Companion to Private Enterprise
One of the longest, with some excellent high spots and scenes, but not maintaining that level throughout. Colin Keith has all his friends looking for a small house for pretty young widow Peggy Arbuthnot and her sister-in-law Effie. They settle at Editha Cottage, Wiple Terrace in Southbridge. Highlights: an afternoon when workers and visitors overflow the cottage; dinner parties at Stories and the Deanery; a change of Vicars in Southbridge; birdwatching enthusiasts unite; the Red Cross Bookbinding Fair; Noel Merton joins Peggy’s admirers, to Lydia’s quiet sorrow; performance of an Aubrey Clover play at the Red Cross Fête; Jessica Dean straightens out the men making fools of themselves over Peggy. Francis wins Peggy, Col. Crofts wins Effie, Noel becomes a KC and returns to normal, Colin loses both Peggy and Susan Dean.
Book Title and Abbreviation
High Rising | HR |
Wild Strawberries | WS |
The Demon in the House | DH |
Mrs. Morland and Son | MMS |
August Folly | AF |
Summer Half | SH |
Pomfret Towers | PT |
The Brandons | B |
Before Lunch | BL |
Cheerfulness Breaks In | CBI |
Northbridge Rectory | NR |
Marling Hall | MH |
Growing Up | GU |
The Headmistress | H |
Miss Bunting | MB |
Peace Breaks Out | PBO |
Private Enterprise | PE |
Love Among the Ruins | LAR |
The Old Bank House | OBH |
County Chronicle | CC |
The Duke’s Daughter | DD |
Happy Return | HR2 |
Jutland Cottage | JC |
What Did It Mean? | WDM |
Enter Sir Robert | ESR |
Never Too Late | NTL |
A Double Affair | DA |
Close Quarters | CQ |
Love at All Ages | LAA |
Three Score and Ten | TST |
Character, Description, and Book Abbreviations
Adams, Samuel | b. 1902. At first appearance he was a widower with daughter Heather. At first he was definitely “one of the people” and proud of it, and of his rise from poverty to wealth and power as owner of iron works and rolling mills at Hogglestock. He was loud, flamboyant, socially inept and convinced that money can do anything. He improved greatly by association with county families, especially Mrs. Belton. Married Lucy Marling (almost as overwhelming a personality as himself), bought the Old Bank House at Edgewood, had daughters Amabel Rose and Leslie, and son William. Became solidly conservative and used his money to foil unnecessary “progress” and liberal inroads. Leased part of Pomfret Towers to use as a central office. Defeated Sir Robert Fielding as Labour candidate for Parliament, but became a Conservative and joined Church of England. | HM, MB, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T |
Anderson, Minor | Student at Southbridge School. His dreadful cold was helped by Bronko-Kure. | PE |
Arbuthnot | Father of Fred and Effie, son of Col. and Mrs. Arbuthnot. Strong resemblance between his daughter Effie and Aunt Sissie Brandon; it is almost certain that his real father was Capt. Frederick Brandon. | PE |
Arbuthnot | Acquaintance of Mr. Wickham in India in Last War. | PE |
Arbuthnot, Capt. Fred | d. 1945. Indian Army husband of Peggy, killed in Burma during the war by a native who stole a gun and went rather mad shooting it. Was in the 462nd. A lover of crowds, gaiety – and women. Same Captain to whom Miss Brandon left £10,000. Was raised by his grandmother, Mrs. Col. Arbuthnot, when his parents died young. | B, PE, CC, HR2 |
Arbuthnot, Effie (F.E.) | b. 1909. Full name Florence Edith. Capable, tall, large-framed woman with rather harsh features. Sister of the dashing but deceased Capt. Fred Arbuthnot, sister-in-law of the beautiful Peggy. Fond of birds and gardening, she was the author of Coot and Hern. In PE she refused a proposal from Mr. Wickham and accepted one from Col. The Rev. Francis Edward Crofts, vicar of Southbride. | PE, OBH, CC, HR2, JC, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T |
Arbuthnot, Mrs. Col. | Full name Lily Elliman. Capt. Frederick Brandon had to transfer to another regiment because he gave her a ring while in India. Aunt Sissie Brandon described her as silly but pretty, like Lavinia Brandon. Mentioned by Mr. Wickham in PE, and turns out to be the grandmother of Capt. Fred Arbuthnot. Fred’s father’s father was almost certainly Capt. Frederick Brandon. | B, PE |
Arbuthnot, Peggy | b. 1919. Widow of dashing and unfaithful Indian Army captain Fred Arbuthnot. Fair-haired, pretty, not especially bright. Reminded Noel Merton of Mrs. Brandon as she must have been in her younger days. Father a retired Indian judge, mother an admiral’s daughter; lived in Devonshire. After attracting numerous suitors, especially Colin Keith, she married Francis Brandon. Daughter Effie and a pair of twins. | PE, LAR, OBH, CC, HR2, JC, WDIM, CQ, LAA |
Banks, Miss | Female Latin mistress at Southbridge Preparatory School during the War. Small and slight, with fair skin and a bad complexion. Masculine in dress and appearance, very obnoxious and pro-Labour. Knew little about Latin, preferred a “modernized” pronunciation. Was sacked in PBO, later was in UNESCO in Paris, where she was sacked by Geoffrey Harvey. | PBO, PE, LAR, CC, DD |
Bare, Col. | Col. of 462nd Indian Army Rgt. in ’93, when Gen. Harry Waring was attached to them. | PE |
Barton, Alice | Daughter of Walter and Susan Barton of Nutfield Village. Delicate, timid, romantic and studious, she attended her first house party at Pomfret Towers and was attracted by the repulsive Julian Rivers, an “artist,” then came to her senses and married big, protective Roddy Wicklow. Three children: Guy, Alice, Phoebe. | PT, BL, CBI, MH, HM, MB, PE, OBH, WDIM, ESR, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S& T, |
Barton, Guy | Son of Walter and Susan Barton. Briefly engaged to Phoebe Rivers in PT. Later married daughter of the Archdeacon. Was in RAF in the war, then partner in his father’s architecture firm. | PT, CBI, MH, PE, JC, WDIM, ESR, CQ, LAA |
Barton, Susan | Author of historical novels about obscure bastards of Popes and Cardinals. Lived more in the 16th century than in the present. Husband Walter, children Guy and Alice. | PT, CBI, MH, PE, CC, WDIM, ESR, DA, CQ, LAA |
Barton, Walter | Resident of Mellings House in Nutfield on Pomfret Estate. Senior partner of architecture firm Barton and Wicklow. Wife Susan, children Guy and Alice. His firm repaired Hiram’s Hospital. Author of Minor Domestic Architecture of East Barsetshire. | PT, BL, CBI, NR, MH, HM, PE, OBH, WDIM, ESR, DA, CQ, LAA |
Basset-Lowke | Railway construction engineer who designed model trains. | PE |
Bateman | Former batman of Col. Crofts, later his general factotum. Married Eileen, barmaid at the Red Lion in Southbridge. | PE, CC, JC, ESR, CQ, 3S&T |
Bellinger | Student at Southbridge School. Had pet dormouse. Shergold had to run him into Barchester when his parents’ car broke down. | PE |
Belton, Elsa | b. 1918. Pretty daughter of Fred and Lucy Belton. Served in hush-hush job during war. Married Capt. (later Adm.) Christopher Hornby in 1943. Rather spoilt. | HM, MB, PE, LAR, CC, DD, HR2, CQ |
Belton, Freddie | b. 1910. Elder son of Fred and Lucy Belton. Commander in Royal Navy, worked at Admiralty for much of war and at War Office afterwards. Rose to Rear Adm. Early in war served in cruiser Barsetshire and destroyer Gridiron. Was engaged to a WREN who died in an air raid. Married Susan Dean, lived in Dowlah Cottage in Hallbury. Son Frederick, daughter. | HM, MB, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, WDIM, CQ |
Benson | Common acquaintance of Colin Keith and Robin Dale in North Africa during war. Collected butterflies and had hair growing out of his ears. | PE |
Benson, Rev. | Parson at Southbridge for thirty years around the turn of the century. Port-drinking, fox-hunting type. | PE |
Bent, Miss | Friend of the rather terrifyingly masculine Miss Hampton. Resided with her at Adelina Cottage, Wiple Terrace, Southbridge. Much more feminine and fussy than her companion, a bit folksy-artsy, scraggly in appearance and somewhat domestic. | CBI, GU, MB, PBO, PE, OBH, CC, JC, WDIM, NTL, CQ, 3S&T |
Bingham, Rose | Daughter of Lady Dorothy “Dodo” Bingham. Became engaged to David Leslie in PBO. Children Dorothy and Henry. Sophisticated and intelligent, she served in Foreign Office during war. Had three brothers in the Army. Quite capable of curing David of his “bone-selfishness.” | WS, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, DD, HR2, ESR, DA |
