Index to the Works of Angela Thirkell

By Hazel Bell, adapted by Suzanne Williams

Note: Characters in the Barsetshire novels are listed in A Guide to Barsetshire People (Angela Thirkell Society, 1993), and only particularly significant references to characters are given here. SEE references to characters listed as members of particular groups (e.g. clergy, teachers) indicate a reference to that booklet.

Works of art and literature are listed under the names of their authors, except for those by Angela Thirkell (AT) herself.

The index is not comprehensive. Only the opening page number is given for some scenes or topics that may run on for several pages. Only some typical references are given to topics that occur frequently.

As only the first five chapters of Three Score and Ten are by AT (this novel was completed by C. A. Lejeune after AT’s death), references to that novel from chapter VI (page 143) on are given in brackets.

“A Nice Day in Town” is a short story by AT published in London Calling, edited by Storm Jameson, published by Harper & Bros., 1942 (pages 239-56).

Baby, Mother and Grandmother, published by Lance Thirkell, consists of extracts from AT’s letters to her mother about Lance Thirkell’s babyhood, 1921-25. References to these letters, and to Angela Thirkell’s letters to her typist, Margaret Bird (1950-60), give the month and year of the letters (as 2.22 = February 1922).

BBC in the index refers to the interview broadcast by BBC Radio, 24 August 1954, between Angela Thirkell and Colin MacInnes.

The Grateful Sparrow is not included in this index.

Book Name Abbreviation Year Publisher
Ankle Deep AD 1996 Moyer Bell
August Folly AF 1949 Penguin
Baby, Mother and Grandmother BMG 1982 Privately printed
Before Lunch BL 1951 Penguin
Brandons, The Bs 1939 Penguin
Cheerfulness Breaks In CBI 1940 Hamish Hamilton
Close Quarters CQ 1958 Hamish Hamilton
Coronation Summer CS 1953 Hamish Hamilton
County Chronicle CC 1952 Companion Book Club
Demon in the House, The DH 1934 Hamish Hamilton
Double Affair DA 1957 Hamish Hamilton
Duke’s Daughter, The DD 1951 Hamish Hamilton
Enter Sir Robert ESR 1955 Hamish Hamilton
Fortunes of Harriette, The FH 1936 Hamish Hamilton
Grateful Sparrow, The   1935 Hamish Hamilton
Growing Up GU 1943 Hamish Hamilton
Happy Returns HyRts 1952 Hamish Hamilton
Headmistress, The HM 1944 Hamish Hamilton
High Rising  HR 1941 Penguin
Jutland Cottage JC 1953 Hamish Hamilton
Letters to Margaret Bird, 1950-60 (LMB)   Angela Thirkell Society
Love Among the Ruins LAR 1948 Hamish Hamilton
Love at All Ages LAA 1959 Hamish Hamilton
Marling Hall MH 1942 Hamish Hamilton
Miss Bunting MB 1945 Hamish Hamilton
Mrs. Morland & Son MMS   Angela Thirkell Society
Never Too Late NTL 1956 Hamish Hamilton
Nice Day in Town NDT 1942 Harper & Bros. 
Northbridge Rectory NR 1941 Hamish Hamilton
O, These Men, These Men! OTM 1996 Moyer Bell
Old Bank House OBH 1972 Tom Stacey
Peace Breaks Out PBO 1946 Hamish Hamilton
Pomfret Towers PT 1938 Hamish Hamilton
Private Enterprise PE 1947 Hamish Hamilton
Summer Half SH 1949 Hamish Hamilton
Three Houses TH 1931 Oxford Univ. Press
Three Score and Ten TScT 1961 Hamish Hamilton
Trooper to the Southern Cross TSCr 1985 Virago
What Did it Mean? WDM 1959 Hamish Hamilton
Wild Strawberries WS 1937 Penguin



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          Brandon: Bs 17–81, 28–; MB 13–14
          Harefield LAA 132, 137
          Medmenham PE 198
          picture of JC 12
          Rushmere WS 50, 51, 53–4
aborigines HighR 227
acacia tree: CQ 275; LAA 120
accidents LAR 326-7
accounts/accountants: Bs 168; LMB 4.54, 6.15, 11.59; MB 140, 141, 151–2; PBO 124
          shopping LAR 191
acoustics AF 39
acronyms CBI 157
Actaeon: AF 200; DD 321;MB 236
Acton FH 243–5
actors/acting: HM 147–8; PE 316, 317, 346–8, 367–8; TScT 125
          amateur; AF 204; WDM 172– 3
                   Greek play AF 91–
                   at parties OTM 98–9; PT
                   see also school play
          professional: LAR 339–40; WDM 110–11
          Shakespearian PBO 43
          see also theatre/s
          see Aubrey Clover
actresses: LAR 192–3, 325; OTM 100; PE 94–5, 99–100, 152–4
          Phoebe Rivers PT 31–2
          schoolgirl HM 110–11, 113, 122, 123, 128, 148
          see also school play
          see Jessica Dean; Isabelle Ferdinande
‘actually’: CBI 217; HyRts 78–9; NTL 52, 65
Adam’s apple HM 12
Adams, Heather
          at school: HM 45; MB 100–1
          change in MB 101–2, 109
Adams, Sam
          childhood DD 19
          change in CC 36–7, 40; OBH 109, 198
Adamsfield OBH 199–200, 253–4
Adamson, Joy
          Born Free (LMB 4.60)
adders: DH 77–8; TScT 40
address, mode of HighR 30
addresses, postal LMB 10.54
Addresses, Theatre Opening OBH 232
adoration AD 21
adventuress PE 152–3
advertising TScT 121
          publishers’: HighR 60; LAR 150: PT 64–5, 66
Advocaat WDM 306
Aella, St. MB 14, 126
          St Aella’s Home for Stiffnecked Clergy: ESR 142; OBH 357; PE 120
Aeneid: TScT 99; WDM 43
aerodrome CC 121
aeroplanes and air travel: DD 337; DH 226; HM 248; LMB 8.59; OBH 323; PBO 130
          flying times: DD 337; ESR 164–5; WDM 72
          see also Royal Air Force; W.A.A.F.
Aeschylus SH 48
Aesop’s Fables LAA 227
afterlife: CQ 34; 18–19; DD 57
          see also heaven
          forty AD 82
          fifty AF 191, 193
          fifties HM 19
          old CQ –285; LAA 2 7–8, 237
          and death GU 183
          working out ESR 236–7
          see also ageing; birthdays
Age, The FH 214–15
ageing: CQ 239; ESR 67, 126; LAA 59, 193, 239–40, 290; LAR 270–1, 277, 303–4; NTL 117; OBH 87–8, 312; PE 34; (TScT 217–18)
          kindness offered LAA 193
          senility: HighR 19, 57, 59; LAA 290; NTL 110, 166, 181–2, 201, 208–10
          see also growing up
          housing MB 9–
          literary: CBI 253–4; CC 267; HighR 65; PT 146–7, 160, 161–2
agnosticism: AF 168, 178; BL 204–5; PBO 82–3
Agricultural College OBH 388
Agricultural Economy course NTL 184
Agricultural Laboratory ESR 7
Agricultural Shows TScT 140–1, (184–)
          Barchester: DA 224–5; MH 94; NTL 36, 262, 264
          Skeynes BL 200–1, 222–, 250–1
Agriculture vocabulary DA 214
          see also bulls; cows; estates, management; pigs
A. I. F. (Australian Imperial Force) TSCr 125, 132
          H.Q. TSCr 10, 22–4, 36, 70
          Non–Military Employment Scheme TSCr 10–11, 20
air raids: CBI 130; JC 25–6; NR 102–6, 111–, 123–
          precautions: CBI 305; NR 104, 106
          shelter NR 183-6
          see also A.R.P.
Aladdin: MMS 3; ESR 79–80
Albania CBI 84
Albany BL 179
Albert, Prince NTL 10
          baby GU 84
          photographs see photograph albums
alcohol BBC
          see also drink
          alcoholism: OTM 176–7 TSCr 28
          curing: CBI 289; MH 27
          women TSCr 28
          see also drinking, excessive
Alexandra, Princess TH 25
algebra HyRts 24
allies MH 283
Allingham, William TH 12
Allington, Barsetshire CC 58, 271, 292
allotments: HM 78–9; OBH 21, 384
Almack’s Club CS 101–2
Almanach de Gotha PE 237
alpaca DH 248
          biscuits TScT 92
          game: ESR 111; JC 62–3
altar cloth CC 204–5
Amalgamated Vedge DD 66, 113, 114, 115; LAR 13; WDM 232–3
ambulances: GU 179; TScT 112–14
          field, in war TSCr 5–6, 25–6
          driving CBI 89
America LAR 308-9
          see also United States
American Civil War LAA 52
Americans BBC; LAR 186
          and British: LAR 120–1; MH 283–5
          names LAA 308; MB 251
          stock CC
          wars DD 129
          see also food parcels
Amery, Leo (LMB 10.58)
amputation GU 188–90, 191–2, 203; LAR 173, 177–8; MB 51, 66–7, 93–4
anagrams: CC 129–30; ESR 109–10; JC 62–3; CQ 12, 38
ancestors HyRts 226
angels, guardian: Bs 222–3, 282–3; CC 319–20; ESR 226
animals, treatment of: Bs 226–8, 252; CBI 223; DH 128–9, 130–1
          see also bulls; cats; dogs; goats; horses; pigs; ponies; rabbits; rats
Ankle Deep (?) (Thirkell); NTL 185; BBC
Annuals CS 62, 96
Anthony, St. LAA 173
antimacassars, railway ESR 270
antique shop (LMB 10.57)
ants (TScT 226)
ANZAC (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps) TSCr 1–6, 37, 49, 79
Anzio, Italy: DD 50; MB 15; PBO 90, 105; PE 52
apostrophes OTM 210
apothecary CS 24
appendicitis Bs 238–
apples: MMS; NR 19, 21, 24–5; TH 81–2
apple bobbing (LMB 12.59)
aprons PE 173
apricots: BL 121; MB 93
Arabian Nights OBH 233
          illustrations BMG 2.22
Arbuthnot, F. E.
          Coot and Hern PE 166
Arbuthnot, Fred PE 300–1, 303
archaeology: BL 252; DH 134
          Journal of the Society of Barsetshire Archaeologists Bs 22
          see also Barsetshire Archaeological Society
Archimedes LAA 109
architecture: ESR 89
          functional PE 263
          modern MB 6
          pre–Raphaelite TH 66
Arcot House, Harefield: HM 7, 11, 18, 20, 102–3, 106–7, 115–16; OBH 201
Argentina: AD 88; MB 26; PBO 136
‘Argentina Tango’ CC 238–40, 266; PE 346, 368
argument, logical AF 10–11
          of Barsetshire: MH 6; WDM 32–3
          Mixo–Lydian MB 32
          obligations LAA 189–90
          pronunciation (n’): CC 276; LAA 37, 208; LAR 321–2
          titles DD 164
          see also Debretts; peerage
arithmetic (BBC; LMB 10.54)
          see also mathematics
Armistice: NTL 104; TSCr 5–6, 10
          artificial: GU 192; LAR 74–5
          broken Bs 142
arms, heraldic CC 259
Army, British: LAA 59–60; NTL 55
          A. P. M. TSCr 6
          A. T. S. (Auxiliary Territorial    Service) MH 145
          batmen: NR 16; PBO 9
          Captain Belton Bs 158
          Colonels PE 100–1
          Ghurkas TSCr 120
          in India CBI 242–3; PE 63,100–1, 358<196>9
          Intelligence: CBI 116; MB 90–1
          O. T. C. CBI 107
          Territorials CBI 106, 116
          see also Barsetshire Yeomanry; Regiments; Sandhurst; soldiers
Army and Navy Stores: LMB 9.58; TScT 17
Arnhem, battle: DD 96, 109, 118–19, 129; HyRts 13
Arnold, Matthew: DA 208; WDM 148
          ‘The New Age’ LAA 76, 188
          on Shakespeare LAA 242
Arnos Grove OBH 6
A.R.P. (Air Raid Precautions): HM 230, 250; JC 47; NR 43, 47–8, 57, 84, 104, 111, 139, 183; PBO 44
          shelter: JC 47; NR 187–91
          wardens CBI 236
Arras PBO 117
art ESR 36–7
          forms BL 52–3
          Italian ESR 22
          modern: CQ 155; LAA 159; PT 70, 83–4
                    see also Set of Five
          sales LAA 22–3, 40
          Victorian: CS 67–72; LAA 228
          see also artists / painters; pictures
art exhibition AD 156–7
art gallery CS 68–72
Arthur, King HighR 49
artificial arm: GU 192; LAR 74–5
artificial foot: LAA 127–8; MB 15, 93 leg ESR 22
artists/painters: PBO 15–16, 109–10; PT 93;
          Alice Barton PT 11, 12
          Burne–Jones TH 22–3, 39, 41–2, 59–60, 61
          war MH 49
          at work PBO 108–9
          see also names of real artists
          see Alice Barton; Julian Rivers; Scatcherd
Arundel prints: DA 41; ESR 15; GU 232; LAA 160; NTL 243, 244, 258–9; TH 122
          St Ursula: LAA 160; NTL 258–9; SH 36
Ascot WDM 320; PE 307
Ashes WDM 320
Assaye House HM 144–5
astrology PT 117
astronomy: JC 79, 195; NR 54, 146, 149; TSCr 143; WDM 16–17
atheism NTL 242
Athenaeum CS 4, 14
Atheneaum (Barsetshire) PE 160
Athenaeum Club CS 137, 146, 147–8, 162
atlasses: OTM 36–7 NTL 11
A.T.S. (Auxiliary Territorial Service): GU 185; MH 145
attention: JC 100; PE 217, 242
attics: CQ 198–9; HM 115–17; TScT 60–2
          loft TH 60
Attlee, Clement: DD 332–3; HyRts 56, 63
audiences: DD 69; LAR 323; PBO 95–6
Audit Ale WDM 7
August PE 291
Aunt Sally MB 95, 96–7, 235, 237, 267, 269–70; PBO 137
Austen, Harold (LMB 7.59)
Austen, Jane: AF 141; LMB 7.59; MB 33, 170
          Emma: CC 236; CQ 154; AF 167; HyRts 153, 159, 229
          Kipling on: CC 154; JC 30
          Mansfield Park AF 141
          Northanger Abbey OBH 153
          Sense and Sensibility LAR 288
Australia: HyRts 58, 74–5; PE 18, 301; TSCr 1–2, 5–9, 16–19, 170–7; BBC 19C. HF 189
          aborigines HighR 227
          ANZAC TSCr 1–6, 37, 49, 79
          AT in LMB 1.52, 1.54, 4.54, 8.56, 12.59
          church TSCr 89
          Government TSCr 2, 130
          Henry Kingsley LAA 228
          Dick Morland in MB 70
          riots TSCr 125
          sea crossings TSCr 17–19
          wives TSCr 8, 20–1, 94
Australian Imperial Force (A. I. F. ) TSCr 22–4, 125, 132; BBC H.Q. TSCr 10, 22–4, 36, 70
          Non–Military Employment Scheme TSCr 10–11, 20
Austria SH 128, 130
authors see writers
autobiography, AT’s: LAA 22; NTL 55, 267
          writing one’s MH 202–3, 211
          see also childhood, nostalgia
autographs, signing OTM 190
autumn ESR 227


Bab Ballads see Gilbert, W. S.
babies: BMG 1.1921–8.22; CC 122, 127–8; DD 21, 32, 35, 43, 44, 315; DH 108–9, 112, 122–4; LAA 57, 116–18; LAR 259-60, 267–8, 282, 312–13; PE 10–11
          album GU 84
          bathing: BMG 2.21, 5.1, 3.22, 8.22; CC 213; NTL 166–7; WS 63
          on beach TH 129–30
          bottle–feeding: BMG 3.21, 6.21, 8.21; GU 56–7
          breast–feeding: BMG 1.21; LAA 129; LAR 195
          clinics AD 80–1
          food BMG 9.21, 10.21, 11.21, 12.21, 1.22, 2.22, 3.22
          how soon born after marriage GU 83
          newborn: CC 111, 118; LAA 31–3, 41, 57
          potty training BMG 2.21, 6.21, 1.22, 4.22
          premature CC 117
          on shipboard TSCr 98
          showing to visitors NTL 189–90
          sleeping CC 315–16; LAA 116–17, 118, 126
          unwanted GU 60–1
          voices: BMG 4.21, 7.21, 8.21, 12.21; CC 122, 133; DD 21; LAA 118
          see also Christenings
Babs’s Buttery DD 189–90
Bach, J. S., music of: AD 77; BL 170; CS 113–14; NTL 127
          ‘Bist du bei mir’: JC 109; WS 76
bacon LAR 108
badgers: ESR 175; JC 268; WDM 42
Bagnold, Enid BBC
          bridesmaids’ CC 66–7
          Dorothy OBH 224
          evening WS 93, 202
          handbag contents LAR 151–2
          make–up DA 68
baize, green CBI 241
baker PBO 68
          in wartime HM 76
          see also bread
Baker, P. B. (W. H. Smith’s?) CBI 129
baldness JC 10
Baldwin, ? (LMB 2.60)
Baldwin, A.W.
          The Macdonald Sisters (LMB 3.60)
Baldwin, Didi TH 124, 126, 127
Baldwin, Oliver TH 105, 125, 127
Baldwin, Stanley TH 106; BBC
ballet: Bs 86, 209; BL 187; PBO 95–6
          music: BL 52; LAR 247
          new, producing BL 111
          Russian: BL 53–4; CBI 69–70; MH 158; OTM 33, 38–53; PBO 96
          Victorian CS 142–3
Balliol: LAA 142; NTL 177; OBH 182; BBC
balloon ascent CS 49–50, 54–5
balls WS 198–218
          see also dances/dancing
Balstier, Wolcott TH 90
Bampfylde, Sir Charles HF 199
bananas: NR 71; PE 285
bandages, making HM 54
banking/banks: AD 3–4, 6, 84; ESR 111–12
          manager (TScT 262, 267)
          staff ESR 117, 120
bankruptcy HyRts 247
Banned Books CBI 100–1
banns, marriage BL 215
Baptist school (Pocklington Road School) CBI 234, 235, 244, 251
Barchester DH; ESR 92; LAR; PE; WDM
          Abbot NR 10
          Cathedral: CBI 319–20; DH 69, 78–82; ESR 74, 93–6, 95–6; JC 14–15; LAA 149, 235–; (TScT 179, 265)
                   if bombed CBI 304–5
                   picture of ESR 35–6
                   see Deanery
          hotel see White Hart
          Odeon (cinema): CBI 27, 28; ESR 43, 74, 202; LAA 211; NTL 270; PE 187; TScT 80, 116; WDM 38
                   Garden ESR 94–5
                   fishpond ESR 96; LAA 120–1
          see also Bishop of Barchester
          parliamentary constituencies PBO 125–6, 171, 193–4, 253–4
          railway station: CC 266–7; WDM 20–1
          see also Barsetshire
Barchester, H.M.S.: LAR 69, 70, 140; NR 152
Barchester Chronicle: CBI 54, 273; DA 76, 79, 88, 101; HyRts 99, 103; LAA 246–7; LAR 104; MB 14, 61, 127, 197; OBH 21; PBO 254–5; PE 54; TScT 138, (161, 256, 268)
Barchester County Council
          see County Council
Barchester Free Press: ESR 76; PBO 254–5
Barchester High School for Girls: Bs 214, 244; CBI 310–11; MB 30, 32, 50, 61, 99; OBH 55; PE 244, 270; SH 125–6, 160–1; (TScT 174–5)
Barchester Hospital: CBI 127–8; DD 258–61; HM 54; LAR 172–3; WDM 268
          Christmas entertainment CC 274
          Friends of: ESR 103; WDM 13–14
          in wartime CBI 63, 202, 272
Barchester Mercury MB 14
Barchester News: LAA 246–7; TScT 138
bargaining: CBI 193; CQ 26
Barham, R. H.
          Ingoldsby Legends: CBI 24; CS 5–8, 15, 17; LAA 65; MB 34, 36–7, 71
          ‘Barney Maguire’s Account of the Coronation’ CS 190–6
          ‘The Jackdaw of Rheims’ JC 58
Baring–Gould, Sabine
          Lives of the Saints TH 122
barley sugar CQ 185–6
barmaid PE 112–13
barn, renovating OBH 248–51
Barnes, William ESR 124
barometer DA 214
barouches CS 72, 79–80, 84
barrel–stand DA 44–5
Barrie, J. M. (LMB 10.54)
          Mary Rose OBH 90
          Peter Pan WDM 277
          Sentimental Tommy LAA 2 83
barristers PE 20
Barrow, George
          ‘Lavengro’ BMG 2.22
Barsetshire (county)
          East ESR 185, 186
          families JC 7
          history NH 10
          names LAR 364
          origins BBC
          railways see separate entry
          scenery Bs 27
          seats of nobility CC 270–1
Barsetshire, H.M.S. LAR 69-70
Barsetshire Agricultural Show
          see Agricultural Shows
Barsetshire Archaeological Society: CC 163, 233; CQ 195; DD 158–, 317–; ESR 9, 82–3; LAA 22, 62; MB 50, 156–7, 171–; PE 195
          Journal Bs 22
Barsetshire Benevolent Association BL 263
Barsetshire Courant TScT 132–3
Barsetshire Evening News: LAA 246–7; (TScT 268)
Barsetshire News LAA 246–7
Barsetshire Pig Breeders Association (B.P.B.A.) LAR 108
Barsetshire Regiment: NR 12, 16; PBO 38
Barsetshire Yeomanry: CBI 145–6; CC 251, 253; GU 138–9, 140, 210; MB 15, 63–4; OBH 259, 261, 36; PE 332
Bartlett’s Dictionary of Quotations: CC 103; LAA 76; NR 130
Barton (architect) ESR 215
Bath HyRts 164; (LMB 9.54)
bath salts MB 216, 223, 224
bath sponge MB 216, 222
          in pools DH 171–2
          sea, at Rottingdean TH 130–
          see also swimming
baths and bathrooms: ESR 61, 71–3, 147–8; NTL 216; TScT 91; BBC
          Ascot heater (LMB 1.51)
          babies’ see under babies
          castle DD 145
          children’s: NTL 166–7
          hip TH 62
          cleaning CQ 19
          small boys’: DH 192–3; HighR 38; LAA 109, 110–11
          death in OTM 184–5
          douche and sitz CBI 126
          flat PT 23
          flooded SH 48
          hip–: LAR 11; PT 23; TH 62; TScT 91–2
          Nannie’s GU 40
          noisy MH 10–11, 12
          Pomfret Towers PT 22–3, 31
          running HM 13
          school SH 46–7
          on troopship TSCr 60
          water restrictions HM 12–13
batman, army PE 199, 200
Battle of Maldon AF 74, 123–4
bats AF 43
Bayly, Nathaniel
          ‘The Mistletoe Bough’: HyRts 215; (LMB 3.52); TH 115
bazaars see bring–and–buy sales
Bazoukis PT 42
B.B.C.: DA 158–9; HyRts 312, 315; (LMB 2.52, 11.54, 9.57); NR 251; PBO 141; TScT 20, 53; WS 103, 171, 177, 223; BBC
          audition for WS 82–5
          broadcasting for MMS 16, 17
          mispronunciation: DA 159; HyRts 312; (LMB 4.59, 10.59)
          news: CBI 122; HM 101; PBO 258
          see also radio
beach LAA 11
          Rottingdean TH 124, 129–
beagles PT 136–7
bean–picking: AF 119; MH; NR 74, 75
Beard, Squire TH 93, 94
beards HyRts 65; PE 64
Beardsley, Aubrey LAR 73
beating, women
          desirability of: HM 272; OBH 327
          child thrashed, ‘admired her father for this display of brutality’ FH 15
          ‘I needed beating’ OTM 204
          ‘kissed the rod’ CC 166
          ‘at once licking the hand that beat her’ LAR 372
          ‘like a true w. licking the hand that chastised her’ ESR 181
          that held the whip OBH 327
          ‘if necessary beat her’ HyRts 232
          ‘need beating’ HyRts 114– 15, 264
          ‘need riding to subdue’ DD 162
beauty: in women: CC 291; CQ 113–14; LAR 333; JC 35, 96; OTM 54
beauty cream AF 217
beauty parlour: JC 204; LAR 141
Becket, Thomas à DA 51–2; DD 275; HM 193
Bedale, Lisa (Isabel Dale) books by CC 104, 129
          Aconite at Night CC 104, 188, 254–5
          Blood Down Below DA
          Don’t Spare the Hearses TST
          Hot Cross Roads CC 250
          Rattle His Bones CQ 103
          Which Way Up CQ 234
bedding ESR 241
bed–jacket TScT 113
bedrooms ESR 59–60
          fires in: LAA 155; LAR 11; PT 56–7
          for guests NTL 163–4, 214
          heating LAA 170
          Lady Emily’s WS 63
          untidiness ESR 59; HyRts 33–4; NR 91–2
          washstands and hip baths LAR 11; TScT 91–2
beds LMB 9.53, 8.56, 9.56
          uncomfortable LAR 148; NTL 125
                   pre–Raphaelite TH 65
          wartime NR 48–9, 65–6
bedtime, children’s TH 36
bed–trays, folding: NTL 163; TScT 307–8
beef NTL 141–2
beer: BL 42, 43; DA 44; JC 75, 248, 250, 270; LAR 346, 349, 354–5, 362–3; NTL 230; OBH 213; PBO 29
          Pilward’s Entire: LAR 354–5, 362; (TScT 186)
          on troopship TSCr 53
          see also breweries
Beerbohm, Max: AD 129; HighR 206
Beethoven, Ludwig van music: AD 52; BL 54, 170; CS 111, 113
beetles: DA 118; ESR 105; NR 41; OTM 45; PBO 196–7
Beggar’s Opera (Gay): LAA 34, 173; OBH 280, 379
begging letters HyRts 29–30
Beliers Priory: DD 146,147–8; ESR 9–; GU 14–, 107; LAR 5, 10–11
          ruins ESR 9
Bell, Lady BMG 11.25
Belloc, Hilaire
          Caliban’s Guide to Letters HighR 223
          Henry King AD 171
          Struwwelpeter OTM 56
bell–ringing: NR 62–3; PE 199, 313, 328–33
          alarm ESR 16, 17
          Cathedral DH 75
          church HM 120–1; 335
          door OBH 24–5
          dressing SH 136–7
          fish–pond CC 164–5, 172
          outside DA 50
          servants’: BL 107, 189, 266; CC 163–4; ESR 72; HyRts 220, 221; HighR 145; LAA 302; PT 29–30; TScT 43
Bell’s Life in London: CS 4, 92; FH 219–20, 222, 224, 227, 229, 237–41, 249–51, 252, 256
belt as weapon TSCr 159–60
Beltons HM 5
benefactors MB 39
Benson, A.E. BBC
Benson, John, Lord Charnwood (LMB 3.54, 4.54, 9.54, 11.57)
Bentley’s Miscellany CS 5–7
bereavement: CC 168–9; ESR 247–8; 86; LAR 118; OBH 345; PBO 265
          of children TSCr 134
          husbands: CQ 204, 232, 259
          see also widowhood and widows
          sons: GU 129; LAR 35, 122; PT 44; WS 8,179–80
          war ESR 138
          wives WS 186
          see also mourning; widows and widowhood
béret, army HM 22, 24–5
Bernstein, Henri TH 40
Betjeman, John (TScT 235)
betting CS 81–2, 87
bézique: BL 97–8; LAA 158
Bible/s: Bs 58; ESR 105; LAA 16; MB 93; TScT 10
          Aaron’s robes HM 86, 88
          binding NTL 96
          ‘a book we were never meant to understand’ HM 73
          characters PE 30
          Concordance: CQ 229; LAA 13; TScT 10
          Corinthians: Bs 56; JC 143
          Ecclesiastes: DH 75; OBH 12–13
          Exodus ESR 223
          Family NTL 249
          Genesis: CC 78; LAA 13, 244
          Haggai: MB 91–2, 124, 268–9; OBH 15
          Job: CBI 304; HyRts 67
          John ER 239–40
          Jude, Epistle of LAA 155–6
          language OBH 26
          names CQ 148
          old NTL 96–7
          Prodigal Son DD 220, 278
          Proverbs: AD 204; CQ 243; ESR 15–16; HyRts 66
                   ‘wicked flea’ JC 138
          Psalms see separate entry quoting: CQ 228–9, 281; ESR 198
          reading: CQ 48, 63 ESR 185; HyRts 65–6, 67, 155–6
          Revelations: CQ 280; JC 51; LAA 175; PE 206
          Romans JC 135
          Samuel HyRts 206, 207
          Sara LAA 244
          Song of Solomon ESR 198
          translation DA 208–9
Bickerstaffe, Isaac NTL 8–9
bicycles/bicycling: AF 54; BL 102, 107, 108; CBI 55, 294; ESR 65; JC 185–6; LAA 272–3; LAR 38; OBH 249; PBO 14; PE 198–9, 200; WDM 11–12
          children’s DH 12, 17–20
          cleaning and maintenance DH 30; MB 103–4, 105
          lights DH 30–1
          L. Morland on DH 20–1
          pump DH 31–
          puncture, mending WS 87–8
          racing DH 20–
billiards HM 38–9
Bingham, Rose: PBO 209; WS 190–1, 194, 200, 204, 207
Biographical Dictionary of Provence: CC 297; NR 172, 328–9; WDM 150
Bird, Amanda (LMB 7.51, 12.59)
Bird, Penelope (LMB 10.54, 2.56, 10.56, 1.59, 8.59, 12.59, 260)
Bird, Tony (LMB 3.54, 9.57, 6.58, 12.59, 4.60)
birds and bird watching: JC 87, 260; (LMB 1.60); NR 63–4, 70, 100, 174–5, 183, 315; OBH 334; PE 69, 192, 212–13, 233, 296, 301
          drawings of: CC 125; JC 46, 66–7
          feeding in garden DA 92
          magpies TScT 53–4
          sanctuary PE 301
          shooting: NR 39; PE 17, 18
          swallows DA 81
          see also canaries; doves; hens; ornithologists
biretta Bs 23, 25
          St Philip’s Cathedral TH 112
birthday book SH 124
birthdays WS 198
          first BMG 1.22
          parties (TScT 283–4)
          tea MB 216
                   child’s MH 181–
          17th MB 202–3, 205–; WS 175–85, 195–6
                   AT’s (LMB 1.60)
                   Lady Emily’s LAR 74–
                   Laura Morland’s TScT 9, 20, (183, 284–, 299–)
biscuits: DH 129–30; PE 51; SH 96; TScT 74
          charcoal BL 85
          children’s TScT 92
          ginger: TH 119; WDM 13
          making MH
Bishop Hatto WDM 305
Bishop of Barchester: CC 160–1; DA 60–1, 149; ESR 115–16; HM 42; LAA 120–1; NTL 63–5; PBO 70; PE 220–1, 271; WDM 239
          resignation LAA 83–4, 240–1
Bishopess: DA 202, 203, 241, 246–7; GU 230; LAA 83–4, 125; LAR 321; NTL 64–5, 193–4; PBO 70
Bishops OBH 13–14
Bishop’s Stortford BL 205
black market 229; LAR 220–1; MH 229–30; OBH 101, 189, 193
black tie AD 68–9, 78
blackout: CBI 102–4, 111, 163, 221; GU 153–4, 156; JC 47; NR 110; PBO 44–5
          curtains, later use NTL 64
blackshirts: OTM 34, 38–9, 48, 67; SH 145
blacksmith JC 150, 166, 167
Blackwood NR 86
Blake, William: NTL 55; WS 77
          pictures: BMG 2.21; TScT 22, (180)
blindness ESR 228
blisters NTL 156
blood transfusion (LMB 7.60)
blooding, hunt HighR 40
Bloody Mary (drink) (TScT 158)
blotter, ‘art’ MH 112
‘blowing up’ BL 268
Blowsabel, bouncing NR 86
blushing AD 36–7, 104
boarding school HyRts 146
          dormitories DH 47–8
          upper school DH 232–
          see also Southbridge School
          Australian TSCr 17–18
          on canal DH 95–105
          oars, putting up DA 96
           river: LAA 180–1, 266–7, 272, 292; SH 66–, 156; WDM 139–
          boating parties OBH 267–
          steam CS 138
          see also punting; rowing
boat–house/sheds: PE 23, 26, 30; SH 65
          closing for season CBI 219–20
bodgers: CQ 165–6; HyRts 55
Bodleian library CC 95–6
‘Body in the bag, The’ (comic song) WS 117–18, 120, 121
Boer War: CC 122; DD 39 TH79–80
Bognor JC 249
Bohun, Thomas: CC 106, 198, 199, 202, 218, 222–3,259, 293–4, 295, 296; DD 46; ESR 94; MH 144–5, 151–2, 230–2; NTL 185
          memorial tablet LAR 203–4 boiler PE 120
Bolder’s Knob: ESR 64, 69, 76, 78, 82–3, 137; NR 63; PBO 70–1
Bolikoff (artist) PT 152, 188
‘Bolton Abbey in the Olden Times’ (picture) JC 12
bombs MH 14–15; PE 37
          see also air raids
Boodle’s Club CS 136–7
Book Clubs CBI 285
Book Drive HyRts 36
Book of the Month: CBI 287; CQ 102
          Banned CBI 100–1
book tokens: OTM 92–3; (LMB 11.59)
bookbinding: LAR 140-1; NTL 96; PE 163, 164, 166, 167
          special HighR 223
          doors in CC 228–9, 259, 302
          ladders for LAA 140, 156: AF 12
bookmarks HighR 123
books PE 148–50
          Annuals, Victorian CS 62, 96
          by Barsetshire writers PE 164–5
          S. Barton’s LAA 98, 108; PT 8–9
          borrowing / lending: CQ 167; HM 89–90; PT 26; LAA 54; NTL 188
          burning HighR 206
          care of: CC 250; DA 42–3
          characters from life PE 345–6
          choosing to read (LMB 11.56)
          cleaning DA 42
          complimentary copies CC 88–9
          on doors, false: CC 228–9, 259, 302; PBO 182
          end papers PT 184–5
          good bad HighR 33
          In the home NR 234
          hospital trolley TScT 65 jackets: GU 212; PT 184–5 length LAA 201
          from libraries PT 86
          lists CC 102
          lost LAA 227
          natural history DA 247
          obtaining (LMB 9.58, 10.59)
          old LAR 368
          own, chosen CQ 234
          prices ESR 254
          ‘real’: Bs 84; DD 243; PE 171
          religious DD 25
          signing: AF 144–5; HyRts 130, 289; MB; MH 160; NTL 17
          titles NTL 59–60
          uncut PT 96
          U.S. editions NTL 27–8
          see also dedications; libraries; magazines; novels; publishers; writers/writing
booksellers /shops HyRts 78
          Foyles (LMB 10.59)
          W. H. Smith (LMB 10.57) Victorian CS 62–3, 188
Boon’s Benefit, Winter Overcotes GU 136–7
Boots (retailer) (LMB 11.58) see also Gaiters
          in Bab Ballads LAA 81
          button boots: ESR 243; WDM 229
          cricket DH 64–5
          polishing: JC 168; TSCr 21
          for ponies: LAR 143; NTL 252, 254; TScT 7
          repairs DH 221
          wellingtons PBO 16–17
boredom MH 178; PBO 62–3, 65
bores: AD 137; AF 170; DAA 222–3; WS 32, 60, 190, 191–3
Borough English LAA 64–5
Bosham, Sussex LAR 5
Bostock & Plummer’s: CC 145; CQ; HyRts 92, 146; JC 14, 202; OBH 180
Boswell, James
          Life of Johnson FH 127, 268
          Flora CBI 28
bottle opening WS 212
bottles as weapons TSCr 125–7, 159–60
Borgias OTM 57, 58
Boucher, François PE 144, 244
Boulogne NTL 205
Bowdler, Thomas: CS 62; FH 221, 225
Bowman, Mrs TH 44
boxing: CS 52; SH 95; TSCr 156
          school match HighR 136–41
Boxing Night TH 114
Boy Scouts: AF 166, 167–8, 169–70; Bs 223; DH 64–5; NR 47, 59
boys SH 151
          clubs AF 166, 167–8, 169–70 
          fatherless HighR 139
          growing up WDM 109
          and mothers see under mothers; sons
          small, build: HighR 9, 137; LAR 233
          see also schools, boys’
Boys’ Own Paper NR 61, 137
B.P.B.A. see Pig Breeders Association, Barsetshire
Brahms, Johannes: DA 169; ESR 231
bran BL 86
Brandon Abbas MB 14
Brandon Abbey: Bs 17–81, 28–; MB 13–14; PE 176–7, 184, 357
Brandon, Henry (late husband of Lavinia): Bs 10–11; CC 156, 182–3, 303; HyRts 301; PE 178, 373
brandy: BL 151; DA 10; HyRts 70, 147–8; HighR 245–6; MH 254; NR 115, 116–17, 118
brassières JC 203
bread: LAR 171; OBH 301; PE 143, 188, 245; TH 35
          baking SH 138–9
          crusts SH 153
          delivery MB 206–7
          postwar DD 120
          rationing PE 188, 280, 291–2
          starch–free BL 204, 205
bread–pellets / pills DH 247; PT 96
          china LAR 212, 217, 226
          school: DH 62–3; SH 121
breakfast: AD 23–; HighR 42; MH 9–; OTM 24, 93; PE 66; WS 219–21
          in bed NR 90–1
          in great house: OBH 74; PT 57–9
          children’s: TH 16; WS 63–5, 68
          schoolboys’ holiday: SH 174; (TScT)
breeding HyRts 35
Bremer, Frederica, books by LAR 61
Brer Rabbit AD 119
breweries / brewing: ESR 7, 42; OBH 107, 127
Brewer’s dictionary of phrase and fable: CQ 105; (LMB 12.59)
brewers’ drays: Bs 69–70; CBI 81; ESR 142; LAR 354, 362; MB 154; (TScT 186)
bridegrooms PE 90
bridesmaids’ dresses CC 65–6
bridge (card game): AD 44–5; HighR 78; OTM 98; PT 44; BL 17–18; SH 17–18; TSCr 99; WS 201
Brigade of Guards: DA 58, 65, 81; ESR 138, 172; NTL 240, 268
Brighton, Sussex: LAA 248; (LMB 11.53); TH 46–55, 68, 133 19c. FH 27–8, 104, 138–50
          Royal Albion Hotel (LMB 12.57, 1.58, 1.59, 1.60, 2.60)
          The Ship (hotel) (LMB 1.59)
          veteran car rally (LMB 10.56, 11.54, 11.56, 11.57)
brilliantine: DH 237; MMS 14
bring and buy sales / bazaars CQ 10, 19–; HM 161, 162; LAA 224; MB 224, 226, 227, 233, 235, 240–; PBO 23, 41–2, 260–
Brisbane TSCr 81
Britannia WDM 61
British Broadcasting Corporation see B.B.C.
British Empire ESR 5–6; PE 25
British Institution CS 70–2
British Legion: CBI 234; HM 41; NR 15–16
British Medical Journal GU 204
British Museum: CBI 69; (LMB 2.53); NTL 78; OBH 230; PE 213
British Railways: CC 246; ESR 270; OBH 31–2, 33, 36, 260, 262, 365
British Restaurants OBH 31; PE 206
broadcasting MMS 18–19
          see also B.B.C.
Brocket Hall, Hertfordshire FH 40, 46, 183
bromide DD 259
Brompton cemetery: AD 132; DA 54
Brontë, Charlotte TScT 106
          Jane Eyre FH 22
          Villette LAR 103
Brontë, Emily TScT 106
          Wuthering Heights CBI 124
bronzes BL 90, 91
brooch DD 267–8
brook, litter–filled LAR 305
Brook’s Club: CS 80, 1; FH 232
          elder SH 142
          and sisters ESR 208
          adored by sisters: AF 67–8, 102, 258–9; GU 122–3, 126; PE 67, 110, 355–6
          sparring with sister TScT 88
broughams: DA 84, 85–6; ESR 242–6; GU 107; MB 161, 227; NTL 269–70; TScT 141
Brown, Ford Madox
          ‘The Last of England’ LAA 228
Brownies (LMB 10.54, 11.54)
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett
          film about CBI 27
          Sonnets from the Portuguese: HighR 134; LAA 167
Browning, Robert: Bs 227–8; CC 289; DD 142; ESR 131, 148; HyRts 48; LAR 325; (LMB 3.52); NTL 59; OBH 189; PE 262; SH 45, 175–6, 181, 183; TH 120; TScT 8
          ‘The Blot on the Scutcheon’ LAA 17
          ‘Gold Hair’ WDM 41–2
          ‘Grow Old along with me’: JC 61; LAA 10, 270
          ‘Home thoughts from abroad’ TScT 5
          ‘The Lost Leader’ LAR 39
          ‘The Lost Mistress’: DD 98, 119, 199; LAA 134–5; LAR 371; NTL 6, 269; SH 181; TScT 21
          on music TScT 140
          ‘The silence grows …’: DA 239; HyRts 267; NR 284; WDM 194
          ‘Soliloquy in a Spanish cloister’: Bs 227; CQ 38, 193;     DD 195; TScT 84–5
Brussels BL 85
Buchan, John DD 143
          Thirty–nine steps CC 72; CQ 81
          Richard Hannay: CBI 117; CC 72; CQ 81; OBH 153; SH 176
Buckingham Palace JC 15
Buckley, Arabella, books DA 247
budget MH 240
Buenos Aires PT 78, 79–80
builders, speculative: CQ 17–18; MB10
bull fight PT 84
bulls: AF 134, 138, 157–9, 170–3, 175, 179, 181; BL 119; DD 128–9, 135–6, 160; LAR 307–8; OBH 293–4
          calves: MB 184; PBO 250–1
          as metaphor BL 206–7
          naming: ESR 171; OBH 366; PBO 251; WS 15, 56
          trading in PBO 136
bullying OTM 41
Bulwer, Henry Lytton CS 4, 62, 149, 150
          Ernest Maltravers CS 119, 151–2
          Leila CS 4
          at Rottingdean TH 128
Bunting, Miss
          introduced MH 12–13
          memorial tablet PBO 106, 226, 227
          tabloid (TScT 26, 268)
Bunyan, John
          Pilgrim’s Progress: CQ 270; DD 227; HyRts 77–8; LAA 94; MB 183; PBO 252; PE 130, 248
          Slough of Despond LAR 48
burglar alarms ESR 16, 17
burglars: ESR 14; TScT 139
Burke, Edmund LAA 308
Burke’s Peerage LAR 72
Burlington House FH 181–2
Burma PE 65, 171
Burnand, F. C. CC 146–7
          Happy Thoughts: CC 102; NTL 78
Burne–Jones, Edward BBC
          as grandfather TH 12–13, 18–27, 41–3, 46–7, 50, 57, 59, 61, 70, 72–3, 80, 101–2, 121–2
          pictures TH 22–3, 39, 41–2, 59–60; BBC
          on nursery walls TH 60, 61
          portraits of TH 66–7, 99
          stained–glass windows TH 112–13
Burne–Jones, Georgiana: (LMB 9.58); TH 46–7, 49–50, 75, 77–80, 96, 97–8, 102–3, 104, 105, 118–19, 125; BBC
Burne–Jones, Margaret
          see Mackail
Burne–Jones, Philip: (LMB 4.60); TH 66–8, 120, 125
Burne–Jones café, near Canterbury (LMB) 4.60
Burns, Robert : CC 196; ESR 218, 219; JC 265
          Burnt Njal: AF 48; OBH 224–5; TH 16
buses TH 51–3
          country AF 201–3
          driver BL 184
          queues OBH 351–2
          rides LAR 134–5, 156
butchers PBO 49
Butler, Samuel: (LMB 1.59); MB71
butlers: CBI 33–5; ESR 176–7, 184–5, 208–9, 221; NTL 69, 98–9; PT 28; TScT 41, 43–4
see Horton; Peters; Simnett; Sparrow
butter: CBI 184–5; CC 84; NR 45
button boots: ESR 243; WDM 229
buttonhole, men’s, flowers in: MB 220; PBO 225
buttons SH 72–3, 83
          sewing on SH 68
          shirt AD 28–9
          silver: DD 256; GU 92–4, 178, 261, 262
Byron, George Gordon, Lord CS 4
          poetry: CBI 186; OBH 307; PBO 133; PE 210–11
                   Don Juan FH 127, 202–3
                   on Samian wine CQ 92–3
          and Harriette Wilson FH 45, 114, 182–3, 197, 212, 230–1, 276
Byzantine Empire HM 152


