Companion to Three Score and Ten

Started by Mrs. Thirkell, completed by C. E. Lejeune (London film critic and friend of the author) after her death at the Biblical age of three score and ten. The story is, fittingly, set mostly in High Rising, the scene of her first book, with Laura Morland and her grandson Robin (the image of his father Tony) as the main characters. Highlights: visits to Rising Castle and the Cottage Hospital; the Barsetshire Agricultural Show (complete with Packer’s Derby) and the Horse and Dog Show; a campaign to stop the destruction of Wiple Terrace, where Lord Aberfordbury planned to build a factory; meetings with old friends such as Denis Stonor, C. W. and Daphne Bond, Lucasta Bond, Gradka the Mixo-Lydian ambassadress; news of Eric Swan’s appointment as Headmaster at Southbridge School; news of the birth of twins to Tommy and Octavia Needham (making eight children, just as it should); Dr. Ford’s engagement to Sylvia Gould, who had refused him long ago; and the conclusion with a grand birthday party for Laura Morland—organized at the instigation of Robin Morland (son of Tony), Amabel Adams (daughter of Sam and Lucy) and Eleanor Leslie (daughter of Martin and Sylvia). We are given a final look at Barsetshire, as the sun glints off the Cathedral spire.


Book Title and Abbreviation

High Rising HR
Wild Strawberries WS
The Demon in the House DH
Mrs. Morland and Son MMS
August Folly AF
Summer Half SH
Pomfret Towers PT
The Brandons B
Before Lunch BL
Cheerfulness Breaks In CBI
Northbridge Rectory NR
Marling Hall MH
Growing Up GU
The Headmistress H
Miss Bunting MB
Peace Breaks Out PBO
Private Enterprise PE
Love Among the Ruins LAR
The Old Bank House OBH
County Chronicle CC
The Duke’s Daughter DD
Happy Return HR2
Jutland Cottage JC
What Did It Mean? WDM
Enter Sir Robert ESR
Never Too Late NTL
A Double Affair DA
Close Quarters CQ
Love at All Ages LAA
Three Score and Ten TST


Character, Description, and Book Abbreviations

Adams, Amabel Rose b. 1950. Daughter of Sam and Lucy (Marling) Adams. Fair and blue-eyed. DD, HR2, 3S&T
Adams, Heather b. 1928. Daughter of Sam Adams. First seen as a large, awkward, red-faced, graceless student at the Hosiers’ Girls’ Foundation School. Infatuated with Freddy Belton, but Freddy was definitely not attracted to red-haired, pimply, lumpish Heather, despite having pulled her out of an ice-covered pond. Great mathematical ability. Mrs. Belton and Miss Bunting helped improve her social graces out of all recognition. She won a maths scholarship to Cambridge, developed into a capable, intelligent, “Lucy Marlingish” person who helped her father in his business. Married Ted Pilward, son of Hogglestock brewing magnate. Two children, elder was Edward Belton Pilward. HM, MB, PBO, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, WDIM, ESR, DA, CQ, 3S&T
Adams, Leslie Younger daughter of Sam and Lucy (Marling) Adams. 3S&T
Adams, Samuel b. 1902. At first appearance he was a widower with daughter Heather. At first he was definitely “one of the people” and proud of it, and of his rise from poverty to wealth and power as owner of iron works and rolling mills at Hogglestock. He was loud, flamboyant, socially inept and convinced that money can do anything. He improved greatly by association with county families, especially Mrs. Belton. Married Lucy Marling (almost as overwhelming a personality as himself), bought the Old Bank House at Edgewood, had daughters Amabel Rose and Leslie, and son William. Became solidly conservative and used his money to foil unnecessary “progress” and liberal inroads. Leased part of Pomfret Towers to use as a central office. Defeated Sir Robert Fielding as Labour candidate for Parliament, but became a Conservative and joined Church of England. HM, MB, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Adams, William Son of Sam and Lucy (Marling) Adams. CQ, 3S&T
Albert Lord Stoke’s footman, later butler. Brother of Mrs. Knox’s housemaid, Annie. Cousin of Mrs. Panter of Hatch End. DH, ESR, NTL, 3S&T
Alcock, Ruby Student at Barchester High, contemporary of Grace Grantly. In the “unraveling game” the word “mouthwash” made her think of Paradise Lost. (There was a mouthwash named “Milton.”) OBH, 3S&T
Alf Half-wit who worked as odd man for the George Knoxes. Amiable fellow who had a way with birds and animals. Illegitimate son of a not-too-bright mother and a traveling salesman. 3S&T
Annie “Mr. Knox’s Annie.” Housekeeper for George Knox at Low Rising Manor House both before and after his marriage to Anne Todd. Sister of Lord Stoke’s footman, Albert. HR1, DH, 3S&T, MMS
Arabin, Francis, Dean Character in Trollope. Fellow of Lazarus College, Vicar of St. Ewold’s, Dean of Barchester Cathedral. Married Eleanor Harding Bold. Children Ellie and Susan. Put bathrooms into Deanery in 1876. CBI, MB, OBH, CC, HR2, CQ, 3S&T
Arbuthnot, Effie (F.E.) b. 1909. Full name Florence Edith. Capable, tall, large-framed woman with rather harsh features. Sister of the dashing but deceased Capt. Fred Arbuthnot, sister-in-law of the beautiful Peggy. Fond of birds and gardening, she was the author of Coot and Hern. In PE she refused a proposal from Mr. Wickham and accepted one from Col. The Rev. Francis Edward Crofts, vicar of Southbride. PE, OBH, CC, HR2, JC, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Bateman Former batman of Col. Crofts, later his general factotum. Married Eileen, barmaid at the Red Lion in Southbridge. PE, CC, JC, ESR, CQ, 3S&T
Beeton, Mrs. Cook at Rising Castle for Lord Stoke. Had an operation on her leg. Had a sister in Eastbourne. Same name as writer of a famous cookbook. 3S&T
Belton, Charles Thome b. 1922. Younger son of Fred and Lucy Belton of Harefield. First seen as haphazard, energetic, self-centered, immature. In Army artillery during war. Married Clarissa Graham after long on-again- off-again engagement in which Clarissa, unsettled by her grandmother Lady Emily Leslie’s death, behaved badly. They were married on New Year’s Day, 1952. Charles taught at Beliers Priory School, later at. Harefield House School. one son, one daughter. HM, MB, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, DA, CQ, 3S&T
Belton, Lucy Thorne Wife of Fred Belton of Harefield. Children Freddie, Elsa, Charles. Descendant of fine old county family (Trollope’s Dr. Thorne). Acted as good influence to wear down the rough edges of Sam Adams. HM, MB, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Bent, Miss Friend of the rather terrifyingly masculine Miss Hampton. Resided with her at Adelina Cottage, Wiple Terrace, Southbridge. Much more feminine and fussy than her companion, a bit folksy-artsy, scraggly in appearance and somewhat domestic. CBI, GU, MB, PBO, PE, OBH, CC, JC, WDIM, NTL, CQ, 3S&T
Birkett, Amy Wife of William Birkett, headmaster of Southbridge School. “Ma Birky” to the schoolboys. Daughters Rose and Geraldine. Close friend of Laura Morland, the novelist. HR1, DH, SH, CBI, NR, GU, MB, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, HR2, JC, WDIM, 3S&T, MMS
Birkett, Rose Older daughter of William and Amy Birkett. Beautiful but mentally negligible. Engaged six or more times, including to Philip Winter in SH until she threw her ring at him at the Keiths’. Always had an oft- repeated catchword (perfectly foul, meager, dispiriting, shattering, etc.) In CBI married John Fairweather of the Royal Navy, who could control his “elegant nitwit” well. Stationed abroad most of the war in Washington, S. America, Portugal, etc. Returned to England after war and became much more sensible, often helping others with their problems. Children Henry, Amy, two others all born 1940-1946. HR1, SH, CBI, GU, MB, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Birkett, William (Henry?) Headmaster of Southbridge School. Usually called William, but is called Henry in GU and 3S&T. Had been assistant master and Head of the Prep School before becoming Headmaster. Retired in 1947 and took the Dower House at Worsted. HR1, SH, CBI, NR, GU, MB, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Bishop’s wife Unpleasant, inhospitable, snobbish. One son. MB, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL, DA, LAA, CQ, 3S&T
Bishop of Barchester Never mentioned by name. Parsimonious, low-church, unpopular. One son, said to be “in mission field” but really worked in office at Westminster. Preached love for Germans, Communists, etc., and was a Liberal. Nicknamed “Old Gasbag.” Worthy successor to Trollope’s Bishop Proudie. Never made on “on-stage” appearance. SH, B, BL, CBI, NR, MH, GU, HM, MB, PBO, PE, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Bissell, Elaine Wife of Headmaster of Hosiers’ Boys’ Foundation School. Plump, placid and efficient. Devoted to her husband, whom she called “Daddy.” Childless, but guardian to mentally defective niece Edna. Former psychology teacher. A bit Red, but nice, and her views became more conservative with time. CBI, PBO, PE, CC, 3S&T
Bissell, Mr. Head of Hosiers’ Boys’ Foundation School, which was evacuated during war from London to Southbridge. Lean, middle-sized man, well-meaning but quick to feel slighted, since the Hosiers’ boys were socially inferior to the Southbridgians. Had Communist leanings at first appearance. Devoted to his wife Elaine, whom he called “Mother,” although they had no children. Improved through constant association with the Birketts, became quite likable although gauche. CBI, PBO, PE, CC, JC, 3S&T
Blumenfeld, Nat American musical producer for whose last production Denis Stonor did music and lyrics. LAR, CC, 3S&T
Bodger, Percy (“Purse”) Grandson of “Old Bodger,” the ratcatcher at Pomfret Towers. Helped excavate the well at the Old Rectory at Hallbury, then cleaned out Sam Adams’s well at the Old Bank House. MB, OBH, CC, 3S&T
