Letter of Welcome from the Secretary of the Angela Thirkell Society of North America

Dear Readers,

Welcome to the world of Angela Thirkell! The Angela Thirkell Society of North America has been formed to further interest in the works of Angela Thirkell.

If you are a reader of Angela Thirkell, you are invited to join some of the many other readers who share a love of Angela Thirkell. The Society’s goals are to increase awareness of the works of Angela Thirkell and of the Angela Thirkell Society. The Society uses your contributions and fees to further knowledge of Angela Thirkell through its book donation programs, to print its regular publications, and to provide reprints of Angela Thirkell’s work and related work.

The Society holds National meetings every two years. You will feel that you are visiting Barsetshire at one of these events. You can apply to join the society using the form found here. If you would like to know more, send your name, address, and e-mail to: BarsethireATS@gmail.com for further information.


Your contribution of $15.00 to the Angela Thirkell Society entitles you to receive:·

  • The ATS Journal, published annually in the UK
  • The ATS bulletin, Divagations, published three times a year by the Angela Thirkell Society of North America
  • Books and articles by or about Angela Thirkell as they become available

We continue to support some additional goals for the Society:

  • To encourage the continued publication of Angela Thirkell works and of critical works about her writings
  • To encourage people to have fun in relation to Thirkell’s world and works
  • To encourage the readers of Thirkell to communicate with other readers with similar interests.

Reading an author is a way to build bonds between people, to share experience, and to help the human community to understand one another. Electronic devices and internet applications increase our ability to reach each other rapidly, and books enrich that experience by layering our perceptions with other thoughts, other ideas, other times, and other people to enjoy the insights, humor, and warmth of experience that Angela Thirkell brought to the world.

The Society always welcomes comments and inputs from Angela Thirkell readers.