, MH, GU, HM, MB, PBO, PE, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Bodger, “Old Bodger” from Starveacre Hatches. Like his father before him, a ratcatcher on the Pomfret estates. Recommended by Mr. Belton to Sam Adams. Killed 15,000 rats. HM, MB, OBH, WDIM
Bodger, Percy (“Purse”) Grandson of “Old Bodger,” the ratcatcher at Pomfret Towers. Helped excavate the well at the Old Rectory at Hallbury, then cleaned out Sam Adams’s well at the Old Bank House. MB, OBH, CC, 3S&T
Bolton, Lady Iris Daughter of Marquess and Marchioness of Bolton, former pupil of Miss Bunting. MH, MB
Bolton, Lady Phyllis Sister of Lady Iris Bolton, former pupil of Miss Bunting. MH, MB
Bolton, Marquess and Marchioness of Former employers of Miss Bunting. MH, MB
Bond, Alured d. 1952. 2nd Lord Bond. Resident of Staple Park near Worsted. Wife Lucasta, son C. W. Strongly opposed Sir Ogilvy Hibberd’s purchase of Pooker’s Piece in BL. Small, round, with white mustache. Fond of Gilbert and Sullivan. A bit overshadowed by his masterful wife. During the war he gave Staple Park to a boys’ school and lived at the White House. Traced ancestry back to King Alfred with a “gap of only 30 generations.” Surprisingly, a Liberal. Dead by time of WDIM. AF, BL, MH, GU, MB, PE, LAR, OBH, DD, WDIM, ESR, DA, 3S&T
Bond, Lucasta Wife of Lord Alured Bond of Staple Park. “Benevolent Tyrant.” Half-sister of Lord Stoke. An organizer and go-getter for causes she believed in. In ESR lived in Bath, then in 3S&T moved to Cheltenham to live with Old Lady Norton. AF, BL, MH, GU, MB, LAR, DD, HR2, WDIM, ESR, NTL
Bonescu, Gradka Unattractive and lumpish Mixo-Lydian. Acted as cook-housekeeper to Fieldings at Hall’s End in Hallbury. Father was a university professor. Alternately cringing and arrogant. Studied to pass English exam. Miss Bunting achieved an amazing transformation and earned Gradka’s undying gratitude by helping her become a competent and self-assured person (compared to the rest of her countrymen.) Disliked her fellow-Mixo-Lydian refugees. Returned to Mixo-Lydia to found the Bunting College of English, later was Mixo-Lydian ambassador. MB, PBO, LAR, CC, DD, WDIM, DA, CQ, 3S&T
Brandon, Amelia (“Sissie”) 1858-1938. Aunt of Henry Brandon (deceased husband of Lavinia). Resided at Brandon Abbey, an architectural monstrosity. Very wealthy, headstrong and irascible spinster, whose only emotional attachment was to her brother, Capt. Frederick Brandon, killed by a pig in India many years before. Vacillated about whether to leave her fortune to Hilary Grant or Francis Brandon. After her death in B, her fortune went to charity, except for �10,000 left to Capt. Frederick Arbuthnot, whose father was almost certainly the son of Capt. Frederick Brandon as the result of a liaison with Mrs. Col. Arbuthnot. B, CBI, MH, MB, PE, CC, HR2
Brownscu, Gradko “Gogo” Mixo-Lydian refugee. Had title of Prodshk Browncu. Managed to live in considerable but unhygienic luxury. Yellow-faced and melancholy with beret and sheepskin coat. If possible, the Brownscus were even more selfish, disagreeable and ungrateful than their compatriots. According to them, everything was better in Mixo-Lydia. After the war they ran a school for peasant-weaving, folk-dancing, etc., at Bathwater Cold in the Cotswolds. CBI, GU, HM, MB, DD, CQ
Brownscu, Mme. Head of Mixo-Lydian refugees, wife (??) of Gradko. Real title was Prodshka Brownscu. Small, wiry woman with frizzled dark hair and leopardskin coat. Even more selfish, ungrateful and disagreeable than her husband, if possible, The Brownscus represented the explanation for English resentment against the worst of the East European refugees who stayed in England after the war. CBI, GU, HM, MB, DD, JC, CQ
Bunce d. 1957. “Old Bunce,” the ferryman at Northbridge. Claimed the war would start in the fall because he knew the signs. Daughters Effie and Ruby. Foul-mouthed domestic tyrant, suspected of beating his daughters (who probably deserved it.) Probably meant to be a descendant of Trollope’s Bunce, senior bedesman in Hiram’s Hospital, though Old Bunce represents all the negative traits of the “lower orders,” unlike Trollope’s Bunce. SH, CBI, NR, MB, PE, OBH, JC, WDIM, DA, LAA, 3S&T
Bunce, Effie Came by the day to do for Miss Pemberton in Northbridge. Worked at Master’s Dairy near Hallbury in MB. Had several illegitimate children by unknown fathers. SH, NR, MB, OBH, WDIM, NTL, DA, LAA, 3S&T
Bunce, Mrs. Wife of “Old Bunce” the ferryman, but in reality never married him, Died of excessive quantities of gin. SH, NR, MB, PE, WDIM, LAA,
Bunting, Miss Maude “Bunny” Governess to the Best People in Barsetshire for over forty years. Her pupils included David Leslie, Lord Henry Palliser, Mrs. Marling’s brothers and their children, Anne Fielding, and Heather Adams. First seen at Marling Hall as governess to Lettice (Marling) Watson’s children. Governess to Anne Fielding during war. Had recurring dream that she lectured Hitler about killing her pupils, and always awakened just as he was about to reply. She believed that if she could just keep from waking until he answered, then the war would end. One day she didn’t wake up … she died as the war ended. As a result of her tutoring, the Fieldings’ Mixo-Lydian maid Gradka returned to her country to found schools. Miss Bunting became patron saint of Mixo-Lydian education. Gentle but firm. MH, MB, PBO, OBH, CC, DD, CO, 3S&T
Carter, Everard b. 1909?. Southbridge School History master and Housemaster who succeeded Mr. Birkett as Headmaster. Became engaged to Kate Keith in SH. Cambridge man. Retired by time of 3S&T. Lived at Northbridge Rectory after retirement SH, B, CBI, GU, MB, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Carter, Noel b. 1945. Son of Everard and Kate (Keith) Carter. Just born in MB. MB
Carton, Mrs. Sidney Carton’s old mother in Bognor. HM, MB
Carton, Sidney Middle-aged former Oxford don when first encountered in HM. Tall and untidy with receding hairline and spectacles. Amateur genealogist who knew all county relationships and histories. Resident of Assaye House in Harefield. Married Madeleine Sparling, Headmistress of Hosiers’ Girls’ School. HM, MB, PBO, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, CQ, 3S&T
Chaffinch Gardener (?) for Admiral Palliser at Hallbury House. MB
Chiffinch, Nurse Known as “Squiffy” to her nursing friends, Sisters Heath and Ward. First seen in PT caring for those ill of influenza. Drove Julian Rivers to distraction by being motherly. Later was nurse to Mrs. Keith and Lady Emily Leslie. Was at Cottage Hospital in MB. Shared apartment with Sisters Heath and Ward, and they planned to open a nursing home for wealthy patients needing unnecessary care. DH, PT, CBI, MH, GU, HM, MB, PBO, CC, DD, HR2, WDIM, ESR, NTL, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T MB