Bohun, Thomas Canon of Barchester 1657-65. Metaphysical (and somewhat off-color) poet. Oliver Marling wrote a book about him. Died in the Great Plague, leaving money to found cottages of Boon’s Benefit in Winter Overcotes. MH, GU, LAR, CC, DD, HR2, ESR, DA, 3S&T
Bond, Alured d. 1952. 2nd Lord Bond. Resident of Staple Park near Worsted. Wife Lucasta, son C. W. Strongly opposed Sir Ogilvy Hibberd’s purchase of Pooker’s Piece in BL. Small, round, with white mustache. Fond of Gilbert and Sullivan. A bit overshadowed by his masterful wife. During the war he gave Staple Park to a boys’ school and lived at the White House. Traced ancestry back to King Alfred with a “gap of only 30 generations.” Surprisingly, a Liberal. Dead by time of WDIM. AF, BL, MH, GU, MB, PE, LAR, OBH, DD, WDIM, ESR, DA, 3S&T
Bond, Cedric Weyland (C.W.) Son of Lord and Lady Bond of Staple Park. Attended Hacker’s public school. In AF was fond of Betty Dean, but this was ruined by “excessive parental enthusiasm.” Became engaged to Daphne Stonor in BL. Lived in the White House next to Laverings after the war. Two sons. AF, BL, LAR, OBH, WDIM, ESR, LAA, 3S&T
Bonescu, Gradka Unattractive and lumpish Mixo-Lydian. Acted as cook-housekeeper to Fieldings at Hall’s End in Hallbury. Father was a university professor. Alternately cringing and arrogant. Studied to pass English exam. Miss Bunting achieved an amazing transformation and earned Gradka’s undying gratitude by helping her become a competent and self-assured person (compared to the rest of her countrymen.) Disliked her fellow-Mixo-Lydian refugees. Returned to Mixo-Lydia to found the Bunting College of English, later was Mixo-Lydian ambassador. MB, PBO, LAR, CC, DD, WDIM, DA, CQ, 3S&T
Boulle, Pierre b. 1909. Frenchman, son of Prof. Henri Boulle. Tutored Martin Leslie in French. Had French Royalist sympathies. Fell in love with Lady Agnes Graham, “rescued” her daughter Edith from fishpond. Was confused with Jules Duval in PBO. In French Mixo-Lydian embassy in DA, mentioned as Maitre Boulle, professor at Academie Francaise in 3S&T. WS, PBO, LAR, DD, DA, LAA, 3S&T
Brandon, Lavinia Oliver 1891-1961. Attractive and languid widow, in early middle-age at first appearance in B. Son Francis, daughter Delia. Absent-minded, inattentive, apt to say anything that came into her mind. Originally lived at Stories in Pomfret Madrigal (used as a nursery school for evacuees during war.) One gathers that Mrs. Brandon, along with Mrs. Morland, is something of a self-portrait of Mrs. Thirkell as she saw herself. Expert at looking languidly beautiful and falling asleep at inappropriate moments, and at rejecting unwanted suitors. Beautiful hands, graced by a diamond given to her by Aunt Sissie Brandon because she was just the sort of woman Fred Brandon would have liked. Became engaged to Bishop William Joram in CC, moved to the Cathedral Close on their marriage. B, CBI, MH, GU, HM, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Brown, Haig Northbridge police constable, nephew of Mr. Brown of the Red Lion in Southbridge. Two sons, one of whom was Ernie. JC, NTL, CQ, 3S&T
Brown, Joe Landlord of the Red Lion at Southbridge, also owned a taxi. Once attended Old Sewerworks Road School in London. CBI, GU, PBO, PE, JC, NTL, 3S&T
Bunce d. 1957. “Old Bunce,” the ferryman at Northbridge. Claimed the war would start in the fall because he knew the signs. Daughters Effie and Ruby. Foul-mouthed domestic tyrant, suspected of beating his daughters (who probably deserved it.) Probably meant to be a descendant of Trollope’s Bunce, senior bedesman in Hiram’s Hospital, though Old Bunce represents all the negative traits of the “lower orders,” unlike Trollope’s Bunce. SH, CBI, NR, MB, PE, OBH, JC, WDIM, DA, LAA, 3S&T
Bunce, Effie Came by the day to do for Miss Pemberton in Northbridge. Worked at Master’s Dairy near Hallbury in MB. Had several illegitimate children by unknown fathers. SH, NR, MB, OBH, WDIM, NTL, DA, LAA, 3S&T
Bunce, Ruby Like her sister Effie, she was slovenly but hard-working, amoral, haphazard, and near illiterate. Had several illegitimate offspring by unknown fathers. SH, NR, WDIM, NTL, DA, LAA, 3S&T
Bunce, Young Son of “Old Bunce.” He was 63 and was hit with a mattock by Hibberd for digging a grave in “Hibberd’s churchyard” while Hibberd was delirious with flu. Cowman for the Mertons at Northbridge. SH, NR, OBH, WDIM, 3S&T,
Bunting, Miss Maude “Bunny” Governess to the Best People in Barsetshire for over forty years. Her pupils included David Leslie, Lord Henry Palliser, Mrs. Marling’s brothers and their children, Anne Fielding, and Heather Adams. First seen at Marling Hall as governess to Lettice (Marling) Watson’s children. Governess to Anne Fielding during war. Had recurring dream that she lectured Hitler about killing her pupils, and always awakened just as he was about to reply. She believed that if she could just keep from waking until he answered, then the war would end. One day she didn’t wake up … she died as the war ended. As a result of her tutoring, the Fieldings’ Mixo-Lydian maid Gradka returned to her country to found schools. Miss Bunting became patron saint of Mixo-Lydian education. Gentle but firm. MH, MB, PBO, OBH, CC, DD, CO, 3S&T
Burden Elderly waiter at the White Hart in Barchester. Had bad leg but refused to have it X-rayed because it wasn’t decent that young ladies take the X-ray pictures. Overheard much county gossip but kept it to himself. LAR, OBH, HR2, JC, ESR, DA, LAA, 3S&T
Burden, Mrs. Wife of Burden the waiter. Described as “long-suffering.” 3S&T
Cameron, Alistair Partner of John Middleton in his architectural firm. Read the classics for pleasure, wrote reviews on them. Did most of the work of the firm. Prejudiced against women because his “blood had been curdled by two aunts and a governess early in life.” In BL, after brief engagement to Daphne Stonor, became engaged to Daphne’s step-mother Lillian. BL, MH, 3S&T
Carter, Angela b. 1940. Daughter of Everard and Kate (Keith) Carter. Aged 2 in GU. GU, PBO, PE, OBH, CC, JC, WDIM, LAA, 3S&T
Carter, Everard b. 1909?. Southbridge School History master and Housemaster who succeeded Mr. Birkett as Headmaster. Became engaged to Kate Keith in SH. Cambridge man. Retired by time of 3S&T. Lived at Northbridge Rectory after retirement SH, B, CBI, GU, MB, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Carton, Sidney Middle-aged former Oxford don when first encountered in HM. Tall and untidy with receding hairline and spectacles. Amateur genealogist who knew all county relationships and histories. Resident of Assaye House in Harefield. Married Madeleine Sparling, Headmistress of Hosiers’ Girls’ School. HM, MB, PBO, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, CQ, 3S&T
Catt Lord Stoke’s bootmaker in Bond Street, called “Puss-in-Boots.” 3S&T
Chiffinch, Nurse Known as “Squiffy” to her nursing friends, Sisters Heath and Ward. First seen in PT caring for those ill of influenza. Drove Julian Rivers to distraction by being motherly. Later was nurse to Mrs. Keith and Lady Emily Leslie. Was at Cottage Hospital in MB. Shared apartment with Sisters Heath and Ward, and they planned to open a nursing home for wealthy patients needing unnecessary care. DH, PT, CBI, MH, GU, HM, MB, PBO, CC, DD, HR2, WDIM, ESR, NTL, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T MB
Choyce, Rev. Mr. Herbert Old friend of Mr. Leonard Halliday, who presented him with the living at Hatch End in 1933. Had been working in a Liverpool parish. Engaged to Miss Merriman in NTL, married her in DA. PBO, ESR, NTL, DA, LAA, 3S&T
Churchill, Winston Spencer Mentioned in admiring terms in almost every book. He made a cameo appearance at the Conservative Rally at Stale Park in LAR. LAR, DA, LAA, 3S&T
Clover, Aubrey Actor-writer-producer for London stage. Wounded at Dunkirk -“shrapnel in tummy.” Name was really Caleb Lover, but his writing of “C. Lover” was so often mistaken for Clover that he changed it. Playwright ofOut Goes She, Three for a Letter, etc. Married Jessica Dean, had daughter Sarah Siddons. Rather protean type who could be almost any character without seeming to have much personality of his own. PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, WDIM, ESR, NTL, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Clover, Sarah Siddons b. 1949. Daughter of Aubrey and Jessica (Dean) Clover. CC, WDIM, ESR, 3S&T
Coates, Adrian Publisher of Laura Morland’s books. Lived in London and had some “Jewish blood.” Proposed to Mrs. Morland under the influence of a motor wreck and George Knox’s punch, was refused (to his relief), later married Knox’s daughter Sibyl. HR1, DH, PT, B, CBI, NR, MH, MB, PBO, LAR, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, LAA, 3S&T, MMS
Cowshay, Miss Former clerk in cashier’s office at Pilchard’s. Later worked with Geoffrey Harvey in Regional Commissioners Office, then in costing deptartment at Sam Adams’s Hogglestock works, and finally as Sam’s secretary at Pomfret Towers. MH, OBH, CC, DA, LAA, 3S&T
Cox Possibly a local fruiterer, since Robin Morland asked for Cox’s orange pippins to give to a pony 3S&T
Crawley, Grace b. 1937. Fair-haired granddaughter of Dean Crawley. Married John-Arthur Crosse. DA, 3S&T
Crawley, Jane b. 1938. Dark-haired granddaughter of Dean Crawley. With sister Grace, named after the two daughters of the Josiah Crawley of Trollope’s novels. Married George Halliday. DA, 3S&T