C. A. B. (Citizens’ Advice Bureaux) GU 200
cabbage BL 121
cabs, Victorian CS 127, 146 Caesar, Julius: LAA 159; SH 50
cakes: CC 194; HM 129; LAR 119, 120; (TScT 284)
          birthday (TScT)
          Christening CC 123
          for fête pBs 146
          stale BL 149–50
          wedding DA 87
Calais PBO 50
Caldecott, Ralph
          illustrations by: DD 234; ESR 260; JC 113; LAA 92–3; NTL 226; TScT 6
Caledonian Market JC 248
calf–love: AF 128–9; LAR 193, 218; PE 111
calves: BL 257; MB 184; PBO 250–1
          born with caul DD 134
Caliban’s Guide to Letters (Belloc) HighR 223
Camargou, Reynault NR 22–3
Cambridge TScT 89
          University: BL 10; MB 217; OBH 109; PBO 150
          ‘a subject that even Cambridge must be slightly ashamed of encouraging’           (science) CBI 197
          Victorian CS 19, 40–1, 52, 110, 115–
Cameron, Julia Margaret BL 86
camiknickers DD 151–2
camouflage MB 60–4
Campbell, Mrs Patrick (Beatrix) TH 40–1; BBC
camping: AF 170; SH 66–7, 75, 76, 77
          fire, lighting SH 174
canal: DH 95; LAA 181
          boats on DH 95–105
canaries: LAR 290, 310; MH 213; WS 65
caning MB 27–8
Canning, George: FH 58, 87, 209–13, 216–17, 249, 264; HyRts 30; LAR 338
canteens: CBI 175; LAR 351–2
          Red Cross OBH 147–9
          see also communal kitchen
Canterbury Riots CS 90–1
cape, rabbit fur PT 32
Cape Town Bs 291, 230–1, 235
Capes castle WS 43
caravans CQ 165–6; LAR
carbon paper Bs 147, 149; (LMB 11.51)
carbuncles (LMB 1.52, 8.56)
card games: AD 42; HyRts 94; NTL 181; PT 44, 45
          picquet OBH 72, 96
          PIT DD 257; WDM 112
          see also bézique; bridge; Happy Families
cardinals (LMB 10.53)
          invitation BL 232–3
          visiting CBI 150; OBH 122
          see also Christmas cards; postcards
carillon HM 120–1
Carlyle, Thomas
          Sartor Resartus SH 121
          ‘Carmen Southbridgiensis’ (school song): JC 39; PE 264–5; SH 67
carnations: SH 150
          nibbling AD 15, 16
carols, Christmas TH 116–17
carpenters: ESR 26–7, 52–3; LAR 170, 171; NTL 123, 136, 236–7, 238, 241, 254; PBO 30–2, 170–1
carpet sweeper CBI 63
          in cathedral LAA 229
          mending: ESR 18, 19, 28–9, 40; NTL 28–9
          cleaning MB 204
          Oriental: DA 31–2; TScT 33
          getting in TScT 77
          see also broughams
Carroll, Lewis
          Alice: CC 295; DA 257; LAR 186; MB 147
cars : AF 209–13, 221–29; CQ 155; DD 68; HyRts 173, 266; JC 34–5, 40, 54, 71, 114, 125–7
          accidents: HighR 91–4, 100– 1, 103–4; LAR 326-7; PT 116–17, 118, 137
          near–miss JC 132–3
          American LAR 240; WDM 218
          cleaning TScT 30
          early TH 220–1
          getting in and out: CQ 233; ESR 206; JC 40; LAA 133; NTL 135; TScT 76–7
          Lanchester (LMB 11.57)
          David Leslie’s DA 54
          naming JC 54–5
          parking ESR 142–3
          use ESR 90
          Rolls Royce Bs 11, 128
          veteran car rally (LMB 10.56, 11.54, 11.56, 11.57)
          see also driving
          see dog–carts; farm–carts; under goats; pony–carts; watering–cart
Casablanca AD 26
Cash Compo: CC 140; PE 218–19
casseroles WDM 174
Castlereagh, 2nd Viscount CS 139–41
Castlereagh, Lady FH 72
casualty practice NR 43, 47–8
catchwords DD 112; JC 195
catering/caterers: DA 74–5, 86, 91–2; CC 178; LAA 238, 245, 248; OBH 204–5
          see Tozer
cathedral close LAR 141-2, 306
          St Paul’s CS 21
          see also Barchester Cathedral;
                   St Mungo’s Cathedral
Cats DA 24, 42–3, 47; LAR 100; MH 225; JC 160–1
          allergy to NTL 218
          with baby BMG 2.22, 4.22, 5.22
          child playing with WS 61–2
          in comic song WS 117–18, 120, 121
          death GU 28–30
          door for: DA 43; ESR 17
          kittens: GU 31–2, 39–40; MB 267; WS 121–2; LAA 115
          on shipboard TSCr 64
          simile HM 167
          see also Gunnar
Catullus: Bs 65–6; HM 293; LAA 227, 230; OBH 158; SH 92
caul, calf’s DD 134
caviare AF 136, 137; HighR 175
Cedars, The (house) DD 232–3, 242–5, 319–20
celery LAR 15
ceiling, plastered BL 88, 89
celibacy, clerical: CQ 163–4, 244–5, 275; LAA, TSCr 169
cellars PE 50
          wine CC 285–6; CQ 92–3, 141; PE 237–8
Cellini, Benito
          film about AD 86–7, 198
cellophane (TScT 250)
cemeteries DA 53–4
          see also graves
censors’ office, wartime HM 292
censorship: AF 9; MH 224
central heating: CBI 272; HyRts 189, 291–2, 293–4; LAA 196; PE 8; PT 8
          Roman JC 239
Century of parody and imitation, A (ed. W. Jerrold and R. Leonard)
          ‘The loves of the triangles’ MB 141
          Rejected Addresses OBH 232
          on Scott OBH 204
cereals HyRts 40
Cervantes, Miguel de CC 103
chain stores DD 88
          see also Bostock & Plummer; Empire and Fireside Stores; Gaiters; Luke and                            Huxley’s; Sheepshanks; Woolworths
chairman BL 92–3, 124
chairs BL 111–12
          deck chairs: DD 58; OBH 217–18; TScT 31–2; TSCr 87
          garden LAA 12
          high chair, child’s GU 55
Chaldecotes Chase OBH 5, 355–7
chameleon: SH 46–7, 97, 99; 110, 114–17, 139, 152, 168, 183; LAA 303
champagne: CC 123; DA 86–7, 88, 234; HighR 174–5; LAA 245–6; LAR 211–12, 218; SH 166; WS 205–6, 212
          drunk from shoe LAR 359 –
          nippers: CBI 33, 34–5; LAA 238
Chanctonbury Ring, Sussex PE 86, 182
chapel: GU 80; MB 123, 131–2, 139; OBH 212; PBO 21, 79; WDM 141, 195, 226; WS 9
          Pomfret Towers: CQ 227–8; DA 30
          Southbridge School: CBI 42– 3; CC 121–2; JC 45
charabancs: Bs 27–8; ESR 71
charades MMS 1–2
charcoal biscuits BL 85
charities/y: HyRts 292; (LMB 11.59); NR 139; SH 79–80
          work CQ 95–6
Charles I, King of England PE 207
Charles, King of Norway TH 25
charm PBO 63
Chartists CS 16
Chatterton, Thomas
          picture, ‘Death of’ LAA 228
chauffeurs: BL 153–4, 175, 186; Bs 13, 27–8; MH 20–1; PE 175–6
          uniforms MH 108–9
Chelsea: LAR 47, 150; (LMB 8.55, 9.57, 11.59); BBC
          constituency (LMB 10.59)
          Flower Show (TScT 178)
          house opposite AT (LMB) 10.59, 11.59, 1.60, 3.60; TScT 26
          limping ladies (LMB) 1.57; TScT 60
          Power Station (LMB 3.56)
          Public Library (LMB 9.58)
Cheltenham: DH 116; TScT 50, 51, 55
chemist HM 50, 54
cherry–eating: DH 134–5; HyRts; NTL 144; TScT 13–14
chess HyRts 94, 95
Chesterfield, Lord FH 229, 277
Chevalier, Albert (10.57)
chicken wire MH 105, 107
          in incubator AD 38, 39, 69
          keeping HM 95–6
          on train GU 68
          wishbone: MMS 3; PE 91, 93
          see also hens
chilblains HM 250
childbirth CC 111
          age of NTL 190
          difficult HyRts 256
          see also pregnancy
childcare PE 181, 183
          training PE 33
          see also nannies
childhood memories: HM 119; LAA 12; MH 186; OBH 87; PE 148–9
          Christmas TScT 299–300
childlessness: AF 13; pBL 11; ESR 199; OTM 96
children ESR 199
          and authority MH 310
          bad behaviour AD 198
          birth dates ESR 236–7
          boring WDM 139 church–going: CC 26; (LMB 12.53)
          cinema–going PE 188–9
          clothes, late 19th–c. TH 16
          first in family: HighR 25; LAA 70
          food rationing: PBO 50, 230, 256; PE 283–5
          holiday camps for DA 56
          hospital for (LMB 1.52)
          hotel for LAA 289
          illnesses TSCr 142–3; PE 294
                   measles: PE 292–3, 294; TSCr 142–3, 171; WDM 39–40, 62
          at lunch: OBH 339; TH
          only MB 112
          pocket money DH 215
          at public occasions LAA 130–1
          punishments DD 149
          reading CQ 172–3
          reading to: DD 144–5; HyRts 250
          sleeping HighR 41
          smacking CQ 149, 243; DD 144
          spoiling/spoilt: DA 266; (LMB 12.56, 9.58)
          stage performance WDM 308
          on troopship TSCr 76–7, 140–3, 155–6, 158–9, 175
          in wartime HM 192–3; MH 183
          washing pCQ 132
          Why I hate my, proposed HighR 41; (LMB 11.57)
          youngest in family: CQ; DA 143–4; HighR 25–6
          see also babies; children’s stories; evacuees; grand-children; nurseries
Children’s Corner (church): HyRts 245; JC 39
children’s games: LAR 265; OBH 66, 192
          charades MMS 1–2
children’s stories MH 32; NTL 35; OBH 70, 83, 91–2, 97; TH 16, 35, 36–7; WS 49, 227
          frightening OBH 192
          The Grateful Sparrow (Thirkell) NTL 185
          Hobo–Gobo and Joybell ESR 27
          Hobyahs OBH 70, 73, 82, 91, 156, 184, 191–2
          modern OBH 91
          see also fairy tales; Grimm
chimney sweeping: CC 302; OBH 346–7
chimney sweeps PT 113; TH 33
chimneys HM 119
China DD 341
china HM 162–3
          cats NTL 217–18
          ducks MB 19–20
          plates BL 159
          see also tea services
chivalry Bs 129
chocolate/s: MH 183; NR 165; WS 140
          machines: BL 28; WDM 20
          in theatre AD 187, 189
          wartime NDT 245
choir boys DH 249
Chopin, Frédéric: BL 58–9; CS 66
‘Chopsticks’ LAA 78
Choral Societies: AF 31, 32, 33; NR 34–5
chorus, Greek: AF 93–
christenings: CC 114–15, 127–8; LAR 181, 285–6; PE 221
          Adams DD 23–4, 31–2
          Dale twins CC 116, 120–4
          Harcourt LAA 33–4, 43, 112–26, 130
Christian names: DA 103; JC 59; MB 257–8
          abbreviations LAA 122–4
          choosing children’s: CC 94; CQ 147; HyRts 258; LAA 57–8; NTL
                   after godparents’ CQ 147; DD 115; LAA 122–4; OBH 67
                   after local great family: BL 15; LAR 166; PBO 202
          Caleb CC 64; LAA 231; PE 153
          Cecil DD 72
          of clergy HighR 110–11
          family CQ 6, 147; DD 22, 35, 56, 80, 115, 321–2; LAA 57–8, 135; LAR 259, 286; MB 257; NTL 24; OBH 95–6; PE 47,  91
          of fatherless children LAA 44; OBH
          Julia OTM 23
          Julian PT 126
          Lucasta BL 15
          mathematical: CBI 21–2; OBH 11
          secrecy over HM 8–9
          ungendered: GU 167; TScT 134
          Esme CBI 86
          using: BL 130; CQ 152, 217; GU 146–7, 166–7, 201–2; NR 36; NTL 30; PBO 53– 4; SH 129; TScT 102–3
          Saxon names: BL 75, 82; ESR 159, 244; OBH 96
Christmas: CBI 232–3; HyRts 192, 193, 204, 206; HM 139; HighR 77–; (LMB 12.53, 12.57, 12.58, 11.59, 12.59); MH 268–7.; NTL 168–9; NR 211–, 230–, 253–; OTM 92–; TScT 69
          cards: DD 252; 6; (LMB 1.51, 11.57, 1.59, 12.59)
          childhood (TScT 299–300)
          at Rottingdean TH 98, 114–21
          childless (TScT 299)
          evacuees’ treat CBI 233–57
          nativity scene: CBI 248–9, 255–6; CQ 150–2
          navy CQ 130–1
          ‘odious and society–disrupting season’ HM 139
          presents, buying DH 215–
          pudding MH 309–10
          stockings TH 117–18, 119; (TScT 299–300) tree CBI –242
church/es: ESR 14, 18
          Abroad NR 67
          attendance/services: GU 79, 254–5; HighR 99–100; (LMB 10.51, 12.53); MB 122, 123–6, 127, 132–3; NTL 62–3, 137–9; OBH 48; PBO 74–80; SH 156–7
                   for children: CC 26; (LMB 12.53)
                   collection PBO 79–80
                   country BL 71
                   early ESR 97
                   entry WS 1–15
                   language BL 71
                   lesson: ESR 89, 100–1, 165–6; LAR 304
                   modern 302–3
                   morning service ESR 101–5
          decoration ESR 40
          Edgewood (St Michael and All Angels) DD 11; OBH 113–14
          Greshambury JC 22–3, 49–50
          Hallbury MB 13–14
          Harefield: HM 109–110; LAA 14, 114, 132
          Hatch End ESR 99–
          high/low: Bs 23, 150, 191; CC 24, 214; JC 22, 38, 106, 107, 134–5; LAA 37– 8, 224, 245; MB 251–2; NR 59–60, 143–4; PE 250, 327, 334
          London BL 253
          maintenance DA 33, 47–8, 53
          Marling CC 27
          Pomfret Madrigal Bs 21–3
          private pews: ESR 49–50; NTL 124, 128, 129–30, 135–6, 156–7
          restoration Bs 21–2
          Rushwater: ESR 40; PBO 103, 105–6; WS 1–7
          tower NR 40–1, 43–4, 45–6, 56–, 60–
          see also clergy; Roman Catholic church; under flower arranging; and entries below
Church of England: CC 27; (LMB 11.50)
          livings PE 272 
          school see St Bathos School Church School, Northbridge NR 9
Church Times: 198; JC 94; MB 92
church wardens ESR 89, 178–9, 197–9, 200–1, 231, 252
Churchill, Sir Winston: HyRts 51, 84–5, 134, 135, 155, 193, 205, 251, 306, 308; JC 55–6, 273; LAR 165, 363, 364, 369; PBO 162, 251; PE 27, 124, 163; TScT 140
          books by JC 90, 92–3
          loses election PBO 253
           pictures by PBO 175
churchyard OBH 381
Cicero PE 256
cigarettes: AF 153–4; CBI 192; DD 37–9; MH 185, 239, 307, 311–12; WS 95–6
          for POWs GU 140–1
cigars TScT 42–3
Cinderella JC 211–12, 231, 232
cinema/s: AD 72–3, 85, 90, 103; HighR 194; LAA 32; LAR 63; OBH 18–29, 21; OTM 129–30
          club, children’s PE 188–9
          see also Barchester Odeon; films
circumcision BMG 1.21
cistern, lead OBH 110–11
Citizens’ Advice Bureaux (C.A.B.) GU 200
Civic Restaurants OBH 31
Civil Defence WDM 65
Civil Service DD 193; TH 35; BBC
          Harveys DD 42–3, 95–6, 97; NTL 8
          Tite Barnacle MH
civilisation, lost PBO 95
Clacton AF 200–1
claret PE 313
class, social MB 150; PBO 54
          differences PBO 151
          hierarchy LAR 138–9
          middle: LAA 54; LAR 134; (LMB 9.56, 9.58)
          upper PE 26
          Working Classes PE 283
                   estates CQ 17–19; DA 290
          see also aristocracy; snobbery
classical studies OBH 37, 39, 40
          see also Greats; Greek; Latin
Claude Lorrain HyRts 111, 112
clavichord TH 102
clearing table MH 17–19
Cleopatra CQ 246
          Canons JC 25, 26–7
          celibacy: CQ 163–4, 244–5, 275; LAR; TSCr 169
          clothes: DH 248; ESR 18; JC 50
                   see also gaiters
          country CC 157
          curates, perpetual PE 272
          induction PE 220–1
          lower–class PE 66
          names HighR 110–11
           padres TSCr 11, 46–7, 88–9, 163–4, 175–6
          Rectors and Vicars JC 49
          Stiffnecked PE 128, 129–30
          unsatisfactory: ESR 14–15; LAA 238
          in war PE 38
          wives: CC 155; GU 203; HyRts 13; HighR 110; JC 128; PE 251
                   clothes HyRts 76
          women adoring: CQ 109, 209; JC 22, 38, 88, 94, 105, 107; LAA 24; NR 154–5, 157
          see also church/es
          see Rev. Bannister; Canon Bostock; Herbert Choyce; Josiah Crawley; Edward Crofts; Tubby Fewling; Rev. Gould; Septimus Grantly; William Harcourt; Rev. Highmore; Dunston Horton; William Joram; Justin Miller; Rev. Moxon; Tommy Needham; Caleb Oriel; Teddy Parkinson; Canon Tempest; Tompion; Gregory Villars
clever and disillusioned people GU 171–2, 178
cliché CBI 266
Clifford, Edward TH 37–9
climbing: JC 9
          Alpine Club, Oxford: CBI 143;CQ6,11;DA81;JC 20
          buildings: JC 9, 20, 28, 82–4; LAR 262–3, 296–8; PBO 217–18, 233–584–
          trees: ESR 189; WDM 138, 142–3
clocks :CC 256; HM 69
          adjusting: BL 273; SH 21
          cathedral LAR 150
          18th–cent. DD 233
          see also Summer Time
Close Quarters (AT) (LMB 10.57, 11.57, 12.57, 1.58)
clothes HM 200; HighR 17, 18, 19, 215; (LMB 10.54, 1.56)
          bad dressing HyRts 146, 192; OBH 224
          buying NTL 5
          children’s, 19th–c. TH 16–17, 120
          on beach TH 129–30, 132
          clergy: DH 248; ESR 18; JC 50
          handed–down/2nd–hand: JC 154; NTL 18–19, 28– 9; PE 35–6
          made by nannies: Bs 19–20, 182; PE 33; PBO 81
          men’s, Australian TSCr 33– 4, 159
          naming NTL 5
          patching and renovating PBO 8–9
          remade PE 35–6, 182, 187
          shabby, country OBH 23
          utility: GU 174; HM 200, 260
          in wartime: HM 134; PE 158
          women’s JC 53
                   clergy wives’ HyRts 76
                   djibbah NTL 55–6
                   ‘English, abroad’ Bs 69–71, 77, 79, 83, 282–3
                   elegant WS 129, 149
                   evening dress: AD 118–19; WS 149
                   peasant JC 54
                   tailor–made PE 158–9
                   Victorian CS 26, 27, 57–8, 78–9, 94
                   see also dressmakers; fashion; underwear
clothing coupons: LAR 205–6; MB 67, 100; MH 108–9, 224
clothing exchange PBO 37
Clough, A. H. CQ 82
Clover, Aubrey PE 107
          at Dunkirk PE 107
          name CC 64; PE 153
          plays: ESR 45; OBH 101; PE 315, 316, 317–18, 345
          Attitude to Life PE 92; LAR 77
          Home is Best LAR 76-7
          In for an Inch CC 153
          Out Goes She CC 266–7, 301; PE 315, 367–8
          songs: LAA 304–5; PE 218
Clubs DD 168
          County see County Clubs
          dinner at HighR 174–5
          London: CBI 272; NR 36–7
          Victorian CS 80, 136–7
          see also boys’ clubs; cinema club, children’s; pony club; White’s
coaches: ESR 242–6; MH 20
          char–a–banc Bs 27–8
          motor: JC 160; PBO 5
          Victorian CS 27, 52–3, 55–6, 127
coach–house NR 50
coal (TScT 143)
          storage CQ 8–9
cocaine OTM 122; OTM 24–5
          see hens and cocks
Cockney dialect CS 30–4
Cockney rhymes CQ 273
Cockneys BBC
cocks JC 155
Cockspur Theatre: OBH 199, 232; LAR 341; TScT 107–8, 116, 122–, 131, (195–6)
cocoa PE 14, 143, 144
coconut matting TH 60
coconuts Bs 215, 231–2
code GU 211
coffee TScT 72
          making HighR 35
coffins: MH 12; NTL 230–1, 236–7, 238
coinage (TScT 202, 323–4)
          threepenny bits: Bs 142; JC 68
coke CC 227
Coke, Sir Edward
          Coke upon Littleton PE 149, 150
Cokelers sect CQ 21
cold (TScT 245, 250)
          freezing winter LAR 24–5
          keeping warm (TScT 249–51)
          summer CQ 8; JC 152; MB 104
          see also fire/s; warmth
colds: AD 70–1; BL 226; HM 138, 140–2; MH 257–8, 259–60
          cold cures PE 77, 78
          Gigi (LMB 10.59)
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor LAA 259
Coliseum Theatre (LMB 1.58)
collar studs Bs 47–8
Colombo TSCr 116–43
coloured people ESR 6–7
colours PE 104, 238–9
          aura PE 70–1, 119
          ‘caca’ (LMB 10.59, 11.59, 1.60, 3.60)
          shrimp–gamboge TScT 26
          harsh OBH 104
columbines PE 136
combs, used on animals AF 247; Bs 272
comfort LAA 195
comic strips CQ 172–3
Coming–Out LAA 245–6
committees: DD 7; ESR 218; MB 58; MH 65; PE 162; WDM 7, 9, 10–, 63–, 154–; WS 111–12 (1953, coronation): JC 177; WDM 9–
commonplace book LAR 303
Commonwealth OBH 391
communal kitchen: CBI 201, 210–16, 277; NR 19–20, 30, 253
Communism/ists: BL 70; CBI 24–5, 118; DD 31, 341; LAR 86; PE 206; SH 25, 79–80, 145–6
companions, ladies’ Bs 88, 152, 172, 204
compliments PBO 98
concerts: DD 304–5, 307–8; WS 115–20
          Victorian CS 113–14
confession: JC 112–13; (LMB) 11.50; TSCr 163
confidantes AD 131
confirmation PE 261
Congregationalists: CQ 304–8; HM 215–18
conkers HM 192
Conque: NTL 152; PBO 62; WS 18–
Conscientious Objectors HM 52
conscription: CBI 65, 106; OBH 375–6, 390–1
Consequences HighR 75
Conservative/s: HyRts 51; (LMB 3.54); PBO 69
          Association: CC 234; LAR 54, 89; PBO 126, 149, 273 ‘do’ CC 288–
          Rally LAR 355–
Consolation Race SH 108–9
Constable, John
          pictures LAA 40
Constitutions JC 29–30
contact lenses HyRts 173
conversation CBI 71–2
          see also under dinner parties
convict ships TSCr 70
convicts, in Australia TSCr 2
cooker, Begum (Aga) CC 244
cookery book: DA 170; NR 208, 244–5, 262
cooking AF 119–, 125; BBC
          economical see Winifred Tebben
          on sheep station TSCr 7–8
          on shipboard TSCr 116
           wartime NR 83
cooks: ESR 43–5, 179, 190, 238; LAR 11–12, 16; NR 35–6, 51–3, 73–; NTL 114–15
Coppin’s School NR 42, 46, 82
copyright: CC 115, 178; PT 95
          19thC. FH 224
          Gilbert & Sullivan (TScT 246)
          coracle: SH 66; WDM 132–3
Corday, Charlotte: MB 168; PE 25
          film about NTL 270
Corelli, Marie LAA 284
corkscrew, musical HyRts 236
Cornhill Magazine FH 276
Cornwall (LMB 12.59)
          Queen Elizabeth II’s WDM
                   committees: JC 177; WDM 9.
                   pageant WDM
                   prophecy WDM 306–7
          Queen Victoria’s: CS 8, 9–11, 13, 78, 130, 134–5, 145–63; LAA 9
                   robe CS 89
Coronation Summer (AT) (LMB 2.53)
          illustrations LAA 9
corsets (belts): CC 145; CQ 236; JC 202–3, 269–70; LAA 217, 218; WDM 229
          surgical (LMB 11.58)
          Victorian CS 126
Corsican Brothers TScT 44
Cory, W.
          ‘Heraclitus’ OTM 86
cosmetics see makeup
Cosmorama CS 89
Cottage Hospital: MB 235, 236, 249, 259–60; TScT 64
          wartime CBI 175
cottages: LAA 61; PBO 6
cottage–visiting DA 122
Country Estate and Agents’ Journal PE 318–19
Country Life: HyRts 152, 155; PBO 66, 67; PE 106, 166, 301, 317
County Chronicle (AT) (LMB 1.51)
County Clubs: JC 94, 198, 205; LAR 6, 7, 136; MB 115; OBH 183
County Council: Bs 193–; DA 216, 222; JC 40, 41; MB 178; TScT 37
county stock WDM 212–14
County work: JC 224; LAR 57,139
          clothing: LAR 205–6; MB 67, 100; MH 108–9, 224
          see also food rationing
Courtisane violée, La (film) HyRts 80
couvade Bs 150
Covenant (LMB 9.55)
Cow and Sickle: Bs 68–9, 126–7, 139; CBI 312
Cow End, Northbridge NR 143, 145
Coward, Noël PE 189
cowmen: DD 168–9; PE 20, 54
Cowper, William DD 40
          ‘John Gilpin’: CQ 23; MMS 9; JC 113–14; TScT 87
cows: BL 51, 145, 150; DA 123; DD 116, 118; PE 20–1; WDM 11
          breeding BL 185–6
          calving MH 9
          milking DD 134
          naming BL 270; PE 19
          see also calves
cowshed OBH 242, 244, 246–50, 253
Crabbe, George: LAA 90; OBH 370
crackers CBI 246
cracknel PE 51
cradles: BMG 11.21; TSCr 34
craftsmen: LAR 160–1, 364; PE 125
          see also carpenter
Crane, Walter
          pictures by HyRts 263–4
Cranford (Gaskell) CQ 160
cream (LMB 8.56)
creche, Christmas: CBI 248–9, 255–6; CQ 150–2
cricket: BL 137; DD 148
          Ashes DM 320
          boots DH 64–5
          matches: AF 36, 112–; ESR 74–5, 84, 85–; LAR 111, 228–, 239; NTL 37, 41–
          Rushwater WS 179, 188
          school: PE 79–80; SH 113–14
crime LAR 167
          burglars: ESR 144; TScT 139
          juvenile delinquents CQ 111
          theft /thieves: GU 251–2; OBH 188, 189; PE 30
                   from church LAA 114
          see also poachers
Cripps, Sir Stafford CC 124
crochet TSCr 22
Cromwell, Oliver: PE 207; SH 20; WDM 244
croquet: OBH 19, 20, 32, 33, 36, 38–9, 42; SH 140–1
          court marking OBH 34
          set MB 238
          mallets MB 95–6, 97
Cross, George Lewes CQ 276
Cross, Lord (LMB 3.31, 6.56)
Crosse Hall ESR 205–; NTL67–
crossword puzzles: AF 54–5, 156, 166; BL 22, 23; CQ 38, 60–1; HighR 210; NTL 9, 33, 84; NR 343
          international comparisons ESR 224
          The Times: CBI 122, 290; CC 129–30, 255; CQ 38– 9, 107; ESR 224–5;      HyRts 80; MB 91–2; NR 143, 343; PBO 58; WDM 57
Crown Imperials LAR 289
Cruden’s Concordance: CQ 229; LAA 13; TScT 10
cruises: CQ 64; HyRts 192, 284; NTL 168; WDM 240–1
crusades NR 281
crushes JC 137–8
crutches TScT 60
crying OBH 345–6; PE 84
          women: AF 102–3; BL 212; DD 299; ESR 140; HighR 94–5, 201, 212; JC 278; LAA 305; MH 194–5; PE 88, 264
          mothers JC 213
          cuckoos PE 113, 201
          high JC 176
          linen: DA 268–9; ESR 132–3
          nursery TH 61
          papered inside OBH
          secret HM 172
cups see teacups
curates, perpetual PE 272
curios, pornographic TSCr 150–2
curling tongs and papers ESR 149
cursing see swearing
          hanging PE 116, 117, 121–2, 123, 125, 126
          material: NTL 109; OBH 169; PE 103–4, 222
          brocade DD 92
          Indian cotton PE 227
          see also blackout
curtsy SH 126, 160
cushions BL 85
          for church pews DA 48–9, 52, 71–2
                   beating DA 52
Customs HM 129
          Australian TSCr 176–7
Czecho–Slovakia CBI 85, 165