Birkett, Amy | Wife of William Birkett, headmaster of Southbridge School. “Ma Birky” to the schoolboys. Daughters Rose and Geraldine. Close friend of Laura Morland, the novelist. | HR1, DH, SH, CBI, NR, GU, MB, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, HR2, JC, WDIM, 3S&T, MMS |
Birkett, Geraldine | Younger daughter of William and Amy Birkett. Attended Barchester High School. As high school student, fond of the more gruesome aspects of nursing and medicine. Worked in Barchester Infirmary during war. Infatuated with Fritz Gissing until she finally saw him in his true colors. Married Geoffrey Fairweather. Son John. | HR1, SH, B, CBI, GU, MB, PBO, PE, OBH, CC, DD, JC, NTL, CQ |
Birkett, Rose | Older daughter of William and Amy Birkett. Beautiful but mentally negligible. Engaged six or more times, including to Philip Winter in SH until she threw her ring at him at the Keiths’. Always had an oft- repeated catchword (perfectly foul, meager, dispiriting, shattering, etc.) In CBI married John Fairweather of the Royal Navy, who could control his “elegant nitwit” well. Stationed abroad most of the war in Washington, S. America, Portugal, etc. Returned to England after war and became much more sensible, often helping others with their problems. Children Henry, Amy, two others all born 1940-1946. | HR1, SH, CBI, GU, MB, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T |
Birkett, William (Henry?) | Headmaster of Southbridge School. Usually called William, but is called Henry in GU and 3S&T. Had been assistant master and Head of the Prep School before becoming Headmaster. Retired in 1947 and took the Dower House at Worsted. | HR1, SH, CBI, NR, GU, MB, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T |
Bishop’s wife | Unpleasant, inhospitable, snobbish. One son. | MB, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL, DA, LAA, CQ, 3S&T |
Bishop of Barchester | Never mentioned by name. Parsimonious, low-church, unpopular. One son, said to be “in mission field” but really worked in office at Westminster. Preached love for Germans, Communists, etc., and was a Liberal. Nicknamed “Old Gasbag.” Worthy successor to Trollope’s Bishop Proudie. Never made on “on-stage” appearance. | SH, B, BL, CBI, NR, MH, GU, HM, MB, PBO, PE, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T |
Bissell, Elaine | Wife of Headmaster of Hosiers’ Boys’ Foundation School. Plump, placid and efficient. Devoted to her husband, whom she called “Daddy.” Childless, but guardian to mentally defective niece Edna. Former psychology teacher. A bit Red, but nice, and her views became more conservative with time. | CBI, PBO, PE, CC, 3S&T |
Bissell, Mr. | Head of Hosiers’ Boys’ Foundation School, which was evacuated during war from London to Southbridge. Lean, middle-sized man, well-meaning but quick to feel slighted, since the Hosiers’ boys were socially inferior to the Southbridgians. Had Communist leanings at first appearance. Devoted to his wife Elaine, whom he called “Mother,” although they had no children. Improved through constant association with the Birketts, became quite likable although gauche. | CBI, PBO, PE, CC, JC, 3S&T |
Bond, Alured | d. 1952. 2nd Lord Bond. Resident of Staple Park near Worsted. Wife Lucasta, son C. W. Strongly opposed Sir Ogilvy Hibberd’s purchase of Pooker’s Piece in BL. Small, round, with white mustache. Fond of Gilbert and Sullivan. A bit overshadowed by his masterful wife. During the war he gave Staple Park to a boys’ school and lived at the White House. Traced ancestry back to King Alfred with a “gap of only 30 generations.” Surprisingly, a Liberal. Dead by time of WDIM. | AF, BL, MH, GU, MB, PE, LAR, OBH, DD, WDIM, ESR, DA, 3S&T |
Brandon, Amelia (“Sissie”) | 1858-1938. Aunt of Henry Brandon (deceased husband of Lavinia). Resided at Brandon Abbey, an architectural monstrosity. Very wealthy, headstrong and irascible spinster, whose only emotional attachment was to her brother, Capt. Frederick Brandon, killed by a pig in India many years before. Vacillated about whether to leave her fortune to Hilary Grant or Francis Brandon. After her death in B, her fortune went to charity, except for £10,000 left to Capt. Frederick Arbuthnot, whose father was almost certainly the son of Capt. Frederick Brandon as the result of a liaison with Mrs. Col. Arbuthnot. | B, CBI, MH, MB, PE, CC, HR2 |
Brandon Capt. Frederick | Miss Amelia Brandon’s brother. Killed by a pig in India in Jubilee Year. Scapegrace who got into trouble over Mrs. Col. Arbuthnot and had to exchange into another regiment. Mrs. Col. Arbuthnot’s son (father of Fred and Effie Arbuthnot) was almost certainly Capt. Brandon’s illegitimate son. He gave the colonel’s wife a diamond bracelet. | B, PE |
Brandon, Delia | b. 1920. Daughter of Lavinia Brandon. 18 at first appearance in B. Became engaged to Hilary Grant in B. Son Freddie, daughter Felicia. Worked in Barchester Infirmary during war. Competent and a bit overpowering, much like Octavia (Crawley) Needham and Geraldine Birkett Fairweather. Fascinated by nursing. | B, CBI, NR, MH, GU, HM, PBO, PE, OBH, CC, HR2 |
Brandon, Francis Oliver | b. 1915. Son of Lavinia Brandon. 23 at first appearance in B. Became engaged to Peggy Arbuthnot in PE. Although charming, could be selfish and self-centered. Had tendency to flirt with pretty women. Hurt both his mother and wife before getting his comeuppance from Lady Cora Palliser. Much of his bullying of his wife occurred when his business underwent a financial crisis. Three daughters, Effie and twins. | B, CBI, PE, LAR,, OBH, CC, HR2, JC, WDIM, CQ |
Brandon, Henry | 1880-1920. Colorless deceased husband of Lavinia Brandon. Died of pneumonia at Cannes. | B, PE, CC, HR2, DA |
Brandon, Lavinia Oliver | 1891-1961. Attractive and languid widow, in early middle-age at first appearance in B. Son Francis, daughter Delia. Absent-minded, inattentive, apt to say anything that came into her mind. Originally lived at Stories in Pomfret Madrigal (used as a nursery school for evacuees during war.) One gathers that Mrs. Brandon, along with Mrs. Morland, is something of a self-portrait of Mrs. Thirkell as she saw herself. Expert at looking languidly beautiful and falling asleep at inappropriate moments, and at rejecting unwanted suitors. Beautiful hands, graced by a diamond given to her by Aunt Sissie Brandon because she was just the sort of woman Fred Brandon would have liked. Became engaged to Bishop William Joram in CC, moved to the Cathedral Close on their marriage. | B, CBI, MH, GU, HM, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T |
Brown, Joe | Landlord of the Red Lion at Southbridge, also owned a taxi. Once attended Old Sewerworks Road School in London. | CBI, GU, PBO, PE, JC, NTL, 3S&T |
Bunce | d. 1957. “Old Bunce,” the ferryman at Northbridge. Claimed the war would start in the fall because he knew the signs. Daughters Effie and Ruby. Foul-mouthed domestic tyrant, suspected of beating his daughters (who probably deserved it.) Probably meant to be a descendant of Trollope’s Bunce, senior bedesman in Hiram’s Hospital, though Old Bunce represents all the negative traits of the “lower orders,” unlike Trollope’s Bunce. | SH, CBI, NR, MB, PE, OBH, JC, WDIM, DA, LAA, 3S&T |
Bunce, Mrs. | Wife of “Old Bunce” the ferryman, but in reality never married him, Died of excessive quantities of gin. | SH, NR, MB, PE, WDIM, LAA, |
Campo, Cash | Band leader of the Symposium Boys, who recorded “I’m All of a Muddle, When I Cuddle, Cuddle, Cuddle,” “Kiss, Kiss, Kiss and You Won’t Go Amiss,” etc. | B, PBO, PE, CC |
Carson | Vicar of Nutfield. Married a widow from the Midlands | B, PE |
Carter, Angela | b. 1940. Daughter of Everard and Kate (Keith) Carter. Aged 2 in GU. | GU, PBO, PE, OBH, CC, JC, WDIM, LAA, 3S&T |
Carter, Everard | b. 1909?. Southbridge School History master and Housemaster who succeeded Mr. Birkett as Headmaster. Became engaged to Kate Keith in SH. Cambridge man. Retired by time of 3S&T. Lived at Northbridge Rectory after retirement | SH, B, CBI, GU, MB, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T |
Carter, Mrs. | Everard’s mother. Had a house near the sea like all proper grandmothers. Lived in Devon | PE, OBH |
Carter, Philip | b. 1942. Son of Everard and Kate (Keith) Carter. Just born in GU. | GU, PBO, PE, OBH, JC, WDIM, LAA |
Carter, Robert Philip “Bobbie” | b. 1938. Son of Everard and Kate (Keith) Carter. Aged 1 in CBI. | CBI, GU, PBO, PE, OBH, CC, JC, WDIM, LAA |
Chives | Jobbing gardener for the Arbuthnots at Southbridge. Had wife and large number of handsome, troublesome daughters. Worked at Pomfret Towers as a lad. Ex-corporal in Barsetshires, but no foreign service due to stomach ailment. Not very bright. Also sexton of Southbridge. Became gardener for Col. The Rev. Crofts. | PE, LAA |
