When people in Barsetshire aren’t going to the movies at the Odeon, they are reading books for entertainment, or writing them for their highly stylized publishers, such as Adrian Coates. Angela Thirkell readers delight in the Barsetshire books, but what are people in Barsetshire reading? Thanks to Caroline Evans and Beth Thoenen.
 AT Book  Author  Work  Comments
Before Lunch Miss Starter’s Grandfather Essays in Anglican Agnosticism Her father asked “Without the Church of England where would we agnostics stand?”
Before Lunch Mr. Middleton Accumulated material for an article… …for the Journal of the Royal Institute of British Architects.
Cheerfulness Breaks In ? My Burning Flesh Translated from the Mixo-Lydian by a young woman on staff of Daily Dustbin.
Cheerfulness Breaks In Esme Bellenden Men of Harlech Likely to beat out Hampton for the next Banned Book of the Month.
Cheerfulness Breaks In Lilian Tuckwell The Truth about Byron; The Truth about Shelley, Keats, The Brownings, and many other popular works. The Vicar’s wife is reading the one about Byron.
Cheerfulness Breaks In Spurge-Mackworth A Concept of Neo-Phallic Thought. Mrs. Bissell commends the chapter on the Libido-Involuntary to Miss Bent.
County Chronicle Bohun Poem:  To his Mistress on Seeing Sundrie Woorme-castes.  
Happy Returns ? Babylon Bruised and Mount Moriah Mended. Imaginary?  Its “gifted authors” don’t like Children’s Corners.
Happy Returns Philip Winter A book on Horace. Swan saw the book on a shelf.
High Rising ? The Noseless Horror. Laura reads it in bed.
Jutland Cottage Admiral Mahan Influence of Sea-Power on History (maybe this is real?). Admiral Phelps lends it to Captain Gresham, who had already read it.
Jutland Cottage Canon Fewling Article on Church Times on St. Paul’s qualifications for the Royal Navy if he had lived today. This was his highest ambition, and he took great pleasure in giving offprints to friends.
Jutland Cottage Lisa Bedale “some excellent thrillers.” Aconite at Night and what else?
Jutland Cottage Miss Hampton Temptation at St. Anthony’s.  
Jutland Cottage Miss Hampton A Gentle Girl and Boy, Chariots of Desire. Chariots is plural here.
Jutland Cottage Miss Hampton Temptation at St. Anthony’s.  
Jutland Cottage Miss Hampton Working on My Daughter is My Son, on a problem of modern life. Bent:  “It will be strong meat.  Can England take it?”
Jutland Cottage Mrs. Rivers Lad’s Love. Name said to be taken from a flower, giving two characters the giggles.
Love Among the Ruins Robert Graham He’s going to be a poet, according to Clarissa. His father wants him to go into the Guards.
Marling Hall Lionel Harvest Cast Me Abroad. Mr. Harvey prefers this scathing exposure to Lord Pomfret’s work.
Marling Hall Lord Pomfret A Landowner in Five Reigns.  
Miss Bunting Miss Hampton Temptation at St. Anthony’s.  
Miss Bunting Miss Hampton Chariot of Desire. “Chariot” is singular here.
Northbridge Rectory Merriman Cultural Influence of the Court of King Rene. Ever since Mr. Downing reviewed this, Merriman has had his knife into him.
Northbridge Rectory Mr. Downing Anthology of Provencal Lyrics. Miss Pemberton asked Mr. Villars to do a little notice on this for the Journal of the English Word-Lovers’ Association.
Northbridge Rectory Mr. Downing “books on Provencal literature.” These seem to be apart from the dictionary.
Northbridge Rectory Mr. Downing Working on article for the Journal of Provencal Studies.  
Northbridge Rectory Numa Garagou/Guibert le Biau Andalhou. Dull and prolix work.  Mr. Downing wants Mr. Villars’opinion of a footnote in it.