Daily Dustbin CBI 285, 290
Daily Express CBI 122
Daily Telegraph CBI 122; JC 152
daisy chains: LAR 287; PBO 232–3
Dale, Lily LAR 71, 107
damask ESR 131–2
dance/s, dancing: AD 88; HyRts 170, 177–82; JC 225; LAA 258; LAR 175; OTM 88; PE 65, 151, 217; TScT 11; WS 125, 198–218
          Argentina Tango CC 266; PE 368
          folk dancing HighR 125–7
          galop HyRts 186–7
          Lancers: HyRts 179–80, 184–6; TSCr 130
          music Bs 103–5
          programmes WS 199, 203
          rumba: CC 235; OTM 58–9, 88
          on shipboard TSCr 104–8, 111–13
          tango PE 318
          Valeta TSCr 112, 113
dancing class, children’s MH 28–31
dandies CS 36–7
Dane, Clemence (LMB 11.56)
Dante PE 140
Dardanelles, fighting in TSCr 37, 49, 79
‘Dark Ages’ pPE 206
darning: CQ ; DA 119; DD 187–8, 283; HyRts 107, 159; LAR 117, 232; PBO 58; PE 48, 286; SH 83, 101–2; WDM 173
Darwin, Charles
          Voyage of the Beagle CS 4, 6
date stamp HighR 209, 217–18
Dates FH 46
Daudet, Alphonse WS 176
daughters: MH 9–; TScT 138–9
          18thC, beaten FH 14–15
                   and father CS 26–7, 143
                   forgotten AF 18
                   and governesses CS 20
                   outshone by mothers: HM 106; LAR 52, 118; MH
                   unmarried HyRts 231
                   see also Meredith, George; mothers
daughters–in–law: LAA 221; LAR 153–4; OBH 82–3
Davies, Peter Llewellyn
          suicide (LMB 4.60, 6.60)
Day of Prayer CBI 146–7, 149; NR 151
day–nurseries GU 197–8
day trippers LAA 277
deafness: AF 220–1; CC 5; CQ 71–2; DD 158; ESR 228, 251, 2252; HM 144, 145; MB 186; MH 72–3; NTL 34, 98–9; OBH 79, 199; TScT 88; WDM 2
          deaf aid AF 220
          see William Marling; Lord Stoke; Dr Thomas Deanery: CBI 126–7; CC 87
Deans family: JC 240; LAR 186
‘dear’ PE 292
death: CQ 65–6, 248–52, 248–52, 254, 285; DD 260; ESR 220; GU 183; LAA 142; NTL 237, 238, 248–9
          body, viewing CQ 250
          of Amelia Brandon Bs 159– 61
          of Miss Bunting MB 260–1
          of Mrs Dale CC 274
          of dog DD 239
          of Lady Emily: ESR 13; OBH 313, 314
          of George VI JC 12–, 24, 25
          of Henry Keith CBI 320–1
          of Macpherson DD 290–4
          of Earl of Pomfret CBI 319–20
          of sexton: JC 60; PE 333–4
          of Mrs Todd HighR 245–6
          war dead: CBI 90; HyRts 13; PBO 117, 154
          see also bereavement; funerals
death duties: CC 282; DA 58–9, 286; DD 83; NTL 222, 272; WDM 41
Debrett: BL 86, 245–6; LAA 308
decimals CQ 98
deck chairs: DD 58; OBH 217–18; TScT 31–2; TSCr 87
dedications: Bs 112–13, 115, 255, 279–80; HM 293
deer: HyRts 155; PBO 52
Defoe, Daniel CC 199
          Robinson Crusoe
                   Man Friday: CQ 259; DA 74; JC 261; LAA 56; PBO 106
de Morgan, William (LMB 12.58)
          Joseph Vance OBH 35
Denmark CBI 29; LAA 40; (LMB 9.54); NR 38
Dennis, C. J. TSCr 154
          ‘The Australaise’ TSCr 71–2
          ‘Sentimental Bloke’ TSCr 9
dentistry/dentists: DD 341; NR 104–5, 116
          on troopship TSCr 67
          Victorian CS 125
Derby WDM 320
          Victorian: CS 80–8, 87–8, 109; FH 17
descant WDM 201
Detrimental DA 69
devil PE 206
Devonshire: HM; (LMB 9.56)
dew: BL ; HighR 184
dialect: CBI 174; ESR 124; LAA 198; MB 161
Diamond (Newton’s dog) LAR 376; BL 171
diamond bracelet PE 361–2
diamonds PE 176
Diana BL 161
diaries LAA 309
Dickens, Charles: BL; CC; CQ 215, 223; CS 4, 5, 22, 37, 62, 97–8; DD; GU 201; High R 47; HyRts 156; JC 119–20; LAA 141, 242, 301; LAR; (LMB 10.54, 3.60); MB; MH; NTL 8, 263–4, 266; OBH 124–5; PE 248; PT 78, 79, 119, 120; TH 57; TScT 16, 105; BBC
          Barnaby Rudge HM
          Bleak House Bs; CQ; DD; ESR 34, 44; GU; HighR 139; LAA; NTL; OBH; PE
Miss Flite CS 130–1
                   Guppies: ESR 18; JC 162
                   Jarndyce v. Jarndyce NTL
reading aloud: ESR 83; MB
Grandfather Smallweed BMG 6.21; NTL
          David Copperfield
: CC; CQ; DA; DD; ESR; GU 93; HM; HRts; JC; LAA165,     201–2; LAR; MB; NTL;
                   PE; PT 19; TScT; WS
                   Rosa Dartle LAA
                   Mrs Heep MH
                   Mr Micawber FH 242–3; LAA
          Dombey and Son: CQ; JC; OBH; PT 79
          Edwin Drood: ESR
83–4, 155; TScT
          Great Expectations: Bs; CQ; DD; HighR; HyRts; JC; LAA; LAR; (LMB 10.53, 12.59); MB
                   Miss Havisham MH
illustrations ESR 83–4; (LMB 10.58)
          Little Dorrit: Bs; CQ; DA 121; DD; HyRts; LAA 238–9; LAR; NR; WDM
                   Tite Barnacle MH
                   Edmund Sparkler DA
          Martin Chuzzlewit: DA; DD; HRts; LAA
192; LAR; NR; NTL 7; PT; TScT; WDM
Mrs Gamp: CQ 270; ESR 58, 81, 155, 221; LAA 30, 85, 167; LAR; NTL 202; OBH; PE
          Nicholas Nickleby: CBI
38; CC; DA; DD; GU; HyRts; JC; LAA 100; NTL 8; OBH; PE; WDM
                   Dotheboys Hall DA; HighR 117
          Old Curiosity Shop Bs; HyRts; NR 62; PE; WDM
          Oliver Twist: HyRts; JC; OBH; TScT
          Our Mutual Friend: CC; CQ; DA; HM; JC; LAA 134; (LMB 10.57, 9.58); MB 73–4; NTL 20; OBH; PBO; SH
          Pickwick Papers: BL; CQ; DA
152; DD; FH 246, 247; HM; HRts; LAA 295; MB; NTL; PE; PT 120; SH; WDM
          A Tale of Two Cities: MH; PT Sydney Carton: CQ; HM; SH 114; WDM
          translated DD 196–7
          [Note: further details of Dickens references are given in Angela Thirkell and Charles Dickens by Edith Jeude]
Dickens Fellowship: HyRts 92; JC 120; LAA 141, 202; (LMB 11.51, 9.58, 10.58)
dictating: (LMB 10.51, 9.55); NTL 179–80
dictionaries CC 260
          Bartlett’s LAA 76
          Brewer’s CQ 105
          French CQ 105
          see also Biographical Dictionary of Provence
Didcot OBH 33, 36
diet (LMB 1.59)
Dietrich, Marlene HighR 190
digestive troubles: BL 103–4; SH 103–4, 260–1
diggers TSCr
dinghy–punting DD 311–12
at club HighR 174–5
          Sunday: NTL 141–2; PBO 88
          ‘sacred Sunday joint’ BL 76; NTL 141–2; OBH 31
          term for which meal CBI 66
dinner parties: AF 127–; MB 45–50; MH 279–; NTL 178–; NR 194–209
          conversation at table, formal pairs: BL 246; CBI 298; DA 288; GU 199–200; LAA 64, 66; PBO 142; PT 93
          dressing for: AF 109; HM 70
          dressing bell SH 136–7
          dull HighR 61
          formal: HyRts 174–5; LAR 179; PT 36–
          men together after meal HM 78
          numbers, equal LAR 67
          planning CQ 39–40, 138–
                   seating plan card PT 93
          precedence HM 72–3
          seating: DA 152–3; NR 95–6; PT 36
          segregation of sexes JC 101   
          table decoration LAR 179
Dipping Ponds ESR 9
dipsomania MH 60
dirt/dirtiness LAR 28, 119–20; (TScT 243)
discipline LAR 169, 282
discrimination DD 252
diseases HyRts 226
          see also children/illnesses
dish cloths MB 78–9
disinfectant HighR 138
Disraeli, Benjamin: CS 98–102, 155; FH 52; NTL 101–2
          Sybil NR 129
divagations: CQ 64; ESR 2 24; (TScT 256)
Divine Right of Kings JC 30
diving DH 180, 184–5, 188
divorce: AD 7, 36–7, 41 JC 106; OTM 17–18, 21, 25, 141
djibbah NTL 55–6
doctors: AD 6; BL 177; CQ 48, 221; GU 45; (LMB 1.57, 11.57, 10.58, 11.58, 12.58, 1.59); TScT 38–9
          army TSCr 37, 50–1
          panel OBH 135–6, 137
          Victorian CS 23–4
          women HM 16–17, 86–7, 138–9, 140–4
          see James Ford; Morgan; Perry
dog–carts: ESR 240–; LAA 192–3; MB 227; PBO 268–9
dogs: CS 134–5, 174–5; DA 24–5; DD 204, 210; ESR 77–8; MH 249; OBH 184–5; PT 15–16, 23–4, 27, 135–6, 139, 178–9
          Bazoukis PT 42
          Bent and Hampton’s: CBI 84; CC 132; JC 273; PE 124, 173
          Mrs Birkett’s HighR 108–9, 113–15, 118
          care, Victorian CS 73–4
          collars DH 223
          and guests LAA 287
          killing hen NR 27, 38–9
          Sybil Knox’s HighR 69, 105, 118
          letter to L. Morland about LAR 152
          mad JC 179–80, 197
          Jack Middleton’s BL 25–, 30–1, 56, 77–8, 141, 158–9, 165–7, 169–70
          Isaac Newton’s: LAR 376; BL 171
          puppies: CS 73–4; HighR 131; PE 295
          in road TScT 20
          in shops NR 125–6
          spaniels : HyRts 262–3; PT 139
          toys DH 224
          Turk (Marlings’): DD 211–12; LAR 196; MH 11–12, 248–52
                   death DD 239
                   grave DD 244
          in wartime MH 225
doll CBI 242
dolls’ house WS 61–2
Dolmetsch, Arnold TH 37
Domesday Book BL 65–6
donkey–cart AF 21–4
donkeys: AF 20–6, 40–1, 45, 74–7, 82, 170–2; LAA 79; NTL 23
          on beach: LAA 11; TH 132
          races CS 178
          see also Modestine
Donne, John Bs 92–3, 95, 99–100, 101, 113, 255; ESR 167
dons HM 15, 18
          female HM 81; NR 99–100
          wives: HM 82; JC 283
          back: ESR 44, 222–3; NR 94, 121
          bells OBH 24–5
          as bookcases see bookcases
          communicating CQ 84–5
          knocking at PE 82
Doré, Gustave Bs 119
Doric mode LAR 270
dormice TH 117–18
dormitories, school DH 47–8
Dorothy bag OBH 224
D’Orsay, Count CS 125
Double Affair, A (AT) (LMB 10.56, 11.56, 12.56, 9.57)
dough SH 138–9
doves: HyRts 252; NTL 115; TH 35–6
Dowagers: CQ 117; JC 206; LAA 43–4; NTL 94; TScT 49–50
Dower House, Lambton: AF 67; GU 70, 71–2, 105–6, 185–6
Dowlah Cottage: DD 56–7; HM 161–2; MH
downs, Sussex: ESR 28, 66, 69, 80; OTM 79–81, 195; TH 53, 58
drainage/drains: CQ 55; ESR 66; HighR 86–7; LAR 373; OBH 383–5; TScT 37, 91
          blocked/clearing: DH 162– 3; MB 75, 119–20
          farm ESR 28–, 80
          hunting country PT 18, 34
drainpipes: ESR 40; NTL
          map of OBH 384–5
dramatization of novels HyRts312
drawings, water–colour PE 228
dreams: DA 124; DH 181
          baby’s BMG 6.25
          Miss Bunting’s: MB 260; MH 20
          for dinner parties: AF 109; HM 70
          men’s formal NTL 95 women’s, wrong HM 73
          see also clothes; fashion; tailors
dress designers AF 111
dressing–gowns MH 235
dressmakers: CC 61, 65–6; DA 9; LAA 215–20, 225–6; MB 40–1; OBH 179–80, 204; PBO 37; TScT 62
          dummy TScT 62
          fitting CC 145–6
          Victorian CS 57–8, 78
          see also tailors
          see Tomkins, Mme
Drill Hall: CQ 20; TH 59, 88
          obtaining LAR 191, 338
          see also brandy; gin; sherry; whisky; wine
drinking: CC 139–40; DD 70; JC 208; PE 224
          excessive: CS 121–3, 163, 165; FH 42; HighR 91–4, 174–5; OTM 5, 179–80; PE 17–18, 19, 304
          curing MH 27
          dipsomania MH 60
          and driving HighR 91–4
          drunken husbands: AD 77; NR 237, 274
dripping DH 16–17, 19; PE 14
driving: AF 209–13; BL 184, 196; DH 71–2; JC 115, 120–1, 127, 160, 185–6, 194; LAA 273; SH 126–7; WS 35, 36–7
          badly PT 173
          drunk HighR 91–4
          speeding: AD 11–12; CQ 230; DD 293; JC 91, 92
          racing on road JC 156
          see also cars
drug abuse: OTM 177; TSCr 131–3, 152–3
Druids PE 196
drunkenness see alcoholism; drinking, excessive
dry rot HyRts 26
du Maurier, George: CQ 26; (LMB 4.60, 6.60)
          cartoon NTL 41
          limericks NTL 70
          Peter Ibbetson (LMB 9.58, 10.58)
          Trilby: HyRts 21; TScT 120–1
Dubonnet ESR 92
ducks: CQ 265–6; HighR 57–8; MH 87; NR 250–1
          china MB 19–20
duets, piano BL 168, 241
Duke’s Daughter, The (AT) (LMB 11.50, 1.51)
dullness: CBI 224; PE 248
Dumas, Alexandre, père: MB 35–6; OBH 386; SH 154; TScT 29
Duncan, Isadora TScT 120
Dunkirk: CBI 330; GU 140; LAA 312; MB 6–7; MH 6–7; NR 151; PE 107
Dunstable, Miss: CC 254, 270; HM 15
Dupont de l’Heure NTL 71
Dürer, Albrecht
          ‘Melencolia’ TSCr 35, 176–7
dustmen, Victorian CS 30–4
Dutch, the HM 56
duty: JC 30, 53; MH 116–17; NTL 261; PBO 36; WDM 244
Duval, Eugéne (Jean le Capet): Bs 80–1, 85, 105; MH 121, 281
dwarfs, garden MH 191–2


eagle metaphor MH 28
Ealing AD 118; LAR 92
ears AF 28
Easter Island PE 213
          excessive: HyRts 211; MMS 3–4; NTL 143
          competitive SH 100–1
          see also food
eavesdropping: AF 214–15, 248–9; OBH 350, 357; SH 134
éclairs (TScT 284)
economics: GU 97, 102; MB 165
          degree in MH 262
          as university subject HM 18
          see also P.P.E.
economy/ies/ising: AF 61; CBI 301; (LMB 10.51); (TScT 250)
          in cooking AF 19–21, 22
                    see Winifred Tebben
          labels WDM 175–6
          paper and string Bs 147; PE 363–4
Edgewood Rectory OBH 5–6
Edgewood village: CC; OBH 5, 20–; TScT
          see also Old Bank House
Edgeworth, Maria
          Early Lessons TH 127
          Patronage WDM 228
Edinburgh BBC
          hats: BL 72; HM 134
Edinburgh Review FH 259
education: DD 19; HighR 243; HM 82; MB 50–1; BBC
          boys’ CQ 241
          ‘a certain air of arrested’ HyRts 105
          government policy LAR 38
          higher LAR 20
          insurance 132
          private JC 262
          sloughing LAR 19
          state LAR 19
          for women LAR 20, 28
          see also schools; universities
Education Act PE 25–6
Edward VI, King HighR 49, 83
Egeria NR 25, 116
eggs: HyRts 134; JC 155
          poached DH 125–7
          scrambled (TScT 302)
          see also hens, keeping
Egyptian Hall, Piccadilly TScT 48
Egyptians: HyRts 50, 122, 123; TSCr 78, 81–3
          18th century PE 25
elections, general see General Elections
electricity: CQ 9; HighR 211–12
          fuse–blowing MMS 18, 19
          lighting HyRts 165, 189
          early installation PT 88
          wiring PE 109–10, 113–15, 118–19
elephants ESR 31
elevenses: ESR 40, 76–7; TScT 34, 137
Eliot, George: CQ 276; ESR 179
          Amos Barton: CQ 275–6; HyRts 46; JC 97
          Middlemarch: AF 106; DA 51; LAA 144
          Scenes from clerical life DD 13–14
Eliot, T.S.: ESR 173; MH 95
Elisha PE 34
Elizabeth of Hungary’ St CC 194
Elizabeth II, Queen
          accession JC 13, 18, 33
          Coronation WDM …
          committees: JC 177; WDM 9–
          pageant WDM
          prophecy WDM 307–8
Elle–girl MB 20, 247
embarrassment ESR 67–8
embroidery: CBI 104, 143; CC 225–6, 283; DD 160; NR 243–4, 246; NTL 213; WDM 247–8
          children’s: ESR 23–4; WS 182–3
          men’s CBI 187
          refugees’ CBI 179, 191, 192–
          tapestry PE 218; PT 115, 116
emigration: AD 50; LAA 228
Empedocles LAA 240
Empire, British ESR 5–6; PE25
Empire and Fireside Stores
          (British Home Stores?) NR 52
enamelling, at home WS 30
enemies, wartime MB 25
engagement (to be married): BL 213–15; DD 274, 323–4; HM 247; HighR 207–9; LAR 19; PE 102
          announcement: DD 288–90; HighR 223
          breaking off: AD 100–1, 105– 6, 107–8, 194; BL 253–6; GU 163–4; PT 176–7; SH 164–5
          presents HM 201–2
          rings: CC 39, 56; GU 71, 124, 256, 260, 266, 267, 269; HM 172–3, 181; NR 311–12; SH 164, 165; (TScT 272)
engagement (note) books: BL ; JC 119; NTL 12, 22
engineering OBH 134
England: CBI 253, 254; DA 161
English Association BBC
English gentlewomen NR 149–50; PE 70
          Englishwoman abroad Bs 69–71, 77, 79, 83, 282–3
English language TScT 67; BBC
          exams (Mixo–Lydian) MB 34, 73–4, 211
          Journal of the English Word–Lovers’ Association NR 99
          lesson for foreigner MB 71–5
          Modern /New English Us-age: AF 96; (LMB 1.53); OBH 120
          ‘sort of’ AF 96
          split infinitives AF 96; TScT 22–3
          see also pronunciation
English Spy FH 276–7
Eno’s fruit salts: OBH 6; TSCr 66
E.N.S.A. LAR 82
entail WDM 243
Enter Sir Robert (AT) (LMB 9.53, 9.54, 10.54, 11.54, 3.31)
envelopes (LMB 10.53)
epilepsy AF 204–5
epitaphs NTL 284
Epsom races
          Victorian CS 79–88
          see also Derby
Epsom’s salts: OTM 164; TSCr 166
Eruption of Vesuvius CS 56
          schoolboys’ DH 194–7, 200–
          students’ LAA 282
Essex PE 332
estate agent MB 9–
          management NTL 184, 192, 247–8, 274; OBH 98; (TScT 178)
          office DD 281
          survival: DD 331–2; PE 300
Esterhazy, Prince CS 12
etiquette CC 300; CQ 40, 43, 139; LAA 308; LAR 135; NTL 30
          Australian view TSCr 11, 15, 21
Eton: CS 19, 21; JC 9; LAR 52
          Boat Song (TScT 253)
          Modem CS 103–9
          terms WDM 206
Euclid: BL 75; CQ 7; LAA 110; LAR 154, 240
euonymus TH 47
euphemism WDM 277
Euripides AF 12–13, 15, 30, 148–9, 204–5
Europa ESR 171
evacuees: CBI 80–1, 210–, 232–3, 271–2, 282, 308–9; MH 26; MB 26; NR 16, 29, 48, 346–7; PBO 37
          Christmas treat CBI 232–57
          communal kitchen: CBI 201, 210–16, 277; NR 19–20, 30, 253
          parents CBI 232–3
Evangelists CS 89–90; FH 221
evening bags WS 93, 202
evening dresses WS 149
Evening Standard (LMB 10.53)
‘ever so nice’ HyRts 23
Everest, Mount WDM 302–3
Ewold, St: CQ 112; ESR 137; PBO 12
examinations: OBH 141–2, 390; PE 241–2
          English for foreigners MB 34, 73–4, 211
          school HM 137, 140
          theological PE 127
          see also School Certificate
                    and under universities
Examiner FH 188
exercise books (LMB 8.51, 10.54, 10.57, 11.58)
exhibition PE –173
extroverts ESR 137
eye lockets HM 172–3, 180–1


face a main CC 145–6
face massage AD 110
factory (TScT 264, 267)
fag, school SH 110
faggots DD 163–4
fainting AF 70–1
Fairweather, John
          as schoolboy DH
Fairweather, Rose (née Birkett)
          change of nature DA 150–1, 155–6, 159
fairy tales MB 147
          English: ESR 91; HyRts 250
          see also children’s stories;
          Grimms’ fairy tales fame CC 257
families: DD 130, 213–14, 251; LAA 61, 137–9, 239
          Barchester LAA 138
          tabulated JC 7
          county WDM 212–14
          inherited characteristics DD 201, 271
          resemblance: DA 34–5; ESR 152–3
          names see under names
family history MB 33
family trees: CQ 225; 24–5
fan mail, authors’: (LMB 1.51, 1.52, 1.53, 10.51, 6.56, 1.59, 11.59, 12.59, 3.60); NTL 180; PT 181–2; 84
          hate–: LAR 151, 153; TScT 83–4; BBC
fancy–dress TSCr 102–8
Fanshawe, Paul AF 10
fantasies, romantic: BL 211; PBO 45–6
farm carts BL 8–9, 11, 30–
farming/farms ESR 25–6, 42, 64–9, 184–5; MH 5–
          see also agriculture; bulls; cows; estates, management; pigs
fascism SH 79–80
          blackshirts: OTM 34, 38–9, 48, 67; SH 145
fashion: LAA 218; OBH 180
          New Look: CC 132; OBH 48, 112, 179, 180
          see also clothes
fat (LMB 1.59)
Fate Bs 186–, 197–
fathers: BL 50; LAR 248
          of daughters AD 99–101, 129–31, 132, 137–47, 181–2, 192
          18c., tyrannical FH 14–15, 21, 25
          illegitimate (TScT 321)
          of new babies LAA 34–6
          old, dependent: CQ 261, 266–; MB 6–7, 230–2
          Victorian CS 1–2, 26–7, 143
          widowed LAR
          see Dr Dale; William Marling; Admiral Palliser; Rear–Admiral Phelps
feathers DD 64
feet: CQ 29; PBO 32; TScT 12–13, 120
          artificial : LAA 127–8; MB 15, 93
Felibristes WDM 150
fellowship (boys) AF 167–9,189
fellowships, University: HyRts176, 190; JC 266, 283
          and marriage CQ 223–4
female impersonation TSCr 113–15
ferrets LAA 87
ferry SH 82
fertilisers DD 47; LAR 294–5; OBH 241 see also manure
fêtes: LAR 164, 175–; OBH 153; PE 345–6, 352, 363–
          opening LAR 176–7
feudalism GU 172
‘fiancée’ DD 299–300; OBH 108
Fibrositis Vomitaria (plant) LAA 133–4
Fielding, Anne PBO 57
Fife, Scotland DD 130–1
Fifth Columnists CBI 331
          on shipboard TSCr 159–
          street TSCr 125–7 figs TH 76, 98
          picking OBH 356
film studio CBI 283
films: Bs 33; OBH 18, 279; OTM 78, 131–2, 136; SH 144, 145, 170, 171; WDM 38; WS 53
          cartoons MMS 14
          about Cellini AD 86
          Gigi (LMB 10.59)
          about Nelson DD 84–5
          Glamora Tudor’s
                   Burning Flesh ESR 74
                   Daughter of the Pyramids CQ 6, 246
                   The Flames of Desire BL
                   Honka Tonka Bodyline CC
                   Inglorious Hampdens MB
206, 207
                   Johnny Belinda CC
                   Lips of Desire CBI 27, 28
                   Love In A Bath NTL 270
                   Mayflower Madness PE 187–8
                   A Mistress of Voltaire TScT
                   Moonlight Passion Bs
                   Moslem Love JC 97, 100
                   Pearl of Paris DA 8
                   Renunciation CC 240
                   Too Close for Love CC 147
          The Ice Hell of Pitz Palu TScT 41
          Kind Hearts and Coronets CQ 269
          The Third Man DD 302
          Titfield Thunderbolt: LAA 240; WDM 38
filter, water TH 70–1
finances CC 256–7
Finland: CBI 190–1, 196–7; MH 161–2
fire/s: AD 177; HyRts 138; (TScT 249–50)
          lit in bedroom: LAA 155; LAR 11; PT 56–7
          campfire, lighting SH 174
          lighting: ESR 123; HM 97; JC 258
          National Fire Service HM 230, 250
          perpetual GU 178
fire escapes: CQ 278–9; PT 82–3; WDM 173
fire screen CQ 175–6 fireplaces DD 321; MH 75–6; OBH 219
firewood LAR 24
fireworks: DD 122; NR 142
First Aid Bs 103; NR 43; (TScT)
first love: Bs 63–4; CBI 258–9
          feeding CC 163–5, 170, 172
          as food: GU 164; NR 333; OBH 102, 335
                   cooking: AF 89; NR 279
                   kippers DH 195–6, 211
                   salmon BL 106
                   shops: DA 38; ESR 11; HM 74–5; PBO 12, 27–8
                   in wartime: HM 74–6; NTD 245
                   zoned GU 164, 245
          goldfish BL 131–2; SH 161
Fish Hill NR 63
fish pond bell: ESR 96; LAA 120–1
fishing TScT 141
          for minnows OBH 3 45, 347– 8
Fitzgerald, Lord Edward TH 127
flag WS 199, 215–16
flannels, cricket NTL 37–8, 47
flats NTL 81
Flavius Minucius: CC 80; HM 156–
Fleece pub: AR 346, 349, 354; BL 43, 44, 133, 193
Fleet prison FH 246–8
flies DH 76–7
flirtation: AD 184–5; LAR 82; PE 142, 152, 204, 205, 210
          married women: CC 207; TSCr 144
          bathroom SH 48
          river: ESR 5; HM 77; NTL 207; PBO 15–
          and skating PE
floor, washing ESR 144
Florence, Italy: NTL 98; CC 191; PT 12
          dress shop CQ 237, 238, 240
flour: HM 13; LAR 120; PE 143
flowers CC 194; WS 56, 166
          arranging: Bs; LAA 132; OBH 207, 319–20; BBC
          church: DA 71; PE 71; SH 79, 80–1
          in button–holes: MB 220; PBO 225
          chains: LAR 287, 288–9; PBO 232–3
          cutting PBO 46–7
          dead, souvenirs DD 118–19
          at fête LAR 179
          for graves Bs 20–1
          scent LAR 289
          sweet peas Bs 18–19, 20
flute playing LAA 213
flying times: ESR 164–5; WDM 72 fog TH 32–3
folk dancing HighR 125–7
folklore: DD 186–7; HighR 224
          Society ESR 98
folk medicine: ESR 81, 118–19; TScT 40
folk rhymes: CC 163; DD 135
folk songs: BL 182–3, 192–4; LAA 52; WS 36
Follies, songs: DA 212; JC 64; LAA 259; PE 369
font CC 114–16
          19th–cent. BBC
          Australian TSCr 5–6, 7–8, 15
          longed for OBH 101–2
          parcels, American: CBI 290; CC 194; ESR 12; HyRts 166; LAA 148; LAR 119, 120–1, 338–9; OBH 309– 11; MH 224
          rationing: HM 64, 169; LAR 119, 271; MB 76–7; NR 44–5; OBH 133–4, 351–2; PE 27–8, 37, 143, 160, 246–7, 280–1, 291–2
                   bread PE 188, 280, 291–2
                   children: PBO 50; PE 282–5
          shortages NR 165; PE 48, 51, 89
          stores HM 283–4
          wartime: OBH 335; PBO 49–50, 88
          see also bread; cooking; eating; fish; meat
footmen: DH 135–6; ESR 195, 234; PT 28; TScT 14; WS 144
foot–muff DA 55
footpaths HM 36–7
foreigners: ESR 6–7, 22–3; MB 85–6; OBH 135, 230–1; PBO 94–5; PE 230; WS 16
          in London DD 133
          in WWII PBO 170
          see also French; Germans; immigrants; Mixo–Lydians; refugees
forestry DD 70; HM 184–5
forgetting LAA 230
          see also memory/failing
forgiveness PE 223
forms PBO 182–3
Fortnum and Mason’s TScT 135
Fortunes of Harriette, The
(AT) (LMB 11.54)
          ‘Life of Molly Bangs’ NTL 78, 157–8
          see also Wilson, Harriette
fortune–telling ESR 125–6
          Victorian CS 85–6
fountain pens CQ 10
Four–in–Hand Club CS 125
Fowler, H. W.: DD 72; HyRts 77, 78; (LMB 1.51, 11.57); OBH 79
          genteelisms: CQ 81; LAR134–5
          Modern English Usage
: LAR 134–5; TScT 23, 24
Fox, Charles CS 49, 137
fox fur: CBI 140, 248; ESR 241
          shooting ESR 179, 198
          vixen: BL 124; CBI 305; LAA 180, 256; NTL 86–7
Foyles Bookshop (LMB 10.59)
frames, picture PBO 110
Framley CQ
Framley Court: DD; LAR
France: HyRts 85; MB 85
          19c. FH 190–1
          at Armistice TSCr 5–6
          war decorations CC 223
          see also Paris
France, Anatole: CQ 29; LAA 218
Francis, St: Bs 226–7; CC 127
Franklin, Benjamin LAA 68
Fraser’s Magazine CS 75
Free French: GU 157; MH 149–50, 310–11, 316; NR 148
free–lancing HighR 155
Freemasons Hall PE 160–2
free–thinkers GU 206
freezers TScT 41
Fremantle TSCr 1, 141–2, 165, 170–3
French, the: LAR 198; MH 311–18; NR 256, 293; OBH 135; PBO 170; WS –138
          dictionaries and ref. books CQ 105
          girl MMS 13–15
          governess MH 142
          Victorian attitude to CS 48, 99
French language: Bs 148; DA 119, 167, 169–70; DD 174; ESR 203–4; LAA 271; MH 145, 307; MMS 15; NR 55; PBO 264; WDM 165; WS 170–1
          bad MH 136–8
          learning TScT 117
          speaking BL 163
French literature LAA 271, 278
          see also names of authors
French Maid, Conque: NTL 152; PBO 62; WS 18–
          see Conque
French Revolution PE 207, 272–3
french windows ESR 116
frescoes WDM 225–6
fridge CQ 18–19
          (‘that horrible word’) DA 46
Friedrichsruhe, troopship BBC
Friends of … NTL 5–7, 9
          Hospital: ESR 102; WDM 13–14
          the Phelpses JC 144
          women BL 197–8
Frietchie, Barbara NTL 68
Frinton Bs 220
‘Frog he would a–wooing go, A’: AD 196; DA 95
Frog Prince LAR 118, 280–1
Froggy’s Bottom DD 159
frogs: BL 229; LAR 279–81; SH 154, 161, 163
          ‘expiring’ SH
Fulham see Grange, The
fundraising, wartime: HM 161; PBO 80–1
          see also bring and buy sales; national savings; raffles
funerals: CQ 210, 258, 259; GU 183; HighR 82; NTL 230–1; TScT 97
          birds’: LAR 253–4; WS 24, 25, 127
          Amelia Brandon’s Bs 180–6
          Mrs Dale’s CC 275
          Mr Halliday’s NTL 238–9, 242
          hedgehog’s LAR 251–4
          Miss Horniman’s GU 186–7, 190
          Lady Emily’s OBH 314–
          undertakers HyRts 258; OBH 139
‘Funiculi, Funicula’ CQ 31
          fox CBI 140, 248; ESR 241
          rabbit DA 59
furniture DD 66, 105
          Australian TSCr 16
          bad MB 19–20
          built–in CQ 18
          good OBH 103–4
          modern JC 9
          names OBH 170
          office LAA 49
          pre–Raphaelite: PT 33; TH 64–5; TSCr
          see also beds; chairs
fuses, electric MMS 18, 19