Coates, Adrian Publisher of Laura Morland’s books. Lived in London and had some “Jewish blood.” Proposed to Mrs. Morland under the influence of a motor wreck and George Knox’s punch, was refused (to his relief), later married Knox’s daughter Sibyl. HR1, DH, PT, B, CBI, NR, MH, MB, PBO, LAR, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, LAA, 3S&T, MMS
Cowman, Hilda Old school chum of Miss Holly and Mrs. Watson at Fairlawns. Got a job in a factory and looked down on Mrs. Watson because she was married. MB
Cox, Mrs. Formerly a �cook in good families.” Leased bedroom and sitting room to Mrs. Smith, aunt of Millie Poulter (Millie was the daily at the Harvey’s where Mrs. Smith used to live.) MH, MB, LAR, CC, HR2
Crawley, Josiah Canon, Dean of Barchester. First seen as a friend of Lady Pomfret in PT. Eight children, 17 grandchildren in PE. Had shared digs with George Knox at Oxford. Once blackballed Sir Ogilvy Hibberd for Polyanthus Club. Grandson of Josiah Crawley, curate of Hogglestock in Trollope’s novels. Opposed Bishop’s parsimony and low-church, Liberal views. DH, SH, PT, B, CBI, NR, MH, GU, HM, MB, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Crawley, Mrs. Wife of Josiah Crawley, Dean of Barchester. Gave lavish teas to county families, subtly underscoring the miserliness of the Bishop and Bishopess at the Palace. Two sons, six daughters, including Secunda, Tertia, Octavia. SH, BL, CBI, NR, MH, GU, HM, MB, PBO, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, NTL, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Cutsam, Constant American who married Evie Merrivale. MB
Daisy Cow belonging to Mr. Masters of Hallbury. In MB “had just dropped a fine bull calf.” MB
Dale, Dr. 1863-1945. Rector of Hallbury. Married late in life, had son Robin. Writing work on Haggai. Lived much in the past with the memory of his beloved wife, who died when Robin was a small boy. He drifted away and rejioined her in PBO. MB, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, ESR, DA
Dale, Lily Great-aunt of Robin Dale. One of the Allington Dales. Aunt of Rev. Grantly. Engaged to “some man” (Adolphus Crosbie) but broke it off and lived to be over 80, spurning the love of her childhood friend Johnnie Eames. Took care of her mother and old Squire Dale, as recounted in Trollop’s The Small House at Allington. One of the best-remembered Trollop’s heroines. MB, LAR
Dale, Mrs. 1893-1925. Married the rather elderly Rev. Dale, Rector of Hallbury, thirty years her senior. Efficiently ran the village for him. Died when son Robin was 5 or 6. Wealthy. MB, CC
Dale, Robin b. 1919. Son of Dr. Dale, Rector of Hallbury. Lost a foot at Anzio after going through N. Africa and Sicily. Was Jr. Classics master at Southbridge. After his injury he started a prep school for small boys at Hallbury. Married Anne Fielding, returned to teach at Southbridge where he was Jr. Housemaster. Left to start a prep school at Allington. MB, PBO, LAR, OBH, CC, HR2, WDIM, ESR, DA, LAA, 3S&T
Dandridge, Cynthia Captain of tennis at Barchester High School. MB
deCourcy, Rev. the Hon.�Reginald Hallbury Rector who suppressed Guy Fawkes Day prayers in 1830’s. MB
Dempsey, Gen. Commanded the battalion in which Tony Morland fought. MB
Don Paymaster Lt. at Gibraltar. Engaged to Peggy Merrivale. Thirtytwo years old with three married sisters. MB
Dudden Apparently an elderly local peasant at Hallbury, because Lord Stoke�thought Percy Bodger might be one of his boys. MB
Dudley, Matron Poppy Matron at Southbridge School, aunt of George Empson the wireless expert. Frequently at odds with Mr. Ferris, the Housemaster. HR1, DH, SH, CBI, GU, MB, PBO, PE, CC, HR2, JC, ESR, NTL, CQ, 3S&T, MMS
Fairweather, John Younger brother of Geoffrey. Attended Southbridge School where he was opponent of Smith-Hetherington in HR1. Became a Lt. in Royal Navy. Married Rose Birkett, had common sense she lacked and was able to control her idiocies and tolerate her pouting. Later was Naval Attache at Las Palombas, was stationed in Washington during war. Captain by time of CC. two sons, two daughters. MB, PBO, PE, CC, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL, DA, CQ, LAA
Ferdinand, Isabella One of Hosiers’ Girls’ School students at Harefield Park. A natural rebel with strong dramatic leanings, played leading roles in drama productions and minor mischief. HM, MB
Fielding, Anne b. 1928. Daughter of Sir Robert and Lady Fielding (Dora). Rather delicate, shy, and studious. When well enough she attended Barchester High School, but, tutored by Miss Bunting she became an enthusiastic and omnivorous reader of history, English literature, and Latin. Married Robin Dale, Housemaster at Southbridge School, had twins Roberta Fielding and Dora Maud, and a son MB, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, HR2, WDIM, ESR, DA, LAA, 3S&T
Fielding, Lady Dora b. 1900. Wife of Sir Robert. Very intelligent and competent, on all sorts of committees during war. MB, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, DA, LAA, 3S&T
Fielding, Sir Robert b. 1887. Chancellor of Diocese of Barchester. Had house in Cathedral Close and one at Hall’s End in Hallbury. Was defeated by Sam Adams for seat in Parliament. MB, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, DA, LAA, 3S&T
Ford, Dr. James. Kindly, garrulous and gossipy old G.P. at High Rising. Proposed to Anne Todd and was refused in HR1. Proposed to Sylvia Gould in DH, married her 20 years later after she had a broken engagement in GU. Could be very brusque to those he disliked. HR1, DH, B, CBI, GU, MB, PE, OBH, CC, DD, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T, MMS
Foster, Edith, Lady Pomfret d. 1938. Wife of 7th Earl, Old Lord Pomfret. Mother of Lord Mellings, who was killed in border skirmish in India. Nee Thorne. Once beloved of Lord Stoke. Invalid, living mostly abroad. Died before BL. PT, BL, CBI, MH, HM, MB, PBO, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, JC, WDIM, DA, LAA, 3S&T
Foster, Giles, Lord, 7th Earl d. 1940. Old Lord Pomfret. Resided at Pomfret Towers. Fabled for rudeness, boring dinners, and efforts to prevent modernization of the surrounding countryside. Brother of Lady Emily Leslie and Lady Agnes Foster. Married Edith Thorne. Author of A Landowner in Five Reins. Bought Pooker’s Piece to keep Sir Ogilvy Hibberd from building on it. Died in May, 1940, in CBO, with the names of his dead wife and son on his lips. PT, B, BL, CBI, NR, MH, GU, MB, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Foster, Lady Emily b. 1940. Daughter of Giles and Sally Foster. Strong, graceful and athletic like her mother, headstrong like Old Lord Pomfret. Wanted to go into raising vegetables; assumption is that she got job with Adams at Amalgamated Vedge. Attended Barchester High School. MH, HM, MB, PE, LAR, OBH, DD, JC, WDIM, ESR, DA, LAA, 3S&T
