Indexes to the Angela Thirkell Archive Collection at the Brotherton Library, University of Leeds (Boxes 1-12)
Index of Items | Box (Item) Number |
Novels: lists of characters compiled by Olive Wyatt | 5 (13) |
‘The advance of science’ | 4 (19) |
‘Angela Thirkell tells how the reader looks at books’ | 4 (23) |
‘Angela Thirkell writes for you’ | 4 (22) |
‘Angela Thirkell writes for you’: typescript. | 8 (39) |
August Folly: typed extract | 8 (41) |
‘Australia in 1842’ | 8 (1) 17 |
‘An Australian valley’ | 8 (1) 20 |
[Barsetshire map by Maurice Weightman] [manuscript] | 4 (1) |
Before Lunch: typed extract | 8 (41) |
‘Books at random’ | 8 (12) |
The Brandons: dramatisation | 11 (9) |
The Brandons: typed extract | 8 (41) |
B.B.C. | 7 (2) |
‘British music in Melbourne’ | 8 (1) 4 |
Broadcast to America: typescript | 8 (22) |
‘Carillon’: typescript | 8 (23) |
‘Casanova, the press and the censor’ | 8 (1) 16 |
‘Charles Rischbieth Jury’ | 8 (1) 25 |
‘The charm of birds’ | 8 (1) 9 |
Cheerfulness Breaks In: typed extract | 8 (41) |
Cheerfulness Breaks In [‘the Warburys’] | 11 (2) |
‘Chequers’ | 8 (1) 5 |
‘Childhood Christmas in Sussex’: manuscript | 9 (1) |
‘Children in Dickens’: typescript | 8 (24) |
Children’s Christmas story: manuscript | 4 (3) |
Children’s story: manuscript | 4 (2) |
Children’s story: typescript | 8 (25) |
‘A contribution to ‘Clara Gazul’ ‘ | 4 (13) |
The Demon in the House: typed extract | 8 (41) |
‘Dickens’ debt to his illustrators’: manuscript | 3 (4) |
‘Dickens’ debt to his illustrators’: typescript | 8 (26) |
‘Divagations on the censorship’ | 8 (1) 23 |
A Double Affair: manuscript | 4 (4) |
Dumas père: manuscript | 4 (1), 4 (3), 6 |
‘Dumas debt to England’: typescript | 8 (27) |
‘Edwin Drood on the stage’: | 4 (10) |
‘Edwin Drood on the stage’: manuscript | 9 (1) |
English Romantic poets: manuscript | 3 (4) |
Enter Sir Robert: typescript of cancelled chapters | 5 (29) |
Enter Sir Robert: publishers’ contract for | 11 (2) |
‘Euterpe in Melbourne’ | 8 (1) 21 |
‘An evening with J. M. Barrie’ | 8 (1) 1 |
‘A film society’ | 8 (1) 8 |
‘The first Nowell’ | 8 (7) |
‘Food and art’ | 8 (1) 10 |
The Fortunes of Harriette: notes for | 7 (1) |
Gilbert Murray: manuscript | 4 (2) |
‘The good little girls’: typescript | 12 (2) |
‘A grandfather of famous men’ | 8 (1) 24 |
‘Gravely speaking’ | 8 (1) 18 |
‘The great art of riding’ | 8 (9) |
Growing Up: typed extract | 8 (41) |
The Headmistress: typed extract | 8 (41) |
‘A healthy mind in a clean body’ | 8 (1) 12 |
‘Henry Kingsley’ | 4 (16), 8 (15) |
‘Henry Kingsley’: manuscript | 4 (2) |
‘Henry Kingsley’: typescript | 8 (30) |
‘Henry Kingsley: a brief appreciation.’ | 8 (31) |
High Rising: typed extract | 8 (41) |
‘High voltage at Low Rising’ | 8 (11) |
Horatian Society: manuscript | 9 (1) |
‘In the Gargoyle’ | 8 (1) 27 |
Introduction to Barchester Towers: manuscript | 4 (2) |
Introduction to Barchester Towers: typescript | 8 (21) |
Introduction to Cranford: manuscript | 9 (1) |
‘The Irish players’ | 8 (1) 2 |