Gaba Tepe landing TSCr 5, 37, 49, 79
gadgets: ESR 17; NTL 162
          kitchen: JC 163–4; LAA 222–3
          labour–saving pCQ 19
Gaily the Troubadour (Prof. Gawky) NR 99
Gainsborough, Thomas
          portraits by OBH 192; PE 164
gaiters PE 36, 261–2
Gaiters chain store (Boots?): ESR 36; HyRts 157
          Library: CBI 129; pCC 102; DA 20; JC 223
gallantry PE 124
galley proofs LAA 158
Gallipoli, fighting at:TH 126; TSCr 9
gallows Bird PE 304
Galop HyRts 186–7
Galt, John BBC
games (LMB 12.59)
          board and card LAA 157–8
          children’s LAR 265; OBH 66, 192
          paper AF 144
          letters JC 62–3
          party PT
          on shipboard TSCr 4, 95, 111
          see also card games
gander PE 14
Gandhi, Mahatma PE 171
garage TScT 62–3
Garden House: CC 252–3; DD 331; HM 113–14
garden party OBH 205–
gardeners: High R 117; NR 73–5, 93; PE 134, 135–7, 331–2
gardens and gardening CC 252, 261; DD 9–; JC 222–3; NR 75–; OBH 126, 130; (TScT 252); WS 42–3, 123, 190, 192, 202
          gloves CQ 105–6
          Italian WDM
          pools: BL 49–50; TScT 19
          Rottingdean TH 77–8
          Tebbens’ BL 136
          village ESR 142
gargoyle JC 86, 87
garlands: LAR 287, 288–9; PBO 232–3
garlic: DA 169; GU 168; NTL 171
gas lighting CS 71
gas masks (respirators): CBI 296, 297, 304; (LMB 10.53); NR 113, 114
gas supply CQ 9
Gaskell, Elizabeth
          Cranford CQ 160
Gatherum Castle: CC 217–18, 222–7; CQ 175, 217–;DD 11; MB 5
          theatre CC 234–5
Gatty, Juliana
          Parables from Nature NTL 169
Gay, John
          Beggar’s Opera LAA 34, 173; OBH 280, 379
gaze OTM 27, 28
geese: LAA 101–2; OBH 347
          dripping PE 14
Gems of Beauty CS 96
genealogy JC 7–8
          see also families
General Elections
          1906 PBO 193
          1945 PBO 126, 171–5, 193–4, 253–4, 272
          1952 HyRts 19, 56–7, 71, 82, 83–4; (LMB 10.51) 1959 (LMB 9.59)
generations JC 7
generosity JC 267
Genghis Khan ESR 225–6
genteelisms: CQ 81; LAR 135
‘gentleman’: MB 150, 245; OBH 120
gentleman farmer BL 12–13
Gentleman’s Magazine ESR 107–8
Gentleman’s Relish: OTM 55, 56; SH 74, 77
gentlewomen NR 149–50; PE   70
gentry BBC
geometry LAR 240
          see also Euclid
George IV, King FH 27, 30–3, 36, 87, 141, 224
George VI, King: LAR 25; OBH 316–17, 318
          in blitz JC 26
          duty JC 30
          illness HyRts 49, 56, 60, 79, 80, 82, 117; JC 10, 15
          death JC 12–, 24, 25
          funeral JC 36
Gerard’s Herbal ESR 119
German language Bs 148
          learning TScT 117
          German literature: DD 330; LAR 18–19; PE 314
          see also Heine, Heinrich
German songs HyRts 229–30; LAA 306
German souvenirs, WW I TSCr 55
Germans: Bs 148; DH 239; ESR 65; LAA 271–2; (LMB 10.54); PE 128, 247
          p.–o.–w.s PE 175–6, 198
          troopship handover TSCr 61–2, 148
Germany: HyRts 229; OTM 93
Ghana (TScT 244, 267)
Ghosts (Ibsen) Bs 118
Ghurkas TSCr 120
Giacopone Giacopini (subject of Miss Pemberton’s research) NR 24–5
Gibbon, Edward: (LMB 11.56); SH 97–8
          Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire: FH 11; GU 145, 146; SH 97–8, 115
          binding NTL 96
          Bowdlerised CS 62
Gibbons, Stella (LMB 2.52)
          Cold Comfort Farm: DD 301; GU 174; HyRts 227; (LMB 2.52); OBH 367
Gigi (film) (LMB 10.59)
Gilbert, W. S. MB 85
Bab Ballads: CQ 7; ESR 180; JC 24; MB 71–3
Gilbert & Sullivan: BL 59–60, 176, 190, 191, 248; CC 175, 191; ESR 125, 180; LAA 81, 105, 195; LAR 323; NTL 267; OTM 207; PE 216–17
          copyright (TScT 246)
          Gondoliers BL 176, 190; CC 149
          Princess Ida (TScT
245–6) Savoy BL 190
          Trial by Jury: BL 59–60; TScT 120
gin: CBI 188–9, 248; DD 17; JC 142; MH 41, 42; PE 224, 329
ginger beer bottles DD 305
ginger biscuits: TH 119; WDM 13
Girl Guides NR 26
          French MMS 13–15
          little MH 23
          living with mothers ESR 54
          see also daughters; schools, girls’
          see Dora and Rose Gould; Clare and Diana Watson
Girtin, Thomas OBH 214, 238
Gladstone, William Ewart: BL 89; HyRts 71
          St Mungo’s cathedral: CBI 43; DD 157; OBH 104
glass CQ 198
          polishing NTL 68–9
          see also windows
glasses (drinking): CBI 32–3; OBH 205
          breaking after toast: MB 49–50; WS 196–7
glasses (optical)
          see spectacles
          children’s, 19th–c. TH 17
          cutting off tips NR 138
          gardening CQ 105–6
          long CC 66
          presents from gentlemen CS 83
          wartime OBH 23
Gluck, Christoph TH 103
Glycerine Cottage, Northbridge: DA 148, 166, 170; NR 55–6, 143–
gnats DD 280
goats CC 71, 72; JC 72, 231, 271–2; MB 240–; MH 91
          book on CQ 102
          cart and harness MB 226, 227–8, 233, 234–, 246–
          milk CC 86; CQ; JC 72; MB 162
‘God Save the King’ see National Anthem
Godiva, Lady PE 92–3
godparents CC 120–1
Goethe, J. W. LAA 272, 279
Golden Treasury: JC 207; PE 184
goldfish: BL 131–2; SH 161
golf OTM 87
golf club, Sydney TSCr 59
gongs: CC 203; LAR 268; NTL 70–1; SH 162; TScT 41; WS 19–21
gooseberries: Bs 114, 141, 173, 201; MB 128, 129
Gordian knot LAA 204–5
Gordon, Adam Lindsay BBC
gorillas, stuffed: Bs 37, 124; PE 356
Gorman, Jennifer: DD 252; HyRts 93, 227; LAA; OBH 34, 55, 100, 179, 180, 190, 252, 279–80, 333
Gothic House, Rottingdean TH 74; BBC
gothic type LAR 19
governesses: LAR 282; MB 13, 31, 32, 35, 70, 82, 84, 98; MH 13, 51–2, 67–8
          Victorian CS 20
          see Maud Bunting
Government Loans MB 118
grace at table: JC 43; LAR 269; WDM 238–40
          children’s LAA 310
          before tea DH 242
Graham, Clarissa LAR 115–17
          at university: CC 166; DD 121, 126–7
Graham, Edith (LMB 10.56, 11.56, 12.56)
          childbirth (LMB 10.58)
          poems DD 182
                   ‘Loaves and Fishes’: CC 187; LAA 118–19
Graham, Sir Robert
          first appearance NTL 267–9
Graham, William TH 59
          split infinitives: AF 96; TScT 22–3
          see also English language; Fowler, H.W.; Latin
gramophone: JC 218; LAA 307; OTM 58–9; PE 216–17
grandchildren: HM 56–7, 176; (LMB 12.56); MB 52–3; NTL 89, 122, 265; PE 91; TScT 22, 104–5, (146)
grandparents: LAR 207; NTL 167, 189–90, 265
grandmothers: AD 2–3, 6; DD 32; LAA 221; TScT 136
          expense of presents JC 104
Grange, The, North End Lane, Fulham TH 11–14, 15–27; BBC
Grant, Hilary
          A Diabolist MH 120–1
grape scissors PT 40
grass NTL 10
          see also lawns; mowing, lawn
Grateful Sparrow, The (AT): (LMB 1.54, 3.54); NTL 186
gratitude JC 196, 197
          expressing: LAR 195; OBH 309
          graves: Bs 20–1; PBO 103, 225, 236
          stones ESR 165
          see also cemeteries; epitaphs
Gray, Thomas: AD 97; LAA 290; OBH 226; PE 130
Great Western Railway ESR 270
Greats: BL 148; HyRts 105; OBH 12, 14, 45, 109
          Modern CBI 39, 54 ; HyRts 105, 168
Greek language: DH 117; HighR 133; LAA 159; (LMB 10.57); OBH 76–7
          see also Greats
Greek myths WDM 132
Greek Orthodox Church: CBI 182; CQ 280; PE 40
Greek plays AF 12–13, 15, 30, 34–, 148–9
          see also Euripides
Greek testament PBO 89
Green, Mabel TH 126
Greenwich (LMB 5.57)
Grenoble AF 18, 62
Grenville, Sir Richard DA 155
Gresham, Frank: CC 283; DA 154–5; HM 15
Greshambury: CQ 8, 15–16; ESR 73–; JC 19, 21
          church: JC 22–3, 49–50; MB
Greshambury House CQ 16
Greyhound Tavern, Kensington TH 28, 31, 36, 39, 43; TScT 133; BBC
grill, kitchen (LMB 11.53)
Grimms’ fairy tales: CQ 145; ESR 91; LAA 176; MH 261, 283–5; PE 273
          The Fisherman’s Wife (LMB 2.60)
          The Frog Prince LAR 118, 280–1
          Household Tales CBI 323
          Three Sillies MH 283–5
grotto: ESR 216–17; NTL 84–5; WDM 220
groundsel LAR 290, 310
growing up: GU 229–30; LAA 169, 308–9; NTL 72; MB 42; PBO 86–7
Grumper’s End: Bs 253–4, 271–; CBI 135; LAA 61
Guardian (church paper) ESR 15; (LMB 3.51)
guardian angels: Bs 222–3, 282–3; pCC 319–20; ESR 226
guests PE 178–9
          bedrooms NTL 163–4
          dogs and LAA 287
          instructions for PT 29–30
          and servants NTL 95; PE 178–9
          towels: MB 144–5; TScT 78
guide book, Pomfret Towers WDM 219
Guise, Duc de WS 161–2, 172, 196–7, 215, 218
Gundric’s Fossway: DD 323–4; ESR 26, 69, 188
Gunnar (cat) AF 150–1, 186–7, 243
guns: ESR 77–8; HyRts 210, 212
          naval NR 114
Gunter’s pastry–shop CS 60
Guy Fawkes CC 164; CQ 196–7
Guy Fawkes Day MB 13
gymkhana (TScT 292–)
gypsies: GU 22, 90–2; HyRts 133; LAA 45, 106–7, 193–4; OBH 357, 358–9
          Victorian CS 81, 85–7


Habakkuk NTL 197
hackney carriage CS 127
Haggai: MB 91–2, 124, 268–9; OBH 15
Haight, Gordon (LMB 10.56)
          blonde PBO 185
          cut TScT 27
          long: AD 18–19; HyRts 65
          L. Morland’s: CC; HighR 173–4, 177, 179–80, 193
          permanent waves: CBI 297; DD 297; PE 306
          styles: JC 205, 217; LAR 74
          tossing MH 41
          washing and setting JC 269
hairdressers JC 216; LAR 74
hair fixative DH 12, 62, 237
          brilliantine MMS 14
hairpins HighR 179–80
Halibut orange (LMB 9.56)
Hall, Barry BMG 1.22
Hallbury MB
Hallbury church MB 13–14
Hallbury House MB 5
Hallbury New Town LAA 245; MB 6
Hallbury Rectory MB 13, 14–
Hallbury station MB 36–9, 81–2
Hallbury village MB 5–
Hallowe’en (LMB 12.59)
Hall’s End MB
halls, public: MB 236; PE 160–2
halma NTL 219–20
Hamaker’s Spinney: ESR 74, 75; PE 301; PT 47; WDM 42
Hamilton, Hamish (LMB 7.51, 9.52, 10.52, 1.54, 3.54, 4.54, 10.54, 11.54, 8.55, 11.55, 6.56, 11.56, 12.57, 1.58, 10.58, 1.59, 11.59); BBC
          on AT’s 70th birthday (LMB 1.60)
Hamlet (film) JC; SH 85, 103
Hamlin, Geoffrey BBC
Hammersmith CQ 169
hammock JC 244, 246
Hampden, John DA 222–3
Hampstead TSCr 13, 14, 16
Hampton, Miss
          first appearance CBI 83–
          books by: CBI 86; JC 55, 274–5; MB 241
                   Chariots of Desire PE 125–6
                   Crooked Insect
                   A Gentle Girl and Boy PE
                   My Sister, My Spouse CC
                   Temptation at St Anthony’s PE
                   Ways Be Foul OBH 282
handbag contents LAR 151–2
hand cream JC 130, 153, 257–8
Handel, George Frederick: CS 114; CQ 36, 54
handkerchiefs: AD 73–4; DD 152, 294; LAR 190; OBH 339; PE 182–3; TScT 73
          boys’ DH 236–8
          chiffon PE 182, 184, 185, 381
hands: BL 156; DD 49; JC 136; OTM 31, 209; PBO 81, 225–6
          artificial MB 15, 16
          care of: JC 130–1; OBH 111
          cream for JC 130, 153, 257–8
          dirty LAR 28–9
          holding AD 83, 85, 86, 87, 200
          kissing: Bs 63, 73–4; JC 224; MB 211, 225
          tricks with PE 182–3
          wartime condition: HM 62, 139; JC 125; NR? 62; PBO 99; PE 8, 305
          AT’s (LMB 1.54, 1.51, 10.52, 9.54, 10.54, 9.58)
          old CQ 195
hanging AF 100
Hangman’s Hill PBO 190–1
Hangman’s Oak BL 230
happiness AD 82
Happy Families (card game): CQ 111; PBO 31; WDM 258
          illustrations ESR 26
Happy Returns (AT) (LMB 8.51, 1.52, 2.53, 9.51)
Happy Thoughts (Burnand): CC 102; NTL 78
Harcourt Alpine Group LAA 20
Harcourt Towers LAA 48–50, 59
Harcourt village LAA
Hardy, Thomas: LAA 166, 198; NR 338; TScT 7
          A Group of Noble Dames: CQ 173; LAA 67
          Jude the Obscure LAA 156 poems SH 63, 130
          Tess of the D’Urbervilles LAA 139
          Wessex NTL 229–30
hare CC 92–3, 261
Harefield HM; LAA 24–5
          church HM 109–10
          High Street HM 5, 55–9, 119–20
          vicarage LAA 133
Harefield Abbey LAA 132, 137
          Muniment Room LAA 137
Harefield House: CQ 178; DD 331; HyRts 149–50, 155–6
Harefield Park HM 7, 10–11, 19
Harefield School: CQ 187–8; ESR 255; JC 261–2; (TScT 257–8)
Harris, J. C.
          Uncle Remus NR 113
Harrods (LMB 11.56, 12.59)
Harrow School Song LAA 10
Hartletops OBH 95
Harvest, Lionel WS 206, 223
          Cast Me Abroad MH 89
Harvest Festival: Bs 142; DD118–19; ESR 40
Harvill Press (LMB 4.60)
hassocks: DA 48–9, 52, 71–2; NTL 128, 137
          beating DA 52
hat boxes BL 32–3
Hatch End: DA 5, 36–9; ESR 5–6, 11–, 80–, 112, 141–; NTL 202–; PBO 5–, 15–
          church ESR 14, 40–, 100–
Hatch House: ESR 5, 24–, 32, 38–, 56–, 107–, 163, 222– 259; NTL 207–; PBO 6–
hate mail: LAR 151, 153; TScT 83–4, 213)
hats: GU 174; (LMB 6.60)
          Bishop’s wife’s CC 146
          blown from tower NR 62, 67–8
          carpenter’s ESR 27
          children’s, 19th–c. TH 17
          Colomban TSCr 147
          Edinburgh BL 72; HM 134
          fishing TScT 141
          for horse TScT 28
          Lady Bond’s BL 72
          Margaret (TScT 229)
          Dr Morgan’s: DD 59–60; HM 141, 219
          women in identical: DD 59–60; HM 218, 219
          men’s MMS 1–2
                   army béret HM 22, 24–5
                   top hats CQ 210
                   grey TScT 141–2
          Victorian CS 57–8, 67, 89–90
          Victory GU
Hawhaw, Lord NR 102
headache DH 91, 94
headmasters LAR 21
headmistress TScT 117
          see Bertha Pettinger; Madeleine Sparling
Healers DD 10
Health Service/Insurance /N.H.S.: CC 190; DD 260–1; (LMB 11.57); OBH 136–7, 138–9
health visitors AD 80–1
heart murmur: AF 105, 112, 130–2, 192–3; PE 95–6
heartbreak LAR 122
heaven: CBI 223; DD 57; PBO 49; TScT 18–19 Hebrew LAA 156
‘hectic’: LAA 252–3; (LMB 10.57)
hedgehog LAR 251–3
heights DH 180–1
Heine, Heinrich: HighR 132; LAA 272; OTM 74; PE 314
Henley regatta LAR 109, 149
Henry II, King PBO 36, 240
hens and cocks, keeping: DA 200–1; DD 30; HM 93–5; HyRts 73–4; JC 12, 48–9, 69, 71, 155, 190, 217; MH 86–7, 90–1, 96, 101, 103, 226–7, 251–4; PBO 88
          carrying HM 96
          catching HM 95–6
          cooking HM 95
          houses/sheds: JC 74; MH 100–4; PBO 202–3
          killed by dog NR 27, 38–9
          killing: HM 93–4; LAR 62–3, 112
          plucking PBO 206
          prize LAR 188
          see also chickens
herbal remedies ESR 81
Herball ESR 119
heredity DD 201
heros WS 86–7
hiccups: DD 267; LAA 96
hierarchy Bs 175
high chair, child’s GU 55
High Rising village: DH; HR; NTL; TScT
church NTL 63
hikers: JC 53; WS 36
Hikers’ Rights Preservation Society HM 37
Hildebrand, Pope PBO 36
‘hinge’ (LMB 10.53)
hip baths LAR 11; TH 62; TScT 91–2
Hippocampus CC 95
Hippolytus AF 30, 148–9, 204–5, 222, 223–8
Hiram Road School: CBI 234, 235, 242, 247; JC 99
Hiram’s Hospital BL 249
Hiram’s Trust CC 176
‘Hireling Shepherd’ picture (Hunt): ESR 193–4, 197; LAA 227
history NTL 51–2
          books: HighR 46; LAA 282; PE 208; WDM 149
Hitler, Adolf: DH 238–9; MB 15; MH 15; OTM 90, 92, 134–5
Hobyahs, stories of the OBH 70, 73, 82, 91, 156, 184, 191–2
Hocker’s prep school BL 75
hockey OTM 115–16
Hogglestock: LAR 346–7; NR 114; OBH 205; (TScT 187)
Holdings, Little Misfit DA 6–, 36, 72–3, 79–80; DD 159–; ESR 7, 8–, 38–, 56, 164–, 189–; LAR 102
          saloon ESR 179, 189–90
holidays: JC 253; MB 77
          abroad PE 291
Holland Park TH 29
Hollies, The, Northbridge: CBI 210; NR 18–
Holman Hunt, Gladys (LMB 5.58)
Holst, Gustave PBO 165, 168
Home Guard: LAA 150; NR 43–4; NTL 67; PBO 91
          Odyssey AD
homosexuality: CBI 84–5; PE 337
Hon. Secretary CQ 23
honeycomb: PBO 234; (TScT 288)
honeymoons: CBI; SH 44
honeysuckle SH 14–50, 157–8, 180, 183
Honours MH 292; WDM 24
          List (LMB 1.59)
Horace: CQ 15; DA 150; ESR 221; GU 73, 167; LAA 270; PE 5; BL 12, 15; SH 12, 15, 78, 104–5
, book on SH 172
Lalage JC 120
Horlick’s NR 116
Horner, Frances TH 59–60, 101
horoscope: ESR 236; (LMB 10.57)
horse racing: DH 204–5, 206–7; HyRts 64, 75
          Victorian CS 79–88
horse trough MH 21, 23
Horseferry Road, A. I. F. HQ TSCr 22–4, 36, 78
horses: Bs 66, 69–70; LAA 73, 86, 94–5, 105, 176, 194, 196–7; PBO 7; PT 108–10; TSCr 11–12
          cart– ESR 39
          dray: Bs 69–70; CBI 81; LAR 354, 362; MB 154; OBH 107–8; (TScT 186)
          John Barker’s TH 33
          learning to ride: MMS 7–10; OBH 340
          riding MB 159; PE 299
          Victorian treatment CS 28
horsewhips OBH 327; PE 138
Hosiers’ Boys’ Foundation School: CBI 73, 241; PBO 54; PE 240–1
Hosiers Company CBI 78
Hosiers’ Girls’ Foundation School: HM 5–7, 39–40, 43–, 212, 216; MB 98; PE 244
          song HM 214
          uniform HM 30–1
Hospital/s LAA 248, 298; (LMB 1.52); NTL 199–200
          Almoners OBH 333
          Barchester Hospital see separate entry
          children’s: LAA 289; (LMB 1.52)
          Cottage Hospital: MB 235, 236, 249, 259–60; TScT 64
                   wartime CBI 175
          King’s College (LMB 1.52)
          library PE 162–
          reading HyRts 36
          on shipboard TSCr 69
          supplies ESR 103
          trolleys: LAA 257; TScT 65–7
          voluntary help: (LMB 9.58, 12.59); TScT 65–74, (163)
          in wartime ; OBH 136
hostesses LAR 175, 192
hot water bottle
          in wartime NTD 243–4
hotels: LAA 248; TScT 109
          for children LAA 289
          in Colombo TSCr 119–20, 122, 128–9
          Grantchester PBO 247
          see also White Hart and under Brighton
Houighton, Boyd
          Arabian Nights
illustrations BMG 2.22
house party PF 10, 28–
housekeeping: Bs 169; LAR 118–19, 147–8
          building MB 9–
          cleaning BL 16–18
          cottages: LAA 61; PBO 6
          Edwardian eyesores MH 57
          elegant OBH 209–10
          empty PE 108
          looking over: CQ 216; DD 58, 232–3; HyRts 282; JC 225–7; MH 58–; NTL 109–; OBH 26; PBO 132– 3, 135
          school parties HM 126–7
          maintenance and renovation: DD 313, 319–20; LAR 207; (LMB 9.58, 10.58); OBH 150–1, 169, 171; PE 108–10, 111, 117–18
          moving in PE 222–3
          names: DA 166; MB 23; PE 44
          painted horrible colour (LMB) 10.59, 11.59, 1.60, 3.60; TScT 25
          pictures of: CQ 181–2; ESR 32
          plans, old CQ 194–
          relations with occupiers OBH 332–3
          sales/selling: (LMB 9.53); OBH 25–9
Houses of Parliament LAA 9
          Commons OBH 171–2, 366– 7
          Lords: ESR 183; HyRts 267; MH 6; OBH 162–3; PBO 7; PE 163
          fire CS 51
          Victorian CS 51
housewarming OBH 199, 204–
          during war PBO 256–7
          after war: LAR 327; PE 132, 188–9
          negligent AD 2
          see housekeeping; ironing; washing
housing agent MB 9–
housing estate: CQ 18–19; ESR 112, 144, 211
Hove, Sussex (LMB 4.54)
Hovis House, Northbridge DA 108, 125; NR 56–7
Howe, Edward CS 89
Hughes, V. (LMB 2.53)
Hugo, Victor: MH 182–3; NTL 265
‘Hullo!’ NR 145, 264; PE 147, 370
humming and hawing LAA 57
humour MB 71–3, 85
          sense of GU 171, 175
hundreds and thousands TScT 47–8, (284)
Hunt, Holman
          ‘Hireling Shepherd’ picture: ESR 193–4, 197; LAA 227
hunting: CBI 97–8; ESR 20; HighR 77; NTL 87; PT 41, 47, 113; TScT 6
          blooding HighR 40
          country PT 34
hurt feelings OTM 208–9
          as background AD 14
          dead PBO 246
          see also Brandon, Henry; Morland, Henry; widows and widowhood
          despised AD 21–2
          drunk: AD 77; NR 237, 274 ex– OTM 25
          good OTM 178
          ‘grown out of’ AD 130
          leaving OTM 3, 122
          unloved AD 56, 120–1
          wished dead AD 51
          see also fathers
Hussars FH 141–2
          Musical AD 85–6
Hyde Park Fair CS 175, 176–7
hymns: BL 68–9; CQ 147; DH 205; ESR 32, 50, 102; HM 15; HighR 99–100; JC 38–9; MB 123; NTL 242; OBH 242; PBO 76, 77–9; PE 157–8
          books BL 73
          chapel PBO 21
          ‘Jerusalem the Golden’: BL 71, 73; PBO 76, 77–8
hysterics WDM 162


‘I don’t mind if I do’: HyRts 73; TSCr 13
Ianthe PE 307
Ibsen, Henrik
          Ghosts Bs 118
ice CBI 240
ice cream: Bs 234; CC 174
ice skating: CBI 271; HM 230–; MMS 12, 13–14; PE 50
Iceland: MB 180–1, 182–3; OBH 108
          16th cent. BL 121
          Journal of Icelandic Studies BL 136
Icelandic sagas
          see Norse sagas
Ideal boiler PE 120
ideas HyRts 33
idiots (village) and defectives: CBI 131, 152–3; CQ 108; DD 10–11; JC 12;LAA 18, 114–15; MH 22–3; OBH 364; PE 18, 135; TScT 26–31
          see Edna; Ed Pollett
illegitimacy: ESR 139, 216, 219–20, 237, 266; HyRts 157; PE 20, 24, 359; LAR 12, 44–5; OBH 8–11, 137, 178
          aristocracy BL 236
          and class OBH 178
          fathers (TScT 321)
illiteracy: LAR 19
illness/invalids: BL 18–19, 38–40, 46–7, 52; CC 243; ESR 63–
          care of NTL 110
          digestive problems: BL 103–4; SH 103–4, 260–1
          heart murmur: AF 105, 112, 130–2, 192–3; PE 95–6
          influenza NR 291–
          mother HighR 19, 20, 22, 45, 56–7, 58–9, 75–6
          voluntary: GU 86; HighR 122
                   Lady Pomfret PT 17–18
                   see Denis Stonor
immigrants ESR 6–7
          see also refugees
incense JC 22; PE 19
Income Tax CBI 158, 159; ESR 233; BBC
          see also taxation
incubator, chickens’ AD 38
Inde Coope (LMB 1.59, 2.60)
independence AD
          19c. FH 266–7
indexing: CC 246–7, 249–50; NR 214
India: (LMB 2.52); DD 295; NTL 11; PE 61, 64, 156, 171, 176, 214, 228; BBC
          British rule JC 8; PBO 274
          entertainment tours LAR 91
          Tony Morland sent to MB 169–70
Indian Army CBI 242–3; PE 63, 100–1, 358–9
Indian cotton PE 222, 227
Indian mutiny: DD 224; PE 281
Indian novel (parody) NR ; WDM 26
infidelity: PE 348, 355, 360; TSCr 144
infinitives, split: AF 96; TScT 22–3
influenza NR 291–; PT 137, 142–3
Ingelow, Jean DD 77
          ‘High Tide on the Coast of Lincolnshire’ PE 309
Ingoldsby Legends see Barham
ink DH 196
          ‘drunk on’ OTM 175
insects TH 62
          see also beetles; spiders; wasps
insomnia: AD 52; (TScT 214–15)
Intelligence, Army: CBI 116; MB 90–1
internment CBI 331
interview, job: SH 7–8
introductions, making: CQ 42; TSCr 11, 15
introverts ESR 175
          see illness/invalids
          cards BL 232–3
          demurring JC 124–5
Io NTL 246
iodine: DH ; SH 67
Ireland: ESR 6; HighR 48; SH 167
          immigrants from PBO 259
          navvies from MB 5
Irish NTL 198
          on troopship TSCr 72–4, 89, 109–10
Irish brogue HighR 147 Irish plays LAA 92
Irish poetry LAR 227
Iron destroyers JC 48
ironing: BL 273; CQ 79–80; ESR 37–8; PBO 28–9; PE 114–15
ironmongery NDT 244–5
Ishmael LAR 12
Ismailia pTSCr 87
Italian language LAA 271
Italians Bs 227–8; CC 127; DD 129; TSCr 112–13
Italy: AD 83; CBI 69; HM 84; NR 24; PT 12, 20
          art ESR 22
          Calabria CBI 312
          liberation DD 129
          see also Anzio; Florence; Rome
          see Felicia Grant


Janissaries OBH 120
          in Australia TSCr 3, 41–2
          in World War II MB 24–5, 93
jargon NTL 206
jazz: BL 281; WS 71, 119, 178
jealousy: AF 102, 194; HighR 84–5, 96, 111, 122; LAR 185; MB 220–1, 263; PBO 196, 198–9; PE 295, 321, 322; SH 55–6; WS 204
          servants’ Bs 121
jerboa PE 279
          in World War II PE 39
‘Jerusalem’ (song): NTL 59–60
Jerusalem the golden’: BL 71, 73; PBO 76, 77–8
jewelry HM 181; HyRts 167, 272–3, 286; HighR 147; NTL 159–60
          brooch DA 22–3
          crystal heart LAR 147
          eye lockets HM 172–3, 180–1
          jewel case MB 212, 222
          pageant WDM 140, 176–7
          see also rings; tiara
Jews: HighR 60, 172; OTM 51, 78; TSCr 38–9
          see Warburys
Job: CBI 304; HyRts 67
job–seeking DD 271–2; OBH 168–9
John, St.: ESR 239–40; JC 51
Johnson, Samuel: Bs 168;
          Cheerfulness Breaks In title; FH 268; JC 140; PE 149–50, 313; TH 12
          Boswell’s Life of FH 127, 268
Johnstone, Julia FH 80, 82, 159–60, 173, 180, 269, 270, 274–5, 276
joint, Sunday: BL 76; NTL 141–2; OBH 31
Jones, Hannah BBC
Joseph, Michael (LMB 6.58)
Journal of Icelandic Studies BL 136
Journal of the English Word– Lovers’ Association NR 99
Journal of the Society of Barsetshire Archaeologists Bs 22
          Schwarz (LMB 2.56)
          war correspondents TSCr 5
          see also Barchester Chronicle
Jowett, Benjamin: CC 90; HyRts 206
Jude, St.: LAA 155–6; MB 223
Julia, name OTM 23
jumble sales: (LMB 3.59); TScT 62
                   see also bring and buy sales
‘Just a Song at Twilight’ ESR 23
Jutland, battle of JC 136, 163, 192, 253
Jutland Cottage (AT) (LMB 3.52, 2.53)
Jutland Cottage, Southbridge JC
juvenile delinquents CQ 111
          louts LAA 45–6; PE 26