Chives, Mrs. | Wife of Southbridge sexton and jobbing gardener. Took most of his wages and spent them at the Red Lion. | PE |
Clover, Aubrey | Actor-writer-producer for London stage. Wounded at Dunkirk -“shrapnel in tummy.” Name was really Caleb Lover, but his writing of “C. Lover” was so often mistaken for Clover that he changed it. Playwright ofOut Goes She, Three for a Letter, etc. Married Jessica Dean, had daughter Sarah Siddons. Rather protean type who could be almost any character without seeming to have much personality of his own. | PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, WDIM, ESR, NTL, CQ, LAA, 3S&T |
Collis | Baby Collis at nursery school evacuated to Stories at Pomfret Madrigal. Not very well, but improved remarkably. | PE |
Crawley, Josiah | Canon, Dean of Barchester. First seen as a friend of Lady Pomfret in PT. Eight children, 17 grandchildren in PE. Had shared digs with George Knox at Oxford. Once blackballed Sir Ogilvy Hibberd for Polyanthus Club. Grandson of Josiah Crawley, curate of Hogglestock in Trollope’s novels. Opposed Bishop’s parsimony and low-church, Liberal views. | DH, SH, PT, B, CBI, NR, MH, GU, HM, MB, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T |
Crawley, Octavia | Youngest daughter of Dean Crawley. Competent, managing, hard-working. Interested in nursing. Married Rev. Tommy Needham and was a conscientious clergyman’s wife. Numerous children. | CBI, NR, MH, GU, HM, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, WDIM, ESR, DA, LAA, 3S&T |
Crofts, Col. Francis Edward | Tall, middle-aged man with blue eyes, shaggy eyebrows, mustache and beard. Served many years in the Indian Army, then retired. A widower with two sons in Indian army. Took orders and became Vicar of Southbridge. Married Miss Effie Arbuthnot. | PE, OBH, CC, JC, ESR, NTL, DA, CQ, 3S&T |
Cumberboard, Gen. “Pinky” | While in London, Peggy Arbuthnot had lunch with him and they viewed a show of dreadful stuff all made of plastic. | PE |
Curwen | Chauffeur for the Brandons. Worked in Aero engine works during war, owned garage afterwards. | B, PE, CC |
Curwen, Mrs. | Wife of Brandons’ chauffeur. In ripe middle-age she took to cigarettes, lipstick, and cheap permanent waves. | PE |
Dale, Dr. | 1863-1945. Rector of Hallbury. Married late in life, had son Robin. Writing work on Haggai. Lived much in the past with the memory of his beloved wife, who died when Robin was a small boy. He drifted away and rejioined her in PBO. | MB, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, ESR, DA |
Damper, Dr. J. J. | Honorary Canon of Barchester. Former Head of Southbridge School (1849-56). Author of several hymns including the Duke of Omnium’s favorite, “Each morn we humbly bow the face. Before the coming of Thy Grace.” Also author of the Southbridge School Carmen. Wrote travel book Peregrinations in Palestine. | SH, CBI, PE |
de Baruelh, Peire | Author of 12th-century tenso on two troubadours’ argument as to the relative merits of moles on their ladies’ cheek and bosom. | PE |
Dean | Twin sons of Frank and Rachel Dean. Served in same Naval squadron during war. | AF, PE, LAR, OBH, HR2 |
Dean, Betty | b. 1917. Second daughter of Frank and Rachel Dean. 18 at first appearance in AF. Scholarship to Oxford, took first in Greats, did post-graduate work at Bryn Mawr. Fond of C. W. Bond, but their relationship was “spoiled by excessive parental enthusiasm.” Matured from self-important, obnoxious, ostentatiously agnostic teen who psychoanalyzed everyone and had the usual schoolgirl crushes on educated women, to a competent if masterful type. Worked for the Red Cross during war. Married wealthy American Woolcott Van Dryven. Three children. | AF, BL, GU, PE, LAR, HR2, WDIM, LAA |
Dean, Frank | b. 1874. Head of engineering firm. Resided at Manor House, Worsted. Wife Rachel, children Laurence, Helen, Betty, Susan, a pair of twins, Gerald, Robin and Jessica. | AF, GU, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, CQ, LAA, 3S&T |
Dean, Gerald | Son of Frank and Rachel Dean. In Army in India during war, stayed in Army afterwards. | AF, GU, PE, LAR, HR2 |
Dean, Helen | Eldest daughter of Frank and Rachel Dean. “Demon driver” of fast cars. Married middle-aged Oxford don Charles Fanshawe. Three children, including Rachel. | AF, HM, PE, LAR, OBH, HR2, JC, ESR, CQ, 3S&T, |
Dean, Jessica | b. 1925? 1932? Youngest daughter of Frank and Rachel Dean, Child of 3 or 4 at first appearance in AF, but was an actress in PE; confused chronology unless she was a stage veteran at 16. Collected salvage and learned jujitsu during war. Married producer-writer Aubrey Clover, who wrote sophisticated small cast plays for her with his music and lyrics. Had daughter Sarah Siddons. Clever, voluble, sympathetic with shy people like Ludo Lufton. Interfered in people’s lives for their own good. | AF, BL, GU, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T |
Dean, Laurence | Eldest son of Frank and Rachel Dean. Became engaged to Margaret Tebben in AF. Did liaison work with Poles during war. Later became partner in father’s engineering firm. | AF, BL, GU, PE, LAR, HR2, JC, WDIM |
Dean, Rachel | Wife of Frank Dean of Worsted. Sister of Mrs. Palmer. Languid and attractive; like Mrs. Morland and Mrs. Brandon, enchanting to younger men. Used the excuse of “having a heart” to avoid unpleasant tasks. Ran land army for area during war. | AF, GU, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, WDIM, ESR, LAA, 3S&T |
Dean, Susan | b. 1919. 3rd daughter of Frank and Rachel Dean. Sixteen at first appearance in AF. Worked with prisoners of war at Oxford during war. Red Cross Librarian for Barchester after war. At one time fond of Colin Keith, but became engaged to Freddie Belton in LAR. | AF, GU, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, CQ |
Dingle, Mrs. | Daily woman in Southbridge who obliged 3 times a week at Editha Cottage. Eileen the barmaid’s aunt. (Possibly intended to be the same as one mentioned as Eileen’s sister. | PE |
Downing, Harold | b. 1886. Writer on Provenç:al literature of Medieval Period. Rented room from Ianthe Pemberton in Northbridge, and was practically imprisoned by her possessiveness. Was compiling anthology of 12th-century Provençal lyrics, had written life of poet Reynault Camargou. Almost married Poppy Turner in NR, did so thirteen years later in WDIM. | NR, PBO, PE, CC, HR2, JC, WDIM, DA, 3S&T |
Dudley, Matron Poppy | Matron at Southbridge School, aunt of George Empson the wireless expert. Frequently at odds with Mr. Ferris, the Housemaster. | HR1, DH, SH, CBI, GU, MB, PBO, PE, CC, HR2, JC, ESR, NTL, CQ, 3S&T, MMS |
Dunsford, Barbara | Lived with widowed mother in Hovis House at Northbridge. Daughter of Gen. Dunsford. Helped with spotting duties on church tower on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. | NR, PE, WDIM, DA, CQ, LAA |
Dunsford, Gen. | Deceased resident of Northbridge. Interested in Norse legends. | NR, PE, DA |
Dunsford, Mrs. | Along with her daughter, helped with spotting duties on church tower, but only on Mondays. Typical country widow of middle class family. Distantly related to the Hallidays. | NR, PE, WDIM, DA, CQ |
Dusta, Nukkle | Native trooper of Col. Crofts at Sukj Behar in 1921. Had horrible squint. | PE |
Edna | Mentally defective niece of Mr. Bissell. Accompanied the Bissells when they were evacuated to Southbridge. Both parents were also mentally defective. Mrs. Bissell was remarkably patient in working with her using modern psychological principles. Finally had to be placed in Ada Clotworth Mental Home. | CBI, PE |
Edward | Handyman at Southbridge School. Became butler there when Simnet left. | HR1, DH, CBI, GU, PE, CC, JC, NTL, CQ |
Eileen (later Bateman) | Barmaid at Red Lion in Southbridge. A dazzling blonde. Niece (or possibly sister) of Mrs. Dingle. Married Col. Crofts’ factotum and former batman, Bateman. Her sister Florrie married Simnet. | CBI, GU, PE, CC, JC, NTL, CQ |
Elson, Lord | Everard Carter wrote a book about him. Miss Thorne of Ullathorne thought he should be Prime Minister in Trollope’s Barchester Towers. | PE |
Empson, George | Southbridge School Matron Poppy Dudley’s nephew. Normally a wireless operator and electrician on luxury liners to New York, he wired Editha Cottage for the Arbuthnots, with a running commentary on old wiring and proper method for rewiring that almost drove them crazy. His ship was RMS Vomitorium. Torpedoed twice during war. | HR1, SH, CBI, GU, PE, CC, HR2, JC, NTL, CQ, 3S&T |