‘Is fiction history?’: manuscript | 4 (1) |
‘Is fiction history?’: typescript | 8 (34) |
‘Is the straight novel doomed?’: typescript | 8 (35) |
J. L. Garvin | 1 |
Jutland Cottage: manuscript of Chapter 3 | 3 (4) |
Keats: manuscript | 3 (4) |
‘Kipling and the tourists’ | 8 (1) 3 |
‘Kipling’s uncle’ | 8 (1) 15 |
‘Letters from a shepherd of Arcady’ | 4 (5) |
‘A London childhood in the nineties’: manuscript | 4 (2) |
‘A London childhood in the nineties’: typescript | 8 (36) |
‘Lord Balfour’ | 8 (1) 13 |
Love Among the Ruins: manuscript | 1 |
Love at All Ages: typescript of cancelled chapter | 8 (37) |
‘Mamsell Fredrika’ | 8 (3) |
‘Mamsell Fredrika’: typescript | 12 (1) |
‘Manuel Garcia’ | 4 (6) |
‘Marling Hall: review of | 10 (3) |
‘Martin Farquhar Tupper’: typescript | 8 (38) |
‘Miss Bunting: review of | 10 (3) |
‘The modern boy’ | 8 (1) 26 |
‘More than fifty years ago’ | 8 (13) |
‘Morning, afternoon and night’: manuscript | 3 (1-3) |
‘Morning, afternoon and night’: typescript and published text | 9 (2) |
‘Mother Goose’ | 8 (5) |
Never Too Late: manuscript | 3 (7-13) |
Northbridge Rectory: typed extract | 8 (41) |
The Old Bank House: manuscript | 2 |
The Old Bank House: typed extract | 8 (41) |
‘On Stanley’ | 8 (1) 6 |
‘Operation Zebra’ | 4 (20) |
‘Our charming decadents’ | 8 (1) 7 |
‘Pantomime’ | 8 (8) |
Pre-Raphaelite art | 1 |
‘The private view’ | 4 (15) |
Review of The Little Emperors by Alfred Duggan | 4 (21) |
Review of The Pre-Raphaelite Tragedy by William Gaunt | 8 (12) |
Review of Dumas by Andre -Maurois: manuscript | 4 (4) |
Review of Dumas by Andre -Maurois: typescript | 8 (28) |
Review of William Morris by E. P. Thompson | 8 (19) |
Review of a book of ghosts stories | 4 (4) |
Review of A Score of Ghosts | 8 (18) |
‘R. L. S.’ | 4 (10) |
‘Rossetti’ | 8 (1) 14 |
‘St.Valentine’s holiday’ | 8 (10) |
‘Sir Walter Scott’: manuscript | 4 (1) |
‘Shakespeare did not dine out’ | 4 (9) |
‘Shakespeare did not dine out’: typescript | 8 (40) |
Shelley: manuscript | 3 (4) |
‘The sneakthief’ | 8 (1) 19 |
‘Songs my nurses taught me’ | 4 (7) |
Summer Half: typed extract | 8 (41) |
‘Talk on my books’: typescript | 8 (41) |
Thackeray: manuscript | 4 (4) |
‘Thoughts on Turkish baths’ | 8 (1) 11 |
Three Houses | 10 (4) |
‘Three reasons why I like Australia’ | 8 (16) |
Three Score and Ten: manuscript | 3 (5, 6) |
Three Score and Ten: typist’s comments | 10 (5) |
‘Trollope’: manuscript | 9 (1) |
‘Trollope’: typescript | 8 (4) |
‘Up the airy mountain’ | 4 (14) |
‘The Vale’: manuscript | 4 (4) |
‘The Vale’: typescript | 8 (43) |
The Vicar’s Daughter see Three Score and Ten | |
‘Virgil and the goats’ | 4 (11) |
‘A week in an Australian country house’ | 8 (4) |
‘We shall going in England’ | 4 (12) |
What Did It Mean?: gift of manuscript to Yale | 8 (20) |
‘Why I am not an Ancient Roman’ | 8 (2) |
‘Why marry a sleuth ?’ | 8 (1) 22 |
Wild Strawberries: typed extract | 8 (41) |
‘Wilfred Heeley’s letters from India’ | 8 (6) |
‘William Paton Kerr’ | 4 (8) |