Kamerad! CQ 15, 207; LAA 241
Keats, John: DD 9; HyRts 182; LAR 244; NTL 59; MB 210, 212; PE 126
          ‘Drear Nighted December’ TH 103
          ‘Eve of St Agnes’ MB 257
          Hyperion (LMB 12.59)
‘Keep the home fires burning’ DD 304–5, 307–8
Keepsake CS 62, 96
Keith, Edith PE 270
Kensington : TH 17–27, 28–45; TScT 133; BBC
          Greyhound Tavern TH 28, 31, 36, 39, 43; TScT 133; BBC
          South PE 326
                   parliamentary constituency PBO 193
          Victorian CS 80
          Young Street TH 17, 28–
Kensington Gardens: NTL 10; TH 29
Kensington High School (LMB 2.60)
Kensington High Street TH 32, 39–40
kettles: CQ 19; HighR 47; NDT 248; NR 144; PE 72
Kew gardens CS 126
key chain CQ 192
keys: CQ 192–3; TScT 114
          boys’ DH 217–18
          see also piano key
kilts HyRts 112, 172–3
Kinchinjunga TScT 28
kings JC 29
          Divine Right of JC 30
          English HighR 49–50
          see also names; Royalty
King’s College Hospital (LMB 1.52)
Kingsley, Charles LAA 228; BBC
          ‘Lorraine Lorree’ NR 112
          The Water Babies: ESR 75; FH 9; HM 119; JC 7; (LMB 11.54, 10.58, 4.60); NTL 21, 268
Kingsley, Henry: DD 147; ESR 239–40; LAA 228; BBC
          The Boy in Grey CC 185
          Ravenshoe: AF 96; JC 97
kinship DA 162
Kipling, Alice (Trix) BBC
Kipling, Carrie TH 90
Kipling, John TH 83; BBC
Kipling, Josephine: (LMB 1.51); TH 49, 83–90, 110–1; BBC
          death TH 86
Kipling, R. (stocking–seller) CS 79, 142
Kipling, Rudyard TH 59, 80, 83, 87–91; BBC
          death of daughter TH 86
          works of: CBI 270; CC 115, 168–9; HyRts 78, 182; JC 51; LAA 274, 278, 283–4; MB 259; NR 184; OBH 225; BBC
          on Austen: CQ 154; JC 30
          ‘The City of Brass’ JC 30–1; (LMB 12.57)
          ‘The dead they cannot rise’ CC 169; CQ 254; DD 270
          ‘The Finest Story in the World’ MB 184
          ‘The Last Chantry’ CQ 280
          ‘Our Lady of the Snows’: CC 118; ESR 133; MH 208
          Plain Tales from the Hills CC 107
          ‘Take up the white man’s burden’ DD 129
          ‘To the unknown God’ NTL 246;
kipper DH 195–6, 211
Kirschwasser OBH 158, 159
kisses/ing: DA 13–14; HighR 226; MB 45; PT 173; LAA 292–3; PBO 188; WS 123
          daughterly MH 9
          fatherly CS 27
          fear of AD 74–5
          hands: Bs 63, 73–4; JC 224; MB 211, 225
          Jessica’s (LAR) 91; PE 93– 4, 204
          magic LAR 264
          social JC 237
kitchen garden LAR 14, 228, 252
Kitchener, 1st Earl DA 81
kitchens: DD 82, 307; GU 194; MB 206–7; NTL 114; OBH 176
          communal CBI 201–; NR 19, 253
          gadgets: JC 163–4; LAA 222– 3
          Rectory NR 49–
          Rottingdean TH 123–4
          units HyRts 276
kittens: GU 215, 240, 241, 261–2; LAA 115; PE 98–9
          with baby BMG 2.22, 4.22, 9.22
          drowning SH 62
          see also cats
knickerbockers PE 182, 183, 187
knickers, making Bs 98, 140
knighthood LAA 158–9
knitting: CBI 162; HM 54–5,60–1, 68; NR 115–16; PBO 73; TScT 16
          patterns for babies TScT 66–7
knocking at doors PE 82
Knopf, Alfred (LMB 11.56)
Knopf, Blanche (LMB 11.59)
knots : DH 64–5; MMS 64–5
Knox, George
          King’s Bishop CC 191
Knox, John: AD 129; DD 140; DH 118; JC 261
Korea DD 129
Kornog bread BL 74, 104–5
Krogsbrod, Hvord ESR 200


labels, economy WDM 175–6
Labour Exchange MB 30
Labour Government HyRts 79, 80–1, 82, 85, 134–5, 249, 251; OBH 15, 135;PBO 253–5, 272–3; PE 29, 255
Labour Party: CC 267–8, 306; OBH 171; PBO 167; PE 92, 255, 280, 285
labour–saving implements CQ 19
lace: CQ 20; HighR 227
ladders ESR 156–7
library LAA 140, 157
ladies: HM 34; PE 163–4
          English gentlewomen NR 149–50
Ladies of Llangollen PBO 216 ‘lady’ OBH 120
          ‘Lady’, title, correct use: JC; PBO 64–5
Lady Bountiful BL 83
ladybird PBO 232
Ladysmith Cottages, Lambton GU 40, 81–
lager NR 37–8
lake DD 73–4
Lake District ESR 83
Lamb, Caroline FH 183
Lamb, Charles OBH 231
Lamb, Frederick FH 29–31, 36–9, 44–9, 128, 178, 208
Lamb, George FH 128
Lamb, William, 2nd Viscount Melbourne: CS 74–5, 133; FH 30, 33–4, 36, 183 Lamb’s Piece, Worsted AF 9, 10
Lambton village: DD; GU
          station GU 6, 33, 48–9, 265
          vicarage GU 79, 184, 230–3, 237–8
lamplighter TH 32
Lancers (dance): HyRts 179–80; JC 215; TSCr 130
Land Army GU 147–8
land girls: CBI 213; PBO 99
Landon, L. A.
          Ethel Churchill CS 123
          poems by CS 76–7, 92
Landor, Walter Savage SH 91–2
          ‘Rose Aylmer’ NTL 267
Landseer, Sir Edwin: BMG 1.22; CS 69, 70–1
Lang, Andrew: LAA 284; (LMB 10.54); (TScT 226)
language/s LAR 19
          agricultural DA 214
          archaic HighR 250
          bad CBI 174
                   see also swearing
          Bible OBH 26
          church: BL 71; HighR 99
          common idiom DA 290
          mispronunciation, see pronunciation
          numbers, expressing MB 176
          rhyme PE 112
                   Cockney CQ 273
          usage ESR 27
          see also English; French; German; grammar; Greek; Latin; pronunciation
lanoline: HyRts 89, 178; HM 156; LAR 368
Laocoon: (LMB 4.59); OBH 97 lard JC 166–7
larder, cool CQ 81
Larousse, Pierre 105
Las Palombas: CBI 63–4, 260–1; DA 155
‘Last of England, The’ (Brown) LAA 228
latex DA 52
Latin: CQ 83–4; DA 150; DH 201; GU 50–1, 167; LAA 232–3; TScT 22; WDM 16, 43; BBC
          grammar PE 260, 269
          Grammars, school: LAR 154–5; SH 123
          jokes/parody: LAR 156; MB 17–18, 23–4, 28, 37
          learning/teaching: ESR 251; MB 27–8, 33; PBO 264; PE 241–2; SH 24, 92
          pronunciation: CQ 219; PBO 165, 168; PE 59
          reading JC 108–9
          reciting OBH 181, 291–2, 294–5, 358
          rhymes LAR 155–6
          women and PBO 161, 163, 164
          see also Greats; Horace; Virgil
laundry: AF 51, 88; GU 54–5, 58; LAR 45; MB 81; SH 101; TScT 85–6
          marks OBH 23–4
lavatory paper (LMB 3.54, 4.54)
lavender LAA 232
Laverings, Hatch End BL 64–5
law: BL9,10,17;SH9,10,17
          as profession SH 71; WDM 5
          Victorian CS 22
          railway: OBH 139–40; PE 149, 306–7; SH 76
          see also
copyright; lawyers; libel; magistrates
Law Courts, Victorian CS 128–31
lawns NTL 10
          see also mowing, lawn
Lawrence, D.H. NR 338
Lawrence, St CQ 279
lawyers: CQ 12–13; NTL 255; OBH ; PE 149, 350, 364–5; WDM 5, 42
          see Henry Grantly; Colin Keith; Robert Keith; Noel Merton
Lay Sermons HyRts 53
Lazarus College: Bs 25, 169; CBI 53–4; DD 226; HyRts 51, 168, 171, 176, 199;LAR 317; PBO 54; PE 15, 158; SH 32, 50; (TScT 159–60, 253)
          climbing CBI 143
          Master: MB 92; PE 92
le Capet, Jehan
          see Duval,Eugène
League of Nations CBI 291
Leander rowing club CS 38–9, 40–1, 115–22
          cap MH 27
Lear, Edward OBH 123
          Plum Pudding Flea DD 300; MB 57
          Quangle–Wangle: DD 315; LAR 48; MB 58; NTL 20; PE 119
learned societies AD 96–
          Snorri Society AF 47
          see also Barsetshire Archaeological Society
leave, forces’: HM 101, 234–5; NR 347–52
Leaves of Grass (Whitman) PT 119
lectures: AD 96–; GU 44, 99–100; HyRts 95, 98–100
Laura Morland: GU 218–22; HyRts 122
Lord Stoke GU 107, 114–14
Leech, John
          Punch drawings DA 150
Leeds: CC 133; SH 44; TSCr 19, 20, 27
Leeds University SH 122
leeks HighR 119
Lefter, V., letter from LAR 153
leftovers LAR 58
          see Winifred Tebben legacy JC 181–2
Leighton, Frederic, 1st Baron PBO 109; PT 93
Leighton Warren, Lady BBC
Lemon on Running Powers: OBH 139–40; PE 149, 306–7; SH 76
leopard skin HyRts 81
lesbians: CBI 83–; JC 177; NTL 53–5
          see Bent; Hampton
Lesbos CQ 64
Leslie family JC 8–9
          boys, John’s: CQ 6; DA 80– 1; PBO 88–9, 153, 168–9
Leslie, David PBO 63
          selfishness PBO 226–8
Leslie, Lady Emily MH 204–5
          bedroom WS 29
          70th birthday LAR 74–
          death: ESR 13; OBH 313, 314
          church memorial DA 53
          memorial service ESR 13, 41–2, 49–50
Leslie, Gay LAR 304–5
letters (alphabet)
          biscuits TScT 92
          game: ESR 139; JC 62–3
letters (correspondence) BL 157; TSCr 171–2
          after death GU 212
          anonymous HighR 186–7, 190–1, 217, 220–1, 233
          book recording (LMB 9.57, 10.58)
          emotional release OTM 175–6, l96
          lovers, parted AD 204–5
          J. Middleton’s BL 287
          L. Morland’s HighR 33 old: DA 131; DD 251        
                    crossed HyRts 88–9
          posting BL 266
          returning SH 170
          sealing WDM 228
          thanks, children’s TH 121
          to The Times: BL 201; (TScT 161)
          Victorian CS 17
          wartime, forces’ 116–17, 212
          from w.p.b. LAA 85
          writing NR 130–2
                   guests’ BL 261
          see also fan mail
lettuces MB 24, 26
Lewis, C. S.
          Voyage to Venus CC 224
Lewis, Lady TH 72
libel: CC 89; LAR 153; NTL 263
          19th c. FH 249–51
Liberals: BL 10; HyRts 59, 70–1, 83, 84; LAR 190; PBO 48–9
Liberty scarf PE 123
librarians DD 317; JC 177; LAR 193–4, 368; OBH 11; TScT 46
          see Isabel Dale; Susan Dean; Eleanor Grantly; Grace Grantly
libraries: CC 153, 220, 226; PE 150; WS 107
          Barchester HyRts 87–90, 95–7, 98–, 173, 178
          Bodleian CC 95–6
          borrowing from PT 86
          circulating JC 118
                   Victorian CS 62
                   Lyme FH 266
          private PBO 189
          public JC 117, 270–1
                   Chelsea (LMB 9.58)
                   Gaiters’ CBI 129; CC 102; DA 20; JC 223
                   readers DA 152
                   twopenny HM 91, 92
          Red Cross: LAR 25–6, 69, 156; OBH 17, 49, 85, 146– 7; PE 162–
          see also London Library
Libya: GU 202; LAR 178
lice CBI 80, 282
lies, social: ESR 114; JC 122–3; PBO 39; TScT 82
life, length (LMB 1.59)
lifts, service: ESR 253; LAA 57; NTL 111
light, ceiling SH 56
lighters: LAR 362; PE 146
          neon CQ 18
          street (LMB 1.60); TScT 139
          Victorian CS 71
‘Lilac Time’ LAA 306
‘Lilliburlero’ CQ 200
lime juice MH 67
limericks CQ 272; DD 127
limping: (LMB) 1.57; TScT 60
Lindsay, Lady Anne
          ‘Ballad of Auld Robin Gray’ (LMB 10.55)
Lindsay, Norman
          The Magic Pudding (LMB 12.53)
          pictures TSCr 35
linen, household LAR 206
          cupboard DA 268–9
          marking DA 22
          mending DA 17–18, 188, 268
          rollers for ESR 132–3
          table–cloths: ESR 131–3; NTL 174
lines, writing (school) DH 77, 195
Lion Comique BL 194
lions MH 8–9
lipstick: DA 160; ESR 36; LAA 232; PE 154
Lisbon PBO 214
‘Listener’s Lure’: CQ 235; ESR 63
listening: LAR 126; NTL 264; PE 215; TScT 28
          overhearing: AF 214–15; OBH 350, 357; PT 68–9
literature AD 117
litter: CQ 186; DA 155; LAR 305; OBH 357
‘Little, Thomas’ FH 206–7, 214, 227, 236–7
Little Misfit Bs 27; ESR 7
          see also Holdings
Littlehampton, Sussex: BL 246; MH 305; (TScT 242)
Littler, Emile HyRts 92
liver: ESR 92, 93; GU 168; HyRts 92; LAA 208; LAR 136; OBH 31, 36
Liverpool: DA 11; ESR 18–19, 51, 52; NTL 164; PBO 75
          University PBO 164
Liverpool Street station JC 11
Lloyd George, David CBI 147
local history MB 33
          see also Barsetshire Archaeological Society; families
locksmiths: ESR 154–5; LAR 364
loft TH 60
          see also attic
logarithms HM 159
Lohengrin Bs 207
London: AD 82–3, 89–91, 132; AF 10; BL 178; CC 198–9; HighR 173; LAA 56, 124–5, 304; OBH 85, 161–2; OTM 1, 38; PE 145, 308, 309; WDM 32; BBC
          Albany BL 179
          bombed: JC 25–6; NR 36–7, 77–8, 81
          Cadogan Square: ESR 234; OTM 22
          Charing Cross Road CC 270
          churches BL 253
          Grantchester Hotel PBO 247
          Hampstead TSCr 13, 14, 16
          King’s Cross CBI 136
          ‘land of lost delights’ PE 156
          Liverpool Street JC 11
          Old Vic SH 60, 61
          Oxford Street CS 28, 29
          Pall Mall Cs 44, 50, 147
          postwar DD 78, 133
          Queen Street CS 29, 34, 35–
          Riverside ESR 6
          Rotten Row HighR 143
          Rutland Gate: HighR 144–, 214; NDT 246–
          Temple (law): BL 178–9; SH 143; TScT 102
                   see under theatre/s traffic (LMB 9.55)
          ‘transpontine Squattlesea’ PBO 259
          Victorian: CS 23, 27–9, 50–; FH 37–
          V J Day PBO 258–9
          wartime: MH 225; NDT 242–
          see also Chelsea; Hammersmith; Kensington;
          and entries below
London County Council (LMB 3.54)
London Eclogue FH 242
London Library: DA 270; HM 152; MH 291; (LMB 1.52, 11.54, 9.58); TScT 46–7
London School of Economics: BL 70; CBI 268; SH 122
London University SH 122
          Victorian CS 19, 129
loneliness: DD 41; DH 173–4, 235
Long Vacation PE 306, 316, 350
Longfellow, Henry: CBI 291; MB 183; TH 120
          ‘Elizabeth’ CQ 69
lorgnette MB 44–5, 53, 58
‘Lorraine Lorree’ (Kingsley) NR 112
loudspeakers: ESR 166; LAR 173–4
‘lounge’ DA 229–30
louts LAA 45–6; PE 26
love: AD 81–3, 132 DA 208
          calf–: AF 128–9, 218; LAR 193; PE 111
          early stages LAR 180, 181
          first: Bs 63–4; CBI 258–9
          meeting after LAR 242–3
          mother love, verse LAA 290
          over LAR 360–1, 378
          unreciprocated: CC 291; LAR 382
          unspoken: BL 199, 216, 241–2; LAR 242, 247
          ‘word of power’ AD 148
Love Among the Ruins (AT) (LMB 10.59)
Love At All Ages (AT) (LMB 9.58, 10.58, 11.58, 12.58, 1.59, 2.59, 4.59)
‘Loves of the triangles, The’ MB 141
Low Rising village: DH; HR 45–, 114–
          Manor House HighR 46–
Lowther, Lord FH 101
Lubbock, Percy
          Earlham PE 149
Lucifer PT 55
Lufton Park: DD; HyRts
luggage GU 62, 74
Luke and Huxley’s: HyRts 157; WDM 154
lumbago (LMB 1.60, 5.60, 6.60)
Luna Park TSCr 48
          cold MB 163–4
          evacuees’ CBI 212–
          in restaurants: AD 92; WS 92–
Lupus (LMB 1.52)
Lushington, Vernon TH 39
Luther, Martin DA 222–3
luxuries CC 284
Lyra Heroica PE 184


macaroni DH 208–9
Macaulay, Thomas Babington CS 155
          ‘Horatius’: AF 12, 90, 114; CC 146; HyRts 11, 204; JC 80; OBH 358; PE 264, 265; (TScT 315); WS 36
Macaulay, Zachary FH 221
Macdonald, George CC 223
          ‘The Light Princess’ LAA 200
          ‘Phantastes’: CC 223–4; DD 161–2; TScT 132
Machell, Roger (LMB 2.59, 4.59)
Machell, Lady Valda (LMB 4.59)
MacInnes, Colin (son of AT)
1959 visit to AT (LMB) 8.56, 9.56, 10.56, 12.56, 10.57
Mackail, Clare (sister of AT) (LMB 1.54, 12.56, 9.58); BBC
Mackail, John (father of AT): (LMB 10.50, 10.54); TH 30, 35, 37, 40, 44
Mackail, Margaret (née Burne–Jones; mother of AT) TH 23, 24, 29, 30–1, 36–7, 54–5, 56, 75, 129, 132; BBC
estate and house (LMB 10.52, 10.54, 9.55)
Maclise, Daniel
          Salvator Rosa CS 69
Madeira SH 51
Maeterlinck, Maurice
          The Blue Bird: ESR 220; PE 126; WDM 276–7
      seen as books: JC 122; MH 265; SH 146; TScT 66–7
          stories OTM 189–90
          writing for OTM 95, 97–8
magistrates: HM 35, 77, 84, 132; JC 224; LAR 169; PE 26
          women AD 80
maids: CQ 30; NR 155; PT 31–2
      French (Conque): NTL 152; PBO 62; WS 18–
          parlourmaids see separate entry
          at Rottingdean TH 123, 124
          vegetable BL 283
      on visits ESR 210
      see Conque
Majorca AF 93
Majors TScT 10
make–up: DA 160; DD 152, 308; HyRts 170–1; LAA 232; PT 91, 92
          see also lipstick
make–up bag DA 68
Mallard, Earl of TSCr 96
Manchester BL 278
mangle, washing SH 138, 175
Mangnall, Richmal
          Historical and Miscellaneous Questions
          for the use of young people
manure (muck): BL 128, 132, 133; CC 88; DD 47
maps HM 67
          of drainpipes OBH 384–5
marbles OBH 344–5
March, Ngaio
          Surfeit of Lampreys (LMB 4.59)
Marcus Aurelius AF 168–9
margarine (‘an underbred word, but it has come to stay’): CBI 184–5;
                             CC 84; MB 34
Marling church LAR
Marling Hall: CC 17–, 111; LAR 164; MH 5–
Marling Melicent MH 57
          see also Red House
marmalade, making NR 309
marquee DA 74
          early LAR 56
      happy OTM 20
      unhappy: AD 120, 122; OTM 20–1
      see also husbands; widowers; widows; wives
Marriage licence, special: HyRts 235, 236, 237, 238; OTM 182, 199, 200, 205, 208
marriage service: GU 198; PE 251
married couples AF 215
marrow, initials on SH 162, 175
marrow bone TH 97–8
Marryat, Frederick HyRts 239
          Children of the New Forest GU 91
Marsala NTL 130
Martin, John, pictures by PE PE 196
Martin, St. MB 223
masks BBC
Mass PE 130
matches: PBO 60; PE 146
Matching Priory, Yorkshire CC 217
matchmaking PE 141
mathematics: DD 126–7; MB 102, 105, 140, 141; OBH 141
      ‘entirely uneducated — never any good at anything but mathematics’ CBI 71
          ‘The loves of the triangles’ MB 141
          see also algebra; arithmetic; geometry
matriarchy ESR 134
Matron GU 98–100
mattresses WDM 225
Mau Mau WDM 209
‘Maud Muller’ TScT 14–15
May Day TH 33–4
maze CC 233–4, 293–4, 295–6; PE 130
Mazefield PE 193–5
McInnes, Graham (son of AT) (LMB 2.52, 10.57, 9.58)
          and baby brother BMG 6.21, 9.21, 12.21, 4.22
          family visits to London (LMB 1.52, 8.55, 12.59)
McInnes, James (1st husband of AT) (LMB 9.58)
McInnes, Mary (daughter of AT): BMG 12.21; TScT 138
McInnes, Michael (grandson of AT) (LMB 2.52)
measles: CBI 328; PE 292–3, 294, 319–22; TSCr 142–3, 171; WDM 39–40, 62
measuring height PBO 31–3
meat: OBH 101–2, 133, 283; PBO 49
      pig products: BL 229; DD 161–3; MB 126
      postwar LAR 200-1
      Sunday joints: BL 176; NTL 141–2; OBH 31
          pre–cooking PE 296–7
          see also liver
medical examination for forces MH 22–3
medicine BL 32–3, 38–9
Medmenham Abbey PE 198
Megatherium NR 37
Melbourne, Australia TSCr 17; BBC
      asylum TSCr 127–8
          Prince of Wales’ visit TSCr 130–1
          strike TSCr 1, 125
Melbourne, William Lamb, 2nd Viscount: CS 74–5, 133; FH 30, 33–4, 36, 183
Melicent Halt: GU 7; LAR 164–5; PBO 5–6, 7
Mellings (house), Nutfield PT 2–, 21
Mellings Arms, Hatch End:
DA 38; ESR 9, 58, 235; NTL 203, 228; PBO 5–6, 7
Mélusine NR 331
memorial service
          for Lady Emily ESR 13, 41– 2, 49–50
memorials NTL 284
memory: DA 29; TScT 8
          failing: ESR 76; LAR 130–1, 274, 275, 306; MB 238–; NTL 208: OBH 87–90
          see also childhood memories; nostalgia
men CC 105–6; PE 315, 324
          see also fathers; husbands; sons; widowers
Mendelssohn, Felix CS 67, 114
          Spring Song WDM 317
mental defectives see idiots
mental institutions: CC 217; HM; MB 107; PE 282
          Melbourne TSCr 127–8
Mentone: LAA 165; NR 55
mercury (quicksilver): LAA 160; NR 141
Meredith, George ESR 67
          Diana of the Crossways AD 83
      ‘Love in the Valley’: DA 113; ESR 106; HyRts 237; LAA 30; TScT 136 Merimée, Prosper FH 257, 273
          ‘Merry Peasant’ BL 81
Merton, Lavinia (LMB 10.53)
Methodists FH 221
Methuselah NTL 190
metre SH 30
mice HM 286
microphones: ESR 166–7; HyRts 100
middle class: LAA 54; LAR 134; (LMB 9.56, 9.58)
          upper PE 26
Middle East
      postwar DA 286
      see also Mixo–Lydia
Middleton, Peggy TH 126
midges PBO 204–5
          delivery MB 207
      goats’: CC 86; CQ; MB 162
          keeping cool CQ 81
      in wartime MH 224–6
          rationing: HM 64–5; PE 282, 283–4
Milk Marketing Board AF 9; DD 125
Millais, Sir John: PBO 109; TH 37
          portraits LAA 53
Milne, A. A. (LMB 10.54)
Milton, John: ESR 228; HighR 123; LAR 264; MMS 17, 18; SH 104; TScT 64; WS 77–8, 104
          Lycidas BL 23–4
      Paradise Lost: BL 205; WS 77–8, 82, 84
      ‘They also serve …’ NTL 127
mind as swallow ESR 103
minestrone DD 190
Ministry of Works PE 109
Minotaur DH 159
minnows OBH 345, 347
mippet, gold–crested PE 192
miscarriage OTM 6, 60, 160–1
          see pronunciation
missing in war MB 7, 47–8, 128–9, 200, 201 missionaries
          colonial bishop MH 26–8
          see also Mngangaland
mistletoe MH 299
‘Mistletoe Bough, The’ (Bayly): HyRts 215; (LMB 3.52); TH 115
Mitchell, Margaret
          Gone With the Wind PE 165
Mitre pub, Northbridge NR 11
Mixo–Lydian/s: CQ 25–, 235; DA 7–8; DD 81; GU 132–3; HM 66, 83; (LMB 1.59); MB 159–60, 167–8, 209; NTL 108, 118
          Brownskus: HM 66, 83, 164, 224; NR 98–9
          Consul NR 96–8
          embroidery CBI 179, 191, 192–
          Gradka DD 191–7
      literature and myth CBI 182– 3
      Navy CQ 246
      see also refugees
      see Brownskus; Dumka; Gradka
Mizpah: DD 268; (TScT 253–4)
Mngangaland: CBI 294; CC 28, 101, 159, 175, 236, 312–13, 314; MB 268, 269; NTL 177; OBH 181, 182; PBO 145–6; PE 212, 213, 214, 216; (TScT 253–4); WDM 209, 241–2
          Palace CC 98
Mngongi LAR 220
mockery MH 115–16
models, artists’: PT 38–9; TH
Modern Greats: CBI 39, 54; HyRts 105, 168
Modestine (donkey) AF 21–6, 40–1, 45, 74–7, 82, 171–3, 243; LAR 79
Molière FH 130
monkey TScT 32
monkey puzzle trees: ESR 15, 50–1, 189; GU 233; PT 38–9
      climbing ESR 189; WDM 138, 142–3
      pulled down NTL 243–4, 251, 258
Monkey’s Paw, The: BL 164; ESR 247–8
monks NR 59
monologue, topics BL 163
Monthly Magazine CS 76
Morgan, Charles (LMB 10.54)
Morland (imaginary country) DH
Morland, Dick, Gerald and John (sons of Laura): CBI 107, 261–2; HighR 12–13, 17; MB 70
Morland, George: DH 118; ESR 222; PE 299
          paintings NR 284
      Morland, Henry (Laura’s late husband): HyRts 124; HighR 28, 147, 173, 183, 185; JC 104–5; MB53
Morland, Laura (LMB 10.58)
          articles HighR 16, 17–18
          books: LAA 57, 74; NTL 69– 70
            ‘all the same’ CBI 64; CC 102; DD 330
            American readership ESR 238
            bad NTL 185
            earning power GU 210
                    ‘extra’ NTL 77, 186
                    ‘Molly Bangs’ NTL 77–8, 157–8
                    good bad HighR 33
                    Mme Koska plots: Bs 84; CBI 109–10; CC 104; GU 213–14, 219–20; HighR 17–18, 21, 48, 225–6, 237–8; LAA; PE 272; WDM
                    motive for writing HighR 32
                    ‘only pot–boilers’ GU 219
                    origins: GU 221; HighR 16–18
            own attitude to: DD 334–5; DH 11–12
                    ‘rubbishy’ DH 130
                   2nd–rate HighR 121
                   son’s attitude to: DH 11–12; GU 220
            thrillers CC 173
            ‘under another name’ NTL 157–8
          career: GU 221; HighR 16, 32–3; NTL 76–7
          clothes NTL 5
      hair: CC 102; DD 330; HighR 173–4, 177, 193
          handbag contents LAR 151–2
          ‘other or writing self’: CBI 164; CC 94; HyRts 131, 135, 136; JC 16; NTL 89
          papers, sorting TScT 34
          personal life HighR 173
          publisher, relations with HighR 32–3, 51–2, 60–1, 63–6, 133
      refuses marriage proposals: HighR 96; NTL 265–7
          as single mother DH
          typewriter, difficulties with HighR 42–4
      see also fan mail; Morland, Henry
Morland, Robin (TScT 143–)
Morley College (LMB 2.52)
Morning Chronicle FH 228
Morris, Jane TH 23, 96
Morris, William: DD 332–3; TH 20–1, 50, 79, 80, 96, 103, 112, 113; BBC   Mackail’s life of TH 35; BBC
Mother Goose OBH 353–4
mother love, verse LAA 290
mothers HyRts 30
          ailing /dependent, elderly: CC 251, 257, 267, 268, 274; DA 104–8, 121–; HighR 19, 20, 22, 45, 56– 7, 58–9, 75–6, 134, 154, 156, 247–8
          of babies see babies
      care, unending ESR 106
      of children DD 29
      of daughters AD 136–7, 209– 12
      outshining LAR 52,118
          overwhelming AF 121
          rivalry BL 136–7
      dominant MH 64–5
      fussing AF 28
      of grownup sons DD 225
          irritating adult sons
                   see sons looking after own children (tough!) PE 294–5
          negligent AD 2
          single, of sons DH
          step– BL 50, 78–9, 276
      of young people OBH 116–17
          see also daughters; sons
mothers–in–law: AD 6, 9–10; OBH 82–3; PE 380
Mothers Union: CBI 304; MB 14, 125–6, 127, 192, 199; NTL 153; OBH 32, 40     banner MB 126, 127
moths HyRts 295
motorbikes LAR 176
mountains TScT 28
Mounter, Mr and Mrs TH 99–100
mourning: Bs 12, 13, 148–9, 156–7; CBI 222–3; CC 273, 278–9; CQ 67; JC 14–15, 19; MB 261–2
          see also bereavement
moustache OTM 134–5
mouth organ BL 183–4, 194, 196; DH 78–81, 91, 98
mouth wash MMS 18
mowing, lawn: Bs 97–8; CC 87–8
      machines: ESR 94–5; LAR 142–3; OBH 17–19; TScT 7
      with pony: LAR 142; TScT 7
Mozart, W. A. BL 170
          Don Giovanni AD 83
                   (Leporello) CQ 19
          Nozze CS 143–4
’Mpooka–’Mpooka (native drink) MH 27
‘Mr’ HM 168–9
‘Mrs’ HighR 28
Muckby–cum–Sparrowby PE 310
muffs (TScT 196–7)
          foot DA 55
mulberries AF 215–16
mules LAA 16
Mulready, William
          Seven Ages of Man CS 69
mummers TH 114–15
mumps NTL 9
Muniment Rooms: LAA 137; PT
Murillo, Bartholomé CBI 134
Murphy, Annie TH 128–9
Murray, John FH 128–30, 276
Muse LAA 283
music: WS 76
          ballet: BL 168–9; LAR 247
          Browning on TScT 140
          composition BL 19, 52–3, 54, 110, 126, 162, 210
          descant WDM 201
          jazz WS 71, 119, 178
          New York PBO 166
          orchestral ESR 200
          printed BL 56
          records OTM 206
      on roundabout: CC 288–9; LAR 188
      street TH 33–4
      string quartets AD 68, 69, 72
          tunes, similar WDM 317
          Victorian CS 66–7, 111–14, 141, 159
          war songs CC 304–5, 307–8, 312
          see also opera; piano; songs music halls DA 161
musical boxes BL 254–5, 256
Musset, Alfred de MMS 16, 19
Mussolini, Benito Bs 70–1
mustard : GU 169–70; WS 137
mutton BBC
My Fair Lady (TScT 196–7)
Mystery Play WDM 208–9, 245–7
mythology HighR 166