Peace Breaks Out Lady Emily’s mother A Step Too Far. Shocked Mr. Gladstone
Pomfret Towers Lady Pomfet’s mother-in-law A Step Too Far. Shocked Mr. Gladstone.
Pomfret Towers Sasha Menski Worm that Eatest the Flesh Julian Rivers likes the jacket that Bolikoff designed for this book.
Private Enterprise ? Without my Bones, All Corpses Calling, and an American one, Meet Mr. Murder. Chaplain at Southbridge likes these thrillers.
Private Enterprise ? “others too numerous to catalog, especially as we have not yet invented them.” At the book binding expo.
Private Enterprise F. E. Arbuthnot Delightful articles for Country Life with illustrations.  
Private Enterprise F. E. Arbuthnot Coot and Hern.  
Private Enterprise George Knox A biography of Lord Stanhope.  
Private Enterprise George Knox Biographical works. At the book binding expo.
Private Enterprise Hilary Grant Book on the French romantic poet Jehan le Capet alia Eugene Duval. At the book binding expo.
Private Enterprise Lord Pomfret A Landowner in Five Reigns. At the book binding expo.
Private Enterprise Lord Pomfret’s mother A Step Too Far. At the book binding expo.  Had shocked Mr. Gladstone.
Private Enterprise Miss Hampton Powerful novels most of which had been banned in Manchester and the Vatican City. At the book binding expo.
Private Enterprise Mr. Barton Minor Domestic Architecture of East Barsetshire At the book binding expo.
Private Enterprise Mr. Downing Scholarly edition of an early twelfth-century Tenso by Peire de Baruelh. At the book binding expo.
Private Enterprise Mrs. Barton Renaissance novels. At the book binding expo.
Private Enterprise Mrs. Rivers Autumn Passion Flower, Esthonian Equinox. The first one was chosen by the Middle-Aged Women’s Book Guild.
Private Enterprise Mrs. Rivers “’That heap by itself is Mrs. Rivers’ novels,’ said Miss Arbuthnot.” (At the book binding expo.) She isnt’ exactly Barshetshire but was included because her husband is a cousin of Lord Pomfret’s.
Private Enterprise Philip Winter Little book on Horace published by Oxbridge University Press. At the book binding expo.
Private Enterprise Sixth Earl of Pomfret Translation of an ode of Ronsard privately printed. At the book binding expo.
The Brandons Hilary Grant Novel on le Capet’s sex life. Dedicated to Delia in return for her carving his name on a marrow.
The Duke’s Daughter Archdeacon Short Survey of the Religious and Lay Aspects of Glebe Land. Mr. Grantly should be reviewing this, but is worrying about Tom.
The Duke’s Daughter Dean Crawley A Foreigner in Finland. Mr. Grantly should be reviewing this but is worrying about Tom.
The Duke’s Daughter Dickens Bleak House, which is said Hroj Czandik in Mixo-Lydian. Gradka is herself “translatink.”
The Duke’s Daughter George Knox Biographies  
The Duke’s Daughter Lord Lufton Article on Cows in Poetry. Rejected by the Spectator.
The Duke’s Daughter Oliver “some notes on the Caroline poet Bohun.” He was having them published privately by the Barchester Chronicle.
The Duke’s Daughter Sister Propria Persona Selectivity in the Church Today. Mr. Grantly should be reviewing this but is worrying about Tom.
The Headmistress ? A Good Man’s Love. Dorothy got it from Miss Humble at the library.
The Headmistress Doctor Professor Ronnquest A little book on his own Frederika Bremer’s visits to England and America. Wants Oxbridge Press to publish it.
The Headmistress Mr. Carton Fluvius Minucius, A Critical Study. Dedicated in elegant Latin to Miss Sparling’s grandfather.
The Old Bank House Mr. Tebben ? Dr. Crawley knew and respected him as an authority on the literature of Scandinavia and (snakeless!) Iceland.