Foster, Ludovic Neville Eustace Guido (Lord Mellings) b. 1938. Son of Giles and Sally Foster. Shy and frail like his father, with same painful conscientiousness, sense of honor and duty. Oxford, Sandhurst and Guards Regt. Brought out of much of his shyness by friendship with Jessica Dean. Married Lavinia Merton in final Thirkell book. BL, MH, HM, MB, PE, LAR, CC, DD, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL, DA, CQ, LAA
Foster, Mrs. Hallbury resident with sister in Torquay whose house was considered for Heather Adams. MB
Foster, The Hon. Giles b. 1942. Younger son of Giles and Sally (Wicklow) Foster. Strong, graceful, athletic, and an excellent horseman like his mother. Trained to be an estate agent with his uncle Roddy Wicklow. BL, HM, MB, PE, LAR, OBH, DD, JC, WDIM, ESR, DA, LAA,3S&T
Fothergill Duke of Omnium’s estate agent. MB
Freeman Under-keeper at Pomfret Towers, foxy face and wart on nose. Married a Wheeler whose brother cleaned the Pomfret Towers chimneys. MB
Freeman Old parlourmaid to Pallisers at Hallbury House. MB
Freeman Verger of Hallbury. Brother of the Pallisers’ parlourmaid. In Home Guard. Wrote for Barchester Chronicle. Son of under-keeper at Pomfret Towers. MB
Freeman, Ernie Drove the bread van in Hallbury. Admired Greta Tory. A bit “red.” MB, LAR, CQ
Freeman, Jennifer Spoiled only child of Verger Freeman of Hallbury. Had teeth that stuck out. Weekly boarder at Barchester High School, where she played lacrosse and had teeth straightened. MB
Freeman, Mrs. (Wheeler) Mr. Freeman of Hallbury’s 90-year-old mother. Active in body but weak in mind. Sister of Old Wheeler the chimney cleaner. MB
Freeman, Mrs. Wife of Hallbury verger, mother of Jennifer. Frequently begged off�war working parties until the conscientious example of Mrs. Watson�and Jane Gresham caused her to turn over a new leaf. MB
George Old George who did vegetables for Cottage Hospital in Hallbury. MB
Godwin Porter at Hallbury Station. MB
Govern, Mr. Ironmonger in Hallbury. MB
Gradko Legendary Mixo-Lydian hero of epic Gradkonski. HM, MB, DD
Graham, Clarissa b. 1931. Second daughter of Sir Robert and Lady Agnes (Leslie) Graham. Neat, precise, and delicate-appearing. Marked resemblance to grandmother, Lady Emily Leslie. Dark cloudy hair, dark eyes, fair skin. Educated at Cambridge, then confused about what to do with herself. Greatly affected by Lady Emily’s death, she behaved badly, with precocious condescension, to her fianc� Charles Belton and others. Married Charles on New Year’s Day, 1952. one son, one daughter. WS, BL, MH, MB, PBO, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Graham, Edith b. 1937. Spoiled youngest daughter of Sir Robert and Lady Agnes (Leslie) Graham. As a child she recited poems which she invented. Admired by John-Arthur Crosse and George Halliday, but they both later married other girls. Married William Harcourt. One child, Gwendolyn Sally. WS, BL, MH, GU, HM, MB, PBO, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Graham, Emily (Emmy) b. 1927. Eldest daughter of Sir Robert and Lady Agnes (Leslie) Graham. Strong, boyish, and boisterous. Five years old in WS. Fair hair, blue eyes. Cow-minded, in PBO she was breeding bulls with cousin Martin Leslie at Rushwater. Married Tom Grantly. Children James and Agnes. WS, BL, MH, MB, PBO, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL, DA, LAA, 3S&T
Graham, James b. 1926. Oldest son of Sir Robert and Lady Agnes (Leslie) Graham. At Eton in MH, entering military in LAR. Said to resemble David Leslie. In Guards Regt. Major by the time of LAA. WS, BL, MH, MB, PBO, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, ESR, NTL, DA, LAA, 3S&T
Graham, John b. 1929. Second son of Sir Robert and Lady Agnes (Leslie) Graham. In Army Guards Regt., captain by time of LAX Described by Nannie Allen as a “tow-row boy just like his Uncle David.” WS, BL, MH, GU, HM, MB, PBO, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL, DA, LAA, 3S&T
Graham, Lady Agnes (Leslie) Wife of Sir Robert Graham, daughter of Henry and Lady Emily Leslie. Children James, John, Robert, Emily, Clarissa and Edith. Lived at Holdings in Little Misfit. Air-headed, obsessed with her children, called by her brother David a “divine idiot.” As she aged she became more like her well-intentioned, interfering mother, but with more practical results. WS, BL, MH, GU, HM, MB, PBO, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Graham, Robert Jr. b. 1933. Youngest son of Sir Robert and Lady Agnes (Leslie) Graham. At Eton in PBO. Introspective and poetic as a child, fond of small children. In Guards, Lt. by time of LAA. WS, BL, MH, HM, MB, PBO, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, ESR, NTL, DA, LAA, 3S&T
Graham, Sir Robert Husband of Lady Agnes (Leslie). Made first “On stage” appearance on last page of ESR. Became General in WWII, apparently high in command and diplomatic structure. Constantly absent on some mission or other. Retired in 1954. Fifteen years older than Agnes, who said he always knew what was best to be done. WS, BL, MH, HM, MB, PBO, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Gresham(?), Mary and Roger Gresham cousins of Frank Gresham, whom he derided as being poorer pony riders than he. MB
Gresham, Frank “Old Mr. Frank” Gresham, M.P. for East Barsetshire, whose granddaughter married a Dean of Barchester. Grandfather of present squire. Married Mary Thorne, illegitimate niece of old Dr. Thorne. In Trollope’s Dr. Thorne. CBI, HM, MB, CC, JC, CQ
Gresham, Frank b. 1937. Son of Francis and Jane (Palliser) Gresham of Hallbury. Close friend of John Leslie’s boys. MB, PBO, HR2, JC, WDIM, DA, CQ
Gresham, Jane (Palliser) b. 1915. Daughter of Adm. Palliser of Hallbury. Husband Francis a POW of Japan during most of war. Son Frank, born before war, daughters Mary and Jane (and possibly Beatrice) born afterwards. MB, PBO, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, DA, CQ
Gresham, Lt. Francis Lost with one of the Far East battleships Repulse and Prince of Wales . Prisoner of war for several years, unknown to wife Jane and son Francis whether alive or dead. Returned safely and settled in Hallbury , later moved to Greshamsbury MB, PBO, CC, DD, JC, WDIM, DA, CQ