Crawley, Josiah Canon, Dean of Barchester. First seen as a friend of Lady Pomfret in PT. Eight children, 17 grandchildren in PE. Had shared digs with George Knox at Oxford. Once blackballed Sir Ogilvy Hibberd for Polyanthus Club. Grandson of Josiah Crawley, curate of Hogglestock in Trollope’s novels. Opposed Bishop’s parsimony and low-church, Liberal views. DH, SH, PT, B, CBI, NR, MH, GU, HM, MB, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Crawley, Mrs. Wife of Josiah Crawley, Dean of Barchester. Gave lavish teas to county families, subtly underscoring the miserliness of the Bishop and Bishopess at the Palace. Two sons, six daughters, including Secunda, Tertia, Octavia. SH, BL, CBI, NR, MH, GU, HM, MB, PBO, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, NTL, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Crawley, Octavia Youngest daughter of Dean Crawley. Competent, managing, hard-working. Interested in nursing. Married Rev. Tommy Needham and was a conscientious clergyman’s wife. Numerous children. CBI, NR, MH, GU, HM, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, WDIM, ESR, DA, LAA, 3S&T
Crofts, Col. Francis Edward Tall, middle-aged man with blue eyes, shaggy eyebrows, mustache and beard. Served many years in the Indian Army, then retired. A widower with two sons in Indian army. Took orders and became Vicar of Southbridge. Married Miss Effie Arbuthnot. PE, OBH, CC, JC, ESR, NTL, DA, CQ, 3S&T
Crosse, John-Arthur b. 1923. Son of Lord Crosse of Crosse Hall. In Barsetshire Yeomanry during war. Bank manager after war. Fond of Edith Graham in ESR, but married Grace Crawley. ESR, NTL, DA, CQ, 3S&T
Crosse, Lord John Morton Father of John-Arthur and two daughters. [Name originally was spelled “Cross” but “e” was added by Mrs. Thirkell because there was a real Lord Cross.] 3rd Baron, lived at Crosse Hall (which was mentioned in Trollope though the family wasn’t). Lady Emily Leslie remembered him as a small boy in kilts and curls who fell in love with her when she was a young married woman. ESR, NTL, DA, CQ, 3S&T
Cutt Lord Stoke’s Savile Row tailor. 3S&T
Dale, Isabel b. 1920. Underling to Eleanor Grantly at Red Cross Library. Cousin to Robin Dale. From Allington. Resigned her Red Cross post in CC. Tall, fair-haired, blue-eyed with oval face. Was engaged to a man (John) who was killed in Italy, later married Lord Silverbridge. Son Gerald (1950), second son in 1952. Under pseudonym Lisa Bedale, wrote detective novels featuring Gerry Marsden. OBH, DD, H R2, JC, WDIM, ESR, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Dale, Robin b. 1919. Son of Dr. Dale, Rector of Hallbury. Lost a foot at Anzio after going through N. Africa and Sicily. Was Jr. Classics master at Southbridge. After his injury he started a prep school for small boys at Hallbury. Married Anne Fielding, returned to teach at Southbridge where he was Jr. Housemaster. Left to start a prep school at Allington. MB, PBO, LAR, OBH, CC, HR2, WDIM, ESR, DA, LAA, 3S&T
Dean, Frank b. 1874. Head of engineering firm. Resided at Manor House, Worsted. Wife Rachel, children Laurence, Helen, Betty, Susan, a pair of twins, Gerald, Robin and Jessica. AF, GU, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Dean, Helen Eldest daughter of Frank and Rachel Dean. “Demon driver” of fast cars. Married middle-aged Oxford don Charles Fanshawe. Three children, including Rachel. AF, HM, PE, LAR, OBH, HR2, JC, ESR, CQ, 3S&T,
Dean, Jessica b. 1925? 1932? Youngest daughter of Frank and Rachel Dean, Child of 3 or 4 at first appearance in AF, but was an actress in PE; confused chronology unless she was a stage veteran at 16. Collected salvage and learned jujitsu during war. Married producer-writer Aubrey Clover, who wrote sophisticated small cast plays for her with his music and lyrics. Had daughter Sarah Siddons. Clever, voluble, sympathetic with shy people like Ludo Lufton. Interfered in people’s lives for their own good. AF, BL, GU, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Dean, Rachel Wife of Frank Dean of Worsted. Sister of Mrs. Palmer. Languid and attractive; like Mrs. Morland and Mrs. Brandon, enchanting to younger men. Used the excuse of “having a heart” to avoid unpleasant tasks. Ran land army for area during war. AF, GU, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, WDIM, ESR, LAA, 3S&T
Dingle, Gladys Eileen’s (of the Red Lion) married sister, who took in three evacuees from London. Cleaning woman at cottages at Wiple Terrace. Had alcoholic husband. CBI, 3S&T
Donald School friend of Robin Morland. Had a horse which Robin liked to ride. 3S&T
Downing, Harold b. 1886. Writer on Provenç:al literature of Medieval Period. Rented room from Ianthe Pemberton in Northbridge, and was practically imprisoned by her possessiveness. Was compiling anthology of 12th-century Provençal lyrics, had written life of poet Reynault Camargou. Almost married Poppy Turner in NR, did so thirteen years later in WDIM. NR, PBO, PE, CC, HR2, JC, WDIM, DA, 3S&T
Dudley, Matron Poppy Matron at Southbridge School, aunt of George Empson the wireless expert. Frequently at odds with Mr. Ferris, the Housemaster. HR1, DH, SH, CBI, GU, MB, PBO, PE, CC, HR2, JC, ESR, NTL, CQ, 3S&T, MMS
Empson, George Southbridge School Matron Poppy Dudley’s nephew. Normally a wireless operator and electrician on luxury liners to New York, he wired Editha Cottage for the Arbuthnots, with a running commentary on old wiring and proper method for rewiring that almost drove them crazy. His ship was RMS Vomitorium. Torpedoed twice during war. HR1, SH, CBI, GU, PE, CC, HR2, JC, NTL, CQ, 3S&T
Fanshawe, Charles Don at Paul’s College, Oxford, self-proclaimed “despiser of women,” something of a character. Honorary “Uncle” of Dean children at Worsted, former tutor of Winifred Tebben. In late 40’s when first introduced in AF. Married much younger Helen Dean, after believing he was too old for her. Three children, including Rachel. Later became Dean of Paul’s. Was remembered for climbing around entire outside of college without touching round when he was an undergraduate. AF, CBI, HM, LAR, OBH, CC, HR2, JC, ESR, DA, CQ, 3S&T
Feeder, Mr. Master at Southbridge School, lived in Louisa Cottage, Wiple Terrace. Drove everyone crazy with his wireless. PE, OBH, CC, JC, ESR, NTL, DA, CQ, 3S&T
Feeder, Mrs. b. 1892. Mother of Mr. Feeder. Came to live near him in Editha Cottage. Tall, gaunt widow. Had learned to drink to please her husband, who had gastric trouble and couldn’t drink but enjoyed watching her. PE, OBH, CC, JC, NTL, CQ, 3S&T
Fewling, Father George”Tubby” Former Naval chaplain (Commander), son of a successful merchant. Anglo-Catholic priest in Northbridge. Rector of St. Sycorax and head of boy scouts. Later became Vicar of Greshamsbury and Honorary Canon of Barchester. Fond of Margot Phelps but she married Donald Macfadyen, the large-scale market gardener. After Macfadyen’s death he married her. NR, PE, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Fielding, Anne b. 1928. Daughter of Sir Robert and Lady Fielding (Dora). Rather delicate, shy, and studious. When well enough she attended Barchester High School, but, tutored by Miss Bunting she became an enthusiastic and omnivorous reader of history, English literature, and Latin. Married Robin Dale, Housemaster at Southbridge School, had twins Roberta Fielding and Dora Maud, and a son MB, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, HR2, WDIM, ESR, DA, LAA, 3S&T
Fielding, Lady Dora b. 1900. Wife of Sir Robert. Very intelligent and competent, on all sorts of committees during war. MB, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, DA, LAA, 3S&T
Fielding, Sir Robert b. 1887. Chancellor of Diocese of Barchester. Had house in Cathedral Close and one at Hall’s End in Hallbury. Was defeated by Sam Adams for seat in Parliament. MB, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, DA, LAA, 3S&T
Ford, Dr. James. Kindly, garrulous and gossipy old G.P. at High Rising. Proposed to Anne Todd and was refused in HR1. Proposed to Sylvia Gould in DH, married her 20 years later after she had a broken engagement in GU. Could be very brusque to those he disliked. HR1, DH, B, CBI, GU, MB, PE, OBH, CC, DD, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T, MMS
Foster, Edith, Lady Pomfret d. 1938. Wife of 7th Earl, Old Lord Pomfret. Mother of Lord Mellings, who was killed in border skirmish in India. Nee Thorne. Once beloved of Lord Stoke. Invalid, living mostly abroad. Died before BL. PT, BL, CBI, MH, HM, MB, PBO, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, JC, WDIM, DA, LAA, 3S&T
Foster, Giles (Gillie) 8th Earl of Pomfret. Cousin to 7th Earl, and his heir since there were no nearer relations. Became Lord Pomfret in CBI. Married Sally Wicklow. Originally employed by a firm of picture dealers. Mother dead, father died in PT. Though not physically strong, worked to excess for his county, watched over with constant concern by his Sally. Became Lord Lieutenant of Barsetshire. Children Ludovic Lord Mellings, Emily and Giles. PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Foster, Giles, Lord, 7th Earl d. 1940. Old Lord Pomfret. Resided at Pomfret Towers. Fabled for rudeness, boring dinners, and efforts to prevent modernization of the surrounding countryside. Brother of Lady Emily Leslie and Lady Agnes Foster. Married Edith Thorne. Author of A Landowner in Five Reins. Bought Pooker’s Piece to keep Sir Ogilvy Hibberd from building on it. Died in May, 1940, in CBO, with the names of his dead wife and son on his lips. PT, B, BL, CBI, NR, MH, GU, MB, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Foster, Lady Emily b. 1940. Daughter of Giles and Sally Foster. Strong, graceful and athletic like her mother, headstrong like Old Lord Pomfret. Wanted to go into raising vegetables; assumption is that she got job with Adams at Amalgamated Vedge. Attended Barchester High School. MH, HM, MB, PE, LAR, OBH, DD, JC, WDIM, ESR, DA, LAA, 3S&T
Foster, The Hon. Giles b. 1942. Younger son of Giles and Sally (Wicklow) Foster. Strong, graceful, athletic, and an excellent horseman like his mother. Trained to be an estate agent with his uncle Roddy Wicklow. BL, HM, MB, PE, LAR, OBH, DD, JC, WDIM, ESR, DA, LAA,3S&T
Goble Bailiff and pigman for Grahams at Holdings. Raised White Porkminsters. Had son in the Air Force. LAR, OBH, CC, DD, ESR, LAA, 3S&T