Ethyl | Upper housemaid at Stories. Parlormaid in PE. | B, PE |
Fairweather, Geoffrey | Elder brother of John. Sister Edith married Robert Keith. Contemporary of Tony Morland at Southbridge. Not brilliant, but good athlete, captain of boxing. School nickname “Fairy.” Married Geraldine Birkett, had son John. Became a Colonel in the Barsetshire Regt. during war. | DH, SH, CBI, GU, PBO, PE, JC, CQ |
Fairweather, John | Younger brother of Geoffrey. Attended Southbridge School where he was opponent of Smith-Hetherington in HR1. Became a Lt. in Royal Navy. Married Rose Birkett, had common sense she lacked and was able to control her idiocies and tolerate her pouting. Later was Naval Attache at Las Palombas, was stationed in Washington during war. Captain by time of CC. two sons, two daughters. | MB, PBO, PE, CC, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL, DA, CQ, LAA |
Fairweather, John | Son of Geoffrey and Geraldine (Birkett) Fairweather | GU, PE |
Fairweather, Mary | d. 1946. Mother of Edith Keith, Geoffrey and John Fairweather. Spoiled her grandchildren. Died in PE. | SH, PE |
Fairweather, Mrs. | Mother (or possibly grandmother) of John and Geoff Fairweather. Said to have spoiled her children shockingly. | PE |
Fanshawe, Rachel | b. 1938. Daughter of Charles and Helen (Dean) Fanshawe. | PE |
Feeder, Mr. | Master at Southbridge School, lived in Louisa Cottage, Wiple Terrace. Drove everyone crazy with his wireless. | PE, OBH, CC, JC, ESR, NTL, DA, CQ, 3S&T |
Feeder, Mrs. | b. 1892. Mother of Mr. Feeder. Came to live near him in Editha Cottage. Tall, gaunt widow. Had learned to drink to please her husband, who had gastric trouble and couldn’t drink but enjoyed watching her. | PE, OBH, CC, JC, NTL, CQ, 3S&T |
Feilding, Miss | Teacher in charge of evacuated nursery school at Stories. | PE |
Fewling, Father George”Tubby” | Former Naval chaplain (Commander), son of a successful merchant. Anglo-Catholic priest in Northbridge. Rector of St. Sycorax and head of boy scouts. Later became Vicar of Greshamsbury and Honorary Canon of Barchester. Fond of Margot Phelps but she married Donald Macfadyen, the large-scale market gardener. After Macfadyen’s death he married her. | NR, PE, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T |
Fielding, Anne | b. 1928. Daughter of Sir Robert and Lady Fielding (Dora). Rather delicate, shy, and studious. When well enough she attended Barchester High School, but, tutored by Miss Bunting she became an enthusiastic and omnivorous reader of history, English literature, and Latin. Married Robin Dale, Housemaster at Southbridge School, had twins Roberta Fielding and Dora Maud, and a son | MB, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, HR2, WDIM, ESR, DA, LAA, 3S&T |
Fielding, Lady Dora | b. 1900. Wife of Sir Robert. Very intelligent and competent, on all sorts of committees during war. | MB, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, DA, LAA, 3S&T |
Fielding, Sir Robert | b. 1887. Chancellor of Diocese of Barchester. Had house in Cathedral Close and one at Hall’s End in Hallbury. Was defeated by Sam Adams for seat in Parliament. | MB, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, DA, LAA, 3S&T |
Fitchett, Sid | Son of Northbridge grocer. Worked with Trowel the Builder. Caught with Effie Bunce in the air-raid shelter. Possible father of one of her numerous illegitimate offspring. | NR, PE |
Fitchett | Grocer and Coals in Northbridge. | NR, PE |
Ford, Dr. James. | Kindly, garrulous and gossipy old G.P. at High Rising. Proposed to Anne Todd and was refused in HR1. Proposed to Sylvia Gould in DH, married her 20 years later after she had a broken engagement in GU. Could be very brusque to those he disliked. | HR1, DH, B, CBI, GU, MB, PE, OBH, CC, DD, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T, MMS |
Fosbury, Capt. | Came to tea in India at Mrs. Arbuthnot’s, of whom he was enamoured. Found Maj. Hopkins there, too, as a rival. They tried to sit each other out until Peggy had to ask them both to leave. | PE |
Foster | Parlormaid at Northbridge Rectory. Tyrannical and disapproving. | NR, PE, WDIM |
Foster, Giles (Gillie) | 8th Earl of Pomfret. Cousin to 7th Earl, and his heir since there were no nearer relations. Became Lord Pomfret in CBI. Married Sally Wicklow. Originally employed by a firm of picture dealers. Mother dead, father died in PT. Though not physically strong, worked to excess for his county, watched over with constant concern by his Sally. Became Lord Lieutenant of Barsetshire. Children Ludovic Lord Mellings, Emily and Giles. | PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T |
Foster, Giles, Lord, 7th Earl | d. 1940. Old Lord Pomfret. Resided at Pomfret Towers. Fabled for rudeness, boring dinners, and efforts to prevent modernization of the surrounding countryside. Brother of Lady Emily Leslie and Lady Agnes Foster. Married Edith Thorne. Author of A Landowner in Five Reins. Bought Pooker’s Piece to keep Sir Ogilvy Hibberd from building on it. Died in May, 1940, in CBO, with the names of his dead wife and son on his lips. | PT, B, BL, CBI, NR, MH, GU, MB, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T |
Foster, Lady Agnes | Daughter of Giles and Sally Foster. Disappeared from books, so was possibly Emily called by wrong (middle?) name. | PE, DD |
Foster, Lady Emily | b. 1940. Daughter of Giles and Sally Foster. Strong, graceful and athletic like her mother, headstrong like Old Lord Pomfret. Wanted to go into raising vegetables; assumption is that she got job with Adams at Amalgamated Vedge. Attended Barchester High School. | MH, HM, MB, PE, LAR, OBH, DD, JC, WDIM, ESR, DA, LAA, 3S&T |
Foster, Ludovic Neville Eustace Guido (Lord Mellings) | b. 1938. Son of Giles and Sally Foster. Shy and frail like his father, with same painful conscientiousness, sense of honor and duty. Oxford, Sandhurst and Guards Regt. Brought out of much of his shyness by friendship with Jessica Dean. Married Lavinia Merton in final Thirkell book. | BL, MH, HM, MB, PE, LAR, CC, DD, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL, DA, CQ, LAA |
Foster, The Hon. Giles | b. 1942. Younger son of Giles and Sally (Wicklow) Foster. Strong, graceful, athletic, and an excellent horseman like his mother. Trained to be an estate agent with his uncle Roddy Wicklow. | BL, HM, MB, PE, LAR, OBH, DD, JC, WDIM, ESR, DA, LAA,3S&T |
Gibbon | Chameleon belonging to Percy Hacker of Southbridge School. Name was changed from Greta Garbo. | SH, GU, PE |
Gobbett, Hash | Costar with Glamora Tudor in “Burning Flesh,” “Mayflower Madness,” etc. | PBO, PE, LAR |
Grant, Edward | Deceased husband of Felicia, father of Hilary. His mother was “Aunt Sissie” Brandon’s sister. His father was in Barsetshire Regt. Born the year Lord Pomfret was made Lord Lieutenant. | B, PE |
Grant, Felicia | b. 194? Daughter of Hilary and Delia (Brandon) Grant. | PE, HR2 |
Grant, Freddie | Son of Hilary and Delia (Brandon) Grant. | GU, PE, HR2 |
Grant, Hilary | Son of Felicia and Edward Grant, was reading classics with Rev. Miller at first appearance. Was writing a book on Jehan le Capet. After recovering from infatuation with Mrs. Brandon, married her daughter Delia. Son Freddie, daughter Felicia. Apparently became an archaeologist after the war. Author of “A Diabolist of the Reformation.” | B, CBI, MH, HM, PE, OBH, CC, HR2, WDIM |
Grant, Mrs. Felicia | Widow of Edward Grant, mother of Hilary. Lived mostly in Italy and adopted Italian folkways, with which she bored everyone to death and embarrassed her son. The prototypical “Englishwoman abroad.” Author of a book on Calabria, where she remained during the war. | B, CBI, MH, GU, HM, PE, OBH, CC |
Grantly, Archdeacon Theoph. | Archdeacon of Barchester in 1850’s, son of old Bishop Grantly. Choleric and conservative. Rector of Plumstead Episcopi. Great-Grandfather of Rev. Septimus Grantley of the Thirkell novels. | NR, PE, OBH, HR2, CQ |
Henryson | 19th-century Master of Lazarus College, Oxford. Famed for his learning, discipline and rudeness. | PE |
Hibberd | Sexton of Northbridge Church. Also gardener at Rectory when the mood struck. | NR, PE |
Hibberd | Grandson of the Northbridge sexton. A bright lad who put a fan in the St. Sycorax A.R.P. shelter. Probably son of Doris. | NR, PE |
