Welcome to the Angela Thirkell Society website.
Here you’ll find a comprehensive collection of resources pertaining to Angela Thirkell, the British author who wrote during the 1930s-1950s and charmed readers with her portrayal of English County life. The Angela Thirkell Society brings together people who read Angela Thirkell and enjoy her books. The society provides a variety of publications and holds meetings, both regionally and nationally.
The Angela Thirkell Society of North America is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization. All contributions are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law. This site is hosted and maintained by the Angela Thirkell Society of North America.
Officers and Directors North America
- Chair: Dr. Penelope Fritzer
- Vice-Chair: Susan Verell
- Secretary: Suzanne Williams
- Treasurer: Melanie Osterman
- Divagations Editor: Susan Verell
- Book and Publications Chair: Jerri Chase
- Publicity Chair: Tom Johnson
- New Members: Norma Munson
- Academic Coordinator: John Childrey
- Secretaries Emeritus: Edith Jeude, Barbara Houlton, Penelope Fritzer
Contact: BarsetshireATS@gmail.com
The Angela Thirkell Society
PO Box 80133
Lansing, MI 48908-0133