Join us!

Welcome to the world of Angela Thirkell!  The Angela Thirkell Society of North America was established to further educational and literary interests in Angela Thirkell.  If you are a reader of Angela Thirkell who found the Society through the Internet, you are invited to join the many other readers who share a love of Angela Thirkell.  The Society’s goals are to increase awareness of the works of Angela Thirkell and the Angela Thirkell Society.  The Society uses your contributions to further knowledge of Angela Thirkell through its book donation programs, to print its regular publications, and to provide reprints of Angela Thirkell work and related work which is considered too specialized to be of interest to commercial publishers. 

To join the Angela Thirkell Society, please download and complete this form (or, send your name, address, telephone and/or email address), and send it with check for $15 made payable to The Angela Thirkell Society to: 

The Angela Thirkell Society
PO Box 80133
Lansing, MI  48908-0133

Additional amounts for contributions are welcome!  For any questions, contact:

It is also possible to pay via Paypal.  For instructions, send an email to

Below is a list of benefits those who join the Angela Thirkell Society:

  • Divagations and Other Publications

The Society in North America publishes three times a year with two issues of Divagations, and a third book or booklet on a special topic concerning Angela Thirkell and her works.

  • Journal of the Angela Thirkell Society

The Angela Thirkell Society was founded in the UK, and publishes an annual Journal, provided to US members.  The Society in the UK has its own website, with information about its history, current activities, and a special section on “Relusions.”

  • National Meetings 
National meetings are ordinarily held every other year, and all Society participants are invited to attend. Meetings ordinarily occur every other year but have been delayed due to travel concerns.   Participants also often receive notice of events in the UK.
Some additional goals for the Society are:
  • To encourage the continued publication of Angela Thirkell works and of critical works about her writings.
  • To encourage people to have fun in relation to Thirkell’s world and works
  • To encourage the readers of Thirkell to communicate with other readers with similar interests.

If you are not a part of the Angela Thirkell Society now, we hope you will join us.