Nabob, Harefield HyRts 153–4 Assembly Room HyRts 162–
Naboth’s vineyard: CQ 183 nails, finger: HM 30; NDT 243; NTL 198, 204
name–plate machines WDM 20
names /naming: CC 38; CQ5–6; OTM 25–6 American: LAA 308; MB 251    associations OTM 40–1 Biblical CQ 148
          bulls’ see under bulls changing CC 64
          Christian see separate entry of clergy HighR 110–11
          cows’ BL 270; PE 19
          dogs’ PE 124
          house: DA 166; MB 23; PE 44
          illegitimate LAR 44
          Mngangaland PBO 140
          pseudonyms: CC 248; NTL 143–4
          saying DD 186 servants’ HM 9
          shared DH 117–18
          silly ESR 91
          surnames: NR 31; (TScT 122); TST 122
          changing on marriage: MH 320; OTM 210 Victorian CS 63
          see also place names
Nannies / children’s nurses: Bs 19–20; CC 237, 313–15; CQ 149; GU 40–2, 153–4, 228; HyRts 16; MH 270; NTL 170; OBH 338–9; TH 17, 29, 30, 31–2, 36, 45, 47–4, 51–, 134; PE 294, 347, 351; SH 137–8; (TScT 279–80; WDM 47–9, 143–4
          ageing HyRts 259 Australian / English TSCr102–4
          engaging: HyRts 246; LAA 121–2
          retired GU 40–2, 177; LAA 64, 77, 229
          rivalry: MH 270; PE 29, 321
          on troopship TSCr 48, 102–4
napkins, table HighR 29
Nasser, Col. CQ 260
          nasturtiums CC 232
National Anthem: CBI 167–8, 199–200; (LMB 10.54); PE 268; WDM 158
National Rotochrome Polychrome Universal Picture Post Card Company: NTL 186, 204; PBO 175–6; (TScT 160, 267)
National Savings MH 135–40
National Trust: CC 217; CQ 16; JC 19; MH 15–16; PBO 69, 253
National Union of Teachers (N.U.T.) CBI 156, 158
nationalization: OBH 22, 203; SH 146
          see also British Railways;
          Health Service natives MH 283
nativity scene: CBI 249–51, 255–6; CQ 150–2
naturalization PE 230
Navy see Royal Navy
Navy League CQ 39 Nazarites HyRts 65 neighbours MH 119–20
Nelson , Horatio: DD 299; JC 30, 246, 250–1; LAR 184; TScT 8–9
          film about DD 84–5
neon lighting CQ 18.
netball MB 106
Never Too Late (AT) (LMB 8.55, 9.55, 10.55, 3.56, 6.56)
New Look: CC 132, 145, 149, 239; OBH 48, 112, 179, 180
New Towns: CQ 14, 17–19, 32–3, 37, 136, 242; LAA 245; MB 6, 10–11, 103, 228
New Year’s Day HighR 99
New Year’s Eve HighR 80–98
          at Pomfret Towers ESR 20
New York: BL 208; DA 156; NTL 53, 57, 61–2, 81, 158
New Yorker MH 265
newcomers PE 97–8, 191–2
Newspaper Library, Hendon NTL 78
newspapers LAR 119; MB 208, 223–4
          reading MB 136
          Sunday OBH 271
          see also titles
Newton, Sir Isaac LAR 375
N. F. S. (National Fire Service) HM 230, 250
N. H. S. (National Health Service) see Health Service
Nicholson, William TH 59
night club AD 116, 117–, 143–6
night sky (LMB 11.57)
          stars LAA 285
nightgowns PE 144
          case for: CQ 30; DA 21; NTL 214
          toy dog TH
Nightingale, Florence: HighR 166–7; LAA 301
nightmares OTM 45, 52
Niobe ESR 138
Nissen huts GU 70
Nkrumah, Kwame (TScT 244, 267)
Norfolk: JC 10–11; WDM 17
          shooting in PE 17, 18
          Victorian CS 67, 87, 153
Normandie(ship) BL 280
Norse/ Icelandic/ Scandinavian sagas: AF 9–10, 15, 20–, 21, 47; CQ 37; LAR 60–; OBH 13
          see also Burnt Njal; Ragnarok
North End House, Rottingdean TH 46–124, 133–4; BBC
North End Lane, Fulham: TH 11–14, 17–27; BBC
Northbridge CBI 96; NR
          Manor: BL 8–; CBI 96–7, 217–, 277–, 321–, 330–; GU 184, 253; LAA 163; NR 11; PE 7–; SH 8–
          garden room SH 158
Northbridge Rectory: NR 16, 36–; SH 57
          garden NR 73–
          kitchen NR 49–
Northbridge village: CBI; DA 125–6; NR; WDM
          church NR 40–1, 59–
          High Street NR 9–11, 17–18, 28
          railway WDM 37–8
Norton, Lady Victoria Bs 128, 182
          Herbs of Grace DD 8; MH 209
Norton Hall OBH 332
Norway CBI 282, 291
Norwich CS 22, 23, 67, 142
nose–bleeding LAR 65-6, 229
nostalgia: CQ 17; DA 161; TScT 92, 120, 133–4, (251)
          in songs: CQ 31; NTL 219; OBH 171; WDM 144
notebooks NTL 89
          see also engagement books
notepaper (stately home) WDM 227
Novello, Ivor (LMB 10.58)
novels Bs 255–6
          AT’s, mistakes in (LMB 2.50, 10.50, 1.51, 10.53, 10.56, 11.57, 12.57, 1.58, 9.58, 11.58, 12.58)
          ecclesiastical (LMB 12.57) dramatization, radio HyRts 312
          dull, philosophical HighR 243–4
          historical PE 297; PT 8–9, 49
          obscure HighR 242
          parody Indian NR ‘real’ NR
          Victorian CS 62–
                    see also Rivers, Hermione précis proposed (LMB 11.57)
          ‘that woman who put us all in a book’ HM 68–9
          wartime GU 36–7
          writing TScT 105–6, 111–
          see also Morland, Laura;
          Rivers, Hermione; thrillers numbers JC 18
          expressing MB 176
nuns: (LMB 11.59); NR 24–5; TH 58
Nurse/s PT 143
          children’s see nannies retired : PE 32–3
          see also V.A.D.s
          SEE Sister Chiffinch; Heath; Ward
nurseries: OBH 65–6; TH 60–2; WS 60–3 corners painted OBH 321; TH 61
          day–care: GU 197–8; LAR 58, 79–80 (‘state–control- led ways of shifting re- sponsibility for one’s young’)
          wall–paper: TH 36; TScT 8
nursery gates: JC 226, 227; LAR 208
nursery meals ESR 234
          tea: PE 147–8; TH 34–5; WS 63–5, 68
nursery rhymes: ESR 169; HyRts 76–7; MH 185–8; OBH 342
           ‘A Frog he would a–wooing go’ DA 95
           ‘A Man of Words and not of Deeds’ DD 320
          Mother Goose OBH 353–4 nursery school CBI 137–8, 139, 225
nursery stories see fairy tales
nursery teacher PE 181, 183
nursing home CQ 282, 283
Nutfield village: NR 124; PE 7–8; PT 1–, 22 station PBO 7; PT 1
nutrition LAR 109
nylon /s: DD 49; pJC 239; LAR 121; NTL 13, 38, 133


oak tree OBH 1, 355, 357
oar Bs 25
Obelisk: CS 51; LAA 103–4, 285; PE 300
obituaries: NTL 106, 237; TScT 97
Observer Bs 22
ocarina: CBI 11, 13, 16–17, 57, 164–5, 169; CQ 236
Oceanian Officers’ Club TSCr 28
O’Connell, Daniel CS 69–70, 154
Octavia CBI 21–2
oculists: HM 63; MH 66, 309; (LMB 6.58)
          tests MB 42–3
Odyssey AF 97
offcomes: ESR 57; TScT 82–3
          giving HighR; TScT 116–17
          taking CQ 174; MB 146
offices DD 95–6, 97; MH 171–4; WS 97–8
          estate DD 281
          furniture LAA 49
          Pomfret Towers TScT 118, 132, 148–9
          staff MH 144
          telephones AD 166
          see also Civil Service
offprints MB 92–3
O, These Men, These Men! (AT) (LMB 11.54)
oil, lubricating DH 26, 30
oil–can CQ 11
Ointment of Lebanon HM 15
Old Bank House, Edgewood: DD 8–; OBH 21–30, 150–1, 205–, 232–
Old Barum ESR 90
Old King Cole OBH 354
Old Manor House, Hatch End: ESR 88–9, 110–, 128–; NTL 72–3, 107–, 272 Olympic games LAR 109
Omar Khayam PBO 232
          Rubaiyat HyRts 123
omelets BL 233
          flaming AF 141–2
omnibus TH 51–
Omnium Arms MB 235, 246
Omnium estate: CC 217; MB 5
Omphale PE 101
onions MH 184
opera: BL 138; PBO 95–6; BBC
          Victorian: CS 114–15, 142–4; FH 54–7, 61–8, 133, 173, 180, 217, 269
          see also Gilbert and Sullivan; Wagner
opera glasses NR 35
oral history LAA 282
oranges: AD 23, 27, 28; MH 183–4; PBO 50, 230; PE 284; TSCr 141
          orange–peel teeth OTM 97
orchids: MB 219, 221, 223; PE 373
organ grinder TScT 32
          County JC 228 local/voluntary: ESR 9; PE 162, 230–1; WDM 9
          see also Mothers Union; Townswomen’s Guilds; W. I.; W. V. S.
organs LAA 181–2
          church ESR 53, 99; LAA 35, 43; MH 243; WS 70
                   organist MB 123–4; PBO 78
          cinema BL 111
          mechanical WS 60–1
Orient Express BL 60
ornithologists: JC 28, 65, 68, 80, 85, 86; NR 63–4; PE 17, 60, 117, 166–7, 201, 290, 301, 304
          see also birds
          see Effie Arbuthnot; Tubby Fewling; Wickham
orphan PBO 56
Orpheus: ESR 177; PE 316
Orthodox church: CBI 182; CQ 280; PE 40
Orthodox Entente BL 61
otters PE 211
          Under two Flags NTL 15–16
Overfolds BL 55
Ovid DH 159
Ovingdean TH 56
Oxford FH 159–69
          rail journey to OBH 32–3
Oxbridge University Press: CBI 68; ESR 86; HyRts 60, 124, 201; MB 90
          and Philip Winter: GU 167; PE 165; SH 119, 144, 172
Oxford Book of English Verse: LAR 232, 234; OBH 153–6; PE 184
Oxford Book of Quotations CQ 69, 105; LAA 76; TScT 89
Oxford frame ESR 15
Oxford University: CBI 143; BL 152; CC 95–6; CQ 6; PE 158; TH 15; BBC
          Alpine Club: CBI 143; CQ 6, 11; DA 81; JC 20
          Bodleian library CC 95–6
          dons JC 266
                   wives JC 266, 283
          exams OBH 12, 141, 142
          Class OBH 181, 182
          see also Greats
          Fanshawe at AF 11
          fellowships: HyRts 176, 190; JC 266, 283
          the House LAA 37
          students AF 29
          Mrs Tebben at AF 10, 86–8
          Victorian CS 19–20, 45
          women AD 97–8
          see also Balliol; St Paul’s College
Oxford University Press BBC
Oxonian, The: CS 45; FH 207
oysters OTM 30, 38


Packer’s Universal Derby: Bs 205–13; CC 288; LAA 13; LAR 164, 175, 182, 184, 194; (TScT 181–2, 188–); WDM 17, 245
          mending LAR 169–70
          music: CC 288–9; LAR 188; (TScT 182)
Paddington station: OBH 33; TSCr 40
Padella (dress shop) CQ 237, 238, 240
padres TSCr 11, 46–7, 88, 100, 163, 175–6
paganism PE 194–5
pageant WDM 154–
Paget, Sydney
          pictures by NTL 73
paint DH 105
painters see artists
painting (houses): DD 108–9; PE 108–9
painting (pictures) LAR 292–3
          Alice Barton PT 11
          portraits PT 38–9
          see also artists
Palafox Borealis: DD 8, 13, 14; HyRts 205, 218–19; OBH 24, 118, 119, 120, 126, 129, 130, 150, 172–3, 176–7, 385; (TScT 319–20)
Palliser Hall MB 263
Palmella, Count FH 59, 63, 66, 68, 72–4
Palmerston, Henry Temple,
          3rd Viscount FH 72, 178
Pandora CBI 173
panelling ESR 146
pantomime: DD 107–8; MMS 1, 3, 4–5; PE 316
pantry TH 70–1
pantryboy ESR 208–
paper (LMB 8.52, 4.56)
          economy MH 203
                   labels WDM 175–6
          lavatory (LMB 3.54, 4.54)
          for letters (LMB 10.58)
          restrictions: (LMB 10.54, 9.55, 12.56); PBO 6
          stately home WDM 227–8
paper–knife PT 96
‘Parables from Nature’ (Gatty) NTL 169–70
parachute spotting NR 33–4, 41–2, 43–4, 45–6, 56–
parapet ESR 155, 157–9
parasols: Bs 22, 24; TScT 60
          –whip DD 208–9
          unwrapping PE 363–4
          wrapping (LMB 10.53)
          aged: DD 190; (LMB 10.54)
          and children DD 225
          demanding CQ 164, 211–12; HighR
fussing AD 67
          leaving AD 50
          schools’ view of SH 40–1
          see also fathers; mothers
Paris: Bs 146; OTM 116–; PBO 133, 170; TSCr 10, 11; (TScT 240); WDM 166, 222
          19C. FH 132, 186, 190, 196, 201–2, 210, 257, 268
          AT in (LMB 2.60)
parish magazines: DA 179; NR 136–9, 158
parking ESR 142–3; PE 161
          change in HyRts 45–6
          ‘no sort of a name’– jeered at CQ
          ‘she knows where she stands and he doesn’t’ CQ 218
          membership CC 258, 275, 282, 307, 309
          see also Houses of Parliament
parlourmaids: DD 62, 66–7, 80, 110–11; DH 119–20; OTM 127–8, 190–1;
178–9; SH 158
parody SH 91–2
          Indian novel NR
          Latin: LAR 156; MB 17–18, 23–4, 28, 37
          verse TScT 14–16
          Victorian novel CS 62–
          see also Century of parody and imitation, A
Parsifal HighR
Parsley Island: CBI 321; OBH 278–9; SH
parties: CC 126; (TScT 283–4)
          see also dinner parties; party games; and under birth- days; children;                            sherry; tea
partridges ESR 66
party games PT 44–5, 47–8, 50–2, 63
          see also card games
passing–bell PE 334–5
passport DA 174
          uncooked DH 17
          with wartime flour PE 143
patent medicines PE 77–8
patience DD 208; JC 176
Patmore, Coventry: DH title; PE 62; WS 85
          ‘The Azalea’ DA 256
Paul, St. JC 135, 143
Paulina (school magazine) BBC
‘Pauline’ BMG 11.25
pavilion: NTL 40; PE 79
paying guests (P. G.s): CBI 60; GU 142–3; JC 167
pea soup PE 138
peace PBO 68–9, 113–19, 256–8
Peacock, Thomas 259; DA 280; MH 287
          Nightmare Abbey Bs 29
peacocks Bs 28; DH 128, 137–
Pear Tree Cottage, Golden Valley GU 89–93
Pearl Harbour MH 250
pearls: CC 77; DA 10–11; MB 222; JC 229; NTL 105–6, 116, 158–9, 270
          broken by baby BMG 12.21
          false: JC 221; NTL 158–9
peas PE 134, 136–7, 138
          shelling DH 150–1, 162–3
          soup PE 138
          pea–sticks BL 211
Peel, Robert: CS 133; FH 219
Peerage: ESR 126–7, 159, 237; JC 141; LAA 219, 268–9, 276, 307–8;
                                                MH 5–6; OBH 171–2; PBO 258; WS 133
          Labour PE 255
          names PBO 48
          robes HyRts 116, 129, 224–
          signature HyRts 222–3
          see also Debrett
pêle–mêle LAA 230
Pemberton, Ianthe
          books NR 12
                   cookery NR 208–9, 244–5, 262
pencil sharpening: LAR 103; (TScT 303)
pencils (LMB 11.57) 2–
          coloured DD 306
penitence PBO 36
          Victorian: CQ 169; WDM 61
pens CQ 10
Pension Ramsden NR 55, 146–7; LAA
pensions: AD 95; JC 128
          naval: CC 173; JC 110, 117– 18, 255, 277; LAR 191; (LMB 2.53); TScT 8–9
          war OBH 135
penwipers CQ 10
Pepso bread BL 74
perfume/scent: LAA 232; MB 224–5
Peri outside Paradise JC 157
permanent waves: CBI 297; DD 297; PE 306
permits, planning OBH 249, 250–1, 263–4, 392–3; PE 108
peroxide SH 76–7
Perry family HM 49–50
          physician sons DD 60–1
          Mrs Bob HyRts 158–9, 161–2, 170, 173–4
Persians HyRts 50, 122–3
Perth, Australia TSCr 173–4
Peter Pan WDM 277
Pettinger, Miss PBO 38–9
Petrarch HighR 163
petrol rationing: CBI 130, 170, 262, 293; DD 158; LAR 181; MB 157; MH 224
P. G. s see paying guests
Phaedra AF 205, 219–20
phalanstère Bs 76
philosophy: HighR 243–4; OBH 14
          see also P.P.E.
photograph albums: pNR 236–7; NTL 148–50, 155; OBH 350–1
photographers: LAA 246–7; TH 42–3; TScT 56
photographs: GU 108; LAA 53–4; MB 244
          in bedroom BL 117–18, 131, 274–5, 239–40
          old: AD 102; ESR 226–7; JC 101, 229–30; LAR 138
          carte de visite DD 291
physics: DD 148; LAA 109–10; (LMB 11.59)
pianist, school HM 213
pianos/playing: AD 48–9; BL 47, 56; CC 235; CQ 53, 236; HyRts 228; JC 227, 228; LAA 211–; (LMB 11.58); PE 367; PT 90; WDM 305; WS 76, 115–20
          ‘Chopsticks’ LAA 78
          duets: AD 56; BL 168, 241
          Edwardian BL 90–1
          ‘Giants and Dwarfs’ LAA 21
          key BL 60, 91, 95–6, 125,173, 188, 191
          ‘Merry Peasant’ BL 81
          nursery MH 185–8
          out of tune BL 38
          Rottingdean TH 101–2
          tuning WDM 198–9
          see also Gilbert & Sullivan
pickpockets CS 84–5, 176–8
picnickers OBH 5
picnics: DH 43–, 179–; LAA 173–4; OBH 273; SH 77–8
pictures: BL 191–2; LAR 6–7; PT 46
          Anglo–Oriental PE 227–8
          Arundel prints: ESR 15; GU232; LAA 160; NTL 243, 244, 258–9; SH 36; TH 122
          Canalettos DD 105–6
          cleaning: BL 88; HM 182–3
          frames PBO 110
          of houses CQ 181–2
          shape BL 52
          through Customs TSCr 176–7
          Van Gogh CBI 77, 88
          see also art; painting; portraits; and names of artists
Pig–Breeders Association (Club), Barsetshire: CC 166–7; LAR 54–5, 89, 108, 109, 355–; TScT 140
pigeons (as food) MH 23–7
pigs: BL 227–8; DA 93; ESR 9–10, 78–80, 159, 186–7; GU 206–7; LAR 108, 109, 113–14, 237; NTL 36, 256; PE 307, 308; TScT 140
          boar DA 63, 66, 110; ESR 170–1, 175, 188
          curing ESR 260–1
          cutting LAR 271
          killing DD 26
          with litter DA 63–4, 110–11
          products from: BL 229; DD 161–3; MB 126
          riding: ESR 170–1, 175, 189; WDM 50
          runt PE 14–15
          shares in CBI 211
          sows CC 44–5
pigskin MB 64
pig–tub, restaurant AD 133
pillow–slips CQ 74–5
Pilward, Ted OBH 45, 107–8
Pilward’s Brewery/Entire: Bs 68; ESR 7, 42; LAR 354–5, 362; (TScT 186)
pince–nez MH 303
Pinero, Sir Arthur OBH 221; PE 349
pipes (tobacco): AF 200; MMS 16
PIT (card game): DD 257; HyRts 94; LAA 173; WDM 112
pixie rain–hood (TScT 145)
place names derivation: BL 55; DA 108; DD 53; ESR 69; MB 13–14; NR 56–7
pronouncing LAA 230
Planty Pal (yacht) DD 303–4
Plassey House HM 55 plastic/s: CQ 11–12, 80–81; HyRts 74; LAR 22; (TScT 250)
plumbing: CC 298–9
Plumstead PE 222
          water tower ESR 69
pneumonia: Bs 11; HyRts 183; OBH 9
poachers/poaching: AD 112; ESR 235; GU 105; HM 77; LAA 5; OBH 188, 189, 193; PT 113
pocket money, children’s DH 215
pockets PE 158–9
Pocklington Road School CBI 234, 235, 244, 251
Poe, Edgar Allen: ESR 240; LAA 100–1; MB 262, 270–1
poems/poetry CC 221
          children’s: HyRts 181, 184; HighR 80–1, 132–3; MB 215; TL 48; OBH 226, 310–11; PBO 84, 85, 257
          Cockney rhymes CQ 273
          lovelorn AF 183–4; LAR 95–6, 263
          written in youth HighR 52, 70–1, 85–6, 88
          see also quotations
          home life LAR 263-4
          see also Bohun, Thomas; and names of poets
poisoning OTM 55–7
poker (card game) TSCr 152
Poland CBI 69, 84
police: JC 161–2, 166; LAR 169; MMS 12
          Victorian CS 28, 31–4, 146, 154, 177–8, 179
polish ESR 145
politics PE 124, 189
          see also Conservatives; General Elections; Labour; Liberals; P.P.E.
Pollett children LAR 165–
polo PE 100
polyphone WS 60–1
Pomfret, Lord
          A Landowner in Five Reigns ESR 230; MH 89; PT
Pomfret Castle PT 21
Pomfret family history: LAA 281–2; PT 21
Pomfret Madrigal: Bs; PE; TScT; WDM 56
          church Bs 21–3
          drain PT 18, 34
          station PBO 7
          vicarage Bs 24–5
Pomfret Towers: DA 12–18, 27–9; PT 21–; WDM 32–4, 218–
          chapel: CQ 227–8; DA 30
          office TScT 118, 132, 148–9
          park DA 12–13, 33–4
ponds PBO 94
          bathing AF 196–
          cleaning: DD 255–6; LAR 279–80; SH 152–
          fish: CC 163–5, 170, 172; DD 255–6; ESR 96
          fishing for minnows OBH 345, 347–8
          garden: WS 57
          miniature BL 49–50
ponies: AF 40; LAA 5, 16, 73, 74, 94–5, 98–103, 104–5, 275; OBH 62–4, 184
          boots for: LAR 143; NTL 252, 254; TScT 7
          mowing lawn: LAR 142; TScT 7
pony carriage DD 208–9
pony cart GU 87–, 151–2
pony club LAA 5–6, 11, 13–, 75–6; (TScT 172, 180)
Pooker’s/Pucken’s Piece BL 54–6, 119, 121–, 264–5; PBO 7
pools (water)
          see ponds pools, football GU 246
Pope, Alexander, quoted : HyRts 193; (LMB 9.52); PE 28; SH 69
          ‘Universal Dullness’ LAA 84
Pope, Macqueen (LMB 10.58)
population DD 17
port (drink): AF 142; CC 7, 8, 9–10; GU 202; HyRts 17, 199, 200; JC 245; MH 287; NR 37; NTL 101, 102–3; PE 312–13, 340, 341; WDM 151; WS 196
Port Adelaide TSCr 164
Port Philip Bay TSCr 17
Port Said TSCr 77–8, 80, 82–3
portraits TH 66–7, 99; BBC
          family DD 205
          modern PT 38–9, 70
          of women HM 105
Portugal MB 68
post cards: CBI 210; NTL 186–7, 204; PBO 5–6
          National Rotochrome
                   Polychrome Universal Picture Post Card Company PBO 175–6; (TScT 160, 267)
post delivery PE 84–5
Post Office Savings TH 125
Post Offices: JC 118; (LMB 11.58); TH 127
postage/postal system: JC 158; (LMB 9.57, 10.57, 9.58, 10.58); OBH 52–3; LAR
          delivery MB 205–6
          expense CC 243
          in house PE 84–5
          overseas: OTM 93; WS 67
          retrieving letters BL 266–8, 272–3, 285
          stamps: HyRts 135–7, 305–6; PBO 159
          Victorian CS 17
          village BL 16–17
postwar period: ESR 6–8; LAR 133–4, 190, 326–7
potato spinner LAR 161
pothouses AD 87, 92
Potter, Beatrix (TScT 300)
pouting ESR 182
poverty SH 79
powder puffs: CC 5; MB 216, 222
Poynter, Ambrose TH 125
Poynter, Edward BBC
P.P.E. (Philosophy, Politics and Economics): HyRts 51, 168; JC 242; OBH 14–15; PE 261; (TScT 253)
Prasvada BL 61
prayers/praying: Bs 22; DD 25–6, 220; ESR 50,102, 103, 104; JC 10, 23, 24, 127; NR 288–9; PBO 227
          backwards OBH 357
          Day of Prayer CBI 146–7, 149; NR 151
          family CBI 78–9
          praying for people TSCr 176
          see also grace
Prayer Book/s: CC 83; CQ 99; SH 156
          family, old ESR 103–4
          revision CC 26
          translation DA 209
précising GU 101, 104
pregnancy: CC 92; DD 24; GU 272; HyRts 25, 244, 246; LAA 26–30, 230; TSCr 94
          miscarriage OTM 6, 60, 160–1
pre–Raphaelites BBC
press–cuttings agencies MH 84; PT
pride JC 114
Pridham Hall CC 211
Princes Risborough: OBH 33; PE 149, 306, 307
          casting–off (LMB 10.54, 11.54, 1.55, 8.55, 9.55, 11.56, 8.55, 9.55, 11.56)
          costs (LMB 9.55, 12.56, 9.59)
          Gutenberg OBH 357
          in wartime NR 136–7
Priory, Lambton
Priory School: CC 66; Hy Rts; LAR 228–
Parents Day LAR 235–
          on troopship TSCr 57, 69–74, 117–
prisoners of war
          British: GU 139–40, 268; JC 19; OBH 261–2
          German PE 175–6, 198
privacy MH 54
prizegiving, school: MB 45; HighR 7–10; LAR 236; PE 266
Prodigal Son DD 278
pronunciation: CQ 218; DA 161; ESR 173; WDM 15, 309; BBC
          B.B.C.: CQ 84; DA 159; 3; HyRts 312; LAA 252; (LMB 4.59, 10.59)    ‘controversy’ CQ 84, 218; DA 159; HyRts 77, 312
          place names LAA 230
          Provencal NR 23
          see also under Latin
proofreader, addressed JC 176
proofs: LAA 158, 183; (LMB 1.56, 2.56, 1.57, 2.59, 4.59); NR 205, 207, 219–20
          correcting (LMB 11.50)
          reading, fee for (LMB 2.52, 3.52, 3.56, 3.59, 4.59)
propaganda OBH 136–7
property HyRts 281
prophecy NR 47
Proust, Marcel: CC 153–4, 262; HyRts 125; PE 164
Provençal literature: DA 169, 171; JC 84; NR 20–1, 22–3, 99,
          Biographical Dictionary of Provence: CC 297; NR 172, 328–9; WDM 150
          language WDM 169–70
psalms SH 156–7
          (16 – ‘pleasant places’) MB 129
          (22) DD 98
          (39) (LMB 1.59)
          (51) DD 291
          (60) Moab DD 146; TScT 65
          (69) DD 51; SH 156–7
pseudonyms: CC 248; NTL 143–4
psychiatry (TScT 148)
psychoanalysis: BL 204, 252; HM 142–4
psychology: CBI 85, 288–9, 292; DD 10–11; HM 16–17, 86–7; (LMB 1.56, 1.59)
          see Elaine Bissell
psychotherapy TScT 100
public speaking (LMB 10.52)
publication CC 93
publishers: JC 272–3; NR 244–5, 329
          advance payments NR 208–9
          advertising: HighR 60; LAR 150; PT 60–5, 66
          ambitions to be LAR 98–9
          changing PT 161
          cheap editions HighR 63–4
          Mr Johns: CC 247; PT 48–9, 60–6, 94–6, 106, 158–62
          meeting PT 145–7
          19th–cent. PT 145–6
          relations with authors HighR 32–3, 51–2, 60–1, 63–5, 133
          scholarly SH 172, 173
          see also Hamilton, Hamish; Oxbridge University Press; proofs
          see Adrian Coates; Mr Johns
publishing Bs 84–5, 229, 264
          in Mixo–Lydia LAR 149
          postwar PE 311
          –self CC 93
          see also printing
pubs see Cow and Sickle; Fleece; Greyhound Tavern, Kensington; Mellings Arms; Red Lion; Sheep’s Head; White Horse; Woolpack
Puddingdales, New York DA 157
puddings CC 86
punch (drink) HighR 90, 94
Punch (magazine): DA 150; GU 108; MH 95; NTL 69–70, 71; PBO 15; TH 51
Punch and Judy: DH 249; TH 25
Punshions, Northbridge: NTL; 13–14, 21–; WDM 196–
punctuality: MH 20; NTL 80
puncture, mending WS 87–8
punting: DD 74–5; PE 23, 26; SH 78, 99, 144–5, 147
          dinghy– DD 311–12
puppies: HighR 131; PE 295
          poem about CS 73–4
Puritans LAA 175


quail HighR 176–7
Quakers : CS 153–4; NTL 7
Quangle–Wangle (Lear): DD 315; LAR 48; MB 58; NTL 20; PE 119
Quarterly Magazine CS 138–9, 148
Queen’s Buildings FH 184–5
queues OBH 351–2; PE 291–2, 326
quicksilver LAA 160
quotation/s: HyRts 94; LAA 243; TScT 47
          Books of: CC 103; CQ 69, 105; LAA 76; TScT 89
          misquoting DD 332–3
          seeking: CC 103; CQ 105; ESR 224; LAA 76, 202; NR 130
          using DD 18


rabbits: HyRts 40, 55; JC 159
          in Australia TSCr 154
          catching DD 301
          as food: DD 309; PBO 29; TSCr 154
          bad TSCr 154–6
          cooking WDM
          rabbit stew CBI 213–
          pet MB 142
          shooting: DD 309–10; ESR 77–8, 84–5
          skins DA 59
                   cape PT 33
Rabelais, François: FH 222; (LMB 11.54)
race MB 85
racism: CQ 260; GU 222; PE 89
Radicals CS 47–9, 50, 72, 80, 101, 137, 183
radio (wireless): AD 88; CBI 145; ESR 140–1; HyRts 205, 312, 315; MB 183; MMS 17–18, 19; NR 12, 85–6; PBO 35, 272; PE 128–30; WDM 264; BBC
          Australian BBC
          ‘–soaked village’ DD 312
          see also B.B.C.
Raeburn, Sir Henry portraits by: HM 18, 105; HyRts 166; JC 49
raffles: CQ 28–30, 31–; ESR 35, 37; LAA 189; (LMB 3.59); MB 237, 246–8; NTL 92; PBO 263–4, 270–1, 274; PE 231
Ragnarok: HighR 166; TScT 74
railways DH 13–; HyRts 112; HighR 77, 79, 101–2; (LMB 2.60); TST 121–2; WS 27, 45
          antimacassars ESR 270
          Australian PE 311; TSCr 41–2
          at bank holidays WS 27, 45
          Barsetshire MB 5, 36–9; PBO 7, 263;
          British: CC 246; ESR 270;
          OBH 31–2, 33, 36
          early CS 71–2
          East Anglia JC 11
          engines GU 247
          footboard riding AF 115
          Great Western ESR 270
          journeys: BL 17–21; GU 62, 65–70; TScT 128
                   wartime NDT 242
          law and legal powers (Lemon on Running Powers): SH 76: OBH 139–40; PE 149, 306–7
          leave train, forces’ TSCr 83–4
          mineral OBH 36
          model: DH 13–; GU 5–6; HighR 15–16, 23–4, 62–3, 101, 107–8, 114–, 169– 70; PE 310–11
          Muckby PE 310
          nationalization OBH 261–2
          Northbridge WDM 37-8
          Nutfield PE 7
          passengers HM 82
          Princes Risborough: OBH 33; PE 149, 306, 307
          Ravenglass–Eskdale PE 310
          stations: CC 266–7; MB 81– 2, 235–6; PBO 7;TScT 121–2; WDM 20–1, 38                      Barchester: CC 266–7; WDM 20–1
                   London: JC 11; NDT 248
                   Melicent Hall LAR 164–5
                   Nutfield PT 1
                   Paddington TSCr 40
                   Skeynes AF 9; BL 19, 24–9, 36–7; TScT 121, 128
                   Stoke Dry HighR 107–8
                   Winter Overcotes BL 17; GU 5–14, 48–9, 65, 66–9, 130–6, 266–9; LAR 167
                   Worsted AF 7, 23–4
          Sunday ESR 100
          Switzerland PE 312
          tea on HighR 219–20
          tickets MH 225
                   1st class: AF 84; GU 6–7, 132; HighR 219; MH 225; WDM 21
          tunnels: AF 8; BL 24
          Victorian CS 1–2, 14–15, 16, 71–2, 81, 84–5, 107–8
          wartime: NR 77, 78; NDT 240–1
          Worsted AF 7–9
                   tunnel BL 18
rainbarrels: BL 156; DH 168–9; JC 131, 145–6, 150, 154–5; LAR 160, 161
Rajah Cafe, Harefield HM 101, 129
Ramsden, Mrs NDT 247–8
raspberries: AF 154–5; JC 260
ration books: HyRts 31; OBH 31, 270–1; PE 188, 246
rationing see food rationing
rat–catchers TScT 132–3
rats: HM 126, 132, 150, 154–5, 244–5; SH 139
          catching OBH 380, 392
          authors meeting OTM 189–90
          women PT 49, 115–16
reading: DD 19; MB 32–3
          aloud: AD 179–80; Bs 95–103, 104–8, 140–1, 149, 180, 216, 217; CC 281; ESR 83, 232; LAA 188; MB; PT 118–20
                   to children HyRts 250; TH 16
          children’s CQ 172–3
          choice of (LMB 11.56)
          skipping OBH 355
          see also books
rectories TScT 25
Rectors JC 49
          Victorian CS 21–2, 89
Rectory JC 8–9, 13
Red Cross: CBI 125, 128–; LAR 88, 98, 358; MB 31, 219; NR 150, 152; PE 158, 162–3
          canteen OBH 147–9
          stores MH 40–1
          uniform PE 158–9, 162–3
          see also under libraries
Red House MH 57, 58–62
Red Lion pub, Southbridge: CBI 79–81, 324; PE 234
Red Sea: NDT 240; TSCr 98
Redbrick University: JC 178, 235; NTL 44–5
reference books LAA 279
Reform Club CS 80, 137, 161
Reformation HighR 86
refrigeration NTL 140
refugees: CBI 139, 179–81; CQ 25; GU 145; HM 68; JC 282; NR 28, 125; PBO 50, 256
          World Refugee Fund (LMB 1.60)
          see also Mixo–Lydians
regiments Bs 158; PE 100–1
          see also Barsetshire Yeomanry
Regional Commissioner’s Office MH 37, 42, 50, 85–6, 120–1, 170–
Rehearsal, The LAA 186
religious hostilities LAR 179
Remembering Game: DH 76; (TScT 217, 288)
repatriation MB 200
Repton, Humphrey PT 8
requisitioning PE 32
research (LMB 11.56)
          literary AD 97
Reservoir Cottages MH 12
respirators (LMB 10.53)
restaurants WS 85
          British: OBH 31; PBO
Civic OBH 31
          courting in AD 83–4
          lunch for three WS 92–7
          wartime NR 29
retirement AD 95; PE 254, 267–9, 273–4
Revelations, Book of: CQ 280; JC 51; LAA 175; PE 206
reviews, book: MB 92; PT 182; TScT 83; BBC
          L. Morland’s: CBI 289–90; MB 68
revolutions PE 207
revue sketches CC 290
Rezzervah MH 12
Rheingold : NTL 42; PE 237
Rhus Sowerbyana DD 9
          Cockney CQ 273
          false TScT 8
          folk rhymes: CC 163; DD 135
rhymeless words PE 112
rice PE 281
Richard III, King: (TScT 281); WDM 166, 172
Richardson, Samuel TH 11–12, 13; BBC
Richmond, George: DD 205; HyRts 286; JC 266
Richmond, Surrey CC 217
Richter, Ludwig
          illustrations by: (LMB 1.54); TH 74
Ricketts, Charles TH 127
riddles: ESR 215–16; HyRts 76–7
riding, horse MB 159
          learning OBH 340
          lessons MMS 7–10
          school HG 143
Ridsdale, Arthur TH 125
Ridsdale, Aurelian TH 125
Ridsdale, Cissie TH 106, 108
Ridsdale, Julian TH 125, 133
Ridsdale, Lily TH 108–9, 117, 120, 131–2
Ridsdale, Mr and Mrs TH 105–9, 125
rings HM 181; HighR 28
          engagement: GU 71, 124; HM 172–3; NR 311–12; PBO 278
          REGARD: MB 213–14; PBO 261, 276–7
          wedding AD 102, 103
Rising Castle: DH 131–; LAA 197; NTL 93; TScT 35, 41–5, 90–
Rising, River: HM 5; MB 5–6; MH 5–; PBO 6
          bridge ESR 222
Ritchie, Lady
          Old Kensington BBC
          mothers BL 136–8
          Nannies PE 294
          servants PE 186, 294
          women: BL 206–7; NR 244; PE 95–6
rivers: CQ 111; LAA 291; WDM 53, 85–6, 125–6
          boating parties: LAA 180–1, 292; WDM 139–
          bridge ESR 222
          flood: NTL 107; PBO 15
          maintenance: PBO 15; PE 23–4
          tapping PE 50
          walking across DA 97
          see also Rising; Woolram
Rivers, Hermione
          novels: CC 247; CQ 102–3, 234; ESR 196; HyRts 72; LAA 55, 190–1; NTL 150– 1; PE 165, 168–9; PT 40, 41, 44, 48–9, 61, 78–9, 110, 115–16, 146, 147–8
Riviera DA 171–5; NR 55–6, 146; WS 51
          see also Mentone
roads (TScT 171)
Robertson, Graham BBC
robes, peers’ HyRts 116, 129, 224–
robin: HighR 116; (TScT 282)
rocking horse: TH 19; WS 60–1
Roedean School TH 55, 67
Rohans LAA 159
Rokeby (house): ESR 23, 33; PBO 5, 18–19, 174
Rolle , Lord CS 196
Roman Catholic church: Bs 87–8; CQ 234, 242; LAR 302; (LMB 10.51); MB 222, 225, 252; MMS 17; NR 144
          clergy HighR 110–11
                   celibacy TSCr 169
          confession TSCr 163
          incense JC 22; PE 19
          padres TSCr 11, 88–9, 163– 4, 175–6
          school see St Quantock School
          see Justin Miller
Romans HM 293
Romans, Book of JC 135
Rome: AD 99; PT 119; SH 128
          ancient: ESR 6, 51; LAR 9
Ronsard, Pierre de: OBH 86; PBO 264, 267–8
          leaking (LMB 9.56, 9.58)
          parapet ESR 156–8
rooks PE 67
rooms, names of TScT 42
          ‘lounge’ DA 229–30
Roosevelt, F. D. NR 142
roses MB 215
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel: NTL 55; OBH 222; PBO 214; TH 12, 23; BBC
          ‘Song of the Bower’ TH 103
Rossini, G. A. CS 112, 113
Rottingdean: LAA 185; TH 46–134; BBC 19C. FH 28
          church TH 111–14, 120
          The Elms TH
          girls’ school near LAA 212
          Golden Square TH 128–9
          Post Office TH 127
          shops TH 127–8, 129
          St Aubyn’s School TH 126, 127
Round Table, Arthurian TH 80–1, 123
roundabout see Packer’s Universal Derby
rowing DD 73; OBH 274–5
          Leander cap MH 27
          oar Bs 25
          Victorian match CS 25, 38–41, 44–5, 47, 115–22
Royal Academy CS 67–71
Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (R.A.D.A.) PE 203
Royal Air Force: PBO 36, 41, 42, 67–8; WS
          see Sylvia Halliday; David Leslie
Royal Military Tournament HyRts 179
Royal Navy: CBI 162–5; CC 254, 257, 252, 253–4, 257; GU 222; HM 127–8, 129; JC 30, 31, 45, 46, 164; MB 151; PE 190; TSCr 49
          books on JC 271
          changes CQ 179
          W.R.N.S. HM 79
          see also pensions, naval; ships
          see FreddyBelton;Isabel Dale (John); John Fairweather; Tubby Fewling; James Graham; Francis Gresham; George Halliday; Christopher Hornby; Martin Leslie; Admiral Phelps; Cecil Waring; Wickham
Royal Philharmonic Society CS 111–13
royalists, French WS 161–2, 172, 196–7, 215–16
royalties, authors’ PT 161, 163
Royalty: NTL 194; PE 207; SH 146
          Civil List LAR 339
          see also Kings
Royde–Smith, Naomi (Mrs Ernest Milton) (LMB 8.56, 9.56, 10.56, 10.57, 6.58)
Rudolstadt (liner) TSCr 1, 27, 29, 39–, 48–
rum: AF 164; CC 241; CQ 256, 259, 260; JC 147; LAR 191; (LMB 10.57, 11.57, 10.59); PE 17–18, 19, 155, 195–6, 284; (TScT 214, 215)
rumba: CC 235; OTM 58–9, 62, 98
rumours CBI 283–4
Rumpelstiltskin PE 145
runes JC 86–7
Rushmere Abbey WS 50, 51, 53–4
Rushmere Brook: DD 278; DH 171–
Rushwater DA 115–16, 126; DD 278–; LAR; PT; WS
church, St Mary’s: ESR 40; PBO 103, 105–6; WS 1–7
          cowsheds DD 133–4
          house: MH; WS 2, 18
          Macpherson’s birthday dinner DD 50–1
          reunion LAR
Temple WS 157–9
Ruskin, John: PE 225; TH 78
          Fors Clavigera TH 78
          Seven Lamps of Architecture TH
Russia: CBI 68–9, 72, 73, 156, 157, 196, 198, 204–5; HM 67, 83; LAR 148; MH 37, 129–30, 156–8, 160; OTM 30, 32, 33, 53, 208; PBO 95; PE 207; SH 159, 180
          aristocracy MB 32
Russian ballet: CBI 69–70; MH 158; OTM 33, 38–9, 53; PBO 96
Russian Church HM 83–4
          see also Orthodox church
Russian language ESR 224
          alphabet LAR 18–19
          literature: DD 79; HyRts 122, 123
Russians (LMB 12.56)
Rutland Gate, London HighR