Hipkins, Major | Came to tea at Mrs. Arbuthnot’s in India and found a rival, Capt. Fosbury, was there too. They tried to sit each other out until Peggy Arbuthnot had to ask them to leave. | PE |
Holt, C. W. | d. 1946. Exceptional bore with penchant for discussing titled “friends” and inviting himself for visits in houses of people too good-natured to put him off. Talked interminably about gardening and gave unwanted advice. Gossipy hanger-on; snobbish, egotistical “tame cat.” Got job with Broadcasting House through Joan Stevenson. Dead by time of PE. | WS, MB, PE, LAR, ESR |
Hopgood Helen | Called Florrie in WDIM. Known as “Miss Hopgood’s aunt,” resident of Northbridge. Large, competent woman with badly-cut clothes. Widow of American astronomer who discovered the star Porter Sidus in the constellation Algareb while working at Matthew Porter observatory in Texas. She supplied a telescope for the airplane spotters on the Northbridge Church tower. | NR, PE, JC, WDIM, DA |
Hopgood, Miss Miriam | Occupant of Glycerine Cottage, Northbridge, which she shared with Miss Crowder. They were maiden ladies convinced that they were spiritually French, so they visited the Riviera each year, stayed in a pension that catered to the English, and spent most of their time mispronouncing French words and cooking bad imitations of French meals. | NR, PE, JC, WDIM, DA |
Horbury, Canon | Grandfather of Madeleine Sparling. A great Old Testament scholar. Absent-minded old fellow, always lending out books which his friends never returned. | HM, PE, HR2, CQ |
Hornby | Railway construction engineer who designed model trains and had made several unusual small-gauge railroads. | PE, OBH |
Hornby, Christopher | b. 1903. Nephew of old Mrs. Ellangowan-Hornby of Arcot House, Harefield. She left him a fortune to add to his own considerable one. Son of an admiral. Married Elsa Belton in HM. Tall, dark and quiet, about 39 or 40 in 1943. Home was Castle Aberdeathly on slopes of Ben Gaunt above Loch Gloom, 10 miles from Inverdreary. Was an admiral by 1948. | HM, MB, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, CQ |
Horton, Dunstan | Vicar of Southbridge. Tall, bony man with side-whiskers. Actually older than his Aunt Monica, who came to live with him and with whom he had amicable arguments. Appointed to be head of St Aella’s Home for Stiff-Necked Clergy. | PE, OBH, CC, JC |
Horton, Monica | Aunt of Vicar of Southbridge. Moved out of Editha Cottage to stay with her nephew in PE. Tall, gaunt, with well-bred face and unfashionable clothes. Associated everything with colored auras, liked to predict people’s futures (sometimes with uncanny accuracy). | PE, JC |
Hubback | Husband of landlady of Bridge Inn. Something of a poacher. | PE |
Hubback, Mrs. | Landlady of the Bridge Inn in village near Nutfield. Avoided normal hours by serving beer in a teapot, whisky in coffee urn. | PE |
Jenks | Head Keeper at Pomfret Towers. Father of Pvt. Tom Jenks. | GU, HM, PE |
Jessie | Head housemaid for Everard and Kate Carter. Eyesight too poor for war service, but would never wear her glasses. Had a brother who was a milkman, a cousin in laundry in Southbridge. | SH, CBI, GU, PBO, PE, CC, ESR, CQ |
Johns | Publisher in firm of Johns and Fairfield. Published George Knox, Hermione Rivers, and Susan Barton. Uncle of Mr. Wickham. His wife was well-known for giving extremely dull parties for literary lions. | HR1, DH, PT, CBI, MH, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, HR2, JC, CQ, LAA, 3S&T |
Keith, Colin | b. 1912. First seen in SH as a new master at Southbridge School, then read law with Noel Merton. Gunnery officer with Territorials in war, served in N. Africa. Became successful barrister, author of Keith on Lemon on Running Powers, the last word on railway law. Briefly infatuated with Peggy Arbuthnot and fond of Susan Dean; finally became engaged to Eleanor Grantly in OBH, proving sister Lydia wrong when she dubbed him a “perpetual uncle.” | SH, B, GU, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, WDIM, CQ, LAA |
Keith, Edith Fairweather | Wife of Robert Keith, sister of John and Geoffrey Fairweather.Mother of Catherine, Henry and another. Former Head Girl at Barchester High School and a favorite of Miss Pettinger. Hearty and athletic, was once captain of school cricket and hockey. | SH, CBI, GU, PE, OBH, WDIM |
Keith, Helen | Mother of Robert, Kate, Colin and Lydia. Boring and domestic, not very intelligent. Lived at Northbridge Manor. Had “a bit of a heart.” During war went to Bournemouth to live with her sister Kate. Dead by WDIM 1954. | SH, B, CBI, NR,GU, PE, OBH,HR2, JC, WDIM |
Keith, Henry | d. 1939. Resident of Northbridge Manor. Wife Helen. Killed when struck by a lorry when leaving Old Lord Pomfret’s funeral. Country-squirish landowner and solicitor. | SH, B, CBI, PE, LAR, OBH, HR2, WDIM, CQ, LAA |
Keith, Kate | b. 1916. Became engaged to Everard Carter in SH. Boring and domestic but nice. Children Bobbie, Angela, Philip and Noel. | SH, B, CBI, GU, MB, PE, OBH, CC, DD, JC, WDIM, CQ, LAA<, 3S&T |
Keith, Lydia | Tomboyish younger sister of Robert, Kate and Colin. Awkward, gauche, boisterous and energetic, until marriage to Noel Merton moved her energy into constructive channels. Children Lavinia, Harry, Jessica. During war she miscarried her first child because of overwork. Hurt by Noel’s flirtation with Peggy Arbuthnot in PE but was reconciled to her husband, whom she loved dearly. | SH, B, CBI, NR, U, HM, MB, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T |
Keith, Robert | Brother of Kate, Colin and Lydia. Wife Edith. Senior partner of Keith and Keith law firm. Bought home in Nutfield in GU and sold Northbridge Manor to brother-in-law Noel Merton. | SH, CBI, NR, MH, GU, PE, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, WDIM, ESR, CQ, LAA, 3S&T |
Klobber, Mr. | Viennese refugee in 1914, the Dean family’s tailor in London. | PE |
Knox, George | Pompous, verbose historical novelist who could turn a single sentence into a discourse of parenthetical expressions. Widower, lived in High Rising with his daughter Sibyl. Escaped the clutches of his secretary, Una Grey, and became engaged to Anne Todd in HR1. | HR1, DH, B, CBI, MH, GU, MB, PE, CC, DD, HR2, WDIM, ESR, NTL, DA, LAA, 3S&T, MMS |
Koska, Madame | Main character in series of romantic suspense-thrillers by Mrs. Morland. Ran a designer dress shop and repeatedly saved the British Empire. | HR1, DH, MH, MB, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, SR, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T, MMS |
le Capet, Jehan | Pen name of Eugene Duval, French author of rather passionate and indelicate verse which Hilary Grant was translating. A Satanist who died young of drink. Book entitled Belphégor. | B, MH, PE, HR2 |
Lemoineau | Author of book about Francois Boucher. | PE |
Leslie, Henry (Major) | b. 1936. Eldest son of John and Mary (Preston) Leslie. Nice but dull. Attended Southbridge School, collected Empire stamps, and ostentatiously carried a Greek New Testament to church. Showed promise of becoming more interesting when he corrected (subtly) the Latin pronunciation of Miss Banks, the Latin mistress. | BL, PBO, PE, LAR, CC, DD, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL, DA, CQ, 3S&T |
Leslie, John | b. 1899. Oldest surviving son of Henry and Lady Emily Leslie. Widower, deceased wife’s name was Gay. Became engaged to Mary Preston in WS. Regional Commissioner during war. Bought Old Rectory at Greshamsbury as home. | WS, BL, MH, BO, PE, LAR, BH, CC, DD, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL, DA, CQ |
Leslie, John Jr. (Minor) | b. 1938. Second son of John and Mary (Preston) Leslie. At Southbridge he climbed all the way around School Chapel. Also climbed to the top of Rushwater House and into Siddons’ room, to the top of the “temple” at Rushwater; tried to climb the Mertons’ monkey puzzle tree. Put the bell back up in the Palace fish pond so the fish could ring for food (the Bishop had ordered it taken down). | BL, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL, DA, CQ, 3S&T |
Lorimer | d. 1937. Classics master at Southbridge (died in SH ). Elderly Scotsman with genius for coaching who crammed Hacker into his Oxford scholarship. Author of standard Latin text. Replaced by Philip Winter. Had sister in Perthshire . | SH, GU, MB, PE, LAR, DD, JC, ESR |
Lover, Mrs. Audrey | d. 1947. Mother of Aubrey Clover (Aubrey C. Lover). Widow of a bank manager. Didn’t approve of the theatre. | PE, LAR, CC, WDIM |