                          Hacker, Percy b. 1921. First encountered in SH as a very silent Southbridge student, friend of Tony Morland. Had pet chameleon named Gibbon, which he once offered to Philip Winter for coaching him before a scholarship exam. Once left the hot tap running and nearly flooded the lower dorm. In Ministry of Information during war. Became fellow and senior classics tutor at Lazarus College, later Latin Chair at Redbrick Univ. Author of well-known Latin text. SH, CBI, GU, MB, PBO, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL, 3S&T
Hackett Line-Cpl. L. Returned from Burma after three years to find wife with two-year-old twins and an idiot baby who were taught to call the hush-hush sergeant Daddy. According to the Times, he shot the lot of ’em and turned himself in to the police, saying, “All right, mates, I done it.” MB
Hafbone, Grettir Wrote 12th-century version of Laxdaela Saga, a Norse legend. MB
Hampton, Miss Hard-drinking, masculine spinster. Resided at Adelina Cottage in Southbridge with friend Miss Bent. Author of earthy novels, usually selected by the Banned-Book-of-the-Month Club. Drove ambulance in Northern France in WW I. Helped support four nephews – two in Army, one Navy, one in Consular Service. CBI, NR, GU, MB, PBO, OBH, CC, HR2, JC, WDIM, NTL, CQ, 3S&T
Heath, Sister “Heathy” who shared apartment with Sister Ward and Sister Chiffinch. Nurse. Acted as paying guest to care for Miss Pemberton in her last days. DH, MB, PBO, CC, DD, HR2, WDIM, ESR, NTL, DA, CQ, 3S&T
Henry Young man who was secretary of Barchester Archaeological Society. Lawyer’s clerk in Barsetshire, unfit for military service because of defective eyesight. MB
Hibberd, Sir Ogilvy Unpleasant man who wanted to buy Laverings Farm. A Liberal, with heretical opinions on the Root Vegetable bill. Finally bought The Cedars, Muswell Hill. Bought “Pooker’s Piece” in Before Lunch and wanted to put up a garage and tea shop there, a move strongly opposed by local gentry. A Lloyd George peer, something to do with shipping – from Goole. Finally sold “Pooker’s Piece” to Lord Pomfret. Created Lord Aberfordbury by end of WW II. Like the Bishop, an offstage villain. Also thwarted when he tried to buy Wiple Terrace and build a factory BL, HM, MB, PBO, LAR, OBH, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Holly, Miss Cecily Secretary to Madeleine Sparling of Hosiers’ Girls’ School. Short and stout with black eyes and a businesslike air. “Like an energetic plum pudding.” Taught advanced math as a relaxation, furthered Heather Adams’ interest in the subject. Had five younger brothers. Graduate of Fairlawns at St. Ethelburg. Became Head of Hosiers’ when Miss Sparling retired. HM, MB, LAR, OBH, CQ
Holt, C. W. d. 1946. Exceptional bore with penchant for discussing titled “friends” and inviting himself for visits in houses of people too good-natured to put him off. Talked interminably about gardening and gave unwanted advice. Gossipy hanger-on; snobbish, egotistical “tame cat.” Got job with Broadcasting House through Joan Stevenson. Dead by time of PE. WS, MB, PE, LAR, ESR
Hooper, Lt. Young officer in the Barsetshires billeted on the Villarses in Northbridge. His false teeth once fell out at depot. Was a captain in GU. Obnoxious without intending to be. Not “quite quite.” In military intelligence. NR, GU, MB, PBO
Hopkins, Gwenda Old school chum of Miss Holly and Mrs. Watson at Fairlawns. Husband in Indian Civil Service. Three daughters. MB
Hornby, Christopher b. 1903. Nephew of old Mrs. Ellangowan-Hornby of Arcot House, Harefield. She left him a fortune to add to his own considerable one. Son of an admiral. Married Elsa Belton in HM. Tall, dark and quiet, about 39 or 40 in 1943. Home was Castle Aberdeathly on slopes of Ben Gaunt above Loch Gloom, 10 miles from Inverdreary. Was an admiral by 1948. HM, MB, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, CQ
Keble, John b.1792, ordained priest, Professor of Poetry at Oxford. Preached sermon considered to be the beginning of the Tractarian Movement. Keble College, Oxford was established in his honor. MB
Keith, Kate b. 1916. Became engaged to Everard Carter in SH. Boring and domestic but nice. Children Bobbie, Angela, Philip and Noel. SH, B, CBI, GU, MB, PE, OBH, CC, DD, JC, WDIM, CQ, LAA<, 3S&T
Keith, Lydia Tomboyish younger sister of Robert, Kate and Colin. Awkward, gauche, boisterous and energetic, until marriage to Noel Merton moved her energy into constructive channels. Children Lavinia, Harry, Jessica. During war she miscarried her first child because of overwork. Hurt by Noel’s flirtation with Peggy Arbuthnot in PE but was reconciled to her husband, whom she loved dearly. SH, B, CBI, NR, U, HM, MB, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Knox, George Pompous, verbose historical novelist who could turn a single sentence into a discourse of parenthetical expressions. Widower, lived in High Rising with his daughter Sibyl. Escaped the clutches of his secretary, Una Grey, and became engaged to Anne Todd in HR1. HR1, DH, B, CBI, MH, GU, MB, PE, CC, DD, HR2, WDIM, ESR, NTL, DA, LAA, 3S&T, MMS
Knox, Mrs. “Old Mrs. Knox,” mother of George. Resided in large Victorian house in London. “Eccentric and crabby.” A Frenchwoman, she had lived in England since her marriage. House was in Rutland Gate. HR1, DH, B, MB, 3S&T
Knox, Sibyl Daughter of widower George Knox of High Rising. Rather silly, and, after an unsuccessful attempt to become a writer, became engaged to Adrian Coates, publisher, in HR1. 3 children by time of CBI, eldest is Laura. HR1, DH, PT, CBI, GU, MB, DD, LAA, 3S&T, MMS
Koska Name for a dog of Anne Fielding’s that died. MB
Koska, Madame Main character in series of romantic suspense-thrillers by Mrs. Morland. Ran a designer dress shop and repeatedly saved the British Empire. HR1, DH, MH, MB, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, SR, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T, MMS
Legpul, Gudold Mid-European author of I Bare My Breasts, which attacked ” capittleist ” societies. The book was said to have been smuggled out of Europe at great risk, but was really written in her home in Willesden. MB
Leslie Stationmaster’s nephew at Hallbury. Delivered newspapers but “ought to be in the Army.” MB
Leslie, David b. 1907. Youngest son of Henry and Lady Emily Leslie. Spoiled and self-centered, a bit of a lady-killer despite thinning hair. Described as “bone selfish,” he was easily bored. Mary Preston was infatuated with him in WS, but married his brother John. Finally married Rose Bingham in PBO . WS, BL, MH, GU, MB, PBO, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, ESR, NTL, DA, LAA