saccharine HM 9–10, 12
sadism TSCr 151–2
safes NTL 97
          concealed HyRts 166–7
          see Icelandic/Norse sagas
Saint–Simon, Comte de (LMB 11.56)
Saints MB 223
          Arundel prints of: ESR 15; GU 232; LAA 160; NTL 243, 244, 258–9; TH 122
          St Ursula: NTL 258–9; SH 36
          lives of (Baring–Gould TH 122
          see also names
Saints’ days HighR 118–19; WS 198
sale of work PBO 119–20
Salisbury BBC
salmon BL 106
Salome OBH 387
salvage MH 257–8; WDM 16
metal NDT 239–40
tins NR 29
Samson NTL 258
sanatorium DH 218
Sand, George MMS 16
Sandhurst: DA 58; ESR 45–6; LAA 59; NTL 15, 18, 151–2, 269, 277
Sangraal TH 123
          Bull–dog Drummond SH 59
Sargent, John: LAR 106; PBO 109
satellite town ESR 7, 112
          see also New Town
saucepans: DH 219, 231–2; JC 162, 166–7; (LMB 9.53)
          in wartime NDT 239–40, 244
sausages: AF 124, 152–3; OTM 93; TH 16, 120; (TScT 173)
postwar LAR 369
savings certificates MH 269–70 National MH 135–40
Savory & Moore (baby food) BMG 12.21
saw–mill LAR 291
Saxon names: BL 75, 82; ESR 159, 244; OBH 96
Sayers, Dorothy
          Gaudy Night
(LMB 10.50)
scales, kitchen PE 134–5
Scandinavian epics see Norse sagas
Scatcherd (artist) NTL 203–7; PBO 15–
Scatcherd’s Stores NR 28, 124–8
scent / perfume: LAA 232; MB 224–5
Schiaparelli AF 111
scholarships: CBI 154; PE 58–9, 242
          mathematical MB 102
School Certificate: CBI 195; MB 32, 50; OBH 100; SH 92
school play HM 129–30, 188–, 223
school songs
          girls’ HM 214
          Southbridge: SH 67; JC 39; PE 264–5
school stories DH 154–6
          see Percy Hacker; Tony Morland; Eric Swan; Robert Wesendonck
schoolgirls OBH 152–3
          old girls MB 88, 106–7
          prefects HM 137
          see Heather Adams; Geraldine Birkett; Isabelle Ferdinand; Jennifer Gorman; Grace Grantly; Lydia Keith
schools ESR 181
          Australian BBC
          church see Pocklington RoadSchool; St Bathos School; St Quantock School           coeducational PT 81
          dinners TScT 74
          grammar LAA 245
          religion CBI 234
          reports SH 155
          see also Hiram School; teachers
schools, boys’: CBI 6; NTL 183; SH 25
          prep: DD 70, 143–6, 153–4, 247; GU 205, 206; HighR 7–15, 25–6
                   alternative type GU 205–6
                   4–year–old at BMG 9.25,10.25, 11.25
                   elementary CBI 82
                   entry requirements CQ 13; PE 241–2
                   fags SH 110
                   Houses PE 256
                   housemasters PE 274
                   masters HighR 8–9
                   move to upper DH 232–
                   pre–prep MB 16, 176–7
                   prizes SH 120–1
                   sanatorium DH 218
                   sports BMG 11.25
                   workers at JC 184
                   see also Hosiers School; Priory School; school songs;
                             Southbridge School
schools, girls’: DD 341; LAA 112; OBH 38
          magazine HighR 196
           Laura Morland’s TScT 117–18
          prep WDM 19
          near Rottingdean LAA 212
          song HM 214 AT’s (LMB 11.59); BBC
          uniform: HM 30–1; SH 11; TScT 117, (153)
          Victorian: CS 20; FH 22–4
          see also Barsetshire High School; Hosiers’ Girls’ Foundation School Schubert, Franz: HyRts 228–9; JC 93, 264
Schumann, Robert HyRts 15, 20
Schwarz (journalist) (LMB 2.56)
Schweizer–Dütsch (LMB 12.59)
science: HyRts 100; (TScT 276); WDM 74, 307
          at school DH 233
          sciences, exact (‘a subject that even Cambridge must be slightly ashamed of encouraging)’ CBI 197
          Victorian CS 5–6
Scotch, the: HyRts 19, 20, 29; JC 230
          see Donald MacFadyen; Eric Swan
Scotch language HyRts 96
Scotland: CQ 189, 256; DD 130, 313; HyRts 99; LAR 23; NR 151; (TScT 254–5); BBC
          porridge eating PF 9–10
          songs HyRts 27
Scott, Walter: DD 53; HyRts 93, 101, 102; LAA 223–4; PT 78, 79; TScT 106; BBC           The Bride of Lammermoor DA 77
          Guy Mannering: FH 108–9; OTM 171
          Ivanhoe: CQ 218; LAA 100, 280
          Journal FH 217–18
          Lochinvar OBH 336
          parodied OBH 204, 303
          Peveril of the Peak DH 119
          Rob Roy CQ 172
                   Woodstock: LAA 175; SH 169
Scott of the Antarctic (film) HyRts 102–3
Scouts: AF 166, 167–8, 169–70; Bs 223; DH 64–5
scullery LAR 196
secretaries: BL 63, 70, 103–4, 177; HighR 14–15, 17, 21, 31, 35–, 72–, 163, 188; JC 228–9; LAA 279; NTL 276–7; OBH 67–8, 69, 75–6, 164; TScT 78–9, 86, (147)
          Dean’s CBI 220–1, 274–5
           high–class ‘that can’t do typing or shorthand’ LAR 84
          pay BL 63
          writers’ NTL 179–80 LM’s ESR 258
          see Isabel Dale; Ann Ford; Sylvia Gould; Una Gray; Cicely Holly; Dorothea Merriman
secrets: LAR 218–19; TSCr 163
seeds (TScT 165)
self–abasement Bs 121, 122; DD 269
self–pity OTM 145
semolina pudding: PE 72; TScT 74
senility see ageing
servants: ESR 43–5; HM 8–9; MH 8; PT 112; WDM 45; BBC
          address by: DA 50; HighR 30 club LAA 85
          confronting LAA 302–3
          daily help, AT’s (Mrs Macke) (LMB 1.52, 3.56, 5.57, 9.55, 1.57, 4.57, 12.57)
          dismissing NTL 171
          introducing PE 178–9 loyalty BL 45
          managing: GU 269–70; PE 84–5
          marrying/leaving OBH 110
          names HM 9
          nostalgia for LAR 11
          obtaining LAA 244
          quarrelling PE 177, 189
          retired ESR 190, 203
          rivalry: Bs 16–17, 121, 141; CC 183; HighR 78–9
          territorial disputes ESR 105, 123
          training NTL 173–4
          transgressions MB 78
          unmarried mothers OBH 8–9
          vegetable maid BL 283
          in wartime MH 223–4, 268–9
          see also butlers; chauffeurs; cooks; footmen; gardeners; maids; Nannies   see Stoker; Wheeler
Set of Five artists: CQ 155, 181–2; PT 70, 83–4
sewage system TSCr 81
          army makeshift PBO 9
          housewifely: CQ; DA 119; DD 283; PBO 8–11; SH 107; WDM 173      professional see dressmakers; tailors
          re/making clothes: Bs 120, 182; PBO 8–9; PE 35–6, 182, 187
          see also darning; linen
sewing machines: HyRts 110–11; HM 191; PE 180; WDM 182, 183
sewing notions SH 138
sewing/working parties: CBI 96–; HM 54–5, 60–8, 93; LAA 147; LAR 303; WDM 182–7
sexton PE 330–1
Shakespeare, William: AF 63–4; CQ 99; ESR 164; FH 24, 45, 100, 127, 171, 248; HyRts 71; HM 113, 130, 146–7, 149; HighR 176; JC 105; LAA 30; MB 57, 112, 117; OBH 217, 308; PE 149; SH 20, 63, 103–4; WDM 112; BBC
          Anthony and Cleopatra: BL 284; ESR 209; LAR 220; SH 103
          As You Like It
: Bs 244; LAA 64, 71–2, 296; LAR 76; WDM 173
                   school productions: DH 45–7; HM 163, 187–9,     190–
          cads JC 88–9
          Coriolanus LAR 325
          Cymbeline JC 88–9 Falstaff: CC 260; FH 24
          Hamlet: CC 267; DD 273; HyRts 27–8; LAA 98; LAR 325
                   film JC; SH 85, 103
                   in Mixo–Lydia CQ 246 Ophelia SH 169–70
          Henry IV ESR 107
                   Amurath DH 111; PE 47
          Henry V HighR 119
                   Hotspur pESR 85; WDM 306–7
          Julius Caesar ESR
          King Lear: CQ 201, 250, 257; PE 33; NTL 268; TH 25
                   Cordelia HighR 182–3
                   production HighR 164–5, 175–6, 179–80
          Love’s Labour’s Lost: LAR 382; NTL 32
          Macbeth HyRts 109
          Much Ado About Nothing HyRts 151
          Othello: AD 54; CC 115; ESR 7,
187; OTM title; SH 63
                   performance SH 6
          Romeo and Juliet: AF
17; LAR 106; NR 157–8
          The Tempest DA 291; BBC
          Titus Andronicus: ESR 227; JC 89
          Troilus and Cressida SH 103
          Twelfth Night: JC 88; PE 28
                   production BL 120, 147
                   villains JC 88–9
          A Winter’s Tale: BL 55; HighR 119
shammy leather: DA 258; NTL 69
shamrock HighR 118–19
shares MB 118, 119
sharks TSCr 84
shaving: DD 297; SH 153
Shaw, George Bernard, plays of PE 100
          You Never Can Tell (TScT 318–19)
shawls DD 294; OBH 219
          Spanish OTM 148, 150
Shearings AF 1
sheep and lambs: ESR 66–7; NTL 10; PT 17
sheep station TSCr 6–8
          cooking on TSCr 7–8
Sheep’s Head pub, Lambton GU 40, 65–6, 214–15
Sheepshanks chain store (Woolworths?): ESR 36; WDM 175, 188
sheepskin HyRts 157
sheets MH 90
Sheffield TSCr 27
Shellacombe, Devon OBH 145
Shelley, P.B.: Bs 94, 154, 282; FH 204–5, 249; NTL 59; WS 139
Shelley, Timothy FH 205
shell-shock LAR 300
          fitting PE 122, 132–3, 225
          see also bookcases/shelves
shepherd’s pie NR 83
Sheridan, Tom FH 17, 18, 21–2, 24–5
Sherlock Holmes: ESR 130; LAA 282; NTL 73
sherry: BL 36; CBI 65; CC 101; CQ 48; DA 150; ESR 92; HyRts 207, 230; LAA 241; NR 152–3, 157, 158; PE 231–2; (TScT 272)
          Empire DD 61
          Escamillo DD 17
          parties CQ 260
          Iron destroyers JC 48
          model MMS 6
          travel on AD 119
          troopships TSCr 17–18, 27–
          see also Navy
shipwreck LAA 174
          polishing DH 64
          see also boots
shooting Bs 213
          birds PE 17, 18
          rabbits ESR 77–8, 84<196>5
Shooting Gallery LAR 195
shopping LAR 135
          accounts LAR 191
          trips MH 225
          wartime: MB 9; NDT 242–; NR 124–9; PE 188–9
shops NR 212
          early closing: HM 64; (LMB 10.57)
          New York (‘Puddingdales’) DA
Shop, The, Hatch End ESR 11–12, 57, 58
          village DA 37–8
          Yellow Shop (LMB 2.52, 8.52)
          see also bookshops; butchers; chain stores; fish shops; Post Offices shortages: NR 28–9, 165; PE 48, 51, 89
          paper PBO 6
          see also petrol; food rationing
Shuttleworth, Robert HM 160
shyness PT 12
Siddons, Sarah PE 203
          short: BL 73; Bs 103
          variations in MB 44
          see also oculists
          see tourists/trippers
silk PE 364–5
          cleaning/polishing: DA 258; HyRts 45; LAA 137; NTL 67–9, 79
          in wartime CBI 322
silver button GU 92–4, 178, 261, 262
silver paper ESR 125–6
silver tea service GU 235
          teapot HM 136
          in wartime CBI 322
Silverbridge village: DD 86–91; HyRts; MB 5
Simon, Lady TH 37
singing: BL 176; CC 235; CQ 54–5; HyRts 228; JC 111; WDM 114–16
          hymns PBO 78
          on one note PE 368–9
          Victorian CS 23, 43
          Welsh HighR 120
          see also songs
sinks: LAA 222–3; NTL 114–15
          blocked MB 75–6, 79, 119–20, 134–5, 137–8
          stainless steel OBH 56
siren, air raid NR 83–4, 111, 67, 209
sisters–in–law PE 110
sitting and rising: ESR 80–1; JC 76; PBO 8, 9, 10
Sitwell, Dame Edith (LMB 11.54)
skating, ice: CBI 271–2; HM 230–; MMS 12, 13–14; PE 50
sketches, Scatcherd’s PBO 5–6, 261–3
Skeynes Agnes village AF 9
Skeynes village BL 37
          Agricultural Show BL 200–1, 222–, 250–1
          railway station: AF 9; BL 19, 24–9, 36–7; TScT 121, 128
skins, vermin TH 93
          see also furs
skipjacks NTL 66 sky HM
          night (LMB 11.57)
          stars LAA 285
          see also astronomy
slang NR 236
Slavo–Lydians see Mixo–Lydians
sleep CQ 56; LAA 118
          see also
slugs SH 174
‘Slumber Dear Maid’ CQ 30, 54
Smart, Sir George CS 195
Smith, Horace and James
          Rejected Addresses OBH 232
          as Scott OBH 204
Smith, W. H. (LMB 10.57)
          Baker, P. B. CBI 129
smoking: GU 172; LAA 32; PE 146; SH 38; BBC
          pipe: AF 200; MMS 16
          on trains NDT 241–2
          see also cigarettes
smoking jacket PBO 47
smuggling TH 219–20
snails: BL 209; DD 132; ESR 223; MB 23–5; SH 174–5; TH 76–7
snakes LAA 39
          adders: DH 77–8; TScT 40
Snakes and Ladders (game) ESR 141
snobbery: ESR 146; HM 34; MB 98; NR; TSCr 96; BBC
Snorri Society: AF 84; BL 136, 142
snow CBI 271, 280–1
snowball drive CQ 23–4
Soane, Sir John CS 128
Soane Museum LAR 106
social hierarchy see class
societies/organisations WDM 9
          County JC 228
          learned AD 96–
                    Snorri Society AF 47 (see also Barsetshire
                   Archaeological Society
          local/voluntary: ESR 9; PE 162, 230–1
          see also
Mothers’ Union; Townswomen’s Guilds; Women’s Institute; Women’s Voluntary Service
Society for the Preservation of Rural England CQ 17
Society for the Suppression of Vice FH 220, 221–2
Society of Fifteen HyRts 64
sociology LAR 334
socks: LAR 220–1; PBO 32, 158–9; SH 77, 78
          see also darning
Socrates: NTL 63–4; PBO 263
Socratic method NR 98
sofa OBH 219
soil LAR 294–5
          on leave: NR 347–52
          after war DD 20; NTL; PE 37–8, 292
          see also
Army; regiments
          see Charles Belton; James Graham; George Halliday; Colin Keith; John Villars
soliloquy TScT 125
songs: LAA 302; WDM 315
          ‘Bist du bei mir’: JC 109; WS 76
          A. Clover’s LAA 304–5; PE 218
          Argentina Tango CC 238–40, 266; PE 346, 368
          comic DD 107–8
          Coward–type WDM 114
          fairground CC 288–9
          folk: BL 182–3, 192–4; LAA 52; WS 36
          Follies DA 212; JC 64; LAA 259; PE 369
          ‘Funiculi, Funicula’ CQ 31
          German HyRts 229–30
          ‘hot’ CC 140
          ‘Just a song at twilight’ ESR 23
          ‘Keep the home fires burning’ CC 304–5, 307–8
          nostalgia: CQ 31; NTL 219; OBH 171; WDM 144
          nursery MH 185–8
          popular TH 84, 85, 102, 109
          pub TH 36
          sad TSCr 154
          school: HM 214; SH 67; JC 39; PE 264–5
          Schubert, Franz JC 264
          Scottish HyRts 27
          ‘Slumber Dear Maid’ CQ 30, 54
          Strauss OTM 113
          students’ CC 128
          ‘These foolish things’ ESR 140
          on troopships TSCr 83, 85
          ‘Tropical Heat Wave’ OTM 58–9
          Victorian LAA 79, 172
                   rowing CS 47
          see also Gilbert, W. S.; Gilbert & Sullivan
‘Songs of England’ LAA 213, 302
          contemptuous AF 12, 25–7, 257
          and fathers AF 24
          married OBH 83
          soldiers, leave NR 347–52
          teenage HM 21–2
          unpleasant to mothers: AF 104; PT 183, 185, 187
          of writers: DH; PT 9–10, 40
‘sort of’: AF ; ESR 117
Sotheby’s PE 244
soup PE 374
          minestrone DD 190
          pea PE 138
South Africa (LMB 3.60)
          Boer War: CC 122; TH 79–80
Southbridge CBI
Sputhbridge School (sic): CBI 1–; SH 7–; (TScT 256–)
          architecture PE 262–3
          boxing match HighR 136–42
          Chapel: CBI 42–3; CC 121–2; JC 45
          cricket matches: ESR 74–, 86–NTL 37–
          Governors JC 178
          prize day HighR 7–10; PE 266
          song,Carmen Southbridgiensis: SH 67; JC 39; PE 264–5
          speech day PE 157–8
          Sports Day PBO 154–; SH 92–3, 95–
          staff, changing JC 39–40
          uniform HighR 9
          see: William Birkett; Everard Carter
Southbridge United Viator Pasenger Co. ESR 142
Southbridge village: CBI; JC; PE; SH
          church CBI 82
          railway station GU 65–9; WS 35–6
          vicarage: CC 195–6; PE 221–2, 226–7
Southend OTM 99
sovereigns: DA 91; TSCr 175
Spain CBI 87
          civil war Bs 76
Spaniards PT 75–6
spaniel PT 114, 115
Spanish shawl OTM 148, 150
speaking–trumpet NTL 243
Specific Gravity LAA 109
spectacles: HM 63; WDM 244
          Jessie’s CQ 7; GU 58; PE 48; SH 101–2
          Lady Emily’s WS 25, 26, 46
          lorgnette MB 44–5, 53, 58
          lost AF 59
          Laura Morland’s ‘armoury of’ MB 44, 46–7, 53, 54
          schoolboys’ DH 233–4
          spare pairs HM 63
          Swan’s : HyRts 148, 160; SH 34, 56–7
Spectator: CS
14; DD 207; TScT 80–1
spelling HyRts 80
spiders: Bs 25, 119; ESR 40, 41; MB 264–5
spinsters LAR 35, 88
split infinitives AF 96; TScT 22–3
splits PBO 7–8
sponge MB 216, 222
sponge bag NDT 245
          girls’ school TScT 118
          on shipboard TSCr 95, 156
          see also cricket; netball; squash; tennis; and under schools
spring (season): CBI 319; HighR 195, 199; PBO 100–1; PT 178
spring (water): ESR 82–3; JC 74; NTL 85
spud–walking stick ESR 144–5
Spurge–Mackworth, book by CBI 288
squalor (in Chelsea) LAR 47
squash PBO 219
squinting PE 213, 214 SSAFA: MB 80; JC 209
St Aella’s Home for Stiffnecked Clergy ESR 142; OBH 357; PE 120
St Barabbas’s, Oxford CBI 46, 53
St Bathos School CBI 234, 235, 248, 251
St Ewold’s: CC 193–; (LMB 10.50)
St George’s Day HighR 118
St George’s Hospital CS 156–7
St Hall Friars church MB 13–14
St John’s Ambulance Brigade PE 162, 165
St Jude’s, Oxford: CBI 53; PBO 217
St Luke’s Hospital (LMB 9.58, 12.59)
St Michael and All Angels (Edgewood church) DD 11; OBH 113–14
St Pancras’ railway station: OBH 332; PT 21; WDM 218
St Patrick’s Day HighR 118–19
St Paul’s Cathedral CS 21
St Paul’s College, Oxford: AF 83, 96; CBI 53, 82–3; DD 227; HyRts 216; JC 242; LAR 317; MB 169; NTL 53–4; PE 226; (TScT 156); WDM 7
St Quanstock School CBI 234, 235, 244, 245, 248, 250–1
St Swithin’s, Oxford CBI 54
St Sycorax church NR 58–9, 59–, 136
          vicarage: DA; WDM
St Thomas’s Hospital (LMB 6.60, 7.60)
stables MH 6–7, 20–1
stained–glass windows: DD 157; TH 112–13, 123
          Glasgow, St Mungo’s cathedral: CBI 43; OBH 104
stair–cases Bs 36
          curving PBO 44–5
          steep MH 20–1
Stalin, Josef MB 208
stammering CBI 228
stamps: HyRts 135–7, 305–6; PBO 159
          collections DH 59–60
stamp–wetter WDM 228
Stanford, Molly TH 127
Stanley, Dean
          History of the Jews OBH 95
Staple Park: AF 9; BL 21; TScT 54–5, 107
starch: PT 37; TH 17
stars LAA 285
          see also astronomy
Starveacres Hatches: OBH 97; PT 18, 34–5; WDM 56
          bridge ESR 222
stately homes: CC 217–18; LAA 20
          see also Pomfret Towers; Towers, The
stationery holder PT 62
statues CQ 199–202
          Easter island PE 213
stays JC 171
          see also corsets
steamboats CS 138
stencils MH 200–1
Stendhal DD 79; HyRts 123
stengah (bird) PE 192–3
Stenning, Mr (baker) TH 127–8
step–children MH 206
step–mother BL 50, 78–9, 276
Sterne, Laurence
          Tristram Shandy CQ 200
stereoscope DA 108
Stevenson, Robert Louis: AF 76, 185–6; HyRts 78; LAA 81; (TScT 281)       Kidnapped: HyRts 200; PBO 221
stew DA 170;
          rabbit CBI 213
sticks (as crutches) TScT 60
Stiles (photographer) TH 42–3
stoat JC 161
Stockdale, John Joseph FH 203–9, 213, 214, 222–3, 224–5
Stockdale’s Budget FH 248–50
stockings: Bs 116; CBI 16–17, 110–11, 112, 230; DD 49; JC 212; (LMB 12.58); SH 69
          –mending CQ 166–7; LAA 232 18C. FH 12, 15–16
          nylons: JC 239; LAR 121; NTL 13, 38, 133
          Victorian CS 79
          wartime NR 92–3
Stoke, Lord TScT 141
Stoke Arms BL 139
Stoke Dry HighR 194
          railway station HighR 107–8
Stoker: DH 16; (LMB 9.55); (TScT 143–6)
stokers TSCr 98, 148
Stokey Hole: DH 132, 133–, 139–; LAA 197; TScT 94
Stone, Marcus, pictures by NTL 269
stories, children’s
          see children’s stories; fairy tales
Stories (house), Pomfret Madrigal: Bs 10–11, 48; CBI 327, 329; CC 207–8; PE 32
storm Bs 122, 136–8
stove/kitchen range: CBI 237–8; JC 124
Stowe, Harriet Beecher
          Uncle Tom’s Cabin TScT
Strand Magazine: ESR 21, 254; HM 117; HyRts 39; NTL 73–4
Strauss songs OTM 113
Stravinsky, Igor SH 76
strawberries: BL 145–6; TScT 5–6, (177–8)
          wild WS 86–7, 98, 100, 121
          accidents OBH
          lamps: (LMB) 1.60; TScT 139
                   Victorian CS 145
          wooden paving CS 28, 29
Strelsa, Count PT 105–6
Strelsa, Italy NR 24
strikes (LMB 1.60)
          in Australia TSCr 1, 125
string Bs 147
string quartets AD 68, 69, 72
stroke MB 256–8, 260–1
struldbrugs PE 282
students : HM 81; OBH 182
          women: LAR 136; PE 208
suburbs: ESR 7; LAA 138
success CC 257
Suckling, Sir John
          ‘Out upon it’ OBH 222
Suez Canal TSCr 87, 90
sugar: DH 128–9; OTM 144
          rationed: HM 65; NR 44
sugar candy TScT 48
sugar sifter HyRts 146
suicide: (LMB 4.60, 6.60); TSCr 159
suitcases AD 139
sulks PE 84, 137, 140, 172–3
summer, cold: CQ 8; ESR 241;
JC 152; MB 104
Summer Half (AT) (LMB 10.54)
summer house JC 157
summer pudding AF 145
summer time: CC 48; CQ 220; ESR 70; JC 157–8; (LMB 10.54, 1.59); SH 21, 52; WDM 123
          Double: LAR 23, 156, 162; MB 93, 104; PBO 46–7, 71–2
sun PE 89–90, 137
sun–bathing JC 21
Sunday: MB 122–3, 228–9
          childhood ideal TH 15–27
          dinner: NTL 141–2; PBO 88
          evening meals: CBI 13; MB 138, 139
          lunch BL 76–7
          ‘sacred Sunday joint’ BL 76; NTL 141–2; OBH 31
          supper: ESR 203; SH 54; TH 98
Sunday Times: Bs 22; (LMB 2.56, 11.56); PE 165
sunset HM 71
superstition DH 138–9
          thirteen DH 241–2, 245
supper CQ 175
          Sunday ESR 203; SH 54; TH 98
Surtees, Robert
          Jorrocks CS 93–4; GU 236; LAR
Sussex TScT 120
          Chanctonbury Ring PE 86, 182
          see also Brighton; Littlehampton; Rottingdean; Worthing
swabs TScT 16–17
swallows DA 81
Swan, Eric
          career HyRts 149–50
          character HyRts 171
          spectacles: SH 34, 56–7; HyRts 148, 160
swans HM 77
swearing and cursing: LAA 98, 256, 280; LAR 174; PE 39–40
          Australian TSCr 71–3
Sweden DD 248; LAR 58, 79–80, 333
          theatre LAR 82–3
sweetbriar: DD 124–5, 285, 292; LAR 305, 307; OBH 312, 319; PBO 103–4, 225, 236
sweetpeas: Bs 18–19, 20; PBO 67
          children’s TScT 48
          on hospital trolley: (LMB 12.59); TScT 68–9
          see also chocolate
Swift, Jonathan: MH 5; OBH 375–6
          Gulliver’s travels WS 175
          Struldbrugs JC 257
swimming: DH 171–; (LMB 12.59); MB 214–15
          adults WDM 59
          boys (TScT 147)
          see also bathing
Swinburne, Algernon: FH 222; TScT 15
Swithin, St CC 142
Switzerland: HyRts 147; LAR 198; (LMB 8.59, 12.59); PE 291, 312
swords JC 50
sycamore JC 268
Sydney TSCr 1, 2, 8–9, 59, 63, 96, 130, 154, 172
          Harbour TSCr 146
Sydney Bulletin TSCr 131, 177
symbolism LAA 291
Syrup of figs ESR 223