Mallow | d. 1946. Lord Stoke’s cowman, the best in the county. Died in PE, after a “feeling of oppression” (obviously brought on by post-war government and conditions.) | BL, PE |
Mallow, Mrs. | Wife of Lord Stoke’s cowman. Ruined his enjoyment of the Skeynes Agricultural by his worrying about what she’d say if he returned with muddy boots. | BL, PE |
Manners | Biggest of Hosiers’ Boys’ School boys. Intelligent, had won open scholarship to Cambridge. Father was a grocer and furniture remover in East End in London. Was given a free place at Southbridge and won a scholarship in history to Lazarus College. Became Physics prof. at Upping College of Redbrick University. | CBI, PE, NTL |
Matcham | Colonel of 462nd Indian Army Regt. in India, in which Capt. Fred Arbuthnot served. | PE |
Matcham, Mrs. Col. | Flirted with Capt. Fred Arbuthnot of her husband’s regiment. “A sister under the skin to half Piccadilly Circus.” | PE |
Merton, Harry | b. 1946. Son of Noel and Lydia (Keith) Merton. Studied science at Cambridge. As articulate as his father. | PE, OBH, WDIM, LAA, 3S&T |
Merton, Lavinia | b. 1943. Daughter of Noel and Lydia (Keith) Merton. “As much of a flirt as Lavinia Brandon,” for whom she was named. Married Ludo Foster, Lord Mellings. | HM, MB, PBO, PE, OBH, WDIM, LAA, 3S&T |
Merton, Noel | First seen in SH as a young barrister, Married Lydia Keith having fallen in love with her gradually while watching her grow up. Had miraculous escape at Dunkirk, convalesced at Beliers Priory near Worsted. Later in Military Intelligence. He and, Lydia bought her old home, Northbridge Manor. Had flirtation with Peggy Arbuthnot in PE which caused rare friction with Lydia. (Jessica Dean straightened him out.) Became a QC, ran for Parliament in 1952. Became Sir Noel after Queen Elizabeth’s coronation. | SH, B, CBI, NR, GU, MB, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, JC, WDIM, ESR, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T |
Miller, Rev. Justin | Vicar of Pomfret Madrigal, with strong Anglo-Catholic leanings. Married Ella Morris to whom he was attached years before but separated because of theological disagreement with her father. Became Vicar of St. in 1949. Had stepmother in Harrogate. Was on rowing crew at Lazarus College, where he was nicknamed “Goggers.” | B, CBI, NR, MH, GU, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, DA |
Milly | Cat belonging to woman who lived at Bolton Abbey. Had six kittens. | PE |
Modestine | Long-suffering donkey belonging to the Tebbens family at Worsted. Originally called Neddy, renamed for donkey in R.L. Stevenson’s Travels with a Donkey. Intractable for almost everybody. Richard Tebben saved Jessica Dean from a bull by using Modestine as a road block. Said to be dead in MB (1945) although Susan Dean in LAR says the Tebbens sold him to the Dean family for whom he was useful in the garden, then was sold to a nursery school during the war, and she thought he was still alive. | AF, MB, PE, LAR |
Morland, Laura | b. 1891. Widow of Henry Morland, sons Dick, John, Gerald, and Tony. Lived at High Rising. Author of Madame Koska mystery thrillers, which she began writing to support herself and sons. Also wrote two books anonymously. Attractive but rather scatter-brained, tended to lose glasses and hairpins. Acted as unofficial secretary at Southbridge School during war. It is generally thought that she is at least partially based on the author herself, though AT was, by repute, a more sardonic personality than Laura Morland. | HR1, DH, SH,B, CBI, NR, MH,GU, MB, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL,DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T, MMS |
Morland, Tony | b. 1921. Son of Henry and Laura Morland. Student at Southbridge School at first appearance, major interest was model trains. Became Sr. Monitor at Southbridge. Talkative, self-centered, well- intentioned with frequently disastrous results, one-track mind when a child. Attended Oxford. In Army in, Burma during war. Worked for Red Tape and Sealing Wax Office after war. Married with four children. | HR1, WS, DH, SH,B, CBI, NR, MH,GU, MB, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL, LAA, 3S&T, MMS |
Morris, Ella | Middle-aged companion to “Aunt Sissie ” Brandon. Married Mr. Miller, former sweetheart from whom she had parted because of his disagreement with her father years before. Selfless and full of good works. Billeting officer during war and took all the worst evacuee children herself. | B, CBI, GU, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, DA |
Mpumpo | Public name of Native chief in Mngangaland who had both legs bitten off by a lion. He was a splendid professing Christian, according to Bishop Joram Actual name was Melba, but it was a secret. Had 80 sons and was in London on VJ Day. | PBO, PE, LAR, CC, WDIM, 3S&T |
Nan | Nurse to Jessica Dean, later with Lydia Merton. | AF, PE, LAR, WDIM |
Needham, Tommy | Secretary to Dean Crawley. In war stationed first in Iceland, then in N. Africa where he lost an arm. Married Dean Crawley’s daughter Octavia and became Vicar at Worsted. Eight children by the time of 3S&T, including fraternal twins born in that book. | CBI, MH, HM, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, DD, HR2, WDIM, ESR, DA, LAA,3S&T |
Norton | Daughter of Dowager Lady Norton. Said to have been living in highbrow sin in Chelsea with a Slavo-Lydian intellectual. Bulgy build. | WS, MH, PE, LAR |
Norton, Eleanor | Young Lady Norton. Wife of George, Lord Norton. Called her mother-in-law ” Moggs”. Two daughters, Vickie and Ellie. | WS, MH<, PE, LAR, OBH, CC,DD, HR2, ESR, DA, LAA |
Oldmeadow, Tom | Tommy Needham’s Uncle Tom. Captain of Games at Southbridge School in his day. In Officer Reserve. Had measles twice in one term. Mountaineering was his hobby. Played rugger for England. Related to Capt. Arbuthnot. | CBI, PE |
Palmer | Parlourmaid for the Keiths at Northbridge Manor. | SH, CBI, PE, OBH, WDIM, LAA, 3S&T |
Palmer, Fred | Major landowner around Worsted and Skeynes. J.P. Owner of dairy herd. Brother of Rachel Dean. Called Henry by Rachel Dean in AF. | AF, BL, GU, MB, PE, LAR, OBH, DD, WDIM |
Palmer, Louise | Wife of Fred Palmer of Worsted. Female “squire” of Worsted because of her dominant and masterful personality. | AF, BL, GU, PE, LAR, OBH |
Parkinson, Rev. Theodore (Teddy) | Young theological student who went to school on state scholarships. Very sensitive to the fact that he wasn’t “gentry.” Was engaged to Mavis Welk, could go into her father’s undertaking business if he failed as a theological student. Married Mavis, had children Connie, Harold and Josiah. Was once looked down upon by Dean Crawley for mispronouncing Latin phrases. Passed exams and succeeded Mr. Miller as vicar of Pomfret Madrigal, where his obvious goodness and conscientiousness won everyone’s hearts, after which his feeling of inferiority began to fade. | PE, HR2, ESR, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T |
Parting, Master Cyril | b. 1943. One of the babies of nursery school at Stories during war. Chubby with golden curls. | PE |
Pettinger, Bertha | Headmistress of Barchester High School. Highly unpopular. Known to the girls as “The Beast.” Had tired waved hair and painted her face. Madeleine Sparling lived with her before the Hosiers’ Girls’ School moved to Harefield Park. Received OBE when she retired. | SH, B, CBI, NR, GU, HM, MB, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, DD, JC, WDIM, 3S&T |
Phelps, Admiral “Irons” | Retired Rear Admiral. Small, dry-faced, quiet and efficient worker on vital Committees. Lived at Jutland Cottage in Southbridge. Secretary of British Legion, Boy Scouts, and District Nursing Association, and churchwarden. Wounded at Battle of Jutland. Not well off financially. In increasingly poor health. Died in CQ. | CBI, NR, GU, PE, JC, WDIM, CQ, LAA, 3S&T |
Phelps, Margot | b. 1912. Daughter of Adm. and Mrs. Phelps. Large, not very attractive, efficient and industrious. Devoted to her parents. Was transformed into passable swan by Rose Fairweather and others, who taught her how to dress and make herself up attractively. Received two proposals, married Donald Macfadyen of Amalgamated Vedge and after his death became engaged to Tubby Fewling in CQ. | CBI, PE, JC, WDIM, CQ, LAA, 3S&T |
Phelps, Mrs. | Wife of Adm. Phelps, mother of Margot. Wore slacks. A great, bouncing masterful woman who treated everyone in the village as inferior officers and crew. Head of ARP and Village Red Cross in war. In increasingly poor health after war. With her husband and daughter, made cheerful best of life of poverty. Died in CQ. | CBI, PE, JC, WDIM, CQ, LAA |