Gould, Dora b. 1920. Frequently argued with Tony Morland and invented the imaginary land of Dorland in reply to Tony’s land of Morland. DH, LAA, 3S&T MS
Gould, Mrs. Wife of Vicar of High Rising. Patient, competent and tactful with her often testy husband. DH, LAA, 3S&T, MMS
Gould, Rose b. 1922. Admired Tony Morland. Great horsewoman. DH, LAA, 3S&T, MMS
Gould, Ruth Ran a chicken farm with the-friend-that-I-live-with. DH, 3S&T
Gould, The Rev. Mr. Vicar of High Rising. Daughters Rose, Dora, Sylvia, and Ruth. Strict, impatient, old-fashioned and High Church. DH, NTL, LAA, 3S&T, MMS
Graham, Clarissa b. 1931. Second daughter of Sir Robert and Lady Agnes (Leslie) Graham. Neat, precise, and delicate-appearing. Marked resemblance to grandmother, Lady Emily Leslie. Dark cloudy hair, dark eyes, fair skin. Educated at Cambridge, then confused about what to do with herself. Greatly affected by Lady Emily’s death, she behaved badly, with precocious condescension, to her fiancé Charles Belton and others. Married Charles on New Year’s Day, 1952. one son, one daughter. WS, BL, MH, MB, PBO, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Graham, Edith b. 1937. Spoiled youngest daughter of Sir Robert and Lady Agnes (Leslie) Graham. As a child she recited poems which she invented. Admired by John-Arthur Crosse and George Halliday, but they both later married other girls. Married William Harcourt. One child, Gwendolyn Sally. WS, BL, MH, GU, HM, MB, PBO, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Graham, Emily (Emmy) b. 1927. Eldest daughter of Sir Robert and Lady Agnes (Leslie) Graham. Strong, boyish, and boisterous. Five years old in WS. Fair hair, blue eyes. Cow-minded, in PBO she was breeding bulls with cousin Martin Leslie at Rushwater. Married Tom Grantly. Children James and Agnes. WS, BL, MH, MB, PBO, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL, DA, LAA, 3S&T
Graham, Henry (?) Youngest son of Sir Robert and Lady Agnes Graham. Only mentioned twice in all books, ignored in other listings of Agnes’s children. PBO, 3S&T
Graham, James b. 1926. Oldest son of Sir Robert and Lady Agnes (Leslie) Graham. At Eton in MH, entering military in LAR. Said to resemble David Leslie. In Guards Regt. Major by the time of LAA. WS, BL, MH, MB, PBO, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, ESR, NTL, DA, LAA, 3S&T
Graham, John b. 1929. Second son of Sir Robert and Lady Agnes (Leslie) Graham. In Army Guards Regt., captain by time of LAX Described by Nannie Allen as a “tow-row boy just like his Uncle David.” WS, BL, MH, GU, HM, MB, PBO, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL, DA, LAA, 3S&T
Graham, Lady Agnes (Leslie) Wife of Sir Robert Graham, daughter of Henry and Lady Emily Leslie. Children James, John, Robert, Emily, Clarissa and Edith. Lived at Holdings in Little Misfit. Air-headed, obsessed with her children, called by her brother David a “divine idiot.” As she aged she became more like her well-intentioned, interfering mother, but with more practical results. WS, BL, MH, GU, HM, MB, PBO, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Graham, Robert Jr. b. 1933. Youngest son of Sir Robert and Lady Agnes (Leslie) Graham. At Eton in PBO. Introspective and poetic as a child, fond of small children. In Guards, Lt. by time of LAA. WS, BL, MH, HM, MB, PBO, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, ESR, NTL, DA, LAA, 3S&T
Graham, Sir Robert Husband of Lady Agnes (Leslie). Made first “On stage” appearance on last page of ESR. Became General in WWII, apparently high in command and diplomatic structure. Constantly absent on some mission or other. Retired in 1954. Fifteen years older than Agnes, who said he always knew what was best to be done. WS, BL, MH, HM, MB, PBO, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Grantly, Agnes b. 1959. Youngest daughter of Tom and Emmy (Graham) Grantly. 3S&T
Grantly, Grace b. 1931. Younger daughter of Rev. Septimus and Mary (Carter) Grantly. First seen as a boisterous and argumentative product of Barchester High School, with rather modern ideas. Showed great improvement, married Ludovic Lufton in HR2 OBH, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Grantly, James Elder son of Tom and Emmy (Graham) Grantly. First spoken word was reportedly “cow.” 3S&T
Grantly, Mary (Carter) Wife of Rev. Septimus Grantly of Edgewood. Children Tom, Eleanor, Henry, Grace. OBH, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, DA, 3S&T
Grantly, Rev. Septimus Great-great-grandson of old Bishop Grantly. Vicar of Edgewood, near Chaldicotes. Wife Mary. LAR, OBH, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, DA, CQ, 3S&T
Grantly, Tom b. 1920. Elder son of Rev. Septimus and Mary (Carter) Grantly. Major during war, returned to Oxford and got a poor degree in Greats. Went through a long period of soul-searching and indecisiveness, including working under Geoffrey Harvey at the Bureau of Red Tape and Sealing Wax and a brief infatuation with Lady Cora Palliser. Married Emmy Graham; they lived in MacPherson’s old house at Rushwater and raised cows. Children James and Agnes. OBH, DD, HR2, WDIM, ESR, DA, 3S&T
Grey, Una Former secretary at Southbridge School, discharged because of nervous instability, then secretary to George Knox at High Rising. Known to Mrs. Morland and Mrs. Birkett as “The Incubus,” she made a permanent exit from High Rising after failing to get George Knox to marry her. Mentioned later as having married a naval man after great exertions, after having been companion to old Mrs. Knox. HR1, DH, 3S&T
Grubb, Mrs. Crotchety bedridden resident in High Rising Cottage Hospital. 3S&T
      Hacker, Percy b. 1921. First encountered in SH as a very silent Southbridge student, friend of Tony Morland. Had pet chameleon named Gibbon, which he once offered to Philip Winter for coaching him before a scholarship exam. Once left the hot tap running and nearly flooded the lower dorm. In Ministry of Information during war. Became fellow and senior classics tutor at Lazarus College, later Latin Chair at Redbrick Univ. Author of well-known Latin text. SH, CBI, GU, MB, PBO, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL, 3S&T
Halliday, Ellie Resident of Hatch House at Hatch End. Husband Leonard, children George and Sylvia. Well-read and articulate. Brother killed in WWI. After husband’s death, lived much abroad in France. PBO, LAR, ESR, NTL, DA, 3S&T
Halliday, George b. 1921. Son of Leonard and Ellie Halliday. Capt. in Barsetshire Yeomanry during war, much of the time in Italy. Once climbed all the way around the quad while a fresher at St. Jude’s. Fond of Edith Graham for a while, married Jane Crawley in DA. Son Martin. PBO, ESR, NTL,DA, 3S&T
Halliday, Martin b. 1961. Son of George and Jane (Crawley) Halliday. 3S&T
Halliday, Sylvia Daughter of Leonard and Ellie Halliday. In WAAF during war. Golden-haired, beautiful Viking, but not intellectual. Married Martin Leslie, had children Eleanor, George, 2 others. PBO, LAR, OBH,CC, JC, ESR,NTL, DA, 3S&T
Hamonet, Mlle. French mistress when Mrs. Morland was in school. Hated the German mistress because of Franco-Prussian War. LAA, 3S&T
Hampton, Miss Hard-drinking, masculine spinster. Resided at Adelina Cottage in Southbridge with friend Miss Bent. Author of earthy novels, usually selected by the Banned-Book-of-the-Month Club. Drove ambulance in Northern France in WW I. Helped support four nephews – two in Army, one Navy, one in Consular Service. CBI, NR, GU, MB, PBO, OBH, CC, HR2, JC, WDIM, NTL, CQ, 3S&T
Harcourt, Franklin Duchess of Towers. American. AT said she was from the town of Lumberville in Virginia [mistakenly designated as New England] much to the dismay of the compiler of these notes, whose “aristocratic Suthun blood” is roused by such geographical inaccuracies, which he ascribes to a New England publisher rather than to AT.] Franklin was named for her maternal grandmother, a Franklin of Franklinsville GA. Her brother had a ranch in Arizona. DA, LAA, 3S&T
Harcourt, Lord William Youngest brother of Duke of Towers. A clergyman. Married Edith Graham. Daughter Gwendolyn Sally. DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Harcourt, Thomas Duke of Towers in early books. His mother was a Foster (related to Lord Pomfret). Wife Dorothea. Brother of Dodo Bingham, uncle of Rose. More or less impoverished, having to allow coal to be mined on his estate to keep it going. Deceased by the time of DA. Two daughters, Elaine and Gwendolyn, another son Lord William. PBO, LAR, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Harvey, Frances, Tall, fair, and not quite young sister of Geoffrey Harvey. Determined, pushy and domineering. Worked at Regional Commissioner’s Office. In censorship during War. After War was secretary to Lord Aberfordbury (formerly Sir Ogilvy Hibberd). Almost got Oliver Marling to propose by chasing him flagrantly, but he escaped. Also served in Dept. of Efficiency and Purging at Gatherum Castle. Mr. Marling said she looked like “an educated rocking horse.” MH, HM, PBO, LAR, CC, DD, HR2, WDIM, NTL, 3S&T
Harvey, Geoffrey Worked at Regional Commissioner’s Office with John Leslie. Obnoxious communist who thought Russia was wonderful. Tall, thin, long hair. Greatly admired by Oliver Marling when he was young and impressionable. Related to the Nortons. Brother of Frances. Artistic and effeminate. Wrote novel about Pico della Mirandela. Rented Red House in Marling. Later returned to Red Tape and Sealing Wax in London, and then became head of PEUGI in Paris. Mistakenly called Oliver in LAA. MH, HM, PBO, LAR, CC, DD, HR2, WDIM, NTL, LAA, 3S&T
Heath, Sister “Heathy” who shared apartment with Sister Ward and Sister Chiffinch. Nurse. Acted as paying guest to care for Miss Pemberton in her last days. DH, MB, PBO, CC, DD, HR2, WDIM, ESR, NTL, DA, CQ, 3S&T