Leslie, Lady Emily (Foster) 1868-1948. Sister of Old Lord Pomfret, wife of Henry Leslie of Rushwater . Children Martin (killed in WWI), John, Agnes and David. Delightfully unpredictable, interested in painting and arranging other people’s affairs with benevolent intent. Supposedly based on AT’s acquaintance Mary, Lady Wemyss, whose family was not amused by the affectionate portrayal. Beginning to age at first appearance in WS, became progressively more absent-minded and ethereal as series progressed, Died in OBH, calling her deceased husband and son to wait, she’s coming with them. WS, BL, MH, GU, HM, MB, PBO, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL<, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Leslie, Martin b. 1915. Grandson of Henry and Lady Emily Leslie, raised by them because as son of their oldest son he would be owner of Rushwater after Henry’s death. His mother had remarried and lived in America. First seen preparing for his 16th birthday in WS. In N. Africa, then wounded at Anzio in war. Received the George Cross for doing something gallant with a bomb. Went to War Office because of bad leg wound, later had to resort to a crutch (in one book he is mistakenly said to have lost a foot.) Became engaged to Sylvia Halliday in PBO . Raised cattle and prize bulls. WS, BL, MH, MB, PBO, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, DA, LAA, 3S&T
Lorimer d. 1937. Classics master at Southbridge (died in SH ). Elderly Scotsman with genius for coaching who crammed Hacker into his Oxford scholarship. Author of standard Latin text. Replaced by Philip Winter. Had sister in Perthshire . SH, GU, MB, PE, LAR, DD, JC, ESR
MacAlister, Pixie Old school chum of Miss Holly and Mrs. Watson. Games mistress in a mental home. MB
Marling, Amabel (Hon.) Daughter of Lord Nutfield, wife of William Marling of Marling Hall. Children Bill, Lettice, Oliver and Lucy. Connected with most of Barsetshire families by ties of kinship. Lived up to aristocratic tradition of service, energy, efficiency, and self-confidence. MH, GU, MB, PBO, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, WDIM,�DA, LAA, 3S&T
Marling, Lettice Elder daughter of William and Amabel Marling. Husband Roger Watson was killed at Dunkirk. Children Diana and Clare. Married Tom Barclay, had two sons. MH, GU, MB, PBO, LAR, OBH,CC, DD, HR2
Marling, Lucy Emily b. 1918. Younger daughter of William and Amabel Marling. Loud, bossy and boisterous, but mellowed with age, hard work and troubles. Favorite phrase “I’ll tell you what.” Married out of her class to Sam Adams. Very efficient and knowledgeable, helped administer the agricultural side of Sam’s business empire. They lived in The Old Bank House at, Edgewood and had daughters Amabel Rose and Leslie, son William. MH, HM, MB, PBO, LAR, OBH,CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR,DA, CQ, LAA,3S&T
Marling, Oliver b. 1913. Younger son of William and Amabel Marling. Was in business in London before war, then in Regional Commissioner’s Office during war after being repeatedly turned down for armed services because of his poor eyesight. Partner in London firm after war. Loved actress Jessica Dean for years, but she married Aubrey Clover. Studious, self-centered and self-pitying, but marriage to energetic and competent Maria Lufton improved him immensely. MH, MB, LAR, OBH, CC, DD,�HR2, JC, ESR, DA, CQ, 3S&T
Masters “Old Masters” who farms the land by the Old Rectory at Hallbury. MB
Matron Tyrannically benevolent matron of Barchester General Hospital where Octavia Crawley, Delia Brandon and Geraldine Birkett worked during war. CBI, MB, DD, HR2, 3S&T
Merrivale,�Annie Daughter of Mrs. Merrivale. In A.T.S. Sewed and crocheted beautifully. Engaged to a man in the Signal Corps. MB
Merrivale, Elsie Daughter of Mrs. Merrivale. In WAAFs. Was studying dancing before war. Engaged to Flight Lt. named Peter. MB
Merrivale, Evie Daughter of Mrs. Merrivale. In Foreign Office in, Washington. The “artistic one” of the four daughters. Married Cutsam Constant, an American. MB
Merrivale, Mr. Deceased husband of Mrs. Merrivale of Hallbury. Had been a clerk in Robert Fielding’s office, “never would have gone far if he lived; didn’t want responsibility.” MB
Merrivale, Mrs. Widow who lived in Valimere House in Riverdale Close, Hallbury. Plump, fortyish with gray hair and anxious eyes. Daughters Annie, Evie,Elsie, and Peggy MB
Merrivale, Peggy Daughter of Mrs. Merrivale. In WRENS. The “musical one” of the daughters, had some lovely records. Engaged to paymaster Lt. at Gibraltar named Don. MB
Merton, Lavinia b. 1943. Daughter of Noel and Lydia (Keith) Merton. “As much of a flirt as Lavinia Brandon,” for whom she was named. Married Ludo Foster, Lord Mellings. HM, MB, PBO, PE, OBH, WDIM, LAA, 3S&T
Merton, Noel First seen in SH as a young barrister, Married Lydia Keith having fallen in love with her gradually while watching her grow up. Had miraculous escape at Dunkirk, convalesced at Beliers Priory near Worsted. Later in Military Intelligence. He and, Lydia bought her old home, Northbridge Manor. Had flirtation with Peggy Arbuthnot in PE which caused rare friction with Lydia. (Jessica Dean straightened him out.) Became a QC, ran for Parliament in 1952. Became Sir Noel after Queen Elizabeth’s coronation. SH, B, CBI, NR, GU, MB, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, JC, WDIM, ESR, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Middleton,� Catherine Wife of John Middleton. Married him when she was 30, he was 20 years older. Enjoyed mild flirtation with Denis Stonor in BL. Was always tired-looking. One of several AT heroines who are languid and middle-aged, but attractive to younger men. BL, MB, LAR, CC, DD,�3S&T
Middleton, John (Jack) Resident of Laverings Farm near Worsted. Wife Catherine. Verbose (in the style of George Knox), slightly bald. Loved to play the role of gentleman farmer. Head of firm of architects. Brother of Lillian Stonor. BL, MH, GU, MB, PBO, LAR, DD, LAA, 3S&T
Milner, Mrs. Taught dancing at Rushwater. MH, MB
Modestine Long-suffering donkey belonging to the Tebbens family at Worsted. Originally called Neddy, renamed for donkey in R.L. Stevenson’s Travels with a Donkey. Intractable for almost everybody. Richard Tebben saved Jessica Dean from a bull by using Modestine as a road block. Said to be dead in MB (1945) although Susan Dean in LAR says the Tebbens sold him to the Dean family for whom he was useful in the garden, then was sold to a nursery school during the war, and she thought he was still alive. AF, MB, PE, LAR
Morgan, Dr. Female doctor at Harefield. Had half-baked highbrow ideas and gave patients large doses of unwanted psychology. Insignificant appearance and uncertain, temper, spent much of her money on unsuitable clothes. HM, MB, OBH,DD
Morland, Dick b. 1911. Son of Henry and Laura Morland. Serving in, China before war. Mentioned as serving in destroyer Flatiron during war. HR1, DH, B, CBI, GU, MB, OBH, CC, DD, JC, WDIM, 3S&T