Pomfret, Lord, 3rd Earl | Impoverished family by his gaming losses, so they had to move to Mellings, allowing Pomfret Towers to fall into ruins. | PT, PE, LAA |
Pomfret, Lord, 6th Earl | “Affectionate husband and father,” children Giles, Emily, and Agnes. One of the “most insufferable prigs of Victoria’s reign.” Rebuilt Pomfret Towers, inspired by St. Pancras Station at cost of £100,000. Eyes like a pig and fringe of red hair around bald head. Used to swear at the footmen. His wife was author of the shocking A Step Too Far. | WS, PT, PBO, PE, OBH, HR2, WDIM, ESR, LAA |
Pomfret, Giles, Lord, 7th Earl | d. 1940. Old Lord Pomfret. Resided at Pomfret Towers. Fabled for rudeness, boring dinners, and efforts to prevent modernization of the surrounding countryside. Brother of Lady Emily Leslie and Lady Agnes Foster. Married Edith Thorne. Author of A Landowner in Five Reins. Bought Pooker’s Piece to keep Sir Ogilvy Hibberd from building on it. Died in May, 1940, in CBO, with the names of his dead wife and son on his lips. | PT, B, BL, CBI, NR, MH, GU, MB, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T |
Pridham, Sir Edmund | b. 1866. Elderly country squire type, J.P. at Pomfret Madrigal, close friend of Lavinia Brandon — even proposed to her once in a friendly way. Childless widower, commanded Barsetshire Yeomanry in WWI, had crippled leg from war wound. Knew everybody in the county and all their relationships. “Doyen of the county in years and service … Had an eye that had frightened the toughest troopers in the Barsetshire Yeomanry out of their wits and made the Bishop, who was saying the Russians were our brothers, wilt uneasily into a mumbling explanation.” | B, BL, CBI, MH, GU, MB, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T |
Propett, Mr. | 1855-1946. Sexton of Southbridge. Died in PE. Made Vicar promise that old Bateman wouldn’t ring the church bell for him, and, with an evil giggle because he never married his “wife,” died. | PE, JC, CQ |
Propett, Mrs. | d. 1946. “Old Mrs. Propett,” aunt-in-law to “Young Mrs. Propett.” “Mrs.” by courtesy as she never married Mr. Propett. Drank a lot of gin in the night her husband died, and died herself. | PE, JC |
Rivers, George | Cousin of Old Lord Pomfret, husband of Hermione, who “drove him nearly demented.” Rarely left his home in Herefordshire. | PT, MH, PE, LAR, CC, DD, HR2, ESR, DA, LAA, 3S&T |
Rivers, Hermione | Wife of George Rivers, mother of Phoebe and Julian. Niece of Old Lord Nutfield, Amabel Marling’s father. Wrote books about middle-aged women’s platonic love affairs with younger men. | PT, CBI, MH, HM, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, ESR, NTL, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T |
Rivers, Julian | One of the few thoroughly despicable Thirkell characters. Long-haired, unwashed, considered himself an artist but is best at being a conceited prig. A member of the “Set of Five,” a group of artists as inept as himself. Made a pest of himself to naive Alice Barton in PT, until Roddy Wicklow rescued her. Unwillingly in Army briefly during war, but rescued as a “valuable artist.” | PT, MH, HM, PBO, PE, HR2, ESR, NTL, CQ, 3S&T |
Scott, Sir Gilbert | One of his pupils remodeled the Southbridge Vicarage in 1849. | PE |
Shergold, Mr. | Replaced Everard Carter as Senior Housemaster at Southbridge School. Former Navy man, served in destroyer Flatiron during war. His father was on the Board of Governors of the Ada Clotworthy Mental Institution. | PE, CC, JC, 3S&T |
Simnet | Butler for Birketts at Southbridge School. Was in France 1914-17. Impressively dignified. Formerly scout for Colin Keith’s hall at Oxford. Married Florrie, sister of Eileen the Red Lion barmaid, left Southbridge to serve as butler to Canon and Mrs. Joram in the Close. | CBI, HM, MB, PBO, PE, LAR, HR2, JC, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T |
Skinner, Lord | Master of Lazarus College and communist sympathizer. Became a socialist M.P. and took a Labour peerage. | PE |
Skinner, Lady | Wife of Master of Lazarus College. Rode around on a bicycle wearing a mackintosh, looking like Lady Godiva. | PE |
Smith, “Holy Joe” | Southbridge School chaplain. Once played football for Cambridge. Avid reader of thrillers. Fond of animals. | SH, CBI, PE, LAR, CC, JC, CQ, LAA |
Snow, Jim | Southbridge School carpenter. Good workman but garrulous. | PE, JC, NTL., CQ,3S&T |
Sonia | Actress who was with Jessica Dean while entertaining the troops in WWII. Peggy Arbuthnot replaced her when she went down with a hangover. | PE, LAR |
Sparling, Dr. Madeline | b. 1900. Headmistress of Hosiers’ Girls’ School. Mentioned by implication in CBI as being offensively treated by Miss Pettinger of Barchester High School, to which the Hosiers’ Girls were evacuated. The Hosiers leased Harefield Park in HM and she escaped the Pettinger’s clutches. Tall, stately, rather attractive. Short dark hair, brown eyes. Given honorary D.Litt. by Oxbridge. Married Sidney Carton after also being courted by Caleb Oriel. Retired in LAR. | CBI, HM, MB, PE, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, CQ, 3S&T |
Spurge- Mackworth | Author of A Concept of Neo-Phallic Thought. Studied milk allergies in children. | CBI, PE |
Stanhope, Lord | George Knox wrote a biography of him. There was an historical British official in India by this name, as well as several Trollope characters (but no Lords). | PE |
Stoke, Lord Thomas | b. 1866. Ancient and eccentric antiquarian, half-brother of Lucasta Bond. A bachelor who once loved Edith Thorne (who married Old Lord Pomfret). Traveled by horse and carriage or on horseback in defiance of modern age. Was convinced that everything he dug up was Viking remains. Extremely and conveniently deaf. In NTL, he is called Algernon Courcy Stoke and is said to have been born in 1876. | HR1, DH, PT, B, BL, CBI, MH, GU, MB, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T, MMS |
Swan, Eric | b. 1921. First seen as Southbridge School student who irritated Philip Winter by “looking at him through his spectacles.” Friend and classmate of Tony Morland and Percy Hacker. Went to Cambridge. Married Justinia Lufton after once being in love with Grace Grantly. Was in Africa during war. Became master at Beliers Priory School, later replaced Everard Carter as head of Southbridge School. | SH, CBI, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL, CQ, LAA, 3S&T |
Talbot, Miss (Marjorie) | b.1891. Lived at Aloes in Northbridge with younger sister Dolly and elderly father Prof. Amorel Talbot. In appearance, similar to her sister. Their enthusiasm for the Church is a severe cross borne by Father Fewling. Pillars of the Red Cross. | NR, PE, WDIM, DA |
Talbot, Miss Dolly | b.1892. Lived at Aloes in Northbridge with her sister Marjorie and elderly father Prof. Amorel Talbot. Gray hair, battered tweeds and brogues | NR, PE, WDIM, DA |
Talbot, Prof. Amorel | (1860-1945) or (1857-1952) or ? Father of Miss Talbot and Miss Dolly Talbot of Northbridge. Expert on Medieval Church. Had brothers Sir Alwyn and Dr. Tufnell. Mind not what it once was. Dead by time of PE. Dead again by WDIM, and again by DA (1957) — Wow! | NR, PE, WDIM, DA |
Tebben, Gilbert | Husband of Winifred, father of Margaret and Richard. Resident of Lamb’s Piece near Worsted. Civil servant, interested in old Norse history and epics. | AF, BL, GU, MB, PE, LAR, OBH, DD, WDIM |
Tebben, Margaret | Daughter of Gilbert and Winifred Tebben of Worsted. Married Laurence Dean, later mentioned as having son and daughter. | AF, BL, GU, MB, PE, LAR, JC, WDIM |
Tebben, Richard | b.1914. Son of Gilbert and Winifred Tebben of Worsted. First seen as self-centered, obnoxious and unsympathetic, considered courtesy a type of hypocritical snobbery.Ashamed of his hard-working, well-meaning parents. Infatuated with Rachel Dean in AF. Saved Jessica Dean from the Leslies’ bull,Rushwater Rubicon, so was given a job in Dean’s engineering firm (in spite of his poor showing at Oxford).ddle East during war, invalided out with tropical disease. Later married domineering Petra Krogsborg and got a job with Mr. Adams. Improved somewhat, but never very likeable. | MB, PE, LAR, OBH, DD, WDIM |
Thatcher | Of Grumper’s End. Father of Jimmy, Ernie, Herb, Teddy, Edna, Doris, etc. Unwashed and uneducated, with a bad leg. During war, all London evacuee children gravitated to his house because of a natural affinity for dirt. | B, CBI, MB, PE, HR2 |