‘The works of Henry Kingsley’ | 4 (17) |
Index of Names | Box (Item) Number |
Abbey | 11 (7) |
Adam | 11 (7) |
Agnew | 10 (8) |
Anderson | 10 (8), 11 (7) |
Andersson, Ture | 11 (6) |
Asquith, Lady Cynthia | 8 (18) |
Aylmer | 11 (1) |
Back | 11 (7) |
Backhouse, Gerald | 8 (8-10) |
Bagnold | 11 (4) |
Baird | 11 (7) |
Baldwin | 11 (4), 11 (7) |
Baker | 10 (8) |
Barker | 10 (7, 8) |
Beeching | 10 (8) |
Bell | 10 (8) |
Benedicks, Carl | 12 (1) |
Berger | 11 (7) |
Bird, Anthony | 10 (5) |
Bird, Margaret | 10 (5) |
Birtley House Nursing Home | 10 (6) |
Blakiston | 10 (8) |
Block, Andrew | 7 (1) |
Bonham Carter | 10 (8) |
Boorman | 10 (8) |
Borman | 11 (7) |
Borcherds | 11 (7) |
Bowen, Elizabeth | 4 (4) |
Bozman, E. F. | 8 (30) |
Braddell | 10 (8) |
Braham | 10 (8) |
Bradfield | 11 (7) |
Breit, Harvey | 5 (7) |
Bridgewater | 10 (8) |
Brierley | 10 (8) |
British Broadcasting Corporation | 7 (2), 8 (36) |
Budd | 10 (8) |
B. U. P. A. | 10 (6) |
Buswell, Angela | 5 (6) |
C. | 10 (7) |
Campbell | 10 (8), 11 (4) |
Carrington | 11 (4) |
Carter | 11 (5) |
Casey | 11 (4) |
Cass | 10 (8), 11 (4) |
Chelsea Society | 11 (5) |
Clarke | 10 (8) |
Clewton, F. | 8 (23) |
Collin | 10 (8) |
Columbia Broadcasting System | 8 (22) |
Columbia University | 8 (34) |
Cooke | 10 (8) |
Courtenay Mitchell | 10 (8) |
Cousins | 10 (8) |
Cox | 10 (8) |
Crivelli | 11 (4) |
Cromwell’s head | 5 (3) |
Currey | 11 (7) |
Curtis | 11 (4) |
David, Bede | 5 (11) |
Davidson | 10 (8) |
Danglish | 11 (7) |
De Mierre | 10 (8) |
Dennis | 10 (8) |
J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd. | 8 (30) |
Dickens, Charles | 11 (1) |
Dickens Fellowship | 8 (24, 26) |
Douglass | 11 (5) |
Drake | 11 (7) |
Dubois & Co. | 10 (6) |
Dumas père | 8 (34) |
Duthie, Eric | 10 (4) |
Eaton | 11 (7) |
English Association | 5 (12), 7 (2), 8 (27, 31) |
Ettelson, P. W. | 10 (2, 8) |
Farrar & Co. | 10 (6) |
Ferguson, Rachel | 8 (17) |
Finley | 11 (4) |
Fogg Art Museum, Harvard | 11 (5) |
Foot | 10 (8) |
Fox | 10 (8) |
Garcia, Manuel: photograph | 5 (4) |
Gaunt, William | 8 (12) |
Gawsworth | 11 (5) |
Geisel | 11 (7) |
Gilbert-Lodge | 10 (8), 11 (4) |
Girvan, Waveney | 8 (42) |
Gobel | 10 (8) |
Goldring, E. G. | 10 (2) |
Golding | 11 (7) |
Goold | 11 (7) |
Green | 10 (8) |
Greenwood | 11 (4) |
Haight | 10 (8), 11 (4) |
Hall | 10 (8) |
Hamish Hamilton | 8 (25), 10 (3) |
Harris | 10 (8) |
Hartley | 11 (7) |
Harvey Nichols & Co. | 10 (6) |
Hayne | 10 (8) |
Heinze, Professor | 8 (23) |
Hitchcock | 10 (7) |
Hobson | 11 (5) |
Hodgkinson, Margaret | 5 (6) |
Holloway | 10 (7) |
Horatian Society | 8 (14), 8 (33) |
Hough, Richard | 8 (25) |
Hovenden, Valery | 12 (5) |
Hurst | 11 (7) |
Irvine | 10 (8) |
Jakes | 10 (8) |
James | 11 (7) |
Jarrett | 10 (8) |
Joicey | 10 (7), 11 (4) |
Karminski | 10 (8) |
Keith-Murray | 10 (8) |
Kepman | 11 (7) |
Keppel | 11 (7) |
Kirton | 11 (7) |
Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. | 11 (2, 9) |
Knox | 10 (8) |
Koolman | 9 (2) |
Koshland, William A. | 11 (9) |