Hibberd Son of Sir Ogilvy Hibberd. Ran for Parliament as Labour candidate against Mr. Gresham. A lawyer and/or commercial artist as offensive as his father. Director of the National Rotochrome Polychrome Universal Post Card Company. PBO, LAR, OBH,HR2, JC, DA,3S&T
Hibberd, Sir Ogilvy Unpleasant man who wanted to buy Laverings Farm. A Liberal, with heretical opinions on the Root Vegetable bill. Finally bought The Cedars, Muswell Hill. Bought “Pooker’s Piece” in Before Lunch and wanted to put up a garage and tea shop there, a move strongly opposed by local gentry. A Lloyd George peer, something to do with shipping – from Goole. Finally sold “Pooker’s Piece” to Lord Pomfret. Created Lord Aberfordbury by end of WW II. Like the Bishop, an offstage villain. Also thwarted when he tried to buy Wiple Terrace and build a factory BL, HM, MB, PBO, LAR, OBH, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Higden, Ted Employee of Leslies at Rushwater. Walked out with Deanna for ten years. Spelled “Higdon” in DD. DD, 3S&T
Hoggett, Miss Housekeeper for Sam Adams. A prim, proper teetotaler. Very efficient. OBH, CC, DD, HR2, 3S&T
Holman Proprietor of Holman’s Phospho-Manuro, the artificial fertilizer. Also made Washington’s Vimphos and Corbett’s Bono-Vitasang, all of which contained the same ingredients. LAR, OBH, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, DA, 3S&T
Ireen Niece of the Miss Hoggett, housekeeper for Sam Adams. 3S&T
Johns Publisher in firm of Johns and Fairfield. Published George Knox, Hermione Rivers, and Susan Barton. Uncle of Mr. Wickham. His wife was well-known for giving extremely dull parties for literary lions. HR1, DH, PT, CBI, MH, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, HR2, JC, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Joram, Bishop William Retired colonial bishop. Appeared to be mentioned first in CBI as Mbang-Ngango (English Roly Poly Witch Doctor) as he was called by natives. Rented rooms from Mrs. Tomkins when first in Barchester, and told hilarious stories of his work with natives. Became canon of Barchester and married Lavinia Brandon in CC. Plump, good-humored, earnest and intelligent. CBI, MH, PBO, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, WDIM,DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Keith, Kate b. 1916. Became engaged to Everard Carter in SH. Boring and domestic but nice. Children Bobbie, Angela, Philip and Noel. SH, B, CBI, GU, MB, PE, OBH, CC, DD, JC, WDIM, CQ, LAA<, 3S&T
Keith, Lydia Tomboyish younger sister of Robert, Kate and Colin. Awkward, gauche, boisterous and energetic, until marriage to Noel Merton moved her energy into constructive channels. Children Lavinia, Harry, Jessica. During war she miscarried her first child because of overwork. Hurt by Noel’s flirtation with Peggy Arbuthnot in PE but was reconciled to her husband, whom she loved dearly. SH, B, CBI, NR, U, HM, MB, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Keith, Robert Brother of Kate, Colin and Lydia. Wife Edith. Senior partner of Keith and Keith law firm. Bought home in Nutfield in GU and sold Northbridge Manor to brother-in-law Noel Merton. SH, CBI, NR, MH, GU, PE, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, WDIM, ESR, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Kessler, Fräulein German mistress of Mrs. Morland’s youth. Hated the French mistress because of the Franco-Prussian War. 3S&T
Knox, George Pompous, verbose historical novelist who could turn a single sentence into a discourse of parenthetical expressions. Widower, lived in High Rising with his daughter Sibyl. Escaped the clutches of his secretary, Una Grey, and became engaged to Anne Todd in HR1. HR1, DH, B, CBI, MH, GU, MB, PE, CC, DD, HR2, WDIM, ESR, NTL, DA, LAA, 3S&T, MMS
Knox, Mrs. “Old Mrs. Knox,” mother of George. Resided in large Victorian house in London. “Eccentric and crabby.” A Frenchwoman, she had lived in England since her marriage. House was in Rutland Gate. HR1, DH, B, MB, 3S&T
Knox, Sibyl Daughter of widower George Knox of High Rising. Rather silly, and, after an unsuccessful attempt to become a writer, became engaged to Adrian Coates, publisher, in HR1. 3 children by time of CBI, eldest is Laura. HR1, DH, PT, CBI, GU, MB, DD, LAA, 3S&T, MMS
Koska, Madame Main character in series of romantic suspense-thrillers by Mrs. Morland. Ran a designer dress shop and repeatedly saved the British Empire. HR1, DH, MH, MB, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, SR, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T, MMS
Laura Heifer calf born at Rushwater on Laura Morland’s 70th birthday. 3S&T
Leslie, Clive (Minimus) b. 1939. Youngest son of John and Mary (Preston) Leslie. Always at bottom of any trouble at Southbridge Prep School. Got stuck on top of Rushwater “temple” at reunion. Wanted to enter Air Force. LAR, CC, DD, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL, DA, CQ, 3S&T
Leslie, Eleanor b. 1948. Daughter of Martin and Sylvia (Halliday) Leslie. LAR, OBH, DD, ESR, DA, 3S&T
Leslie, George b. 1949. Son of Martin and Sylvia (Halliday) Leslie. DD, ESR, DA, 3S&T
Leslie, Henry (Major) b. 1936. Eldest son of John and Mary (Preston) Leslie. Nice but dull. Attended Southbridge School, collected Empire stamps, and ostentatiously carried a Greek New Testament to church. Showed promise of becoming more interesting when he corrected (subtly) the Latin pronunciation of Miss Banks, the Latin mistress. BL, PBO, PE, LAR, CC, DD, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL, DA, CQ, 3S&T
Leslie, John Jr. (Minor) b. 1938. Second son of John and Mary (Preston) Leslie. At Southbridge he climbed all the way around School Chapel. Also climbed to the top of Rushwater House and into Siddons’ room, to the top of the “temple” at Rushwater; tried to climb the Mertons’ monkey puzzle tree. Put the bell back up in the Palace fish pond so the fish could ring for food (the Bishop had ordered it taken down). BL, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL, DA, CQ, 3S&T
Leslie, Lady Emily (Foster) 1868-1948. Sister of Old Lord Pomfret, wife of Henry Leslie of Rushwater . Children Martin (killed in WWI), John, Agnes and David. Delightfully unpredictable, interested in painting and arranging other people’s affairs with benevolent intent. Supposedly based on AT’s acquaintance Mary, Lady Wemyss, whose family was not amused by the affectionate portrayal. Beginning to age at first appearance in WS, became progressively more absent-minded and ethereal as series progressed, Died in OBH, calling her deceased husband and son to wait, she’s coming with them. WS, BL, MH, GU, HM, MB, PBO, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL<, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Leslie, Martin b. 1915. Grandson of Henry and Lady Emily Leslie, raised by them because as son of their oldest son he would be owner of Rushwater after Henry’s death. His mother had remarried and lived in America. First seen preparing for his 16th birthday in WS. In N. Africa, then wounded at Anzio in war. Received the George Cross for doing something gallant with a bomb. Went to War Office because of bad leg wound, later had to resort to a crutch (in one book he is mistakenly said to have lost a foot.) Became engaged to Sylvia Halliday in PBO . Raised cattle and prize bulls. WS, BL, MH, MB, PBO, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, DA, LAA, 3S&T
Leslie, Martin Giles 1896-1918. Eldest son of Henry and Lady Emily Leslie. Killed in France in WWI. Called Giles in ESR. His widow married an American and had other children (at least one son). WS, MH, PBO, LAR, OBH, DD, ESR, 3S&T
Littimer, Algernon Friend of Lord Stoke, and, one assumes, brother of Fred. Now  dead. Brought to mind when Mrs. Morland mentioned Littimer the  manservant in David Copperfield. 3S&T
Littimer, Fred Friend of Lord Stoke. Went to Australia and was never heard of again. 3S&T
Louis, Prince Cobalt Was or wasn’t (point of debate at the Bonds’ tea parties) father of Princess Louisa Christina. Member of Hatz-Reinigen family. BL, ESR, LAA, 3S&T
Louisa Christina, Princess of Cobalt Princess to whom The Hon. Juliana Starter was lady-in-waiting. Now deceased. Member of the Hatz-Reinigen family. BL, JC, ESR, LAA, 3S&T
Lufton, Justinia b. 1923. Daughter of the widowed Lady Lufton. Secretary to Dean Crawley. Small and elegant. Resembled Lucy Robarts, her great-grandmother. Married Eric Swan in 1952. DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Lufton, Lady Mary Gentle, anxious mother of Maria and Justinia. Completely lost and bewildered by widowhood. Married the late Lord Lufton in 1921, and he did everything for her. GU, OBH, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, CQ, 3S&T
Lufton, Lord Ludovic b. 1924. Only son of Lady Lufton. Tall, anxious, shy young man who inherited the title very young. Demobbed from army in 1946, farmed with Roddy Wicklow for a while. Friend of Eric Swan and Charles Belton. Married Grace Grantly. DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, LAA, CQ<, 3S&T
Lufton, Lucy Maria b. 1922. Daughter of Lady Lufton. Bred cocker spaniels. Competent and masterful. Became engaged to Oliver Marling in DD. DD, JC, ESR, DA, CQ, 3S&T
MacFadyen, Donald d. 1960. Manager of Amalgamated Vedge. Great gardener, rented half of Lufton Park at Framley. A Scot from near Perthshire. Father was killed in Boer War, mother lost her house because his pension was too small. Quite fond of Lady Lufton, but conscious of social gap between them. Married Margot Phelps. Died, apparently of cancer, in CQ. DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
MacPherson 1868-1950. Estate agent for the Leslies at Rushwater. Verrry Scottish. Came to Rushwater at age 30, stayed over fifty years. Same age as Lady Emily, he died with his Bible on his knees, opened to a page with a picture of Lady Emily, whom he had loved and served all his life. Left his house to Emmy Graham Grantly. WS, MH, PBO, LAR, OBH, DD, WDIM, ESR, DA, 3S&T