Morland, Gerald b. 1917. Son of Henry and Laura Morland. Explorer in Mexico. Married just before war, had unspecified children. Attended Southbridge School. HR1, DH, B, CBI, GU, MB, OBH, CC, DD, JC, WDIM, LAA, 3S&T
Morland, Henry Deceased husband of Laura Morland. Somewhat of a nonentity, Laura said he was “quite easy to get on with and then he died.” HR1, DH, NR, GU, MB, JC, LAA, 3S&T
Morland, John Son of Henry and Laura Morland. Stationed in, Burma. In Navy during war. Married, attended Southbridge School. HR1, DH, B, CBI, GU, MB, OBH, CC, DD, JC, WDIM, LAA, 3S&T
Morland, Laura b. 1891. Widow of Henry Morland, sons Dick, John, Gerald, and Tony. Lived at High Rising. Author of Madame Koska mystery thrillers, which she began writing to support herself and sons. Also wrote two books anonymously. Attractive but rather scatter-brained, tended to lose glasses and hairpins. Acted as unofficial secretary at Southbridge School during war. It is generally thought that she is at least partially based on the author herself, though AT was, by repute, a more sardonic personality than Laura Morland. HR1, DH, SH,B, CBI, NR, MH,GU, MB, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL,DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T, MMS
Morland, Tony b. 1921. Son of Henry and Laura Morland. Student at Southbridge School at first appearance, major interest was model trains. Became Sr. Monitor at Southbridge. Talkative, self-centered, well- intentioned with frequently disastrous results, one-track mind when a child. Attended Oxford. In Army in, Burma during war. Worked for Red Tape and Sealing Wax Office after war. Married with four�children. HR1, WS, DH, SH,B, CBI, NR, MH,GU, MB, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL, LAA, 3S&T, MMS
Norton, Lady Victoria Known by most of Barsetshire as the “Dreadful Dowager.” Face like a well-bred horse, domineering personality, thought herself the best gardener in the county. Author of Herbs of Grace about gardening. Clothes tended to imitate the Queen Mother. Lived in Cheltenham, Lady Bond moved in with her in 3S&T. WS, B, CBI, MH, GU, HM, MB, PBO, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Nuffield, Lord Self-made millionaire who began as a bicycle repairman, made a fortune by manufacturing the Morris Cowley automobile. Was given a title. Left most of fortune for charitable works. The “English Henry Ford.” Lord Nutfield did not like being mistaken for him. MB
Outhwaite Chief engineer in a supply ship (the Ironsides) under Admiral Palliser. North-country man with broken nose. Later owner of steelworks at Newcastle where Sam Adams had some castings made. MB
Packer Owned taxi in Hallbury. Son worked for Adams’ nuts and bolts dept. MB
Palliser Sons of Admiral Palliser at Hallbury. In Navy. One married the granddaughter of the captain of his first ship, the other married an admiral’s daughter. MB
Palliser, Admiral Resident of Hallbury House, Hallbury. An engineer. Widower with 2 sons, 2 daughters, (including Jane Gresham). Worked during war at engineering firm in Barchester. MB, PBO, HR2, JC, WDIM, NTL, DA
Palliser, Commodore Augustus Ancestor of Adm. Palliser of Hallbury. Did well out of prize money awarded by Lord Howe MB
Palliser, Lady Arabella Daughter of present Duke of Omnium. Married, with children. In Red Cross during war. Mentioned in only one book. MB
Palliser, Lady Glencora (Cora) b. 1919. Daughter of present Duke of Omnium. In WVS during war. Won Croix de Guerre as driver for officers. Was engaged to a man who was killed in action. Married Sir Cecil Waring. MH, MB, CC, DD, JC, WDIM, ESR, LAA
Palliser, Lady Griselda Daughter of a Duke of Omnium. Ran after Lord Humberton before he married Phoebe Rivers. Her place in the Palliser family tree is uncertain. MH, MB
Palliser, Lord Henry Former pupil of Miss Bunting. Place on Palliser family tree is uncertain. MH, MB
Palliser, Louise Present Duchess of Omnium. Daughters Arabella (mentioned only once) and Glencora, sons Geoffrey and Gerald (three sons are mentioned once, but only two are ever named or talked about). Voluble and flighty with ample figure. MB, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR
Palliser, Plantagenet Son of “Planty Pal” and Lady Glencora McCluskie. On committee which presented Matchings Priory to the National Trust. Married Isabel Boncassen. Father of the present Duke. In Trollope’s Parliamentary novels. MH, MB, HR2
Palliser, Plantagenet Present Duke of Omnium. Great-grandnephew of the “Great Duke.” Dreamy and impractical, lost in the modern world, very kindly. MB, PBO, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, LAA, CQ, 3S&T
Palmer, Fred Major landowner around Worsted and Skeynes. J.P. Owner of dairy herd. Brother of Rachel Dean. Called Henry by Rachel Dean in AF. AF, BL, GU, MB, PE, LAR, OBH, DD, WDIM
Palmer, Horatio Ancestor of Fred Palmer of Worsted. Founded Barchester Agricultural Society in 1759. MB
Patten, Old Builder and estate agent for Duke of Omnium. Built many houses in Hallbury, in many different styles. Succeeded by his son. Lived over his shop in the Old Town. MB
Patten, Young Of Patten and Sons, Builders, who built many houses in Hallbury. Wanted to build California bungalows on River Rising. Married above him. MB
Paxton, Ivy Old school chum of Miss Holly and Mrs. Watson at Fairlawns. The manner of her death was a great shock to her mother. MB
Pelléas Goat brought to Hallbury Bring and Buy sale by Bent and Hampton. MB
Pemberton, Ianthe Spinster of Northbridge. Wrote a life of Elizabeth Rivers, Edward IV’s queen, as well as essays on Umbrian landscape. Short and ugly, necessarily parsimonious, she wore homespun sackcloth-looking dresses, a felt hat, and carried an alpenstock for poking dogs into the gutter. Lived at Punshions Cottage, rented room to Harold Downing, whom she bullied possessively and jealously. Was dead by mid-1950’s. NR, MB, PBO, CC, HR2, JC, WDIM, DA, LAA
Perry, Dr. b. 1897. G.P. at Harefield, as was his father. Three sons, all doctors. Short, jovial. Lived at Plassye House. HM, MB, LAR, OBH, DD, HR2, CO, LAA
Perry, Mrs. Maud Wife of Dr. Perry of Harefield. Given to causes and enthusiasms, especially for Mixo-Lydia. HM, MB, LAR, DD, HR2
Peter Flight-Lieutenant engaged to Elsie Merrivale. MB
Pettinger, Bertha Headmistress of Barchester High School. Highly unpopular. Known to the girls as “The Beast.” Had tired waved hair and painted her face. Madeleine Sparling lived with her before the Hosiers’ Girls’ School moved to Harefield Park. Received OBE when she retired. SH, B, CBI, NR, GU, HM, MB, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, DD, JC, WDIM, 3S&T