Todd, Anne | Laura Morland’s secretary, married George Knox, novelist and windbag, of High Rising, after turning down proposal from Dr. Ford. WVS secretary in war. Competent and practical, unlike her garrulous husband. | HR1, DH, GU, MB, PBO, PE, ESR, NTL, LAA, 3S&T |
Tom, Uncle | Dotty great-uncle of Southbridge master Shergold. Left all his money to the Ada Clotworth Mental Institution. | PE |
Tompion | Rather evangelical vicar at Little Misfit. Chaplain in war. Married daughter of a Colonel from Leamington. | B, GL, PE |
Tompion, Mrs. | Wife of Vicar of Little Misfit, a colonel’s daughter from Leamington. Slightly evangelical. Stayed with Col. and Mrs. Parkinson in Leamington during war while husband was a military chaplain. | B, GU, PE |
Tone, Mars | Artist who was suggested as a candidate to do a bas-relief of “Knowledge and Ignorance” for Southbridge School. A leading light of the modern Phallo-Hexagonal School. | PE |
Traill, Donald | Master at Southbridge School. Lived in Maria Cottage, Wiple Terrace. Drove his neighbors crazy with his gramophone. | PE, OBH, CC, HR2, JC, ESR, NTL, CQ, 3S&T |
Turner, Betty | Young niece of Mrs. Poppy Turner of Northbridge, with whom she and her sister lived after their parents died of influenza. First encountered on a picnic in B. Began each new statement with her favorite word, “Ackcherly.” Married Capt. Crosby Topham, lived in Norfolk after war. | B, CBI, NR, MB, PE, WDIM |
Turner, Miss | Other niece of Mrs. Turner, first name never given. Married Tommy G reaves. | CBI, NR, MB, PE, W DI M |
Turner, Poppy | Resided at The Hollies in Northbridge with her two nieces, Betty and “Mrs. Turner’s other niece.” A sprightly and energetic widow. Ran communal kitchen during war. Harold Downing was attracted, but was prevented from marrying her first by his dominant landlady’s possessiveness (Miss Pemberton) and then by his belief that his studious life was not suited for Mrs. Turner. Mrs. Turner lived with Betty and her husband after war, but returned to Northbridge and married Downing in 1953. | CBI, NR, MB, PE, JC, WDIM, DA |
Twicker | Gardener for the Keiths. Married the Keiths’ old Nannie. Name is spelled “Twitcher” in some books. Dead by time of LAA. | SH, PE, WDIM, LAA |
Van Dryven, Woolcott Jefferson | Wealthy American who married Betty Dean. He “looks after his money and does a spot of archaeology.” Had a Classical Excavation diploma from U. of Pittsburgh. | BL, PE, LAR, WDIM, LAA |
Vance, Mrs. | Nurse for Mrs. Brandon at Stories, later for Francis and Peggy Brandon’s children. | PE |
Verena | Heifer at Noel Merton’s Northbridge Manor estate, named after Mrs. Villars, the vicar’s wife. | PE |
Verger | Dean Crawley’s butler. | PE, WDIM, DA, 3S&T |
Villars | b. 1914. Elder son of Gregory and Verena Villars. A professor in a provincial university. | NR, PE, CQ |
Villars, John | b. 1918. Younger son of Gregory and Verena Villars. Rather likeable but self-centered and immature. Wing Commander in Air Force during war. Married with two children by 1952. | NR, GU, PE, JC, CQ |
Villars, Rev. Gregory | b. 1886. Vicar of Northbridge. Former headmaster of Coppin’s School. Canon of Barchester by LAX | SH, CBI, NR, GU, MB, PE, CC, JC, WDIM, DA, CQ, LAA |
Villars, Verena | b. 1892. Wife of Rev. Gregory Villars, vicar of Northbridge. Typical languid, middle-aged, attractive Thirkell heroine. Had “a bit of a heart.” Two sons. | SH, CBI, NR, GU, MB, PE, DD, JC, WDIM, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T |
Waring, Gen. Sir Harry | (1866-1949) Resident of Beliers Priory before war. Son George (deceased), wife Harriet. Was in 408th Regt. in Boer War and WWI. Although he had been a general, he hated making tough decisions. Lived in servants’ quarters during war while most of the Priory was a convalescent hospital. Died by the time of DD. | GU, MB, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, WDIM, ESR, CQ, LAA, 3S&T |
Waring, George | (1900-1918) Son of Sir Harry and Lady Waring. Killed just before Armistice Day in WWI. Attended Southbridge School. Had been in love with Dean Crawley ‘s oldest daughter, then 15, when he left. | GU, PE, LAR, DD, HR2, CQ, LAA |
Waring, Lady Harriet | (1878-1949) Wife of Gen. Sir Harry Waring. Tall and distinguished. Competent, hard-working, intelligent and well educated. Never truly recovered from the death of her son in 1918. | GU, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, WDIM, CQ |
Waring, Leslie | Cousin of Sir Harry and Lady Waring. Sister of Cecil. Worked in Naval charities organization until she had a breakdown and came to Beliers Priory to recuperate. Had been torpedoed while returning from America and was in an open boat for 2 days. Married Philip Winter and helped him turn Beliers Priory into a school after the war. Children Noel (1946) and Harriet (1948). | GU, MB, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, CQ |
Welk, Harold | Father of Mavis Parkinson. Wife died when she was 27. An undertaker by profession, well-to-do, practical, definitely of the people but nice. | PE, CC, HR2, LAA |
Welk, Mavis | Married Theodore Parkinson, the rather naive theological student who later became vicar first of Pomfret Madrigal, then of Greshamsbury. Three children, Harold, Connie, and Josiah. | PE, CC, ESR, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T |
Wheeler | “Old Wheeler,” a Keith retainer at Northbridge. | PE, WDIM |
Wickham | b.1898. Middle-aged naval man invalided out after Dunkirk. Acted as estate agent for Noel Merton at Northbridge Manor. Known as “Wicks.” Was a farmer between service in both wars. An avid birdwatcher with a remarkable capacity to absorb alcohol, large quantities of which were sent him by naval friends all over the world. Nephew of Mr. Johns, publisher. Proposed to and was refused by Effie Arbuthnot, Isabel Dale, and Margot Phelps (in each case the refusal was a great relief!) | PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, CQ, LAA, 3S&T |
Wicklow, Alice | b.1944. Daughter of Roddy and Alice Wicklow. Attended Barchester High School, planned to be a vet. | PE, OBH, WDIM, LAA |
Wicklow, Guy | b.1941. Son of Roddy and Alice Wicklow. Planned to enter forestry. | PE, OBH, WDIM, LAA, 3S&T |
Wicklow, Phoebe | b.1943. Daughter of Roddy and Alice Wicklow. Planned to attend art school. | PE, OBH, WDIM, LAA, 3S&T |
Wicklow, Roddy | Son of Mr. Wicklow of Barton and Wicklow, Architects. Assistant estate agent to Mr. Hoare at Pomfret Towers, later took over the estate himself. Big, good-natured, he married Alice Barton and became invaluable assistant to his brother-in-law Giles, Lord Pomfret. Wounded in leg, which kept him out of most of war, but returned to fight in Belgium near war’s end. | PT, B, BL, CBI, MH, GU, HM, MB, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, DD, WDIM, ESR, NTL, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T |
Wicklow, Sally | b.1914. Daughter of Mr. Wicklow the architect. Enthusiastic outdoorswoman who loved horses and dogs, “the best hands in the county.” Married Giles Foster, who became Lord Pomfret, and took much of the burden of duties over from him because of his poor health. Children Ludovic, Emily, Giles. Conscientious and hard-working, she was on every important committee during and after the war. | PT, B, CBI, MH, HM, MB, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T |
Winter, Philip | Under-housemaster to Everard Carter at Southbridge School, where he was Senior Classics Master. Son of a clergyman. At first meeting, a hot-tempered communist sympathizer. Was engaged to Rose Birkett, the nitwit daughter of the headmaster, and was extremely jealous. Became unengaged on day of memorable picnic on an island in the Rising River at Northbridge, culminating in Rose’s throwing her ring at him (a relief to all concerned.) Joined the Territorials during the war, rose to rank of Colonel, and lost his communist sympathies. Was called “Carrots” and “Fireworks” in school because of red hair. Married Leslie Waring, started Priory School in Beliers Priory, later moved school to Harefield. | SH, CBI, GU, MB, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, ESR, CQ, LAA, 3S&T |
Wiple | Small master builder of Southbridge. Created Wiple Terrace in 1820 – Four small cottages named for his four daughters (Maria, Louisa, Adelina, and Editha). In 3S&T Wiple Terrace was rescued from Sir Ogilvy Hibberd’s plan to raze it and build a factory | CBI, PE, JC, 3S&T |