Mallow Worked at Worsted RR station. Nephew of Dr. Ford’s housekeeper. 3S&T
Mallow, Mrs. “Mr. Knox’s Annie’s aunt,” housekeeper to Dr. Ford at High Rising. Aunt by marriage of High Rising stationmaster. Widow of previous doctor’s gardener. HR1, DH, LAA, 3S&T
Margett Tommy Margett’s dad. Worked with the Bodgers. From Grumper’s End, spent much time in the Three Tuns pub. 3S&T
Margett, Bert Head porter at Worsted. Son of Margett the builder. Married Doris Phipps, became stationmaster after war. two children. AF, GU, LAR, 3S&T
Margett, Jasper Head keeper at the Priory. Expert poacher. Gypsy blood made him good with horses. Flirted with Selina Crockett. GU, LAR, OBH, DD, JC,WDIM, ESR, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Margett, Tommy Illegitimate boy from Grumper’s End who had his hand stepped on by a horse at Nutfield gymkhana. Was looked after by his auntie, who had nine kids of her own. 3S&T
Marling, Amabel (Hon.) Daughter of Lord Nutfield, wife of William Marling of Marling Hall. Children Bill, Lettice, Oliver and Lucy. Connected with most of Barsetshire families by ties of kinship. Lived up to aristocratic tradition of service, energy, efficiency, and self-confidence. MH, GU, MB, PBO, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, WDIM, DA, LAA, 3S&T
Marling, Lucy Emily b. 1918. Younger daughter of William and Amabel Marling. Loud, bossy and boisterous, but mellowed with age, hard work and troubles. Favorite phrase “I’ll tell you what.” Married out of her class to Sam Adams. Very efficient and knowledgeable, helped administer the agricultural side of Sam’s business empire. They lived in The Old Bank House at, Edgewood and had daughters Amabel Rose and Leslie, son William. MH, HM, MB, PBO, LAR, OBH,CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR,DA, CQ, LAA,3S&T
Marling, Oliver b. 1913. Younger son of William and Amabel Marling. Was in business in London before war, then in Regional Commissioner’s Office during war after being repeatedly turned down for armed services because of his poor eyesight. Partner in London firm after war. Loved actress Jessica Dean for years, but she married Aubrey Clover. Studious, self-centered and self-pitying, but marriage to energetic and competent Maria Lufton improved him immensely. MH, MB, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, ESR, DA, CQ, 3S&T
Marling, William Squire of Marling Hall. Wife Amabel. Opinionated, irascible and forgetful, but genuinely fond of his family. Had five brothers and sisters, all dead. Greatly saddened by deterioration of his way of life. Apparently still alive in 3S&T, with an entry in the Barchester Agricultural. MH, HM, PBO, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, WDIM, ESR, DA,CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Matron Tyrannically benevolent matron of Barchester General Hospital where Octavia Crawley, Delia Brandon and Geraldine Birkett worked during war. CBI, MB, DD, HR2, 3S&T
Mellings, Lord Harry Ludovic Son of Old Lord Pomfret. Killed in a border skirmish on the NW frontier. PT, BL, PBO, LAR, OBH, WDIM,DA, LAA,3S&T
Merriman, Dorothea Frances “Merry,” Old Lady Pomfret’s secretary in PT at first introduction. Very efficient, self-effacing and conscientious. Had an invalid married sister whom she sometimes visited. Was secretly and quietly in love with Gillie Foster. When he married Sally Wicklow and became Lord Pomfret, she went as companion to Lady Emily Leslie. Returned to, Pomfret Towers after Lady Emily’s death to help with county business and ease the load on the frail but hard-working earl. Married Rev. Herbert Choyce in DA. One of AT’s most memorable and sympathetic characters. PT, MH, HM, PBO, LAR, OBH, CC, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL,DA, LAA,3S&T
Merton, Harry b. 1946. Son of Noel and Lydia (Keith) Merton. Studied science at Cambridge. As articulate as his father. PE, OBH, WDIM, LAA, 3S&T
Merton, Kate Jessica b. 1948. Daughter of Noel and Lydia (Keith) Merton. Called Kate in early appearances, Jessica after entering school. LAR, OBH, WDIM, LAA, 3S&T
Merton, Lavinia b. 1943. Daughter of Noel and Lydia (Keith) Merton. “As much of a flirt as Lavinia Brandon,” for whom she was named. Married Ludo Foster, Lord Mellings. HM, MB, PBO, PE, OBH, WDIM, LAA, 3S&T
Merton, Noel First seen in SH as a young barrister, Married Lydia Keith having fallen in love with her gradually while watching her grow up. Had miraculous escape at Dunkirk, convalesced at Beliers Priory near Worsted. Later in Military Intelligence. He and, Lydia bought her old home, Northbridge Manor. Had flirtation with Peggy Arbuthnot in PE which caused rare friction with Lydia. (Jessica Dean straightened him out.) Became a QC, ran for Parliament in 1952. Became Sir Noel after Queen Elizabeth’s coronation. SH, B, CBI, NR, GU, MB, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, JC, WDIM, ESR, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Middleton,  Catherine Wife of John Middleton. Married him when she was 30, he was 20 years older. Enjoyed mild flirtation with Denis Stonor in BL. Was always tired-looking. One of several AT heroines who are languid and middle-aged, but attractive to younger men. BL, MB, LAR, CC, DD, 3S&T
Middleton, John (Jack) Resident of Laverings Farm near Worsted. Wife Catherine. Verbose (in the style of George Knox), slightly bald. Loved to play the role of gentleman farmer. Head of firm of architects. Brother of Lillian Stonor. BL, MH, GU, MB, PBO, LAR, DD, LAA, 3S&T
Morland, Dick b. 1911. Son of Henry and Laura Morland. Serving in, China before war. Mentioned as serving in destroyer Flatiron during war. HR1, DH, B, CBI, GU, MB, OBH, CC, DD, JC, WDIM, 3S&T
Morland, Gerald b. 1917. Son of Henry and Laura Morland. Explorer in Mexico. Married just before war, had unspecified children. Attended Southbridge School. HR1, DH, B, CBI, GU, MB, OBH, CC, DD, JC, WDIM, LAA, 3S&T
Morland, Henry Deceased husband of Laura Morland. Somewhat of a nonentity, Laura said he was “quite easy to get on with and then he died.” HR1, DH, NR, GU, MB, JC, LAA, 3S&T
Morland, John Son of Henry and Laura Morland. Stationed in, Burma. In Navy during war. Married, attended Southbridge School. HR1, DH, B, CBI, GU, MB, OBH, CC, DD, JC, WDIM, LAA, 3S&T
Morland, Laura b. 1891. Widow of Henry Morland, sons Dick, John, Gerald, and Tony. Lived at High Rising. Author of Madame Koska mystery thrillers, which she began writing to support herself and sons. Also wrote two books anonymously. Attractive but rather scatter-brained, tended to lose glasses and hairpins. Acted as unofficial secretary at Southbridge School during war. It is generally thought that she is at least partially based on the author herself, though AT was, by repute, a more sardonic personality than Laura Morland. HR1, DH, SH,B, CBI, NR, MH,GU, MB, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL,DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T, MMS
Morland, Robin b. 1950. Son of Tony Morland. Similar to and just as mischievous as his father. Fell for Eleanor Leslie (Martin Leslie’s daughter) at the Barchester Agricultural when both were about 10 or 11. 3S&T
Morland, Tony b. 1921. Son of Henry and Laura Morland. Student at Southbridge School at first appearance, major interest was model trains. Became Sr. Monitor at Southbridge. Talkative, self-centered, well- intentioned with frequently disastrous results, one-track mind when a child. Attended Oxford. In Army in, Burma during war. Worked for Red Tape and Sealing Wax Office after war. Married with four children. HR1, WS, DH, SH,B, CBI, NR, MH,GU, MB, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL, LAA, 3S&T, MMS
Mowbray, “Miss M” Daughter of an East Barsetshire doctor. Kept house for Aubrey and Jessica Clover. CC, WDIM, 3S&T
Mpumpo Public name of Native chief in Mngangaland who had both legs bitten off by a lion. He was a splendid professing Christian, according to Bishop Joram Actual name was Melba, but it was a secret. Had 80 sons and was in London on VJ Day. PBO, PE, LAR, CC, WDIM, 3S&T
Needham, Tommy Secretary to Dean Crawley. In war stationed first in Iceland, then in N. Africa where he lost an arm. Married Dean Crawley’s daughter Octavia and became Vicar at Worsted. Eight children by the time of 3S&T, including fraternal twins born in that book. CBI, MH, HM, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, DD, HR2, WDIM, ESR, DA, LAA,3S&T
Nicholson, Mrs. Mother of Nicholson Minor. Sylvia Leslie promised her some honey. 3S&T
Nicholson Minor Classmate of Georgy Leslie, with whom he went to tea. 3S&T
Nkrumak, Dr. Premier of Ghana. 3S&T
Norton, Lady Victoria Known by most of Barsetshire as the “Dreadful Dowager.” Face like a well-bred horse, domineering personality, thought herself the best gardener in the county. Author of Herbs of Grace about gardening. Clothes tended to imitate the Queen Mother. Lived in Cheltenham, Lady Bond moved in with her in 3S&T. WS, B, CBI, MH, GU, HM, MB, PBO, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Nutfield, Lord Father of Amabel Marling. A 400-year-old baronetcy, little-known outside Barsetshire Silent man whose only expressed emotion seemed to be about a new baronet (Lord Nuffield) whose title was only one letter different from his own. MH, CC, DD, 3S&T
      Packer Proprietor of Packer’s Roundabout that appeared at numerous fetes, fairs and festivities. B, LAR, CC, WDIM, ESR, LAA, 3S&T
Palliser, Plantagenet Present Duke of Omnium. Great-grandnephew of the “Great Duke.” Dreamy and impractical, lost in the modern world, very kindly. MB, PBO, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, LAA, CQ, 3S&T