Pie, Sir Omicron Brilliant young surgeon. Known to Robin Dale, whose foot he �treated, as “Thing.” Amputated Tommy Needham’s arm. MB, LAR, CQ
Pilward, Bert Owner of Pilward and Sons Brewery. Son Ted, 2 other sons, 3 daughters. B, MB, PBO, LAR, OBH, CC, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Pilward, Ted Son of Bert Pilward of Brewery. Married Heather Adams. Son Edward Belton Pilward born in 1950. One other child. MB, PBO, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, WDIM<, DA,�3S&T
Planty Pal Horse owned by Plantagenet Palliser, Duke of Omnium. MB
Pomfret, Giles, Lord, 7th Earl d. 1940. Old Lord Pomfret. Resided at Pomfret Towers. Fabled for rudeness, boring dinners, and efforts to prevent modernization of the surrounding countryside. Brother of Lady Emily Leslie and Lady Agnes Foster. Married Edith Thorne. Author of A Landowner in Five Reins. Bought Pooker’s Piece to keep Sir Ogilvy Hibberd from building on it. Died in May, 1940, in CBO, with the names of his dead wife and son on his lips. PT, B, BL, CBI, NR, MH, GU, MB, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Porter, Horatio Notorious free-thinker and contributor to Barchester Mercury. Died in his kitchen of a stroke while having a debauch with the cook. MB
Potter, Nurse Helped at Convalescent Hospital at the Priory on Tuesdays. Nursed Mrs. Priscilla Dean in her last illness. GU, MB, CC, DD
Pridham, Sir Edmund b. 1866. Elderly country squire type, J.P. at Pomfret Madrigal, close friend of Lavinia Brandon — even proposed to her once in a friendly way. Childless widower, commanded Barsetshire Yeomanry in WWI, had crippled leg from war wound. Knew everybody in the county and all their relationships. “Doyen of the county in years and service … Had an eye that had frightened the toughest troopers in the Barsetshire Yeomanry out of their wits and made the Bishop, who was saying the Russians were our brothers, wilt uneasily into a mumbling explanation.” B, BL, CBI, MH, GU, MB, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Pridham, Sir Walpole Succeeded Horace Palmer as president of Barchester Archaeological Society. Ancestor of Sir Edmund. MB
Sheila Wicklows’ cocker spaniel. Another Sheila is mentioned in 3S&T. MB
Shepherd, Dr. Physician for Dr. Dale at Hallbury. Described by Dr. Ford as an “old� woman.” MB
Simnet Butler for Birketts at Southbridge School. Was in France 1914-17. Impressively dignified. Formerly scout for Colin Keith’s hall at Oxford. Married Florrie, sister of Eileen the Red Lion barmaid, left Southbridge to serve as butler to Canon and Mrs. Joram in the Close. CBI, HM, MB, PBO, PE, LAR,�HR2, JC, DA, CQ,�LAA, 3S&T
Sparling, Dr. Madeline b. 1900. Headmistress of Hosiers’ Girls’ School. Mentioned by implication in CBI as being offensively treated by Miss Pettinger of Barchester High School, to which the Hosiers’ Girls were evacuated. The Hosiers leased Harefield Park in HM and she escaped the Pettinger’s clutches. Tall, stately, rather attractive. Short dark hair, brown eyes. Given honorary D.Litt. by Oxbridge. Married Sidney�Carton after also being courted by Caleb Oriel. Retired in LAR. CBI, HM, MB, PE, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, CQ, 3S&T
Stoke, Lord Thomas b. 1866. Ancient and eccentric antiquarian, half-brother of Lucasta Bond. A bachelor who once loved Edith Thorne (who married Old Lord Pomfret). Traveled by horse and carriage or on horseback in defiance of modern age. Was convinced that everything he dug up was Viking remains. Extremely and conveniently deaf. In NTL, he is called Algernon Courcy Stoke and is said to have been born in 1876. HR1, DH, PT, B, BL, CBI, MH, GU, MB, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T, MMS
Stonor, Denis Stepson of widowed Lillian Stonor. Twentyfive years old in BL. Wrote music, took himself too seriously and was full of self-pity for his poor health. Was infatuated with older, married Catherine Middleton. �Went on to become successful composer after ballet produced with money loaned by Lord Bond. Wrote ballet music in U.S, during war when his health wouldn’t let him join armed forces. Returned to England briefly in LAR. Teamed up with Aubrey Clover for successful two-man show. Improved greatly during and after BL to become a likable sort. BL, MB, LAR, CC, DD, WDIM, 3S&T
Stonor, Lillian Widowed sister of John Middleton. Husband was Indian Army Col. Stepmother of Denis and Daphne, close to her own age. Became engaged to Alistair Cameron in BL. Had habit of thinking aloud in a rather disjointed way, which masked a deep understanding of others. BL, MH, MB, 3S&T
Stroke, Mrs. Latin mistress at Fairlawns School when Cecily Holly and Molly� Glover (Watson) were students there. MB
Tebben, Gilbert Husband of Winifred, father of Margaret and Richard. Resident of Lamb’s Piece near Worsted. Civil servant, interested in old Norse history and epics. AF, BL, GU, MB, PE, LAR, OBH, DD, WDIM
Tebben, Margaret Daughter of Gilbert and Winifred Tebben of Worsted. Married Laurence Dean, later mentioned as having son and daughter. AF, BL, GU, MB, PE, LAR, JC, WDIM
Tebben, Richard b.1914. Son of Gilbert and Winifred Tebben of Worsted. First seen�as self-centered, obnoxious and unsympathetic, considered courtesy a type of hypocritical snobbery.Ashamed of his hard-working, well-meaning parents. Infatuated with Rachel Dean in AF. Saved Jessica Dean from the Leslies’ bull,Rushwater Rubicon, so was given a job in Dean’s engineering firm (in spite of his poor showing at Oxford).ddle East during war, invalided out with tropical disease. Later married domineering Petra Krogsborg and got a job with Mr. Adams. Improved somewhat, but never very likeable. MB, PE, LAR, OBH, DD, WDIM
Tebben, Winifred (Ross) Wife of Gilbert Tebben of Worsted. Mother of Margaret and Richard. Took a First in Economics at Oxford, wrote several books on the subject. Was enamoured of her tutor, Mr. Fanshawe, but met and became engaged to Gilbert Tebben on a Scandinavian cruise. Known for her small and impractical economies, especially with leftover food, which was a sore trial for her family. AF, BL, GU, HM,�MB, LAR, OBH,�DD, DA
Thatcher Of Grumper’s End. Father of Jimmy, Ernie, Herb, Teddy, Edna, Doris, etc. Unwashed and uneducated, with a bad leg. During war,�all London evacuee children gravitated to his house because of a�natural affinity for dirt. B, CBI, MB, PE, HR2
Todd, Anne Laura Morland’s secretary, married George Knox, novelist and windbag, of High Rising, after turning down proposal from Dr. Ford. WVS secretary in war. Competent and practical, unlike her garrulous husband. HR1, DH, GU, MB, PBO, PE, ESR, NTL, LAA, 3S&T