tablecloths: MB 143–4; NTL 174
          damask ESR 131–3
          monogrammed DD 52
          rollers for ESR 132–3
tables, folding PE 288
Tachmonite HyRts 206, 207
tailors: DD 123, 156; HM 71; JC 193, 210–11, 215–16
          men’s: GU 18–21; TScT 13; TSCr 33
          paying: AF 187, 189; JC 218–19
          women’s HM 20, 71; PE 158–9
tamarisk TH 47
tango CC 238; PE 318, 346
tapestry: PE 218; PT 115, 116
          see also embroidery
Tasmania TSCr 2–4
Tasmanian Devil TSCr 157
Tatler: DD 152; WS 177
taxation : JC 158; LAR 151; (LMB 6.51, 4.54, 10.54, 11.59); MH 240
          budget MH 240
          Covenant (LMB 9.55)
          death duties: CC 282; DA 58–9, 286; NTL 222, 272; WDM 41
          Income Tax: CBI 158, 159; ESR 233; BBC
          L. Morland’s CC 173
taxis: AD 63, 72–3, 105; CC 184; GU 62, 64–5, 72, 107; HM 139; MB 83, 116, 118; PBO 47
          rides in AD 88–9, 106, 189, 190
Taylor, Una and Violet TH 126–7
Tchaikovsky, Piotr Ilich BL 54
tea (drink): Bs 247; DD 239; LAA 148; PE 196–8; TScT 72; WS 141
          China/Indian: BL 123; DA 213–14; HM 145; JC 131
          at church ESR 40
          as consolation CQ 253
          horrid PBO 141
          making Bs 144
          after meeting BL 145
          rationed NR 30
          from silver pot HM 136
          for troops TSCr 132
          Tupman’s TScT 34
          Victorian CS 29
tea (meal) CBI 152–; NTL 198
          children’s CBI 238, 245–6
          parties CQ 13, 16
          in garden LAR 51
          parties: MB 143–6; NR 170–1; PE 224
                   school master’s SH
          public MB 190–
          see also birthdays; nursery tea
tea leaves, reading Bs 144
tea room LAA 49
tea services: ESR 30; GU 235; LAR 289–90
          silver GU 235
                   large: ESR 61; HighR 126; PBO 178
                   matching ESR
tea–tent Bs 220–
tea trolley SH 158
teachers/teaching: LAR 12, 128; SH 26, 31–, 40–, 70–2
          National Union of (N.U.T.) CBI 156, 158
          ‘you cannot like your colleagues or your pupils’ CBI 245
          in wartime CBI 269–70
          wives HighR 110
          women: CBI 158–9; PBO 143, 160, 161, 270
                   Headmistresses TScT 117–18
                   see Miss Banks; Elaine Bissell; Sylvia Gould; Sister Mary Joseph; Bertha Pettinger; Madeleine Sparling
          see Bill Birkett; Everard Carter; Robin Dale; Eric Swan; Philip Winter
teasing PE 174
Tebben, Gilbert AF 9–, 30–, 45–8
Tebben, Richard AF 16–
Tebben, Winifred AF 9–, 42–3, 45–, 49–, 104–
          books by AF 139
          dress AF 109
          at university AF 10, 86–8
          ‘struggling Martha–like heart’ LAR 61
Teddy Bear BMG 2.22
teenagers LAA 164, 267
teeth: CBI 105–6; NR 104–5; TScT 19
          babies’ BMG 7
                   on troopship TSCr 27
                   Victorian CS 125
          false: BL 109, 139–40; JC 20; (LMB 12.53); MB 77, 79; MMS 18; NR 104–6;                                       OBH 138; TScT 18–19, 71–2; TSCr 67
          pigs’ ESR 133
teetotallers DD 17
telegrams: CBI 330, 331; HighR 207; MB 216, 250–1; PE 269
          Golden CBI 326
telephone MB 230
          amplifiers ESR 127
          automatic AD 1
          cutting off NTL 57–8
          dialing (TScT 324–5)
          directories TScT 103
                   old: CQ 5–6; DA 103–4
          exchange, village: BL 120; DD 288–9; GU 25, 105– 6; HyRts 23;OBH 49; PBO 251; PE 80, 108; (TScT 240)
          extensions TScT 63–4
          lack of JC 122–3
          party lines: JC 66; TScT 63
          public, coins for (TScT 323–4)
          repairs (LMB 10.51)
          Rottingdean TH 220
          supply: CQ 50; (LMB 8.51)
          on tower NR 161–4
          trunk calls PE 120
          using AD 157–8, 165–6, 168, 172
telescope NR 54–5, 64
television: DA 290; DD 19; TScT 20; WDM 1; BBC
Tell, William HyRts 165
temper HighR 74
Temple (London, law): SH 143; TScT 102
Temple (Rushwater): LAR 110, 262, 291–2, 300-1; PBO 219–23; WS 157–9 tenants, old PE 300
tennis: Bs 111, 113; DD 250–1, 252; LAA 269–70; MB 86–8, 12, 113–14; PBO 96–; SH 139–40, 159, 163; WS 173
          courts, wartime: MB 86–7; OBH 19
          party PE 94–
          tournament MB 254
Tennyson, Alfred: Bs 208; 209, 303; DD 18; ESR 6, 179; GU 160; HyRts 12; LAR 206; MB 38; NTL 56; OBH 41, 307; PBO 96, 100, 186, 200–1, 204, 278; PE 89; TScT 5, 35; TSCr 85
          on Cleopatra CQ 246
          ‘Idylls of the King’ CBI 157
          ‘The Lord of Burleigh’ LAA 44
          ‘Maud’: CQ 235; DA 58; DD 339; ESR 48, 115; HyRts 193; LAA 153, 164, 214, 311–12; LAR 272; MB 211; OTM 31
          Morte d’Arthur MB
          The Princess TScT 12
          The Revenge JC 26
          ‘The Sisters’ DA 222
tent, children’s TH 82–3
Terence LAR 322
Territorial Army (T. A.) CBI 106, 116
Tey, Josephine
          The daughter of time (TScT
Thackeray, Anne TH 28; BBC
Thackeray, William Makepeace: FH 52; TH 28; PT 78, 79; TScT 49, 105–6, 133; BBC
          Newcomes NTL 272
          The Rose and the Ring
          Prince Giglio: DD 116; DH 110; ESR 231
          Vanity Fair: ESR 156; FH 219, 269; HyRts 179
          ‘Heaven pity all poor wanderers’ NR 181
Thames, River CS 51, 118
          coffer dam CS 132
thank letters TH 121     
thanksgiving service LAR 303
Thatchers: Bs 253–4, 266, 271; CBI 135–; LAA 61
theatre/s: OBH 121; PT 86, 351
          Addresses, Opening OBH 232
          audiences PE 90
          backstage OTM 39–40
          boxes MMS 4–5
          Coliseum (LMB 1.58)
          Elizabethan HighR 176
          Gatherum CC 234–5
          Greek AF 20
          London: CC 198–9; LAA 119; LAR 322–3; PE 95
          modern HighR 164, 178–80
          non–attendance HighR 180–1
          Old Vic SH 60, 61
          open–air AF 20–1
          regimental PE 99–100
          Rejected Addresses OBH 232
          seats OTM 33–4
          see also acting; Cockspur
theft/thieves: GU 251–2; OBH 188, 189; PE 30
          from church LAA 114
          see also poachers
Themis PE 350
thermometer PE 319
thermos flask PE 118, 120
‘they’ PE 27–8
thimble SH 138
thinking aloud: BL 94, 129; CC 64
Third Man, The (film) DD 302
Thirkell, Angela
          schooldays (LMB 11.59); BBC
          in Paris (LMB 2.60)
          in Australia (LMB 1.52, 1.54, 9.56); BBC
          infancy of 3rd son BMG
          as single parent (LMB 1.54, 4.54)
          moving house (LMB 6.51)
          clearing mother’s house (LMB 10.52, 1.54, 10.54, 9.55)
          typing (LMB 1.52, 1.54)
          falls and injuries (LMB 9.51, 10.51, 8.56, 11.58)
          ill-health (LMB 11.53, 12.53, 11.54, 8.55, 9.55, 1.57, 9.57, 11.57, 9.58, 10.58, 11.58, 1.60)
          70th birthday (LMB 1.60)
          see also titles of novels
Thirkell, George (husband of AT) (LMB 8.56)
          and baby son BMG 6.21, 7.21
Thirkell, Kate (LMB 8.55, 11.58, 12.59)
          childbirth (LMB 1.52) fall and injured leg (LMB 10.51)
Thirkell, Lance (son of AT) (LMB 8.55, 9.57, 11.58, 10.59, 12.59); BBC
          infancy BMG
Thirty-nine Articles: CBI 200, 316; SH 122
Thomas à Beckett DA 51–2; DD 275; HM 193
Thompson, Ernest Seton story by BMG 4.21
Thompson, Francis OBH 154
Thorne, Edith NTL 102–5, 159
thought and thinking PE 367
          women’s PE 194
thoughts ESR 102–3
Three Houses (AT) BBC
Three Score and Ten (AT) (LMB 9.59, 10.59, 11.59, 12.59, 1.60, 2.60, 3.60) threepenny bits JC 68
thrillers: CQ 234; HyRts; PE 248–9
          All Blood Calling BL 127
          All Corpses Calling PE 2 48
          Crackerjack CC 247
          Doom at the Deanery GU
          The Howling Horror DH
          I’ll Grind His Bones
          Meet Mr Murder PE
          Mrs Morland’s CC 173
          The Noseless Horror: HighR 226; LAA
          The Omnibus Book of Blood,
          Torture and Disease CC
272; CQ 98; DA 99, HighR 206
          When You Are Dead, Little Finger CC
          Winding Sheet of Blood HighR 194
          Without My Bones PE
24 8–9
          Wot! No Corpse in the Mortuary PE 186
          see also
Bedale, Lisa; Wallace, Edgar
thrushes BL 145–6; MH 31
          dead MH 113; WS 24, 25, 28
Thunderer, The DA 5, 6, 27, 30
tiara NTL 160
Tidcombe Halt: CBI; NR 34
tiddlywinks HyRts 117–18
          boys’: DH 34; MMS 3
          men’s formal NTL 95–6
timber cutting HM 184
time: DA 40; JC 44; LAA 64, 234; OBH 79; TScT 96
          adjusting SH 21
          flying, change: ESR 164–5, 271; WDM 72
          see also clocks; Summer Time
Times, The: CBI 122, 198; CS 90; HyRts 63, 84; JC 152; MB 17, 91, 208, 223; MH 17; NTL 106, 237–8; OBH 2119C. FH 224–5
          announcements BL 213–14; CC 23
          classified ads GU 142
          letters: BL 201; (TScT 161)
          obituaries: NTL 106, 237; TScT 97
          in wartime MH 33; NR 137
          see also under crossword puzzles
tipping: DA 234–5; HighR 177–8; LAA 154–5
          servants NR 121; PT 10, 11
tisane MH 96; OBH 322
Titanic CC 63; DD 210, 219
Titfield Thunderbolt (film) WDM 38
          ‘Bacchus and Ariadne’ ESR 170
          correct use JC 132
          foreign BL 248
          see also Lady; Peerage
Toad Hall PE 345
toads DH 236–7
toady WS 41–3
toasts (drinking): CC 141; DA 86–7; OTM 97; WS 195–7
Todd, Anne HighR 18–21
toilet paper (LMB 3.54, 4.54)
Tolstoy, Leo DD 79; HyRts 36, 123
tomato sauce TSCr 21–2
tombs TH 111
tongue twisters HyRts 76
tonsure WDM 183–4
‘Too Late’ (picture) LAA 253
top–hats CQ 210
          grey TScT 141–2
torches: CBI 170; NR 111, 153; HM 100
Tork Cottage, Northbridge NR 143
Torquay MH 296–7
Tosca HM 84
totalitarianism PE 208
touring companies,
          entertainment LAR 47
tourists/trippers: CQ 157; DA 155; ESR 216–17; JC 19; NTL 93; OBH 5, 151, 355, 357; TScT 95
          coach PBO 5
          day trippers LAA 277
Towel, E. G. LAR 152-3
towel–horse TH 65
towels: MH 90; NTL 214
          guest MB 144–5
          air–craft spotting NR 33–4, 41–2
          climbing: JC 9, 20, 28, 82–4; LAR 262–3, 296–8; PBO 217–18, 233– 584–
          Alpine Club, Oxford: CBI 143; CQ 6, 11
Towers, The: ESR 20; LAA 14–15, 17–18, 20–3, 37, 48–50, 59
          Company LAA 49
town and country PE 24–5
Towns, New: CQ 17–19, 32–3, 37, 136, 242; MB 6, 10–11, 103, 228 Townswomen’s Guilds (TG): CQ 247; LAA 148; (LMB11.51); WDM 9, 15   Blackheath (LMB 10.51)
toys TH 104
tractors: ESR 64; NTL 281, 282; OBH 195
Trade Unions SH 71
          teachers’ CBI 156, 158
tradesmen: CQ 176–7; ESR 114
Trafalgar Day JC 27
train journeys: BL 22–; GU 65–70; TScT 128
          see also railways
Transactions of the Snorri Society AF
transfers WS 182
translation HyRts 123
transport PBO 48
          see also buses; cars; railways trap door ESR 156–7, 160
travellers’ tales OBH 142
trays: for bed: NTL 163; (TScT 307–8)
          climbing: ESR 189; WDM 138, 142–3
          timber cutting: HM 184; LAA 38–40, 42
          see also acacia; Christmas tree; monkey puzzle; oak
Trench, Charlie TH 126 Trench, Herbert TH 126 tripe LAR 137
trippers see tourists
Trollope, Anthony: (LMB 10.57, 2.60); TScT 105–6; BBC
          Arabin: CC 194; CQ 277
          and Barsetshire: DD 40, 115–16, 117, 123; LAA 84; NR 338
          places CC 270–1
          Lily Dale: LAR 107; MB 177; PBO 264
          Dunstables CC 271
          Mrs Grantly NR 135
          Greshams and Thornes: CC 283; CQ 225;DA 94; HM 14, 15, 18; LAA 138–9        Lady Hartletop CBI 59
          Hartletop Priory CC 271
          Ointment of Lebanon HM 15
          Duke of Omnium MB 5
          Plantaganet Palliser CC 219, 281, 283
          Mrs Proudie: CC 90, 161; JC 106–7; NTL 65
          Slope CQ 276
          Vesey Neroni JC 43
Trollope, Frances CS 62
          The Vicar of Wrexhill CS 110–11
Trooper to the Southern Cross
troopships TSCr 17–18, 27–; BBC
‘Tropical Heat Wave’ OTM 58–9
Trotter, Pearl
          book by OTM 97–8
          magazine articles OTM 95, 97–8
          stories OTM 189–90
trotters, pigs’ PE 308
troubadours (Prov Lit) NR 235; PE 164–5
          Gaily the Troubadour
(Prof. Gawky) NR 99
trousers GU 18–20
          army maintenance PBO 9
          boys’ long DH 239–40
          mending PBO 8–10
          pressing DD 204
          Victorian CS 137
          for women: CBI 89, 192; JC 53, 183, 238, 240; LAA 222
trousseau OBH 23
truth GU 209
Tudor, Glamora: BL 117; CBI 27; CQ 6, 246; JC 97, 100; MB 206, 207; NTL 270; PE 187–8; TScT 80
          see also under
turban MH
Turgenev, Ivan LAA 202
Turks, in WW I TSCr 2
Turner, Joseph Mallard: CS 69, 70; HyRts 111, 112
Tussaud’s, Mme CS 88–9
tutor MB 16
Twain, Mark LAA 197–8, 209
          Tom Sawyer ESR 201
tweeds JC 187, 188, 193, 200, 210
twin set JC 191, 194, 204
twins: CC 91–2, 117, 119; MH 11–12; (TScT 252)
see Bingham; Dale
typescript LAA 282
typewriters: BL 103–4, 106–7; Bs ; DD 252; GU 98; HighR 42–4; (LMB 9.52, 11.56, 8.59); NTL 91
          ribbon, changing HighR 43–4
          type cleaning HighR 44
typing: CC 199–200, 261, 292; ESR 258; TScT 94
          professional (LMB 11.50, 1.51, 6.51, 8.51, 9.56, 7.59)
          system (LMB 8.51)
typing chair (LMB 10.57)


U and non–U (LMB 10.56)
Ullathorne LAR 299
umbrellas (LMB 12.58); TScT 60
          recovering NDT 245, 249, 256
          see also parasols
Uncle Remus (Harris) NR 113
Uncle Tom’s Cabin (H. B.
          Stowe) TScT 7
          in history HighR 46, 50
          wicked PE 164
          see students
Underground DH 72
          air shelters NR 294–5
undertakers HyRts 258; OBH 139
          brassières JC 203
          camiknickers DD 151–2
          terms for JC 203; NTL 5
          see also corsets; knickers
unemployment SH 80–1
          chauffeur’s BL 155; MH 108– 9
          school: HighR 9; LA 11; SH 11
          girls’: HM 30–1; SH 11; TScT 117, (153)
          women’s PE 162–3
          tailor–made PE 158–9
          war work WDM 161
Union Jack PE 207
United Nations LAR 202
United States of America DA 69; BL 207; LAA 254–5; (LMB 11.54); BBC
          attitude to Laura Morland’s books ESR 238
          lecture tour DA 171
          navy TSCr 63
          vocabulary 65
          World War II HyRts 223
          see also Americans; food parcels; New York
United Steel Products MB 118, 119
university: AF 169; CC 47, 155
          degrees, U. S. AD 98
          exams AF 45, 46–7, 81, 85
          class DD 121, 126–7
          fellowships: HyRts 176, 190; JC 266, 283
          and marriage CQ 223–4
          ‘so dull’ OBH 334
          women: AF 14, 21, 90, 103, 177–8; ESR 255; LAA 142–3; SH 161; WDM 16; WS 93
          Clarissa Graham: CC 166; DD 121, 126–7
          see also Balliol; Cambridge; Lazarus; London School of Economics; Oxford University; St Paul’s; students
University Presses PT 60
          see also Oxbridge University Press
unmarried state LAR 157
unpacking PT 30
untidiness HyRts 34; NR 91–2
Updike, Betty
          accidents DD 62–4, 66, 71
upper class PE 26
          see also aristocracy
Ursula St. AD 20
utility clothes: CC 145; GU 174; HM 200, 260; MH 260


vaccination, babies’: BMG 4.21, 5.21; DH 113, 133, 155, 170; MH 48
Vache–en–Étable ESR 120, 203; NTL 240
Vache–en–Foin ESR 120; NTL 240
vacuum cleaner MB 204–5
V. A. D.s (Voluntary Aid Detachment): GU 148, 185; NR 294
Valentines: HighR 132–3; MMS 11–13, 15
Valeta TSCr 112, 113
Valimere (house), Hallbury MB 12, 18–
van, farm PBO 180
Van Gogh, Vincent SH 53
          ‘Sunflowers’ CBI 77, 88
vase PBO 261
vegetable maid BL 283
vegetables LAR 13
          sorting OBH 251
          see also Amalgamated Vedge; types of vegetables
venison NR 19
verandah PE 214
Verlaine, Paul OBH 243
          ‘colloque sentimental’ CBI 279
          ‘Sagesse’ (opening line) NR 63
veteran car rally (LMB 10.56, 11.54, 11.57) 98
vicarage/s: JC 48; TScT 75–6,
          Lambton GU 79, 184, 230–3, 237–8
          life in Bs 203–4, 233
          maintenance DA 40, 41–2
          Pomfret Madrigal Bs 24–5
          Southbridge: CC 195–6; PE 221–2, 226–7
          St Ewold’s CC 193–
          St Sycorax: DA; WDM
vice: AD 118–19; CBI 287–8
victoria (coach) ESR 242
Victoria, Queen: CC 161; CQ 169; CS 74, 105, 106–7, 143; HyRts 127; OBH 95   accession CS 20
          coronation: CS 8, 9–11, 13, 78, 130, 134–5, 145–63; LAA 9
                   robe CS 89
          Council, picture CS 69
Victoria, SS CS 137–8
Victory Days LAR 358
          V. J. Day PBO 258–9, 272–3
Vidame des Egouts NR 99
Vidler’s fish shop: ESR 11; PBO 12, 27–8
Vienna CBI 165; PE 159
Vikings: AF 101; BL 135–6
          see also Norse sagas
villages: ESR 6, 57–8; NTL 168; PE 112
          children LAR 165–6
          leading woman MB 58–9
villains NTL 263
Villon, François Bs 147 vine MB 34
vinegar HM 151–3
Vinery, The, Barchester: CC 95–; LAA 237–40
Virgil: CC 142; MB 28; NTL 244; OBH 294–5
          Aeneid: TScT 99; WDM 43
          Mantua BL 237
visitors’ book TScT 52
visits to houses and churches HM 126–7
visualisation AD 93
vitamins: MH 184; OBH 133–4
Vittorio da Mantua SH 53
vixen: BL 124; CBI 305; LAA 180, 256; NTL 86–7
Viyella HM 257
V. J. Day PBO 258–9, 272–3
voices LAR 185
          Englishwoman’s PE 170; PT 181
Voltaire NTL 197
voluntary work: AD 80; CQ 95–6
          hospital: (LMB 9.58, 12.59); TScT 65–74
          see also organizations, voluntary
votes/voting HyRts 58
          postal HyRts 59
          proxy: ESR 58; PBO 173–4
          women’s HyRts 84; PE 189


W.A.A.C. (Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps) Bs 52
W.A.A.F. (Women’s Auxiliary Air Force): GU 185; PBO 8, 145, 147, 210
Wagner, Richard OTM 206
          Lohengrin Bs 207
          Parsifal HighR 130
          Rheingold: NTL 42; PE 237
          Valkyrie: LAR 336; SH 141
Wain, Louis LAR 106
          ‘Wake up and dream’ LAA 233
waking, morning: DA 263; (LMB 12.56); NTL 22
Wales BBC
walks, country: BL 43, 77, 93, 95, 96; OTM 79–81, 175, 196
Wallace, Edgar: MMS 86; TSCr 165
          Four Just Men DH 140
          Chinese: ESR 146; OBH 105, 112, 169, 327
          nursery: TH 36; TScT 8
Walpole, Horace: FH 16; OBH 95
war see prisoners–of–war; soldiers; World War I; World War II; names of forces
War Agricultural Executive Committee DD 37, 55, 65; HM 271, 285
war dead: CBI 90; CC 121–2; ESR 138; HyRts 13; PBO 117, 154
War Office OBH 375
war work WDM 10–11
          artist MH 49
          camouflage–making MB 60–4
          uniforms WDM 161
          women’s NR 11–12, 30–2, 48
                   Lydia’s GU 162
          see also A.R.P.; working parties
warmth/keeping warm: (LMB 1.57, 12.57, 1.58, 1.59, 1.60); NTL 28–9; (TScT 249–51
          warm rooms CQ 142
          see also central heating; fire/s
Warren, Lady Leighton TH 98
wars LAR 8
          Mixo–Lydian LAR 178–9
          see also World War I; II wartime life MH 223–5, 249–50; PE 313
wash–house SH 174, 175
wash stands ESR 138; LAR 11
          household CQ 79
          on troopship TSCr 79–80
washing hands HighR 26
washing–up: BL 114–16; HM 135–6; (LMB 11.57); PE 302
wasps: BL 68–9; DD 65; DH 61–2, 65–6, 182; TH 81; WS 175
watches DD 93; OBH 106; (LMB 2.52)
          chiming WS 183–4, 215
          wartime NDT 246
          drinking ESR 240
          hard: BL 156–7; CQ 19
          infected Bs 83
          soft: ESR 61; JC 130
water–butts see rain–barrels
watercolour drawings PE 228
water–filter/softeners: BL 157; TH 70–1
water pistol TSCr 168
watering can Bs 23, 24
watering cart: MB 94–5; TH 34
Waterloo (battle) CS 139
Waterloo railway station: BL 23; NR 77–8; OTM 182; TScT 122, 127–8
Waterside AD 12–
Wattier’s Club FH 180–1
Watts, George LAR 106; PT 63
waxworks CS 88–9
wealth, excessive MB 226
weather PE 32
          forecasting ESR 85
          see also summer; winter
 weather cock JC 84
Webb, Philip TH 44
weddings: Bs 236; LAA 140–1; OTM 182–3
          Rose Birkett’s CBI 27–
          cake DA 87
          Grace and Jane Crawley’s DA 303
          dress: DA 8–9; HM 200–1
          Anne Fielding’s LAR 210–
          Gwendolen Harcourt’s LAA 144–6, 149–, 229, 231, 235–
          Lucy Marling’s CC 79
          Merriman–Choyce DA 75–88
          Mixo–Lydian LAR 201–2
                   Sybil Knox’s HighR 223–;
                   David Leslie’s PBO 246–7
                   Merriman–Choyce DA 5–12
          presents DA 6–7
          register, signing CBI 48–9
weekends MB 86
Weekly Despatch CS 4, 47, 48
Weekly Messenger NR 96
weeks MB 84–5
weighing machines: DH 228; GU 86; TScT 68–9; WDM 20–1, 59–60
          chairs WDM 191
weights PE 134
Welfare State BBC
Wellington, Duke of FH 76–9, 84–5, 181, 187, 228–9, 224
wellington boots PBO 16–17
wells MB 171–2, 179, 185–
          cleaning OBH 374–5, 376–
          wishing: Bs 71–, 81–3, 87; DH 47
Welsh: HighR 119–20; NR 41, 140, 275–6
Wesleyans CS 16, 20
Wessex NTL 229–30
West, Benjamin
          ‘Christ Rejected’ CS 67–8
Westminster Hall CS 127–32
Westmorland SH 138
What Did It Mean? (AT) (LMB 1.53, 2.53, 4.54) Whigs CS 80
whip OBH 327
          parasol– DD 208–9
whisky: JC 208; PBO 55; PE 302
whist PT 141
white PE 70
Whitaker’s Almanack (LMB 1.52)
White Hart Hotel, Barchester: DA; DH 73–8; ESR 92–, 161; HyRts 90, 104–5; JC 12; LAA 248–9, 250, 253; LAR 199–202; OBH 146; (TScT 203–4)
White Horse Inn, Rottingdean TH 51, 57–8, 75
White House, Laverings BL 1, 15–16
White’s Club, London: CS 80, 93, 103, 136–7; FH 181
whitlows TScT 36–7, 39–40
Whitman, Walt DD 161
          Leaves of Grass PT 119
whooping cough: OBH 305; PE 294
W. I. (Women’s Institute): AD 80; AF 125, 126; BL 180; CBI 175, 210–; DD 111, 116; ESR 18; HyRts 6, 8, 22, 126–, 164; HighR 125–6, 134, 167; LAA 147, 148, 189; LAR 90, 135; (LMB 11.51); OBH 375; TScT 66; WDM 9
‘wicked flea’ JC 138
Wickham, Mr (LMB 9.58)
widowers: BL 265; MB 6–7; OTM 82; WS 80, 104, 106, 107
          aged LAR 183
          see Sam Adams; John Leslie; Admiral Palliser
widowhood and widows: Bs     10–11, 78–9; CQ 94, 160–1, 204, 233, 255; HyRts 8; HighR 129; (LMB 10.58); MB 6–7; MH 197; NR 18; PE 22–3, 79, 102, 202, 217; TScT 49; WS 106
          of drunken wastrel NR 18, 274–5
          husband ‘comfortably dead’ AD 84
          ‘I am extremely glad that he is dead’ OTM 201
          Indian Army PE 120
          on poster PE 29
          remarrying: CC 316; PE 77, 80
          war PE 12, 13, 179–
          Boer War HyRts 10
          see also bereavement
          see Peggy Arbuthnot; Lavinia Brandon; Margot McFadyen; Laura Morland; Joyce Smith; Lettice Watson
wigs: ESR 152; BBC
Wigwam club, London: LAR 174–5, 180, 181, 185, 340; OBH 116, 223 Wilberforce, William FH 221
Wild Strawberries (AT) (LMB 9.57, 9.58)
Wilde, Oscar LAA 226
          Picture of Dorian Gray CQ 173
Wilkie, Sir David
          pictures CS 69
William IV, King HyRts
wills: Bs 123; CC 279–80; HM 238; LAR 46
          reading Bs 185–6
          see also death duties
Wilson, Harriette: CS 37–8; ESR 219; FH; LAA 293; OBH 333; TScT 72
          Clara Gazul FH 256–66, 273–4
          The Fortunes of Harriette (AT) (LMB 11.54)
          lampoon against ESR 241
          Memoirs: ESR 29; FH 203, 207–35, 266–7
          ‘Molly Bangs’ NTL 77–8, 157–8
          Paris Lions and London Tigers FH 235–6, 265–6
Winchester BBC
wind ESR 86
          Australian TSCr 17
windmill, Rottingdean TH 53, 55, 94
Windmill Hill, Rottingdean TH 134
window–cleaning TH 133–4
          broken DH 62, 66, 67, 82
          church memorial MB 39
          glass CQ 196–7
          opening TH 66
          stained–glass TH 112–13, 123
                   Australian TSCr 16
                   Glasgow, St Mungo’s cathedral: CBI 43; OBH 104
wind–shoots TSCr 99–101
wine/s: DA 231; NR 199
          buying in wartime NDT 242– 3
          corked PE 237–8
          Empire NR 82
          German NR 37
          Greek CQ 92–3
          mulled ESR 162
          see also port
wine cellars: CC 285–6; CQ 92–3, 141; PE 236–8
wine cooler; LAA 84; PBO 34–5
wine merchants CC 10
wink PE 92
winter, freezing LAR 24–5
Winter Overcotes GU 136–7 railway station: AF 7; BL 22; GU 5–14, 66–9, 130–6, 266–9; TScT 121–2
Winter Underclose: AF 1; GU 265
Wiple Terrace, Southbridge: CBI 82–3; JC 57; NTL 53–4; PE 44–, 58, 70–, 108–, –253; (TScT 154–8, 255–66)
          four sisters: CBI 82; (TScT 269–70)
wireless see radio
wiring see under electricity
wishbones PE 91, 93
wishing wells: Bs 71–, 81–3, 87; DD 131–2; DH 47
witches: ESR 124–5; GU 92–4; LAA 65; PT 113
          Australian TSCr 8, 94
          of Australians TSCr 20–1
          flirting TSCr 144
          men’s wishes in GU 95
          professional HighR 110
          see also housewives; marriage
Wodehouse, P. G. PT 118
Wolsey, Cardinal Thomas HyRts 81
          adoring clergy: CQ 109, 209; JC 22, 38, 88, 94, 105, 107; LAA 24; NR 154–5, 157
          Australian view of TSCr
beauty: CC 291; CQ 113–14; LAR 333; JC 35, 96
          church–going PE 334
          clever/knowledgeable: GU 192–3; LAR 83; PE 149
          ‘how entirely unnecessary intellect is in’ HM 58
          doctors HM 138–9, 140–4 dons: HM 81, 146; NR 99–100
          dress HM 134; JC 53
          educated: HighR 45; HM 18; LAR 20, 28
          efficiency PE 150
          firm handling of DD 189
                   admired for brutality FH 15
                   ‘a true woman who adored the hand that held her in check’ PBO 76
          beating, desirability of: HM 272; OBH 327
          child thrashed, ‘admired her father for this display of brutality’ FH 15
          ‘I needed beating’ OTM 204
          ‘kissed the rod’ CC 166
                    ‘at once licking the hand that beat her’ LAR 372
          ‘like a true w. licking the hand that chastised her’ ESR 181/that held the
                   whip OBH 327
          masochists PT 122
          ‘need beating’ HyRts 114–15, 264
                   ‘if necessary beat her’ HyRts 232
          ‘need riding to subdue’ DD 162
          self–abasement, ‘peculiar passion for’ DD 269
          subjection ESR 97
                   in forces see A.T.S.; W.A.A.C.; W.A.A.F.; W.R.N.S
          friendship BL 197–8
          in government CC 173, 289–   90
          graduates MH 228–9, 284
          idealised by younger men NR 156, 159
          and Latin PBO 161
          married, affairs TSCr 144
          middle–aged heroines HighR 177
                   see also
Rivers, Hermione, books of
          non–technical PE 109–10
          organizers/village leaders: GU 203; MB 58–9
          readers PT 49, 115–16
          rich CC 295, 308
          rivals: BL 206–7; NR 244; PE 95–6
          sharing home: GU 193; LAR 20, 250
          students: AD 97–8; PE 208
          thinking PE 194
          unescorted HighR 173
          at university see under university
          after war PE 88
          working / careers: GU 95–6, 162; LAR 156–7
                    ubiquitous MB 97
          working–class CC 158
          see also housewives; mothers; W. I.; widows; witches; wives ; W. V.S. Women’s Institute see W. I. Women’s Voluntary Service
          see W.V.S.
wood CQ 52–3, 228; NTL 236
          deal ESR 146
          timber cutting: HM 184; LAA 38–40, 42
          see also
carpenter; saw–mill; trees
woods see forestry, trees
woodsmen HyRts 132–3
wool HM 61, 68
Woolpack, Worsted: AF 31, 133, 134; Gu 80, 185; LAR 229
Woolram river: AF 8, 9; BL 54
Woolton, Lord: OBH 31; PE 28
Woolworths: BL 180, 184; CBI 233; DH 12; MMS 12
          see also Sheepshanks
word games OBH 7
          alphabet JC 62–3
          Remembering Game: DH 76; (TScT 217, 288)
          change of meaning NR 14
          power of AD 148–9
          rhymeless PE 112
Wordsworth, William: ESR 124; HighR 165; JC 207; OBH 283–4; PBO 104–5; TScT 136, (332)
          Harry Gill JC
          Immortality Ode LAR 303 ‘Ode’, 1815 PE 220–1
working–class estates: CQ 17–19; DA 290
Working Classes PE 283
working/sewing parties HM 54–5, 60–8, 93; LAA 147; LAR 303; WDM 182–7 workshop MB 108
World Refugee Fund (LMB 1.60)
World War I: LAR 189; NR 170; TSCr 5–6
          Dardanelles TSCr 37, 49, 79
          Gallipoli, fighting at:TH 126; TSCr 9
          Gaba Tepe landing TSCr 5, 37, 49, 79
          diary CC 249
          souvenirs TSCr 55
          see also Jutland, battle of
World War II: CBI 304–5, 307–8, 311–12; DD 249; ESR 6–8, 65, 156; HyRts 72
          communications in MB 170
          fighting in MB 169
          shock HyRts 109
          see also army; Dunkirk; missing; Navy; prisoners–of–war; war dead; war work
worry BL 123–4
Worsted village AF 7, 8; GU 7
          station AF 8
          tunnel AF 8; BL 24
Worthing, Sussex: DD 14; OBH 105, 118, 376, 382; TScT 134–6
          St Praxed’s church TScT 135, 136
Wortley, Emmeline CS 123
          Lays of Leisure Hours CS 96–7
Wortley Montagu, Lady Mary FH 127
writers/writing: JC 104; NTL 58–9, 179–80; OBH 230; WS 52–3
          absorption PT 9
          of Barsetshire PE 164–5,168–
          emphasis HighR 117
          favourite own works JC 274–5
          fiction HyRts 135
          ideas, developing NTL 89
          letters NR 130–1; BL 261
          motives NTL 76–7
          to order (LMB 9.55, 11.55, 11.56, 11.57, 1.59)
          Admiral Phelps CQ 206
          royalties PT 161, 163
          second–rate HighR 121
          sons’ attitude: DH; PT 9–10
          ‘that woman who put us all in a book’ HM 68–9
          see also books; novels;
          names of authors, real or fictitious
          see Susan Barton; Lisa Bedale; Miss Hampton; George Knox;
                   Laura Morland; Hermione Rivers
writer’s cramp (LMB 9.55)
W. R. N. S. (Women’s Royal Naval Service) HM 78–9
W. V. S. (Women’s Voluntary Service): GU 200; HM 230, 250; LAA 147, 148, 189; MB 60–4, 157; NR 53
Wyndham, Madeline TH 127


Xantippe NTL 64


yacht DD 303–4
Yeats, W. B.: PT 55; TH 40; WS 167
Yellow Shop (LMB 8.51, 2.52)
Yonge, Charlotte
          The Daisy Chain CBI 324
          The Heir of Redclyffe: CQ 210, 256; GU 59; HyRts 221–2; LAA 70; NR 36 Yorkshire manufacturer BL 81–2
Young Conservatives LAR 172
Young Woodley (film) LAR 41
youth DA 12
          teenagers LAA 164, 267
          younger generation: CBI 301; ESR 8, 179–80; OBH 110–11, 168
Youth Hostels PBO 69


Zeus HighR 166
zither DD 302
zoetrope ESR 211
Zola, Emile NR 277
zoning, food supplies GU 165, 246
Zoological Gardens CS 51–60

Index compiled by Hazel Bell
Published by the Angela Thirkell Society
© 09/2002, rev. 2022