Palmer Parlourmaid for the Keiths at Northbridge Manor. SH, CBI, PE, OBH, WDIM, LAA, 3S&T
Panter, Fred Mr. Halliday’s carter at Hatch House. Lost an arm at Ypres but handled horses as well as anyone. Apparently Mr. Halliday’s old batman. Sons Fred and Jimmy, daughter Cissie. PBO, NTL, 3S&T
Parkinson, Rev. Theodore (Teddy) Young theological student who went to school on state scholarships. Very sensitive to the fact that he wasn’t “gentry.” Was engaged to Mavis Welk, could go into her father’s undertaking business if he failed as a theological student. Married Mavis, had children Connie, Harold and Josiah. Was once looked down upon by Dean Crawley for mispronouncing Latin phrases. Passed exams and succeeded Mr. Miller as vicar of Pomfret Madrigal, where his obvious goodness and conscientiousness won everyone’s hearts, after which his feeling of inferiority began to fade. PE, HR2, ESR, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Penny Wickham’s cocker spaniel, daughter of Sheila. Refused to budge in obedience competition. 3S&T
Perry, Gus Son of Dr. and Mrs. Perry of Harefield. Twin brother of Jim. Medical training at Knight’s. Slightly bushier eyebrows than brothers. Specialized in skin diseases and became G.P. at Harefield with his father. Destined to replace Dr. Ford one day in trust of the county. HM, LAR, DD, HR2, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Peters b. 1898. Butler at Pomfret Towers. His sister was Nannie Peters, the Pomfrets’ nurse; another sister married one of the Margetts and was Jasper’s mother. Worked briefly for Lord Norton in his London flat. Later married and worked for Lord Crosse. PT, OBH, WDIM, ESR, NTL, DA, 3S&T
Peters, Nannie Nannie for Giles and Sally Pomfret at Pomfret Towers. Sister of the old Towers butler. Later with Roddy and Alice Wicklow, finally went with Ludovic, Lord Mellings and Lavinia Merton when they married. PBO, OBH, WDIM, LAA, 3S&T
Pettinger, Bertha Headmistress of Barchester High School. Highly unpopular. Known to the girls as “The Beast.” Had tired waved hair and painted her face. Madeleine Sparling lived with her before the Hosiers’ Girls’ School moved to Harefield Park. Received OBE when she retired. SH, B, CBI, NR, GU, HM, MB, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, DD, JC, WDIM, 3S&T
Phelps, Admiral “Irons” Retired Rear Admiral. Small, dry-faced, quiet and efficient worker on vital Committees. Lived at Jutland Cottage in Southbridge. Secretary of British Legion, Boy Scouts, and District Nursing Association, and churchwarden. Wounded at Battle of Jutland. Not well off financially. In increasingly poor health. Died in CQ. CBI, NR, GU, PE, JC, WDIM, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Phelps, Margot b. 1912. Daughter of Adm. and Mrs. Phelps. Large, not very attractive, efficient and industrious. Devoted to her parents. Was transformed into passable swan by Rose Fairweather and others, who taught her how to dress and make herself up attractively. Received two proposals, married Donald Macfadyen of Amalgamated Vedge and after his death became engaged to Tubby Fewling in CQ. CBI, PE, JC, WDIM, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Phipps, Marlene b. 1932. Worked as porter at Winter Overcotes in 3S&T. First seen as 15-year-old parlormaid at Holdings for the Grahams. LAR, DD, 3S&T
Phipps, Palmyra Niece of the Tebbens’ housekeeper. Worked at the telephone exchange at Worsted, could always provide information on telephone subscribers’ whereabouts and doings. Named Palmyra after Louise Palmer. AF, GU, LAR, OBH, DD, HR2, 3S&T
Pickthorne, Miss Sam Adams’ secretary. Competent and courteous. During war was in Regional Commissioner’s Office, had a sister in the Red Cross. LAR, OBH, CC, DD, WDIM, 3S&T
Pilchard Owner of largest store in Barchester. NR, MH, DA, 3S&T
Pilsener, Hank Male lead in “A Mistress of Voltaire” opposite Glamora Tudor. 3S&T
Pilward, Bert Owner of Pilward and Sons Brewery. Son Ted, 2 other sons, 3 daughters. B, MB, PBO, LAR, OBH, CC, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Pilward, Ted Son of Bert Pilward of Brewery. Married Heather Adams. Son Edward Belton Pilward born in 1950. One other child. MB, PBO, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, WDIM<, DA, 3S&T
Podgens, “Young” Chauffeur for Lady Lufton and worked on the Framley estate. HR2, 3S&T
Pollett, Ed Village idiot type, in charge of lamp room at Worsted Station. Reportedly half-witted because his mother had an affair with one of Lord Pomfret’s gamekeepers before Ed was born. Had genius for repairing cars. Brother of Mrs. Middleton’s chauffeur. Worked as handyman and chauffeur for Lord Bond, then the Marlings. Almost drafted in WW II until Sir Edmund Pridham’s instinct for preservation of village idiots got him out of it. Married Milly Poulter in MH. Seven children, all half-witted like their parents. Called Ed Packer in OBH. AF, MH, LAR, OBH, CC, DD,3S&T
Pollett, Sabrina Worked as porter at Winter Overcotes. 3S&T
Pomfret, Giles, Lord, 7th Earl d. 1940. Old Lord Pomfret. Resided at Pomfret Towers. Fabled for rudeness, boring dinners, and efforts to prevent modernization of the surrounding countryside. Brother of Lady Emily Leslie and Lady Agnes Foster. Married Edith Thorne. Author of A Landowner in Five Reins. Bought Pooker’s Piece to keep Sir Ogilvy Hibberd from building on it. Died in May, 1940, in CBO, with the names of his dead wife and son on his lips. PT, B, BL, CBI, NR, MH, GU, MB, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Pridham, Sir Edmund b. 1866. Elderly country squire type, J.P. at Pomfret Madrigal, close friend of Lavinia Brandon — even proposed to her once in a friendly way. Childless widower, commanded Barsetshire Yeomanry in WWI, had crippled leg from war wound. Knew everybody in the county and all their relationships. “Doyen of the county in years and service … Had an eye that had frightened the toughest troopers in the Barsetshire Yeomanry out of their wits and made the Bishop, who was saying the Russians were our brothers, wilt uneasily into a mumbling explanation.” B, BL, CBI, MH, GU, MB, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Prout, Admiral Resident of Cheltenham who owed Lord Stoke 10 shillings. 3S&T
Rex Golden lab belonging to Alice Wicklow. Won Barsetshire Gymkhana Obedience Class paws down. 3S&T
Rivers, George Cousin of Old Lord Pomfret, husband of Hermione, who “drove him nearly demented.” Rarely left his home in Herefordshire. PT, MH, PE, LAR, CC, DD, HR2, ESR, DA, LAA, 3S&T
Rivers, Hermione Wife of George Rivers, mother of Phoebe and Julian. Niece of Old Lord Nutfield, Amabel Marling’s father. Wrote books about middle-aged women’s platonic love affairs with younger men. PT, CBI, MH, HM, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, ESR, NTL, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Rivers, Julian One of the few thoroughly despicable Thirkell characters. Long-haired, unwashed, considered himself an artist but is best at being a conceited prig. A member of the “Set of Five,” a group of artists as inept as himself. Made a pest of himself to naive Alice Barton in PT, until Roddy Wicklow rescued her. Unwillingly in Army briefly during war, but rescued as a “valuable artist.” PT, MH, HM, PBO, PE, HR2, ESR, NTL, CQ, 3S&T
Roote, Mr. Appropriately named member of Amalgamated Vedge. 3S&T
Scatcherd, Mr. Partner in Barchester catering firm Scatcherd and Tozer. By 1949 had been bedridden for several years. CBI, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Scatcherd, Mr. Resident artist in Hatch End. His pen-and-ink drawings were well known, especially “Rising Rambler” series. Lived in hideous little house called Rokeby with his niece and housekeeper, Hettie. All his pictures had a tendency to look exactly alike. Dressed and acted the part of the typical artist of the late 19th century. PBO, LAR, WDIM, ESR, DA, 3S&T
Schriebfeder, Abner P. Owner of six cinemas. From Seattle, Washington. 3S&T
Shergold, Mr. Replaced Everard Carter as Senior Housemaster at Southbridge School. Former Navy man, served in destroyer Flatiron during war. His father was on the Board of Governors of the Ada Clotworthy Mental Institution. PE, CC, JC, 3S&T
Simnet Butler for Birketts at Southbridge School. Was in France 1914-17. Impressively dignified. Formerly scout for Colin Keith’s hall at Oxford. Married Florrie, sister of Eileen the Red Lion barmaid, left Southbridge to serve as butler to Canon and Mrs. Joram in the Close. CBI, HM, MB, PBO, PE, LAR, HR2, JC, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Simpson In Robin Morland’s form at school. Very superstitious. Was almost guillotined by a window with a broken sash cord. 3S&T
Skylark Pony used by Robin Morland on visit to Barsetshire. Its girlish owner was visiting in France. 3S&T
Snow, Jim Southbridge School carpenter. Good workman but garrulous. PE, JC, NTL., CQ,3S&T
Sowerby, Miss Hilda Old but vigorous lady who owned the Old Bank House in Edgewood. She sold it to Sam Adams and went to live with her widowed sister in Worthing. Told Sam the house needed a mistress. Loved gardening and was envied by Old Lady Norton for her ability to grow the rare Palafox borealis. OBH, CC, DD, HR2, WDIM, 3S&T
Sparling, Dr. Madeline b. 1900. Headmistress of Hosiers’ Girls’ School. Mentioned by implication in CBI as being offensively treated by Miss Pettinger of Barchester High School, to which the Hosiers’ Girls were evacuated. The Hosiers leased Harefield Park in HM and she escaped the Pettinger’s clutches. Tall, stately, rather attractive. Short dark hair, brown eyes. Given honorary D.Litt. by Oxbridge. Married Sidney Carton after also being courted by Caleb Oriel. Retired in LAR. CBI, HM, MB, PE, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, CQ, 3S&T