Tompkins Boot-and-knife man at the Palace. Married a Frenchwoman in the last war, went to New Zealand to escape his wife’s temper, where he was doing well. MB, OBH, HR2, LAA
Tompkins, Madame Frenchwoman who married the boot-and-knife man at the Palace during WWI. Her temper drove him to go to New Zealand, she did well as dressmaker in Barchester. Also leased rooms to, among others, Bishop Joram. MB, PBO, LAR, OBH, HR2, JC, DA, LAA
Tory, Mrs. Cook for Admiral Palliser at Hallbury. MB
Tory, Greta Postwoman in Hallbury. Niece of Admiral Palliser’s cook. Permed hair, sandals, nail polish, etc., but a nice girl who gave some of her wages to her mother. Later seen as a waitress at the White Hart in Barchester. MB, LAR, CQ
Tudor, Glamora Seemed to be the star of every motion picture at the Barchester Odeon, including “Moonlight Passion,” “Lips of Desire,” “They Loved Too Well,” etc. Always with a different leading man. B, BL, CBI, NR, MH, MB, PBO, LAR, OBH, CC, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Turner, Betty Young niece of Mrs. Poppy Turner of Northbridge, with whom she and her sister lived after their parents died of influenza. First encountered on a picnic in B. Began each new statement with her favorite word, “Ackcherly.” Married Capt. Crosby Topham, lived in Norfolk after war. B, CBI, NR, MB, PE, WDIM
Turner, Miss Other niece of Mrs. Turner, first name never given. Married Tommy G reaves. CBI, NR, MB, PE, W DI M
Turner, Poppy Resided at The Hollies in Northbridge with her two nieces, Betty and “Mrs. Turner’s other niece.” A sprightly and energetic widow. Ran communal kitchen during war. Harold Downing was attracted, but was prevented from marrying her first by his dominant landlady’s possessiveness (Miss Pemberton) and then by his belief that his studious life was not suited for Mrs. Turner. Mrs. Turner lived with Betty and her husband after war, but returned to Northbridge and married Downing in 1953. CBI, NR, MB, PE, JC, WDIM, DA
Villars, Rev. Gregory b. 1886. Vicar of Northbridge. Former headmaster of Coppin’s School. Canon of Barchester by LAX SH, CBI, NR, GU, MB, PE, CC, JC, WDIM, DA, CQ, LAA
Villars, Verena b. 1892. Wife of Rev. Gregory Villars, vicar of Northbridge. Typical languid, middle-aged, attractive Thirkell heroine. Had “a bit of a heart.” Two sons. SH, CBI, NR, GU, MB, PE, DD, JC, WDIM, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Wallie Grandson of the Dales’ cook, brother of Alfie. Mentally defective, but quite intelligent if shown a sixpence. MB
Wandle Butcher in Hallbury Old Town. MB
Ward, Sister Nurse “Wardy,” who shared an apartment with Sisters Heath and Chiffinch. DH, MB, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL, CQ, 3S&T
Waring, Gen. Sir Harry (1866-1949) Resident of Beliers Priory before war. Son George (deceased), wife Harriet. Was in 408th Regt. in Boer War and WWI. Although he had been a general, he hated making tough decisions. Lived in servants’ quarters during war while most of the Priory was a convalescent hospital. Died by the time of DD. GU, MB, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, WDIM, ESR, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Waring, Leslie Cousin of Sir Harry and Lady Waring. Sister of Cecil. Worked in Naval charities organization until she had a breakdown and came to Beliers Priory to recuperate. Had been torpedoed while returning from America and was in an open boat for 2 days. Married Philip Winter and helped him turn Beliers Priory into a school after the war. Children Noel (1946) and Harriet (1948). GU, MB, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, CQ
Watson Grandfather of Hallbury solicitor. Built drill hall and recreation room during South African war, now used as a work center for village. MB
Watson, Charles Hallbury solicitor. Father of Tom. MB
Watson, Clare b.1938. Daughter of Lettice (Marling) Watson and the late Roger Watson. MH, MB, CC, DD
Watson, Diana b.1936. Daughter of Lettice (Marling) Watson and the late Roger Watson. MH, MB, CC, DD
Watson, Molly Glover Wife of Hallbury solicitor, mother of Tom. Capable organizer of all village activities. Fat and jolly with a loud voice. An Old Ethylburgian, former classmate of Miss Holly at Fairlawns, where she played tennis and basketball. MB
Watson, Tom b.1936. Young boy tutored by Robin Dale in Hallbury. Son of Charles and Molly Watson. MB
Wesendonk, Robert Friend of Tony Morland at Southbridge School. Intelligent but never said anything (only uttered once in several books where appeared.) Interested in model trains and electricity. Had three sisters and was fond of babies. Played harmonica to indicate emotional moods. Later became an Olympic swimmer. HR1, DH, SH, MB, 3S&T, MMS
Wicklow, Roddy Son of Mr. Wicklow of Barton and Wicklow, Architects. Assistant estate agent to Mr. Hoare at Pomfret Towers, later took over the estate himself. Big, good-natured, he married Alice Barton and became invaluable assistant to his brother-in-law Giles, Lord Pomfret. Wounded in leg, which kept him out of most of war, but returned to fight in Belgium near war’s end. PT, B, BL, CBI, MH, GU, HM, MB, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, DD, WDIM, �ESR, NTL, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Wicklow, Sally b.1914. Daughter of Mr. Wicklow the architect. Enthusiastic outdoorswoman who loved horses and dogs, “the best hands in the county.” Married Giles Foster, who became Lord Pomfret, and took much of the burden of duties over from him because of his poor health. Children Ludovic, Emily, Giles. Conscientious and hard-working, she was on every important committee during and after the war. PT, B, CBI, MH,�HM, MB, PBO,�PE, LAR, OBH,�CC, DD, HR2, JC,�WDIM, ESR, NTL, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Widdowson Mathematician who worked on Law of Inverse Relations and Friction of Constants. MB
Winter, Philip Under-housemaster to Everard Carter at Southbridge School, where�he was Senior Classics Master. Son of a clergyman. At first meeting, a hot-tempered communist sympathizer. Was engaged to Rose Birkett, the nitwit daughter of the headmaster, and was extremely jealous. Became unengaged on day of memorable picnic on an island in the Rising River at Northbridge, culminating in Rose’s throwing her ring at him (a relief to all concerned.) Joined the Territorials during the war, rose to rank of Colonel, and lost his communist sympathies. Was called “Carrots” and “Fireworks” in school because of red hair. Married Leslie Waring, started Priory School in Beliers Priory, later moved school to Harefield. SH, CBI, GU, MB,�PBO, PE, LAR,�OBH, CC, DD,�HR2, JC, ESR,�CQ, LAA, 3S&T