Kunkel | 11 (7) |
Laird | 11 (7) |
Langley | 10 (7, 8), 11 (4) |
Lascelles | 10 (8), 11 (4) |
Lattimer | 11 (7) |
Ledger | 11 (5) |
Leeper | 10 (8) |
Levering, Agnes M. | 11 (9) |
Limited Editions Club | 11 (3) |
Little | 10 (8) |
Llewellyn | 11 (7) |
Lochhead | 11 (7) |
Low, D. M. | 5 (12) |
Lynne-Jones | 11 (7) |
MacAuslan | 11 (4) |
McCauley | 11 (7) |
Macdonald | 10 (8) |
McInnes | 10 (7) |
Maclnnes | 10 (8) |
Mackail, J. W. | 4 (9) |
McKail | 11 (4) |
MacLeod | 10 (7) |
McLeod, R. D. | 8 (19) |
Madan, Falconer | 4 (9) |
Malcolm | 10 (8) |
Mander | 10 (8) |
Manhattanville College of the Sacred Heart | 11 (9) |
Markham | 11 (7) |
Marshall | 10 (7, 8), 11 (4) |
Marsden-Smedley, B. | 10 (2) |
Martineau | 11 (6) |
Mason | 10 (8) |
Maurois, André | 4 (4), 8 (28) |
Maxse | 10 (8) |
Mercier | 11 (4) |
Miles | 10 (8) |
Millar, Eric | 5 (1) |
Milner Gulland | 10 (8) |
Mongan | 11 (7) |
Moore | 10 (8), 11 (7) |
Morinia | 11 (7) |
Morris | 10 (8) |
Myer, Kenneth Grenville | 8 (39) |
National Gallery of Victoria | 11 (5) |
National Trust | 11 (5) |
Nebraska University | 11 (5) |
Nicolson | 8 (13) |
Niven, Paul | 8 (22) |
Overal, S. E. | 5 (14) |
Oxford University Press | 10 (4) |
Palmeggiani | 11 (6) |
Pam | 10 (8), 11 (4) |
Pardon, Sydney H. | 4 (6) |
Patterson | 10 (8), 10 (7) |
Peek | 10 (8) |
Penney | 10 (8) |
Phillips | 10 (8), 11 (4) |
Poole | 11 (4) |
Pope | 11 (7) |
Porter | 10 (8) |
Postlethwaite | 10 (8) |
Prescott: photograph | 5 (2) |
Prescott: letters | 11 (4) |
Price | 10 (8) |
Priest | 11 (7) |
Radcliffe, L. N. | 5 (6) |
Reeves | 11 (4) |
Reynolds | 11 (4) |
Ribsdale | 11 (4) |
Riley | 11 (4) |
Risteen | 11 (7) |
Robinson | 10 (8), 11 (4) |
Ropes | 11 (4) |
St. Thomas’s Hospital | 10 (6) |
Saltus | 11 (7) |
Sargent portrait: negative | 5 (5) |
Schreibfeder | 11 (7) |
Scott, Sir Walter | 8 (34) |
Sherman | 11 (7) |
Sherwood | 11 (4) |
Sidgwick | 11 (7) |
Sitwell, Edith | 7 (2) |
Smith | 10 (8), 11 (7) |
Spicer | 10 (8) |
Spurrier, Steven | 8 (7) |
Stack | 11 (7) |
Stafford | 11 (7) |
Stephens, E. | 10 (2) |
Stephens | 10 (8), 11 (4) |
Stirling | 11 (5) |
Storms | 11 (7) |
Swainston | 10 (8) |
Tate Gallery | 11 (5) |
Tarrant | 10 (8), 11 (4) |
Tennant | 11 (4) |
Thames Bank Nursing Home | 10 (6) |
Thirkell | 10 (8) |
Thompson | 11 (4) |
Thompson, E. P. | 8 (19) |
Tiernan, Ellen | 11 (1) |
Times Bookshop | 10 (6) |
Tippen | 11 (7) |
Trollopian | 4 (1) |
True | 11 (7) |
Turner, D. H. | 4 (1) |
Tweedsmuir | 10 (8), 11 (4) |
Waite | 11 (1) |
Wallace | 11 (7) |
Washbourne | 10 (8) |
Watson | 11 (5) |
Watson-Gandy | 10 (8) |
Webb | 11 (7) |
Weekley | 10 (8) |
Weightman, Maurice | 4 (1) |
West Country Writers’ Association | 8 (42) |
White, Jack Palmer | 8 (28) |
Who’s Who | 11 (8) |
Wilkinson | 11 (5) |
Wilkinson, Horace | 5 (3) |
Williams | 10 (7, 8), 11 (7) |
Wilson | 11 (5) |
Wright | 10 (7), 10 (8) |
Writers’ Circles conference | 5 (6) |
Wyatt, Olive | 5 (13) |
Wyld, Ross | 5 (14) |
Yale University Library | 8 (20), 11 (5) |
Zane | 10 (8), 11 (4) |