Stoke, Lady d. 1914. Wife of “Old” Lord Stoke (father of the present one). Was once proposed to by the Hon. Miss Starter’s father, Lord Mickleham. BL, OBH, ESR, 3S&T
Stoke, Lord Father of the present Lord Stoke. Twice married; first wife was a Miss Hooper from Somerset. DH, BL, OBH, JC, ESR, LAA, 3S&T
Stoke, Lord Great-grandfather of present Lord Stoke. Built new Rising Castle. DH, 3S&T
Stoke, Lord Thomas b. 1866. Ancient and eccentric antiquarian, half-brother of Lucasta Bond. A bachelor who once loved Edith Thorne (who married Old Lord Pomfret). Traveled by horse and carriage or on horseback in defiance of modern age. Was convinced that everything he dug up was Viking remains. Extremely and conveniently deaf. In NTL, he is called Algernon Courcy Stoke and is said to have been born in 1876. HR1, DH, PT, B, BL, CBI, MH, GU, MB, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T, MMS
Stoker, Mrs. Housekeeper to Laura Morland at High Rising. Garrulous, irreverent, dictatorial, and easily offended but with a soft spot for Tony Morland. HR1, DH, CBI, HR2, ESR, NTL, DA, LAA, 3S&T, MMS
Stonor, Col. Deceased husband of Lillian Stonor, father of Denis and Daphne by previous marriage. Col. of 23rd, the regiment in which Old Lord Pomfret’s son, Lord Mellings, was serving when he was killed. Retired at time of second marriage. BL, 3S&T
Stonor, Daphne Stepdaughter of widowed Lillian Stonor. Twentyone years old in BL. Energetic and competent, she married C. W. Bond after a brief engagement to Alistair Cameron. Two sons by the time of LAR. BL, LAR, CC, 3S&T
Stonor, Denis Stepson of widowed Lillian Stonor. Twentyfive years old in BL. Wrote music, took himself too seriously and was full of self-pity for his poor health. Was infatuated with older, married Catherine Middleton.  Went on to become successful composer after ballet produced with money loaned by Lord Bond. Wrote ballet music in U.S, during war when his health wouldn’t let him join armed forces. Returned to England briefly in LAR. Teamed up with Aubrey Clover for successful two-man show. Improved greatly during and after BL to become a likable sort. BL, MB, LAR, CC, DD, WDIM, 3S&T
Stonor, Lillian Widowed sister of John Middleton. Husband was Indian Army Col. Stepmother of Denis and Daphne, close to her own age. Became engaged to Alistair Cameron in BL. Had habit of thinking aloud in a rather disjointed way, which masked a deep understanding of others. BL, MH, MB, 3S&T
Sumter, Lee American beau of Edith Graham, cousin of Duchess of Towers. DA, LAA, 3S&T
Swan, Eric b. 1921. First seen as Southbridge School student who irritated Philip Winter by “looking at him through his spectacles.” Friend and classmate of Tony Morland and Percy Hacker. Went to Cambridge. Married Justinia Lufton after once being in love with Grace Grantly. Was in Africa during war. Became master at Beliers Priory School, later replaced Everard Carter as head of Southbridge School. SH, CBI, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Thatcher, Doris Like her sister Edna, the mother of numerous illegitimate progeny – Gladys, Glamora, Sid and Stan. Worked for the Grantlys in Edgewood. B, CBI, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, 3S&T
Thatcher, Edna Had illegitimate son Purse, named after his father Percy. Worked for Grantlys at Edgewood. B, CBI, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, 3S&T
Thatcher, Sid One of Doris Thatcher’s illegitimate children. A bit wanting, but good at growing plants. Caused Palafox borealis to flower early, to the surprise of botanists. Sam Adams planned to hire him for Amalgamated Vedge. OBH, CC, DD, HR2, 3S&T
Thorne “Young Thorne” who farmed with his father over Chaldicotes way. “Best hands in the county”” — an Olympic hopeful. 3S&T
Tidden, Horace Son of Ned Tidden, who was a bit dotty, and his illegitimate cousin Lily, who later was in an asylum. Worked on Lord Pomfret’s estate and killed his old uncle and aunt with a billet of wood. Knocked up the neighbors to boast of what he had done, then threw himself down the well. B, OBH, LAA, 3S&T
Tidden, Lily Illegitimate child who married her cousin Ned. Son Horace. In county asylum, happy and quiet after almost killing one of the nurses. B, OBH, LAA, 3S&T
Todd, Anne Laura Morland’s secretary, married George Knox, novelist and windbag, of High Rising, after turning down proposal from Dr. Ford. WVS secretary in war. Competent and practical, unlike her garrulous husband. HR1, DH, GU, MB, PBO, PE, ESR, NTL, LAA, 3S&T
Todd, Mrs. d.1933. Slightly dotty invalid mother of Anne Todd. Placed huge orders with local merchants for things they neither needed nor could afford. Lived at High Rising, died at end of HR1, freeing Anne to marry George Knox. HR1, DH, LAA, 3S&T
Tozer, Mr. Representative of Scatcherd and Tozer, caterers, of Barchester. A mess waiter on Salisbury Plain during WWI. CBI, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, CQ, LAA,3S&T
Traill, Donald Master at Southbridge School. Lived in Maria Cottage, Wiple Terrace. Drove his neighbors crazy with his gramophone. PE, OBH, CC, HR2, JC, ESR, NTL, CQ, 3S&T
Tudor, Glamora Seemed to be the star of every motion picture at the Barchester Odeon, including “Moonlight Passion,” “Lips of Desire,” “They Loved Too Well,” etc. Always with a different leading man. B, BL, CBI, NR, MH, MB, PBO, LAR, OBH, CC, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Verger Dean Crawley’s butler. PE, WDIM, DA, 3S&T
Villars, Verena b. 1892. Wife of Rev. Gregory Villars, vicar of Northbridge. Typical languid, middle-aged, attractive Thirkell heroine. Had “a bit of a heart.” Two sons. SH, CBI, NR, GU, MB, PE, DD, JC, WDIM, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Wamba the Witless Saxon ancestor of the Pucken family. From Scott’s Ivanhoe. LAA, 3S&T
Ward, Sister Nurse “Wardy,” who shared an apartment with Sisters Heath and Chiffinch. DH, MB, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL, CQ, 3S&T
Waring, Gen. Sir Harry (1866-1949) Resident of Beliers Priory before war. Son George (deceased), wife Harriet. Was in 408th Regt. in Boer War and WWI. Although he had been a general, he hated making tough decisions. Lived in servants’ quarters during war while most of the Priory was a convalescent hospital. Died by the time of DD. GU, MB, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, WDIM, ESR, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Welk, Mavis Married Theodore Parkinson, the rather naive theological student who later became vicar first of Pomfret Madrigal, then of Greshamsbury. Three children, Harold, Connie, and Josiah. PE, CC, ESR, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Wesendonk, Robert Friend of Tony Morland at Southbridge School. Intelligent but never said anything (only uttered once in several books where appeared.) Interested in model trains and electricity. Had three sisters and was fond of babies. Played harmonica to indicate emotional moods. Later became an Olympic swimmer. HR1, DH, SH, MB, 3S&T, MMS
Wickham b.1898. Middle-aged naval man invalided out after Dunkirk. Acted as estate agent for Noel Merton at Northbridge Manor. Known as “Wicks.” Was a farmer between service in both wars. An avid birdwatcher with a remarkable capacity to absorb alcohol, large quantities of which were sent him by naval friends all over the world. Nephew of Mr. Johns, publisher. Proposed to and was refused by Effie Arbuthnot, Isabel Dale, and Margot Phelps (in each case the refusal was a great relief!) PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Wicklow, Guy b.1941. Son of Roddy and Alice Wicklow. Planned to enter forestry. PE, OBH, WDIM, LAA, 3S&T
Wicklow, Phoebe b.1943. Daughter of Roddy and Alice Wicklow. Planned to attend art school. PE, OBH, WDIM, LAA, 3S&T
Wicklow, Roddy Son of Mr. Wicklow of Barton and Wicklow, Architects. Assistant estate agent to Mr. Hoare at Pomfret Towers, later took over the estate himself. Big, good-natured, he married Alice Barton and became invaluable assistant to his brother-in-law Giles, Lord Pomfret. Wounded in leg, which kept him out of most of war, but returned to fight in Belgium near war’s end. PT, B, BL, CBI, MH, GU, HM, MB, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, DD, WDIM,  ESR, NTL, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Wicklow, Sally b.1914. Daughter of Mr. Wicklow the architect. Enthusiastic outdoorswoman who loved horses and dogs, “the best hands in the county.” Married Giles Foster, who became Lord Pomfret, and took much of the burden of duties over from him because of his poor health. Children Ludovic, Emily, Giles. Conscientious and hard-working, she was on every important committee during and after the war. PT, B, CBI, MH, HM, MB, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, WDIM, ESR, NTL, DA, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Winter, Philip Under-housemaster to Everard Carter at Southbridge School, where he was Senior Classics Master. Son of a clergyman. At first meeting, a hot-tempered communist sympathizer. Was engaged to Rose Birkett, the nitwit daughter of the headmaster, and was extremely jealous. Became unengaged on day of memorable picnic on an island in the Rising River at Northbridge, culminating in Rose’s throwing her ring at him (a relief to all concerned.) Joined the Territorials during the war, rose to rank of Colonel, and lost his communist sympathies. Was called “Carrots” and “Fireworks” in school because of red hair. Married Leslie Waring, started Priory School in Beliers Priory, later moved school to Harefield. SH, CBI, GU, MB, PBO, PE, LAR, OBH, CC, DD, HR2, JC, ESR, CQ, LAA, 3S&T
Wiple Small master builder of Southbridge. Created Wiple Terrace in 1820 – Four small cottages named for his four daughters (Maria, Louisa, Adelina, and Editha). In 3S&T Wiple Terrace was rescued from Sir Ogilvy Hibberd’s plan to raze it and build a factory CBI, PE, JC, 3S&T